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Skirmish Events - Post Mortem



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Skirmishes have made me rethink Expedition events and how to change them to make them more appealing.

    One of the biggest wins in Skirmishes was getting to keep all the drops from the multitude of ship battles you had to run to earn Intel.

    If they altered Expeditions so each segment dropped gear/components like any other Away Team mission would, I think people would be much more eager for them.

    Agreed. In fact it's been suggested several times but never acknowledged as being received.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Skirmishes have made me rethink Expedition events and how to change them to make them more appealing.

    One of the biggest wins in Skirmishes was getting to keep all the drops from the multitude of ship battles you had to run to earn Intel.

    If they altered Expeditions so each segment dropped gear/components like any other Away Team mission would, I think people would be much more eager for them.

    Agreed. In fact it's been suggested several times but never acknowledged as being received.

    It would be nice if they did all 4 events types once each month. Skirmish, followed by Expedition, followed by Galaxy, followed by Faction.

    That would allow 2 weeks of farming (Skirmish and Expedition) to feed the 3rd week of Galaxy and then a Faction week to recover from the Galaxy. Rinse and repeat.

  • How about the missions give out hard-to-get items after you get the "star bonus" the first time through, plus end-of-mission VIP (with a bonus for having used an event crew). Then, when you close out the ticket, you get some "super reward" (much bigger than the Skirmish fight-win box, but same principle, and again with the option to get extras with dilithium)?
  • I agree that Skirmishes do a pretty good job getting chrons, credits, victory points and intel. Cannot agree with those that want higher intel drops. This event is enough of a grind as it is, the last thing it needs is more intel to play longer.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that Skirmishes do a pretty good job getting chrons, credits, victory points and intel. Cannot agree with those that want higher intel drops. This event is enough of a grind as it is, the last thing it needs is more intel to play longer.

    I think most folks were wanting higher intel COSTS to drive down the grind some.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    one other thing that might be nice is some trickle merits either in expedition, skirmishes or both.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    I agree that Skirmishes do a pretty good job getting chrons, credits, victory points and intel. Cannot agree with those that want higher intel drops. This event is enough of a grind as it is, the last thing it needs is more intel to play longer.

    I think most folks were wanting higher intel COSTS to drive down the grind some.

    Yes, can confirm this. Long term, I don't think the chron drops from this event are sustainable. With a kit running, one voyage run only costs on the order of 20 chrons. There are some obvious options to make it less grindy:
    1. Intel costs scaling higher
    2. Lower intel returns from missions
    3. Maintain Intel/Chron ratio while kit is running (i.e., 4 chron mission drops 40 intel normally, the "kit" mission at 3 chrons would now only drop 30 intel)
    4. Lower chron drops from the event

    There are other things to reduce the "time playing" too like making the ship intro/outro animations skipable, but I expect that would be a more difficult update for them to implement in the short term (since it would probably take development intervention where the others are just a question of adjusting a configuration number), so think we're less likely to see that sort of thing.

    Basically, a player who ground out 1,000,000 points played over 700 ship battles last event (assumes averaging 7000 points per "run", which is probably optimistic). That's...a lot of ship battles. I would love for there to be fewer battles that are each individually more engaging and difficult.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just make the skirmishes able to to go bast 5 battles in a row by using intel. You burn more intel per run, and get more VP per run, and save a very small amount of time by not having to start a new ticket.
    Really though, if we could get only one change, get rid of the animations, that was by far the worst part of the event. The grind and scriptability isn't going anywhere, but there'd be less incentive to script if 2/3 to 4/5 of the time wasn't suffering through animations and waiting on the game.

    And I'm tired of repeating this, but don't nerf the chrons and intel drop rates. That's only going to make the event less rewarding and enjoyable. And stop asking DB to screw over by dropping them.
  • I stopped playing the event after I got Bell Riots Bashir. Found it to be extremely tedious and boring. Especially when you add in doing the daily arena battles
  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wouldn’t drop the intel and chron rates. Just have a neverending (or at least a much higher) limit to intel costs for the skirmish.

    I spent $20 worth of dilithium on each account to keep getting the good drops.

    Also, could the ship matchups be made more random to make it more of a thinking event?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    I wouldn’t drop the intel and chron rates. Just have a neverending (or at least a much higher) limit to intel costs for the skirmish.

    I spent $20 worth of dilithium on each account to keep getting the good drops.

    Also, could the ship matchups be made more random to make it more of a thinking event?

    Any of these changes (less intel, lower chron rates, or higher intel cost scaling), pretty much lead to the same end-result.

    I agree, the higher scaling would be the most palatable for the community. Direct chron nerfs are anathema (see: continued forum gripes over voyages). The 1 chron -> 10 intel conversion is clean and easy to understand. Cost scaling is also very easy to understand and would have the fewest complaints (though there will still be some).
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