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How Do You Rank The 3 Types Of Non-Hybrid Events?

IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
With the completion now of our first Skirmish Event, we are back to having 3 different types of Non-Hybrid Events (with it having been communicated in the April’18 Q&A that going forward expeditions will only appear as one phase of a hybrid event). It is understood that with time and more experience with them, the perception of Skirmish Events may change, but nevertheless, I thought it would be interesting to see how the player community currently ranks the 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types. That is, please let us know which of the 3 is your Most liked, and which you like the Least, by choosing the appropriate response in this Poll.

Thank you!

How Do You Rank The 3 Types Of Non-Hybrid Events? 155 votes

1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Skirmish the Least
Captain DurfZombie Squirrel Mystikal William T. RikerJim Raynor[TLA]  84wbPallidyne[SJ] Admiral AkiThis Sisko1RennJaxoLarxenegregorytsexy_lady(ST) Dreadnought captain_yarWWIII Flying Ace RimmerGwilli-akAlmost a AngelLincoln HawkCaptain Paddy 20 votes
1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
ADM Fletcher [ET]Warrior Willouss_bonaventure[DC] PrincipiaSSR Barkleymilamber42Sabine of AthensMordackCapt. ChaosNiner47Captain Sisko [AA]Travis S McClainIvanstone[QH] Oxmyx[QH] He-Who-MeowsZann Calcore (ISA)General McDuckJim Steele[DB - Do Better]   ProwlerCpt. Caveman 58 votes
1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Skirmish the Least
AviTrekRNGeverythingBrunt, FCA(HGH)Apollo[DB:LOL] eXo | KurrostanzaNecronjonIshmael MarxPrime Lorca 8 votes
1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Faction the Least
[NDQ] Joker41NAMObrist÷ The Eternal ChampionBanjo1012Ambrosius77CFOHSilverknightTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)Gib - Admiral MarinersCatpainveX[10F] Belle'Anna DavideBooks*Nomad* {PoF}UprisingRiria 15 votes
1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
Skizzy • VIP0 • §ëRabbCaptainUnderpants[GoT] jess-gayRoadrunner {SG-66}RocpileAlthea BiermontLady GaghgaghAntasilDittokvafyakloboBeratis Kesla RedjacMirrorMartigan[TUFG] Captain Zlog[QH] Captain Ziggy[FF] Vice Admiral NairneCapt. Pete Owen[SSR] BaragashShy Khan 31 votes
1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Faction the Least
[CAB595] Emrys MyrddinHungry Dog DDM12345678 of 123456789Darth GrandpaSST - 9of7Davey1983Admiral Lon Suder {SE}TP:ToPetter ~SE~PrimusS31Cmdr SinclairAutomaton_2000JoeSage2[ISA] Big McLargeHugeMuffansagimaMoDolph 16 votes
I like all 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types equally
RaraRacingGhostStalkerIronagedaveEtiennePompeyMagnusLummelundaMe [AUS] 7 votes
I avoid participating in Non-Hybrid Events


  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    I don't really think Faction events are the best and are easily the least interesting event type. Unfortunately the other 3 event types are now pretty time punishing and spending money or pre-planning really only gives the chance to spend more time. Skirmishes at least give you a small cookie for all the time you used up.

    Skirmishes need an adjustment to intel spending and/or gaining. Galaxy events need to consume more items and should give cookies like skirmishes do. I don't have any good suggestions for Expeditions but they should give cookies as well. All 3 events need improvements to threshold rewards although Expeditions aren't in a horrible spot in that regard.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Perhaps I'll feel differently when I've got more crew maxed out, but at this point of playing, I'm still ranking things in order from most rewarding to least rewarding...

    (I don't even know if I can describe Galaxy as marginally rewarding. It's literally the opposite of rewarding; and the only silver lining is the community reward.)
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    1) Skirmish takes time, but, "oh my gosh" actually makes me stronger long term. Loved it.

    2) Faction is a distraction every few hours but not too much work for rewards

    3) Galaxy is a time sink that uses up resources that need for crew, yuck! What a waste.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Faction the Least
    For now Skirmish, Galaxy, Faction. I used to like faction the most, but lately I can't place above 3K. Galaxy is a nice 130K and out and still get a 4* character. Skirmish is a really great event, I love everything about it. But then again, I loved Expeditions when they existed not as part of a hybrid.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • 1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Faction the Least
    Skirmish is now my #1 event type. That may change the next time they run it, depending on if they nerf the rewards. As it stands, the rewards are worth the time sink and FtP players - at least those with more than a few months in - can still be competitive. Overall, a win for DB and the players.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Faction the Least
    Galaxy first only because those are the ones I can win. Skirmish I may be able to but seeing those point totals at the top? I can’t put that kind of time in. I do like factions, but you’re going to have to spend at least $500 to win. It is ironic that I put Galaxy first, yet if I don’t like the crew that is the only event type I will skip all together.
  • I like all 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types equally
    I like different aspects of them, so it's hard to rank them. I love the community rewards of galaxy events, and I really like the crew sharing in faction events, and also that it requires less time than the others. With skirmishes, it was very nice that the crew used in the event could be used for other things at the same time.
  • 1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    I liked it best finish 475 but more importantly 3k holo emitters and 12k Tritanium. I do think 4 days is to long and i would change the chances of a portal i got only 1 and thought it was premium since the odds of getting one was like 0.17% but no just a one shot and got a mendon from it or do change it to a 10* pull and keep the ods.
  • CatpainCatpain ✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Faction the Least
    Being f2p, factions have always been my least favorite. They depend mostly on having a deep roster and enough free crew slots for the bonus crew. And then on top of that you have no control of the scheduling. You're tethered to this irritating 3 hour shuttle schedule for four full days, and to make matters worse it spans the weekend. If you choose to go camping or something, you're pretty much sol.

    Galaxy has always been my favorite because it's about resource management more than anything else. All you need to do to be competitive is to save up some chrons beforehand, and it's not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think. It's also not that time intensive. I can do the thresholds on Thursday, craft enough to reach my desired rank on Sunday evening, and ignore the event entirely on Friday and Saturday. And I don't see the problem with not being able to level up crew because because your average f2per spends more time waiting to fuse crew than worrying about chrons.

    Skirmishes are also great for the f2p community because they provide a source of desperately needed honor, and they don't sap you of any resource other than your time. But the funny to me about all the complaints about the grind is that I didn't find this event to be that bad at all. I put less work into this event than your average galaxy, and yet I ranked much higher than I usually do.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Faction is my favorite as it doesn't require constant babysitting to play, just log in every 3hrs to send shuttles job done.

    Skirmish is next, though severely time sinking at least the chronos spent on ship battles for intel are not wasted and can be used to level crew.

    Galaxy is the worst imho since you don't actually get anything from them once your past threshold; it depends on the gold crew on offer but they are easily missed and time/chronos better spent immortalizing crew.

    DB: Do Better
  • 1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    6 weeks ago I liked galaxy the most as I would come out with 2 FF 4* crew. The last couple of galaxy events I've threshold and out. This is mainly because I've been playing 3 months and realised that I could spend the weekend levelling my crew instead of maybe adding another 4* that I would also need to level.
    Now my favourite is skirmish, like most players manly because the rewards make the time spent worth it.

    However faction is slowly creeping up my leaderboard, I've gone from hating this event to writing lists and working out my best missions and which crew to put where. I have a notebook where I log all the missions I've completed and the last faction event was the first time i managed threshold, super happy. I don't like that I have to put on rubbish voyages however I can still work on my crew.
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  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    Honestly I like split events the best because each event type has there own advantages and disadvantages.

    Faction missions are probably less time consuming but gives far more advantage to longer term players. The don't provide newer players much luck in competing for a top 1000 spot. Even if a newer player buys the packs and gets all the event crew their overall crew will hamper and chance of success

    Skirmish missions are a time hog but I don't think it is as much as people think it is. The reason for the time hog was because of the reward structure and I wouldn't be surprised if it was changed in the future. Newer players can compete more than faction missions because a lot of it is time dependent. If chronitons didn't drop I don't think we would have seen the VP points did.

    Galaxy missions are a time hog and is taxing on player base but I think it gives newer players the best chance at rewards and ranking. Newer players really only need a couple crew to get the "Rare Rewards" and the community rewards are helpful for them.

    Expedition events, which weren't listed, are not as big of a time hog in my opinion as the Skirmish or Galaxy missions but requires you to have all the event crew. Resource needs are the best as it only requires you to use a small amount of dilithium to refresh tickets and usually that is sufficient to rank high. Players who want to spend the time to repeat missions can at reduced viability and those who don't have the option to refresh their tickets. Problem is that DP says these are to complicated on their end.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Faction the Least
    Ultimately, my answer would be different different if hybrid choices were included.

    I cannot be competitive in faction. Period. I can finally achieve all threshold with constant effort and some loss of sleep. Faction events do well for me as hybrid.

    The new skirmish event has a lot of great things to be said for it. I still cannot get top 1000 unless I am really determined and willing to spend a ridiculous amount of time. Still it has a lot of benefits.

    Galaxy events require a crazy amount of resources to do well. I hit top 1000 once when I really wanted it, and I don't regret that choice. But you get a fully fused crew from that event AND a premium pull. Ultimately it is the fully fused crew that tips Galaxy over the top.

    Breakdown: With Galaxy and Skirmish I can hit threshold in a few hours of passive play. With Faction, I have to constantly watch the clock for four days. I won't get top 1000 in any, but with Galaxy I get better crew (FF and premium pull).
  • 1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Skirmish the Least
    Irial wrote: »
    With the completion now of our first Skirmish Event, we are back to having 3 different types of Non-Hybrid Events (with it having been communicated in the April’18 Q&A that going forward expeditions will only appear as one phase of a hybrid event). It is understood that with time and more experience with them, the perception of Skirmish Events may change, but nevertheless, I thought it would be interesting to see how the player community currently ranks the 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types. That is, please let us know which of the 3 is your Most liked, and which you like the Least, by choosing the appropriate response in this Poll.

    Thank you!

    Missing 6%???

    The totals of % from your 7 options added up to 94% at the time of my comment. What happened to the missing 6%
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Irial wrote: »
    With the completion now of our first Skirmish Event, we are back to having 3 different types of Non-Hybrid Events (with it having been communicated in the April’18 Q&A that going forward expeditions will only appear as one phase of a hybrid event). It is understood that with time and more experience with them, the perception of Skirmish Events may change, but nevertheless, I thought it would be interesting to see how the player community currently ranks the 3 Non-Hybrid Event Types. That is, please let us know which of the 3 is your Most liked, and which you like the Least, by choosing the appropriate response in this Poll.

    Thank you!

    Missing 6%???

    The totals of % from your 7 options added up to 94% at the time of my comment. What happened to the missing 6%

    The percentages are rounded. Probably just a rounding error.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Skirmish the Least
    I would just like to say that I prefer hybrid events every time. There is some great reasoning above for why events appeal to player (or don't as the case may be). The hybrid events are so much better. They let players choose in which part they want to participate.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Technically, my vote would be Expedition, Faction, Skirmish, Galaxy last.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Skirmish Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Lots of variance between which event people like the most. But interesting to note that, according to the current results, 59% of those who voted like Galaxy the least.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    This is quite a staggering endorsement of faction events so far. 49% claim is at their favourite of the 3 and 25% claim it as their 2nd favourite. They're big numbers.
  • 1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    They've all got their pros and cons, but Factions I can be getting on with other things whilst awaiting shuttles to return.

    Galaxies and Skirmishes are best for threshold-and-out, as I can run through them in my spare time or when, ahem, on the 'throne.' But I've little interest in pushing for a placing, unless they're part of a hybrid (my one top 1k finish!)

    I also find Galaxies and Skirmishes the most repetitive - Faction is too, but Galaxy and Skirmish compress that repetition and they are just boring to me.

    Out of the two, I prefer Skirmish though simply as you get honour, chrons and creds rather than watching your inventory initially, and then your chrons, dribble away.

    If it wasn't for the Community Awards, playing Galaxy would be being the Butter Robot from Rick and Morty.
  • JayBeezyJayBeezy ✭✭✭
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Faction (shuttle) events are the best, because I'm running 15-18 shuttles a day any way. I would still put solo Expedition events second. I love the strategy of selecting the most effective combination of crew per ticket. Skirmish is now third, mostly due to the reward satisfaction. I wasn't swapping out crew much once I figured the most effective combo of bonus crew that would work for all 5 ship battles. Galaxy the least by far. I find it a waste of resources and a time sink. It is also the event that most lends itself to pay-to-win.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Faction the Least
    I still don't understand why people like faction events. No fully fused crew from threshold, logging in constantly to do exactly the same thing you did exactly 3 hours ago. I can't get excited by that.

    Galaxy events helped me build my crew fast. You can choose your play time, sure it's expensive chrons wise, but at least you get a premium pull and a fully fused crew for little effort.

    I enjoyed skirmishes, but I reserve my judgement. Until they nerf the Intel drop rate it totally depends on how much time I have to play. They're good. They have potential to be awesome. But I can't play enough to rack up millions of VP. Nerf the Intel, and they'll be right up there.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Galaxy 3. I like Skirmish the Least
    I still don't understand why people like faction events. No fully fused crew from threshold, logging in constantly to do exactly the same thing you did exactly 3 hours ago. I can't get excited by that.

    Galaxy events helped me build my crew fast. You can choose your play time, sure it's expensive chrons wise, but at least you get a premium pull and a fully fused crew for little effort.

    I enjoyed skirmishes, but I reserve my judgement. Until they nerf the Intel drop rate it totally depends on how much time I have to play. They're good. They have potential to be awesome. But I can't play enough to rack up millions of VP. Nerf the Intel, and they'll be right up there.

    Faction: Logging in every 3 hours to do the exact same thing
    Skirmish: Staying logged in for hours to do the exact same thing
    Galaxy: Staying logged in to do similar things for hours.

    And sometimes its not about the reward it's about the journey, lol.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1. I like Faction Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Skirmish 3. I like Galaxy the Least
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Faction: Logging in every 3 hours to do the exact same thing
    Skirmish: Staying logged in for hours to do the exact same thing
    Galaxy: Staying logged in to do similar things for hours.

    And sometimes its not about the reward it's about the journey, lol.

    Faction - same thing you'd do anyway if you run shuttles religiously (5 minutes every 3 hours isn't bad at all)

    Skirmish - many many hours, but at least there are good rewards

    Galaxy - many hours, watching your inventory of chrons & equipment go down the drain


    I think the popularity of Galaxy is inversely proportionate to the amount of time you've been playing the game. It was the first event I was able to be quite competitive in, and was a great way to grow my crew (both 4* and 3* crew, from rewards and premium 10x pull). With all 3* crew now immortalized, and with a deep enough crew to compete for top-1000 every week, the allure of Galaxy has been greatly diminished for me. If the new 4* crew is threshold, it has become threshold-and-out for me over the past few months (ignore the chance to land a new 1/5* crew).

    Faction is the opposite. Deeper crews and 4 shuttles are a must to be competitive, but are now almost guaranteed top-1000 finishes for me, especially if I can do the kickstart and remember to set my 3-hour alarm day-and-night. If the new 4* crew is threshold reward, Faction events are the only time I spend dil on premium packs. If the new 4* crew is ranked reward, such as Malik this week, I get to stockpile my monthly card dil for another week. This is the event where I regularly add a new 1/5* crew, or possibly a 2/5* crew if I have to get event packs to fully fuse the new 4* crew and happen to get lucky.

    Skirmish and Expedition fall somewhat in the middle of Galaxy and Faction in terms of crew requirements, and become more dependent on the number of hours you're able to commit to put in during the 4 days the event is running.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. I like Galaxy Events the Most 2. Second most, I like Faction 3. I like Skirmish the Least
    Factions are the least time consuming but Galaxy and Skirmishes give better rewards.
    Let’s fly!
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