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Skirmish Events - Post Mortem



  • liked it a lot, but I think there should be an IRONMAN class where you just keep going past the 5 ship battles. the ships will get progressively harder to beat and after each battle past the 12th ship, you have the choice to quit and take the rewards, or try keep going for more progressively better rewards. you could really expand on the possibilities by only allowing the use of crew for one battle and they become "retired" which would make you use your crew more strategically, and then switch out ships when they get too damaged, and they also get retired for the remainder of the skirmish. I know this is just a pipe dream, but it would actually add a whole layer of thinking and strategy that just does not exist in arena and skirmish right now.
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • One thing I’ve noticed mentioned in other threads and a couple of times in this thread is making the battles tougher.

    As skirmishes stand now I would absolutely hate that. That would make each battle take that much longer. Now if they removed all of the animations it might not be bad, but with the animations as they are now, I wouldn’t want anything to increase the length of any of my ship battles. :/

  • I already like this event type best. Just a couple things to tweak.
    1. When you select a crewman during battle it covers the entire screen saying EVASION, ACCURACY, or ATTACK. Aside from this being annoying it also prevents me from selecting my next ability until it starts to clear up.
    2. It’s not nearly hard enough. I almost never took any hull damage. I think a better way for this event to go is this. Every time you win a skirmish the intel required increases, the Victory Points increase, and so does the difficulty with NO CAP! It would be less of a grind because you can only go so far in each difficulty, having the event ship maxed would be way more important $$$, and it would be super challenging/strategic. It would also be exciting to see who could go the farthest! IMO at least one of the phases should be done this way if not both. Also if you hit a wall on epic you could bump over to elite or normal and go as far as possible there as well.
  • My 2 cents.... I ranked 61 in the event with over 1.7 million points.

    Time sink: I played the game over 20+ hrs this weekend. Which is substantial, but I would argue that is was a fair amount for the following reasons.

    Honor: I gained just over 15k honor from this event from the ship battles. Yes 15k. It would take rougly 10ish days of full play to get that amount.

    Credits: Even with fully leveling 5 4* and Darth Bashir, I ended with a positive 2 million credits.

    Intel: While the drops were the weakest reward I wouldn't want them any higher. I found it way to easy to get intel from ship battles to continue playing.

    Pack pulls: I got 4 single pulls. 3 were 100 honor, 1 was worthless schems. I would mention that a fleet mate got 1 and it was a legendary behold.

    Ship selection: Weak aspect. I used 1 ship and 1 crew the entire time and never dropped below 80 percent hull damage.

    Chrono: I didn't keep an accurate count of the 76 and 150 rewards but I did have 300 hit a total of 19 times(5700 chrono total). Coupling that with supply kits made it possible to get further.

    Mission rewards: Due to the high chrono drops, I ended with a surplus of 5k holo emitter and a ton of 4* components.

    Cost: Besides me accidentally clicking the 350 dil schem pack, I spent $0.... I used 2 supply kits (event gave 2) and didn't use any mail chronos (I was tempted to pop the 2.5k chronos for 100 events though)

    Fun for everyone: As a whale I still found the other rewards worth the time. For newer players these rewards could easily keep them around and help level crew.

    DB's reaction: I am going to assume skirmish events will have nerfed rewards the next time around. They will also probably treat this similar to expeditions and only occur once every several months.
    • keep the chronitons!
    • increase the intel costs per run, beyond 1200.
    • don't make battles so hard that we can't win even with "perfect play"
    • make skirmishes part of hybrids
    • thanks!
  • My initial enjoyment waned fairly quickly, not a big fan of repetition as for me it rapidly stops looking like 'play' and more like 'work' with the rewards my 'pay' rather than winnings.

    The thing that intrigued me most, and I'll cross-post this into the suggestions thread too, is that is was essentially a single-player, single-path raid - fight through the minions and beat the boss to get goodies. You even have a heal mechanic when you choose hull repair or to open the magic box.

    And, unlike Expeditions, you don't need much of a plot-line - have a template, stick in ships, off you go.

    It would be nice to see this extended into a raid-type system - it wouldn't be as much of a time sink, the battles would be harder and once you've completed a level then that's it, it's done. Do the next level of difficulty.

    It would need some planning, so as not to unduly punish non-fleet players, but given DB has occasionally stated a desire to make being in fleets more attractive, it would make sense.
  • Overall, I agree with the original post.

    One way to mix it up would be to add an Arena element. Instead of playing the same five ships over and over, play against other players for a phase.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    My take:
    The Good:
    • Honor drops were great
    • Chron drops were a good bonus
    • A change of pace from faction/galaxy events
    The Bad:
    • Traits were meaningless because a single event crew superseded out all other bonuses
    • Bonus ships were meaningless because a 10/10 ship could win regardless
    • The max 6k/skirmish meant that the determining factor was the number of skirmishes you had time to run
    • The chron/intel perpetual machine meant there was no end to the event other than time to play it
    • Crew selection was painful(luckily it only had to be done once)
    • Intel drops were dumb, 30-60 drops don't matter when it's 1200 intel/skirmish

    • Make skirmish like voyages with increasing difficulty/vp and no fixed end. The better you are, the longer you can play and the more vp you earn.
    • Have traits improve ability instead of offer VP, that way once the missions become harder you need to decide on new crew to match the traits instead of using the same crew every time
    • Tweak the chron to intel conversion to something closer to 2-5 intel for each chron. That should end the perpetual skirmish machine
    • Include merits in drops
    • Make the event ship more attainable and useful
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    • keep the chronitons!
    • increase the intel costs per run, beyond 1200.
    • don't make battles so hard that we can't win even with "perfect play"
    • make skirmishes part of hybrids
    • thanks!

    Don't nerf the chrons. Just don't. Having a nice way for a change to get some chrons to either level crew or pour back into the event is good, and was one of the best parts of this. Don't screw up the intel gather rate on space battles.

    First, Fix the crew selection UI, make crew favoritable, and provide some reason and very quick way (3 favorite layouts?) to swap crew between battles within a skirmish. Arena has been terrible for crew selection anyways, and we all knew going in that it was going to be a terrible part of the event.

    Second, speed it up. Skipable or no intro exit animations between battles. It's no fun to play for 10-20 second spurts and wait twice that long on either side for the game to decide you can go again.

    Third, I know you put the buy a bonus spin with dil button on a tiny interface and right next to the exit button to cause to cause accidental purchases, but move that. It's just annoying for players and unethical for a company to try and grift money that way when we want to speed through the animations.

    Fourth, find a way to increase the cost of intel and increase VP. Maybe resurrect the final ship for 1/4th the intel cost of the run and fight it again with your ship in the same condition at the end of the fight. Then allow free bonus reward spins after the battle for the number of times you beat the final ship.
    This is a far better way to address the time sink and chron loop that nerfing chron drops and intel farming.

    Last, make it more noticeable that and how bonus crew are effecting your bonus rewards. The tier 1 drop rates were so high that there was no way to event crew with matching traits from event crew with no matching traits.

    And in case you missed it, Don't Nerf the Chrons. Don't Nerf the Intel Farming.
  • Fletcher ChristianFletcher Christian ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I started the event with about an 8k chroniton surplus. I played every spare minute I could, which mean several hours each day. I placed in the top 25. [EDIT: top 50. Must have been wishful thinking when I typed 25.] I ended the event with about a 4k chroniton surplus, suggesting I easily could have easily earned much more VP had I devoted every waking hour to the event.

    There was no challenge to the battles. I never lost a ship battle unless I got distracted (or just plain fell asleep) in the middle of a battle. I liked this since I was able to play while watching TV; I never had to think about what I was doing, just repeat the same sequence of taps endlessly. But I also disliked that it meant that users with scripting capability could presumably set-and-forget a script to win battles endlessly.

    The intel cost per skirmish should ramp higher. At least to 1500.

    The chroniton and honor rewards were pleasant and helpful but the honor drops could have been higher. Perhaps 100 base instead of 76. Most long-time players have large numbers of unfused Legendaries with no hope in sight of immortalizing them all. Despite giving hours each day to the event I only earned about half a 5* citation worth of honor. Which is better than none, but doesn't even put a dent in my 5* crew inventory.

    The credits didn't amount to much; I suggest increasing them a bit rather than eliminating them since some players still face the credit crunch. (I don't.)

    The intel rewards were redundant since chronitons could be directly converted to intel. I suggest replacing intel drops with Merit drops. Reducing intel drops would also help pare the amount of time required to compete to a particular rank.
  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    Liked the event very much.
    I would change a couple of things
    1) After hitting the 1200 Intel roof, enemy ships stats and vp reward should increase something like 2% a run... after 50 sets you will need some strategy ... and you would win a lot of vps in exchange
    2) Each crew slot should provide a bonus if they match the event crew (divide the bonus between existing slots?)
    3) Event ships should have a bonus on ALL stats not only hull (be usefull after you have completed a lot of battles with a difficulty increase... as it is you can win with any maxed ship)

    Anyway i am very happy with this new type of event
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I neglected to add, I accidentally bought a schematics portal pull. (Four days later I'm still waiting for CS to respond to my request for a refund and removal of the schematics.)

    Putting the purchase button on the main event page (two of them, this time) with no purchase confirmation dialog, combined with the need to tap the screen tens of thousands of times to compete effectively in the event, is a recipe for unintended purchases.

    I also bought several bonus reward rerolls unintentionally, but rather than request refunds I wrote them of as a loss since they were only 10 dil each.

    As I've requested for years, EVERY dilithium purchase in the game should have a confirmation dialog. It's the only currency that there's no way earn in-game (neglecting one-time rewards here and there). Having a premium currency is fine. Making it easy for players to spend it unwillingly is a recipe for unhappy customers.

    "I also bought several bonus reward rerolls unintentionally, but rather than request refunds I wrote them of as a loss since they were only 10 dil each."
    (emphasis mine)

    This, is why that's done. It's an intentional and dishonest and unethical tactic that is employed by a great many business and every "free trail" offer out there.

    You really should open a ticket for each one. If they're going to attempt to take advantage of you, they should have to pay the cost in support staff and trust.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I won't provide the detailed analysis others have, but I also found this event to take too much time to perform well. I played longer than I do on most events, but placed far lower. This was not for lack of quality crew or even choices -- I had Young Khan and only played on epic and always claimed the random reward and never lost a battle. So I was at peak performance on a per-skirmish basis. I also had plenty of leftover chrons and intel. There needs to be some way to cut off the reinforcing cycle of chrons/intel that can keep you playing for hours and hours.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    whalebegone in new fresh scent spray!

    I generally like the grind-friendly events. For example expedition is my favorite event and faction least.

    I like the idea of the skirmish but would like to see the hours required brought down a little - by around 25%. I say somewhere earlier this may happen naturally without adjustments. If not just bump up the intel cost to 2000.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've seen the suggestion to ramp up the difficulty with each run, and thinking about that, I'm not a fan for 2 reasons.

    1. I've previously mentioned this, but anything that adds to the lengths of the already excruciatingly long animations would not be welcome.
    2. Most players would only be able to play for a couple hours on the first day and then couldn't play again until phase 2 for a couple more hours because the difficulty wouldn't reset until phase 2.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?

    They kind of are, actually. Either time or $$ will, likely, always be the limiting factor on any event you see in this game.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?

    They kind of are, actually. Either time or $$ will, likely, always be the limiting factor on any event you see in this game.

    For a company trying to make a profit, a bad design would be for time to be the limiting factor. For the most latinum, there should always be a way to spend to the top. :p
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?

    They kind of are, actually. Either time or $$ will, likely, always be the limiting factor on any event you see in this game.

    For a company trying to make a profit, a bad design would be for time to be the limiting factor. For the most latinum, there should always be a way to spend to the top. :p

    There are legit reasons they would want a time-based factor. A lot of how much they can charge Ad companies is based on how man ads they can get in front of your eyeballs. The longer you spend in the app, the more ads you run.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?

    They kind of are, actually. Either time or $$ will, likely, always be the limiting factor on any event you see in this game.

    For a company trying to make a profit, a bad design would be for time to be the limiting factor. For the most latinum, there should always be a way to spend to the top. :p

    There are legit reasons they would want a time-based factor. A lot of how much they can charge Ad companies is based on how man ads they can get in front of your eyeballs. The longer you spend in the app, the more ads you run.

    Considering Facebook and Steam have no ads, and the ads for the Android and Apple have timers on them, I'm not sure you can argue a significantly more frequent use of ads.

    Now if they put ads on all platforms....
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    More so than any other mechanic in the game, Skirmishes has been a huge time sink.

    I don't see this as a problem. It's the whale deterrent.

    Are whaling and time-wasting the only two alternatives?

    They kind of are, actually. Either time or $$ will, likely, always be the limiting factor on any event you see in this game.

    For a company trying to make a profit, a bad design would be for time to be the limiting factor. For the most latinum, there should always be a way to spend to the top. :p

    There are legit reasons they would want a time-based factor. A lot of how much they can charge Ad companies is based on how man ads they can get in front of your eyeballs. The longer you spend in the app, the more ads you run.

    Considering Facebook and Steam have no ads, and the ads for the Android and Apple have timers on them, I'm not sure you can argue a significantly more frequent use of ads.

    Now if they put ads on all platforms....

    The timers are around 30 mins. If they got someone to get on more frequently on those days, they will serve up significantly more ads.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've seen the suggestion to ramp up the difficulty with each run, and thinking about that, I'm not a fan for 2 reasons.

    1. I've previously mentioned this, but anything that adds to the lengths of the already excruciatingly long animations would not be welcome.
    2. Most players would only be able to play for a couple hours on the first day and then couldn't play again until phase 2 for a couple more hours because the difficulty wouldn't reset until phase 2.

    My thought was that there would still be tickets. They would cost 1200 intel, or whatever is determined. But instead of ending at 6k VP you would keep going. Maybe one person hits 6k, someone else can make it to 10k, and a third is stuck at 4k. Then once you lose you open a new ticket. You can still start new tickets up to whatever limit is set, but the player that is running 10k skirmishes would be able to run fewer tickets/time for the same VP. If someone wants to buy extra tickets/intel/chrons to run a bunch of extra tickets they can, just like they can buy extra expedition tickets. But absent that, you're getting more points by playing your ticket better not just playing more tickets.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I won't provide the detailed analysis others have, but I also found this event to take too much time to perform well. I played longer than I do on most events, but placed far lower. This was not for lack of quality crew or even choices -- I had Young Khan and only played on epic and always claimed the random reward and never lost a battle. So I was at peak performance on a per-skirmish basis. I also had plenty of leftover chrons and intel. There needs to be some way to cut off the reinforcing cycle of chrons/intel that can keep you playing for hours and hours.

    My suggestion would reduce play time. That is cut the reward of intel in half.
    That is, if you do a 12 Chrons ship battle you get 60 intel instead of 120 intel.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I've seen the suggestion to ramp up the difficulty with each run, and thinking about that, I'm not a fan for 2 reasons.

    1. I've previously mentioned this, but anything that adds to the lengths of the already excruciatingly long animations would not be welcome.
    2. Most players would only be able to play for a couple hours on the first day and then couldn't play again until phase 2 for a couple more hours because the difficulty wouldn't reset until phase 2.

    My thought was that there would still be tickets. They would cost 1200 intel, or whatever is determined. But instead of ending at 6k VP you would keep going. Maybe one person hits 6k, someone else can make it to 10k, and a third is stuck at 4k. Then once you lose you open a new ticket. You can still start new tickets up to whatever limit is set, but the player that is running 10k skirmishes would be able to run fewer tickets/time for the same VP. If someone wants to buy extra tickets/intel/chrons to run a bunch of extra tickets they can, just like they can buy extra expedition tickets. But absent that, you're getting more points by playing your ticket better not just playing more tickets.

    That wouldn’t be bad if the difficulty reset after each skirmish.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    The grind to break top 1K is probably more than Im interested in putting in, that being said I liked the new event and will look forward to them in the future. It needs some tweaks but so do a lot of things

    I really enjoyed the bonus rewards that gave honor and chronitons.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I've seen the suggestion to ramp up the difficulty with each run, and thinking about that, I'm not a fan for 2 reasons.

    1. I've previously mentioned this, but anything that adds to the lengths of the already excruciatingly long animations would not be welcome.
    2. Most players would only be able to play for a couple hours on the first day and then couldn't play again until phase 2 for a couple more hours because the difficulty wouldn't reset until phase 2.

    My thought was that there would still be tickets. They would cost 1200 intel, or whatever is determined. But instead of ending at 6k VP you would keep going. Maybe one person hits 6k, someone else can make it to 10k, and a third is stuck at 4k. Then once you lose you open a new ticket. You can still start new tickets up to whatever limit is set, but the player that is running 10k skirmishes would be able to run fewer tickets/time for the same VP. If someone wants to buy extra tickets/intel/chrons to run a bunch of extra tickets they can, just like they can buy extra expedition tickets. But absent that, you're getting more points by playing your ticket better not just playing more tickets.

    That wouldn’t be bad if the difficulty reset after each skirmish.

    Exactly. Each skirmish starts at easy difficulty and minimal VP and then builds up. The higher you go the more VP and the more time you spend on high level battles instead of easy battles for minimal VPs. Then when you lose, you start over at the beginning again.
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