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DB - Thank you for listening! Shuttles, Dax art, + changes to events:

Shuttle missions:
Because not everything is black&white: there are degrees of failure and success, and things that we learn and gain from our failures and not-so-successes too.

From last year on the old forum:
"Scaled success/failure spectrum for shuttle/faction missions"
Not sure if Xoiiku's advocacy is what inspired this change but it's very much appreciated. Thanks DB. :star:

It would also be great if players could choose the difficulty of shuttles, this way we can choose when to run shuttles for the "basic" items which drop less frequently at the upper levels.

After a while of thinking that we weren't really being taken seriously about the art and the Art Feedback thread in Engineering, it's really cool to see some things that indicate at least some of our concerns and suggestions were taken into account, for at least some of the cards. The Dax card in particular (Malik not so much).

While I still hope for a return to the softer facial lighting of old pieces (instead of solid yellow/blue outlines) and for a return to more more hair and facial detail - I think the colors, shading, and contrast between darkness and highlights on Dax's face make it look lifelike! It makes me feel like I'm looking at Jadzia Dax. :smiley: Thank you. More of this please.

Hopefully some of the other issues players care about or that affect them a lot, are taken more into account in the future too. The answers we got to some of the questions, I found vague or dismissive. For example the event Fleederboard and updating event reward structures.

I think that players shouldn't get less rewards for their efforts in an event, than they did a year or so ago. That it would be beneficial to both DB and to the players if the ranked reward structure is updated to an adaptive system to reflect the growing player base today and going forward:

- more of a percentage-based system (with some threshold for participation)
- the rewards smoothed out more through the ranks, so that I'm not getting roughly the same reward for rank 16 as for rank 1000
- and a copy of the legendary in the thresholds that roughly corresponds to the VP it took to get the 1/5 say, a year ago?
- maybe some different rewards like honour, to minimize duplicates?
Some ideas:
--> Smoothing, % system, threshold crew, honor
--> Zipf approach, smoothing

& while on the subject of changes to shuttles, and events:
- 9h boosts can give a more decent boost, and give 3x rewards for 3x the time, or be 6h boosts that give 2x the rewards. So more players can have a full sleep while still having a shot at their event goals.



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I think that players shouldn't get less rewards for their efforts in an event, than they did a year or so ago. That it would be beneficial to both DB and to the players if the ranked reward structure is updated to an adaptive system to reflect the growing player base today and going forward:

    - and a copy of the legendary in the thresholds that roughly corresponds to the VP it took to get the 1/5 say, a year ago?

    An update of the reward structure is a good idea, but I am completely against the idea of a legendary in the threshold. Not for personal reasons (cause who would mind that), but for longterm reasons, for reasons of the game. Cause I want it to live long and prosper, I want it to survive for as long as possible.

    Up to 4* you can get all kinds of crew in so many different ways: Monthly reward, threshold, Voyages etc. On special occasions we even get a legendary card as gift.

    For the factions F2P, monthly card player, medium spenders etc. over time enough decent crew to enjoy the game for "peanuts" or even zero.

    The business model of the game is built around the legendaries. They are the "golden apple", are and shall be the desired cards. By the droprates and prices obvious as well.

    Despite that STT is no revenue monster. Compared to the "big sharks in the pond" the revenue (check sites like www.sensortower.com to verify what I mean) is kinda small.

    A money printer like Electronic Arts would kick this game. So we can be glad STT is developed by a small company like DB.

    In case they would add legendaries to the thresholds they would lose some of their shine. The incentive to buy packs would be even lower.

    I often read greed this, greed that. And in case we would be talking about Electronic Arts etc. (story for another day) I would completely sign that.

    In this case: Without some of the expensive packs and people buying them this game could likely close shop soon or there would be no more new developments, we would have a dead game.

    So, as said, while I and no one would mind stuff like that for the perspective of this game it would not be helpful.

  • So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    As said: I am all for a change to the reward structure. But the business model is based around the legendaries. Even compared to simple casual games or casino apps the revenue is not that big ( so as also said it is good that STT is developed by a small company).

    So personally I doubt adding those cards to the thresholds could help the growth and lasting appeal of the game. Cause we also have the problems that the glory days of Star Trek are in the past and for the main audience of today (casual players) the whole concept could be overwhelming at first.

    Many good suggestions by you no matter what. So let´s hope DB finds the right recipe....
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    If it were percentage based, wouldn’t we always have that “where the hell am I?” concern? Say some people join in the event at various times. With a constant influx my rank is getting tossed around. By the time the event is close to ending I’m thinking I have no idea where I’m going to end up

  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I like the changes to shuttles where it now drops more than just trainers for a failure. I’ve had 3 fail since the change and got 2 items each time in addition to the trainers. They were just 0-1* items except for the 3rd failure. On the 3rd, I was bestowed the blessings of RNGesus.


    Yea! :smiley: The small items are nice. But sometimes I guess we learn a lot from our failures!


    A full success, for comparison: (where I was attempting to fail, but apparently 0% is ~15%)

  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    If it were percentage based, wouldn’t we always have that “where the hell am I?” concern? Say some people join in the event at various times. With a constant influx my rank is getting tossed around. By the time the event is close to ending I’m thinking I have no idea where I’m going to end up

    People joining and competing at random times, moving around your rank already happens. Just as not knowing exactly where you're going to end up. After almost every event we have threads about the newest members of the 1001+ club. So the concerns you raised are already things which happen under the current system.

    What a percentage based system could do is increase the size of the brackets if more people joined. In this way a percentage based system would alleviate your concerns, not cause them.

    Think about it in this way. Let's say that there are 100 people playing the event at first, and there are 10 brackets with 10 spots each. When 900 more people join, now there are 1,000 people playing the event and still there are 10 brackets, meaning each bracket now has 100 spots each, up from 10. (this is a simplified model for sake of illustrating this one point.)

    So, if you are in the top bracket when there are 100 people, when 900 more people join, you'd still be in the top bracket. In terms of your overall rank, you'd be competing as usual.

    For those interested, version_003 demonstrates one possible way a percentage based system could work, along with smoothed rewards and some other ideas.

    As said: I am all for a change to the reward structure. But the business model is based around the legendaries. Even compared to simple casual games or casino apps the revenue is not that big ( so as also said it is good that STT is developed by a small company).

    So personally I doubt adding those cards to the thresholds could help the growth and lasting appeal of the game. Cause we also have the problems that the glory days of Star Trek are in the past and for the main audience of today (casual players) the whole concept could be overwhelming at first.

    Many good suggestions by you no matter what. So let´s hope DB finds the right recipe....

    In terms of having the legendary in the threshold, in addition to it being placed at a reasonable amount of VP befitting an appropriate amount of effort as stated above it could also remedy the frustrations experienced by the 1001+ club. Making it such that even people pushed just outside of the top 1000 bracket (as it is now), who put the effort into earning a legendary could still earn one.

    I suggest, that rather than decreasing revenue somehow, this could actually increase revenue. Based on the observation that less frustrated and happy players tend to spend more money.

    Also, given that 1/5 legendaries come with a 200,000 honor deficit, there are still plenty of revenue generating options DB has in place past the first star.

    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    If it were percentage based, wouldn’t we always have that “where the hell am I?” concern? Say some people join in the event at various times. With a constant influx my rank is getting tossed around. By the time the event is close to ending I’m thinking I have no idea where I’m going to end up

    Rank jumps around before the end under the current system too, wouldn't it always?

    In arena we can see what percentile category we fall into, and we can also see our exact rank. It's not mutually exclusive.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I like the changes to shuttles where it now drops more than just trainers for a failure. I’ve had 3 fail since the change and got 2 items each time in addition to the trainers. They were just 0-1* items except for the 3rd failure. On the 3rd, I was bestowed the blessings of RNGesus.


    I've only seen components as rewards for shuttle failures, and no faction-only items. Not even the basic ones. I was really hoping the difficulties in getting the lower-rarity faction items to drop were being addressed here.
  • JoeSage2JoeSage2 ✭✭
    edited June 2018
  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    If it were percentage based, wouldn’t we always have that “where the hell am I?” concern? Say some people join in the event at various times. With a constant influx my rank is getting tossed around. By the time the event is close to ending I’m thinking I have no idea where I’m going to end up.

    If it was percentage-based on the number of participants in the event, that would be a recipe for trouble. Because of fluctuations, as you say, but also because it would encourage the creation of multiple accounts just to "stretch" the rewards for people's main accounts. On the other hand, if it's a percentage of the people that completed the threshold (it requires effort to get there and be counted), then I think it's quite workable.

    As I wrote in the original post in hopes of proactively addressing this concern,
    - more of a percentage-based system (with some threshold for participation)

    "With some threshold for participation" - to be included in the %-ranks. So that would discourage the creation of multiple accounts to stretch the rewards.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Also, given that 1/5 legendaries come with a 200,000 honor deficit, there are still plenty of revenue generating options DB has in place past the first star.

    Well, this honor deficit is another topic. Personally I find that term funny. Because by good selection that "deficit" is much smaller. There are certain characters like Seven of Nine who were mainly made for the Gauntlet. Even with all 5 stars she is nothing to write home about. Adding 4 stars to her would be regarded as a waste by me.

    Unless someone is a die hard completionist adding stars should happen naturally, for reasons of strengthening your crew (or liking certain characters). Done with that approach this so called honor deficit is not as big as it is made out to be. Especially considering that by airlocking unneeded doubles from Voyages (+ the natural returns from it etc.) around 2000 honor can be made every day. Aka one legendary citation per month...

  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Well, it's subjective, but...

    With at least eight new legendaries being released every month, that's a need for 32 (or more?) citations potentially being created. Yes, you probably won't get all of those crew. Yes, you probably don't need to cite all of them, either. And yes, there are other ways to add stars. But I believe the majority of players would feel that one citation per month doesn't even begin to keep pace with the release of new crew.

    I don't necessarily think that there needs to be an absolute abundance of honor, either. But, perhaps... a better balance?
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the changes to shuttles where it now drops more than just trainers for a failure. I’ve had 3 fail since the change and got 2 items each time in addition to the trainers. They were just 0-1* items except for the 3rd failure. On the 3rd, I was bestowed the blessings of RNGesus.


    This is great! I've not put any federation shuttle on in a month (since they went honoured) as I'm constantly failing them unless i put my best crew on shuttles instead of a voyage. This really is a welcome change <3

    Thanks for sharing i had wondered how shuttle failures would be affected. Today's event will be even better for this.
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  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    But I believe the majority of players would feel that one citation per month doesn't even begin to keep pace with the release of new crew.

    I believe the majority of players don't even earn one legendary character per month.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    There are 70-80k active players per event. An update to a % base as requested would reduce the rewards given.
  • dpjxfc5bwdlj.jpg

    Isn't he called Bashir? :p

    Thinking the same thing ;)
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    ugh, this thread just .... yea, nope. no amount of coffee can help someone decipher this.

    % based rewards - bad idea. only pain.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Elynduil wrote: »
    But I believe the majority of players would feel that one citation per month doesn't even begin to keep pace with the release of new crew.

    I believe the majority of players don't even earn one legendary character per month.

    Only when DB gives them out, maybe. Or from the freebie 10x pulls from galaxy events.

    Damn it, DB. You're constantly increasing our "honor debt" with this free stuff.

    Maybe that's where the problem is. Maybe this wouldn't be as much of an issue if DB just stopped giving us stuff.

    Strange then, that we are now recommending they give us more free stuff...
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    I thought it's about stuff we can use, rather than stuff that goes into the trash?
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    If they put a legendary in the thresholds (in events other than the mega) -- just make it an old legacy one that doesn't have much juice and is good for fusing existing or getting new players started.

    That way it doesn't hurt the bank so hard as folks who want really good 5s would still buy or really compete.

    I second this idea, even if only for repeat events where one of the golds is not tiered anymore and aged, throw a copy at the top of the rewards for the folks looking for 1 more star, and no one else feels the need push for that level since the stats of many cards do not withstand the test of time.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    I still think that they should have added an ‘Abandon Shuttle Mission’ button where your crew is immediately returned with no rewards. In case you accidentally sent out shuttles right before the event starts, then you don’t have to use Dilithium to get them back.

    or accidently double a lower difficulty shuttle, or send a 90 minute without a blue speed boost.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Well, it's subjective, but...
    ...I believe the majority of players would feel that one citation per month doesn't even begin to keep pace with the release of new crew.

    Of course it is, we are individuals after all. But imho there is no need to keep pace with the release of new crew. Unless, as already said, someone is a die hard completionist. That could indeed by tricky and frustrating.

    I follow my own pace, my own crew needs and plans, not the pace of releases by DB. When you have, say, 3 strong base characters for each skill (which was my first target when I started at the beginning of the last year) + around 12 good ones for Voyages and Gauntlet you have a team well prepared for all aspects of the game.

    Cards useful for the bonus in events, round up characters behind the Top 3 in each skill excluded a strong core of 30 is a massive basis for STT. It is not about the quantity of crew, but the quality, the right crew.

    As you said and I agreed with it is subjective, but a clear plan and approach etc. already reduce this often mentioned honor deficit.

  • Roonis wrote: »
    So this game was going underwater a year-ish ago when players were getting the legendary with maybe 200k VP? It's not asking for it to be at an "easy" place in the thresholds. Just about where it was at earlier. It's also only a 1/5, and buying the event crew at the beginning of the event still helps and is still attractive as it was before.

    I want to see the game to survive for as long and as much as possible too. While there are many new players who join, I see too many players get discouraged and leave. The game is succeeding; I think it could succeed more and be a better experience for all.

    An update to a %-based structure like the arena would help a great deal of course and maybe even negate the need for it, as if set up well it can adapt to influx automatically.

    There are 70-80k active players per event. An update to a % base as requested would reduce the rewards given.

    What am I missing? Can't the % brackets be adjusted so that it wouldn't reduce the rewards given? The idea is to increase it back to what it was earlier.
    ugh, this thread just .... yea, nope. no amount of coffee can help someone decipher this.

    % based rewards - bad idea. only pain.

    Do you have ideas for how to address the influx of players competing in events, to avoid it becoming increasingly harder for actively competing players to earn decent rewards? An expansion and smoothing of the rewards at different ranks?
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