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Used 28 3* time boosts and 2 4* boosts, finished 1028



  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I open max transmissions and run them all to fit in my work break, followed by a few rounds of time boosts then skill boosts every three hours. It was noticibly more competative than usual. I was outside of the top 1000 for the first day, a rarity for faction events recently. Perhaps a combination of the popularity of Dax leading to more participation and the AND bug being fixed leading to higher scores among those who would otherwise be unaware of it are responsible. I did wake up every three hours throughout the night to flip shuttles and this is where I made my gains in the rankings finishing at 361.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was expecting it to be a lot worse... I probably built it up in my head too much.

    So I time boosted a few rounds the first two days, was comfortably in the 100s, when I decided to stop time boosting, and I'd start boosting again if/when I fell below 500, so that I could have a safety cushion.

    Never happened. I stayed in the 100s, and finished at 176, two hours after I claimed my last set of shuttles. RNG was in my favor, maybe?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Did anyone else notice quite severe lag in the last five minutes? Seemed like the server was taking strain...

    Nope, I didn't notice anything.
  • TcalTcal ✭✭✭
    Definitely was competitive. I used every time boost I had, sped up shuttles with dil, and barely made it under 1k with 84%+ shuttles.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used no quick start boosts, and missed a set of shuttles at after that (sleepy time) then terrible RNG had me below 3000 til the start of the third day. RNG picked up for some reason and I started climbing and nearly broke 1000 at one point. Then I dropped overnight and the final day I used time boosts on one shuttle for part of the day when I wasn't busy, and ended up 1750 or so, so dropped honor on Malik (who I really didn't think I'd get) and job done.

    I was astonished at how variable RNG was this event, and how I seemed to move up and down ranks so rapidly.
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  • Ulrikk wrote: »
    So is this standard now? I used to use 10 3* boosts for my kickstart and end in the 600-700 range. Today I was 865 with an hour and 15 minutes left so I sent 2 shuttles out with 4* boosts, both came in at 11:45 and at 11:57 I was at 940th place. Just checked my phone to find I lost 88 spots in less than 3 minutes. If that's what it takes for a top 1000 finish and the legendary crew I think I'm finally done here.

    Dunno about your kickstart but mine ended me up on 127, but I'm pretty sure I used more 3* boosts then 10 in this event ..... Ended up around 370ish
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many people set up their shuttles and wake up right before event ends to complete them. But this event was very competitive. I failed few shuttles and ended at a rank 250 worse than usual for me.
    Let’s fly!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did the quick-start and used around 12 time boosts, managed to hit 4k before I went to bed on Monday (UK based). I finished ~162. I still have boosts held back for backup, I also have a solid crew and was squad leader.

    5/5* Wrathful Khan (Shared)
    4/4* Princess Jadzia (x2)
    4/4* 1701 Jadzia
    4/5* Lt Commander Dax
    5/5* Honey Bare Dax
    2/5* Klingon Bride Dax
    4/4* Mirror Dax
    4/4* Blood Oath Dax
    1/5* Bashir, Julian Bashir
    1/5* Mirror Bashir
    3/5* Darth Bashir
    4/4* RAF Bashir
    4/4* Young Khan
    4/4* Roger Danar
    DB: Do Better
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I had my last round of shuttles come back with 95 minutes left in the Event, and at the time was ranked 606 (with 405,748 Victory Points). I assumed this was a safe cushion to stay ranked in the top 1000, and so did not send out a last set of 90 minutes shuttles.

    When I took a look with just over an hour to go (more precisely, 64 minutes and 17 seconds), I was still ranked 645. So in this half an hour, I only dropped 39 spots.

    With just over half an hour to go (32 minutes and 31 seconds), I was ranked 699. That is, in another half an hour I dropped 54 spots.

    With 7 minutes and 43 seconds to go, I was ranked 795. In these almost 25 minutes, I had dropped another 96 spots, but assumed this was pretty much most of the final push players would be making.

    I finished with a ranking of 913, which means in less than the final 8 minutes of the Event, I dropped another 118 spots.

    Ultimately my calculation proved successful, but I was a little surprised to see my acquisition of Bell Riots Jadzia Dax had ended up being as tight as it was.
  • KayJay47KayJay47 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I find it quite fascinating how seemingly comparable setups can lead to such diverse outcomings. Here's my own event experience:

    Did a kick start and only sent out 3-hour skill-boosted shuttles for the rest of the event (even at night - first time I tried that tactic, and only because I was alone and the alarms didn't disturb anyone else), except for the last wave which needed time boosts to be back on time. I was as high as rank 200 sometime on Saturday. By my observation, I would slip about 200 places within three hours and then regain 50 places per successful shuttle, so as long as they came back 4/4, I wasn't really slipping at all. Shuttle failures inexplicably increased by Sunday. My overall projected success rate was 83.8%, actual success rate was 86.6%, but for the first two days it had been 91.7%. An hour before event end, after the return of the last wave, I was ranked somewhere in the 430s I believe, and ultimately finished just outside 500.

    I'd like to point out that I don't have a killer crew - I had a lot of bonus crew, but it was quantity over quality because most of them are still missing 1-4 stars:

    (all level 100 unless noted otherwise)
    2/5 Bell Riots Bashir (2nd star from thresholds)
    1/5 Honey Bare Jadzia
    1/5 Lt Commander Jadzia Dax
    1/5 Augment Picard
    1/5 Klingon Bride Jadzia (lvl 80)
    4/4 Arik Soong (immortalized from thresholds)
    4/4 Young Khan
    4/4 Mirror Ezri Dax
    3/4 Mirror Jadzia Dax
    3/4 RAF Julian Bashir
    3/4 Augment Riker
    2/4 Princess Jadzia
    2/4 Waitress Ezri
    1/4 1701 Jadzia Dax
    3/3 Racquetball Bashir (made a few shuttles)
    3/3 Sniper Ezri Dax (didn't make any shuttle)

    I ran only Section 31 and filled the shuttles as they appeared, only skipping the 5-seaters. After the first few waves, I stopped paying attention to slot order since my crew often had the skills backwards.

    Overall, I'm surprised how well I did, especially after reading some of the other accounts.
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