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How Do You Rank The 3 Types Of Non-Hybrid Events?



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I think the popularity of Galaxy is inversely proportionate to the amount of time you've been playing the game. It was the first event I was able to be quite competitive in, and was a great way to grow my crew (both 4* and 3* crew, from rewards and premium 10x pull).

    Quite likely. I liked it in the beginning... not the first month, but maybe during the second month. And then I realized what a waste it is.

    It probably makes a comeback in the endgame play because you don't have anything better to spend your chrons on anymore.
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    For me:
    1) Expeditions: Time consuming, but without event crew, could still get decent rewards. If you wanted to sink time in, you could grind away (easy to do while watching TV). Doesn't consume other resources.

    2) Faction: Overall not time or resource consuming (chrons or items). Requires decent crew. Can get help from fleetmates via Squadrons.

    3) Skirmish: Time consuming, but not resource consuming. In fact, in generates resources. I love the fact that the event "currency" is generated from chrons, but not consuming them. You still got the rewards from running missions. It also encouraged space missions (yay Holoemitters). It was still a grind. 4 days felt a little long. Might be better as a hybrid.

    4) Galaxy: Time and resource sink. Consumes up all the chrons, so can't really level. All the chrons have to go to event to stay competitive. Time restrictive too, since we all know what the end of a Galaxy looks like. If you can't fight those last couple of hours, you probably end frustrated.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • Really close on all of these.

    Factions: Not time consuming allowing me to play but spend more time on other activities. Does require being checked on at regular intervals. Also the shuttle success rates are usually far lower than the percentages would indicate.

    Galaxy: Uses lots of items and chrons. Also gives away lot of chrons, many of the items used are of no consequence (most of the items used you may have hundreds or thousands of them) Does require some planning to do well.

    Skirmish: Great rewards but ridiculously grindy and boring. Pick the right crew, push buttons, rinse and repeat.

    I'd probably give the nod to Galaxy since it ti the only one that let you get all the crew FF. Beyond that, it doesn't really matter.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Skirmish the Least
    1) Galaxy: play it when you have free time, earn 2 FF 4* crew, earn a 4* portal.
    2) Faction: least amount of time required (after first 30 min of kickstart & mission planning).
    3) Skirmish: love the micro-rewards that added up to macro-rewards.

    Chrons are now easily acquired, so the burn of galaxy events doesn't bother me.

    Faction is great except for the strict schedule it requires (it's kind of embarrassing to collect/send shuttles in the middle of dinner at a restaurant, or a happy hour, or a party, surrounded by people that don't share your love of Trek and/or gaming in general). Never mind the issues of doing it during work hours (uh, I mean I never do that boss, honest!).

    Skirmish required a lot of time and was surprisingly boring considering it was the most interactive, and since I finished rank 1001 in the inaugural one, I just can't claim to enjoy them yet.
  • Jax2UFJax2UF ✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    1. Faction 2. Expedition 3. Skirmish 4. Galaxy
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like all 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types equally
    I find them difficult to rank because they all have their up-sides and down-sides. This is from the view of a long-standing f2p player.

    Faction - I can do really well in these ... as long as I have the time! But the problem is that more often than not there's a day (or two) during the event that I can only send out minimal shuttles ... so you can find me top 1000 until late Friday and then I'll slowly slip down the rankings. to end around 2000-2500.
    The rewards mean I normally don't mind, as the "old" crew is ranked and I'll usually only need a star or two at most ... I also spend 18k on a citation for the "new" threshold crew ... this weekend is horrible though in that respect.

    Skirmish - I don't really see a negative with this event-type, but we've also only had one, so not going to draw any conclusions ... I loved the rewards though, wow.

    Galaxy - For me this is all about the rewards and being able to easily get a FF 4* in. I'm almost always thresholds and out, as I really do not like the resource sink ... great thing is that I can decided when to play, so missing a day or two doesn't really matter.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    I think most people who planned on voting in this Poll have now done so, and therefore it is a good time to put together a summary of the results:

    1st Place Votes (Most liked)
    Faction – 74 (52.1%)
    Skirmish – 45 (31.7%)
    Galaxy – 23 (16.2%)

    2nd Place Votes (Second most liked)
    Skirmish – 71 (50.0%)
    Faction – 37 (26.1%)
    Galaxy – 34 (23.9%)

    3rd Place Votes (Least liked)
    Galaxy – 85 (59.9%)
    Faction – 31 (21.8%)
    Skirmish – 26 (18.3%)

    Clearly overall, Faction was voted as the Most liked Non-Hybrid Event type, and Galaxy as the Least liked.
    Regarding our new Skirmish Event type, I found it interesting it received so much Second place support (in addition to its Most liked votes), that it ended up having the fewest votes for Least liked.
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