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Skirmish Event is a Winner



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    I decided on the first day that, rather than putting too much pressure on myself, I would treat it as an eat-as-much-as-you-can ship-battle item-farming event. And when I run out of chrons, I would do skirmishes for more. And let the rank be what it may.

    Turns out that was good enough for 600-and-something.,,
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was grindy. I didn't mind because I was getting lots of honor, annoying little items and holo-emitters, and not really spending chronitons. I did not expect to rank as high as I did, but I got 1002, which happened because I had things to do in the last hour. Whatever.

    I will take them as they come, probably threshold plus whatever time I have. I'm not likely to compete again. I have too much to do to make that a regular thing. I was actually playing mostly out of curiosity I never expected to get FF Danar anyway, so I'm actually cool with the result.

    My suggestion would not be to change much. Reduce the VP won per battle by half, make the event crew more crucial to the battle, and have a very slowly increasing Intel requirement that never tops out would be my suggestions. Oh, and change the rewards structure drastically, but that goes for all events not just skirmishes.

    Overall, a damn fine effort by DB. A little tweaking and these will be very fun indeed!
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  • I liked it a lot, but I think there should be an IRONMAN class where you just keep going past the 5 ship battles. the ships will get progressively harder to beat and after each battle past the 12th ship, you have the choice to quit and take the rewards, or try keep going for more progressively better rewards. you could really expand on the possibilities by only allowing the use of crew for one battle and they become "retired" which would make you use your crew more strategically, and then switch out ships when they get too damaged, and they also get retired for the remainder of the skirmish. I know this is just a pipe dream, but it would actually add a whole layer of thinking and strategy that just does not exist in arena and skirmish right now.
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really appreciated this event, I sank loads of time into it and got loads of XP, credits, honor and rewards.

    Please, let's not have another one this year, though! I don't think I could take it! Unless... maybe over Christmas weekend? >:)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I really don't see how this event is very profitable for DB. Enjoyed it a lot. Must have farmed thousands of chrons and tons of honor from it. But still, my question stands.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was it a grind ? Yup.. some what..
    But for me, that's not a bad thing.
    I enjoyed -playing- the game. Not just jumping in and out every 3 hours hoping that rng/luck-o-meter 5000 doesn't bone me.

    This event had just about every single thing we've been asking for from an event short of a revised / percentage based reward system, fit over a year..

    Ship battles, check
    Crew building event, (essentially) check
    Something other than Galaxy and or shuttles, check
    Allow us to still use crew while doing event, check.

    I absolutely feel this was Bang on perfect.
    The Intel prizes were low, I Grant that..
    But I got like.. 10,000 honor from start to finish
    That alone should be reason for us to embrace this event as is.

    I don't feel Intel cap did go any higher then 1200 because that's like 80 or 90 chronitons a pop.

    If it's to go up, then it should be in a new, higher difficulty tier. A 4th level. But, I don't think it should.

    This has been my most favorite event since the game began, even more then expedition.
    (And this is from someone who only does just enough to stay at 100 schematics reward per day in the arena.. that's bored me forever)

    I'm sorry not everyone loved it as much as myself.. but speaking for myself and my fleet (new participation record for this event) please don't change it, please bring it back often.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really don't see how this event is very profitable for DB. Enjoyed it a lot. Must have farmed thousands of chrons and tons of honor from it. But still, my question stands.

    To that I can say before the next one starts I am going to load up on dilithium to get extra after battle rewards. Money will be made there

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really don't see how this event is very profitable for DB. Enjoyed it a lot. Must have farmed thousands of chrons and tons of honor from it. But still, my question stands.

    I had that same thought, and not many people have been talking about that. But this may keep it from showing up very often, at least in a full version, since I can't imagine DB makes nearly as much as they do from a Galaxy.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • I already like this event type best. Just a couple things to tweak.
    1. When you select a crewman during battle it covers the entire screen saying EVASION, ACCURACY, or ATTACK. Aside from this being annoying it also prevents me from selecting my next ability until it starts to clear up.
    2. It’s not nearly hard enough. I almost never took any hull damage. I think a better way for this event to go is this. Every time you win a skirmish the intel required increases, the Victory Points increase, and so does the difficulty with NO CAP! It would be less of a grind because you can only go so far in each difficulty, having the event ship maxed would be way more important $$$, and it would be super challenging/strategic. It would also be exciting to see who could go the farthest! IMO at least one of the phases should be done this way if not both. Also if you hit a wall on epic you could bump over to elite or normal and go as far as possible there as well.
  • My favorite event so far :)
    I do agree there needs some tweaking and added threshold rewards.
    But overall I enjoyed the event.
    Thank you DB!
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wasn't expecting to have much of a fun time - the arena battles are easily my least favourite of the daily tasks (usually I just flip the game onto the other screen and watch youtube while the daily battles play out on their own). But taking the refresh timer out of the picture really changed that, it felt like no time to power through the five ships, and it was pretty easy to do three or four runs in a row to keep progressing nice and quick before I started thinking about other things I could be doing. Even ended up finishing just outside the top 3000, which I think is pretty decent for forgetting to put Khan on the ship for half of Friday, then not being online the whole weekend.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I really don't see how this event is very profitable for DB. Enjoyed it a lot. Must have farmed thousands of chrons and tons of honor from it. But still, my question stands.

    Why don't we leave DB business to DB? I have no doubt they'll do tweaking, if needed, so that they meet their goals. But it's almost starting to sound like the player-base is campaigning for them to make it more P2W... or is that just the forum-base? :D

    Let my chrons be! ;)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, as I stated earlier, I’m going to buy mucho dilithium before the next skirmish to pile on those post battle rewards. There’s $100 right there
  • Baragash wrote: »
    Would rather grind this than Galaxy or Expedition.
    I would hope DB are considering rebranding Expeditions as an Away Mission version of this format.

    That would be nice; get random bonuses for completing each mission in a Expedition, maybe?

    However, I doubt it'll happen, just as I doubt we'll see more Skirmishes often, for the same reason we don't see Expeditions: it's not a money-maker for DB.

    With so many chrons given away, and full freedom to use crew everyewhere else, I'll guess that DB made relatively little on this event (though this being first event in a mega might offset that). I'm guessing we'll see one more Skirmish in July, maybe tweaked a bit, but after that very rarely (barring tweaks that nerf the chron rewards).
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Baragash wrote: »
    Would rather grind this than Galaxy or Expedition.
    I would hope DB are considering rebranding Expeditions as an Away Mission version of this format.

    That would be nice; get random bonuses for completing each mission in a Expedition, maybe?

    However, I doubt it'll happen, just as I doubt we'll see more Skirmishes often, for the same reason we don't see Expeditions: it's not a money-maker for DB.

    With so many chrons given away, and full freedom to use crew everyewhere else, I'll guess that DB made relatively little on this event (though this being first event in a mega might offset that). I'm guessing we'll see one more Skirmish in July, maybe tweaked a bit, but after that very rarely (barring tweaks that nerf the chron rewards).

    It's also the first time I never DYCed a Mega Event 5, and I know several in my fleet that skipped as well due to so many chrons and honor being thrown around. I came very close to a full citation just from the skirmish. So they lost $25 there...
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