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Who's Your Bridge Crew?

edited June 2018 in The Bridge
About a year and a half ago, there was a thread on the old forums that I thought was fun asking "Who's your bridge crew?" (https://forums.disruptorbeam.com/stt/viewthread/56964)
The idea was to just name the top character in each of the six skills as a member of your senior staff. At the time, there was no gauntlet and no voyages, so I only considered base stats in my reply. This is only for fun and completely meaningless, but I'm wondering if maybe it would be better to consider the combined stats instead (not that it always makes a difference). Either way, it's interesting to consider how different my crew roster looks now and how infrequently I use characters I used to need daily. I imagine many of us at this point would have the similar bridge crews as some of the strongest cards were provided to most players as part of the mega events, but I'm still curious.

October 2016 (Base Stats Only) - Copied from old thread
1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Wrathful Khan
Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Ambassador Sarek
Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Tempted Data
Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Defiant Commander Worf. Best is actually Wrathful Khan again and Defiant Commander Worf is 2nd best, but Captain La Forge is 2nd best CMD, and Worf has better SEC than La Forge has CMD.
Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Doctor La Forge
Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 1701 Jadzia Dax

June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Borg Queen
Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar
Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
Science Officer (SCI): 4/5 Surak

June 2018 (Combined Stats)
1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/5 Bartender Guinan
Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott (not that his combined stat ever does me any good since his single skill makes him useless for voyages)
Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar
Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox (if using the "Combined" sort in crew quarters); 5/5 Age of Sail Crusher (if using voyage numbers)
Science Officer (SCI): 4/5 Surak


  • [KM]Videm[KM]Videm ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    This looks like fun. Here are my crews

    June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Borg Queen [4/4 Tieran Possessed Kes]
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell [Victorian Pulaski]
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Aviator Yar
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/5 Kortar [5/5 Aviator Yar (she's just that good) ]
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Mobile Doctor (tops Prisoner Katrina Cornwell by 6 pts)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak [4/5 Honey Bare Jadzia ]

    June 2018 (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard [4/5 T'Kuvma]
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/5 Ambassador Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 The Caretaker
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Will Scarlett (Kortar ranks fifth combined)
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell [5/5 Mirror Inquisitor Troi] (Mirror Phlox ranks third)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak [4/5 Honey Bare Jadzia ]

    Edit: added non-mega recurring legendaries in [ ]
    We are recruiting for our sister fleet, Mirror Klingon Marauders! Contact me via private message if interested
  • I'm game.

    June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Borg Queen
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Mintakan Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 3/5 Romulan Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Bell Riots Bashir (counting him as FF, but technically awaiting the last star)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak

    June 2018 (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Borg Queen
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 2/5 Romulan Picard
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 3/5 Romulan Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Ooooh, a crew show off, love it 😍

    March 2018
    1st Officer (CMD): 3/4 Agent Harris
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Ambassador Sarek
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 2/2 Seven in Blue or sometimes 2/2 Data 😆
    Chief of Security (SEC): 3/4 Ellen Laundry
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 1/5 Prisoner Cornwall
    Science Officer (SCI): also 4/4 Sarek, he had to pull double duty for a wee while.....

    June 2018
    1st Officer (CMD): puter says EV Suit Archer however I use 2/5 Killy as her eng and sec teritiary skills are higher and of course, i love her 💜
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Mintaken Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): As she's just been immortalised 4/4 Drone Seven is my new winner, 1/5 Cochrane had been my fav since early April.....
    Chief of Security (SEC): combined is still 3/4 Ellen Laundry 😂😂 however my base is 1/4 Robin Hood.....love him too, he's helped me clear quite a few sec nodes.
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/5 Darth Bashir
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak, however my 3/5 Lt Cmmdr Jadzia Dax is running after him.....
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sure, I'll play.

    June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Gangster Kirk
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Commander Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Obsidian Order Garak
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwall
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax

    June 2018 (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Commander Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Obsidian Order Garak
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/5 Surak
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    This would be more interesting if you weren't allowed to list any mega event recurring legendaries. So, no Borg Queen, Kortar, T'Kuvma, Mirror Picard, Prisoner Katrina Cornwell, Surak, or Bell Riots Bashir. For players that haven't spent much money, that set will cover most (if not all) the skills except engineering. My exceptions:

    Engineer: Assimilated LaForge (5/5).
    Science: Assimilated Janeway (5/5) -- she wins with base stat, but Surak wins with combined
    Diplomacy: Guinan (3/5) - she wins for combined stat, but Cornwell wins for base stat.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • This would be more interesting if you weren't allowed to list any mega event recurring legendaries. So, no Borg Queen, Kortar, T'Kuvma, Mirror Picard, Prisoner Katrina Cornwell, Surak, or Bell Riots Bashir. For players that haven't spent much money, that set will cover most (if not all) the skills except engineering. My exceptions:

    Engineer: Assimilated LaForge (5/5).
    Science: Assimilated Janeway (5/5) -- she wins with base stat, but Surak wins with combined
    Diplomacy: Guinan (3/5) - she wins for combined stat, but Cornwell wins for base stat.
    I like that idea. We could do both. As such, my non-mega tops:

    June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 4/4 Tieran Possessed Kes
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Mintakan Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 3/5 Romulan Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Robin Hood
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Combat Medic Paris
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Princess Jadzia

    June 2018 (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Kahless the Unforgettable
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 2/5 Romulan Picard
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 3/5 Romulan Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/5 Species 8472 Invader
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 1/5 Ilia Probe
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    Base Only that are non reoccuring mega crew

    Command-Captain LaForge 5/5
    Diplomacy-Victorian Pulaski 4/4
    Engineering-Dress Uniform Scotty 1/5
    Security-Wrathful Khan 5/5
    Science-LtCommander Jadzia Dax 4/5
    Medical-Combat Medic Paris 4/4
  • Oh, I'm totally down for this. It sounds fantastic. Here's my go, without megas.

    Base Stats Only
    1st Officer (CMD): 4/5 First Officer Burnham
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Kolinahr Spock
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Scientist Degra
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/5 Klingon Janeway
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Mobile Doctor
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax

    Combined Stats
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Captain Killy
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Kolinahr Spock
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/5 Klingon Janeway
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Captain Beverly Picard
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Honey Bare Jadzia
    They say time is the fire in which we burn.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll play, and account for @Matt_Decker's suggestion of excluding the mega-event 5*'s. I've put an asterisk next to the ones who actually are my top in those skills.

    CMD 4/4 Tieran Possessed Kes
    DIP 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    ENG 4/4 Niners Rom*
    SEC 1/5 Durango Troi
    MED 4/4 RAF Julian Bashir
    SCI 4/4 Graduation Michael Burnham

    COMBINED (using Crew Quarters sort; I'm too lazy to look up Voyage stats)
    CMD 1/5 Commander Kira Nerys
    DIP 5/5 Bartender Guinan*
    ENG 1/5 Tempted Data*
    SEC 1/5 Mirror Reed
    MED 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    SCI 4/4 Graduation Michael Burnham
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    Excluding Megas

    COM: 4/4 Tieran Possessed Kes
    DIP: 4/4 Mintakan Troi
    ENG: 3/5 Assimilated La Forge
    SEC: 2/5 Falcon O'Brien
    MED: 4/4 Combat Medic Paris
    SCI: 4/4 Graduation Michael Burnham

    COM: 1/5 Kahless the Unforgettable
    DIP: 3/5 Mariachi Q
    ENG: 3/5 Tempted Data
    SEC: 1/5 Mirror Reed
    MED: 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    SCI: 4/4 Graduation Michael Burnham
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I'll roll with the "No Megas Allowed" rule as well. Posted my actual boosted numbers also.

    CMD 5/5 Captain Killy (1271)
    DIP 5/5 Resistance Neelix (1292)
    ENG 5/5 Mirror Data (1255)
    SEC 5/5 Away Team Saru (1207)
    MED 5/5 Age Of Sail Crusher (1126)
    SCI 5/5 Away Team Saru (can a crew be in 2 spots at once? If not, 5/5 Protomorphosis Barclay could take Saru's SCI spot) (1326)

    CMD 5/5 Captain Killy (1271 + 221-482)
    DIP 5/5 Resistance Neelix (1292 + 244-604)
    ENG 5/5 Mirror Data (1255 + 176-396)
    SEC 5/5 Mintakan Riker (1150 + 280-586)
    MED 4/4 Mirror Phlox (898 + 297-870)
    SCI 5/5 Proto Barclay (1298 + 252-489)
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay I'll have another bash....

    June 2018 - BASE
    1st Officer (CMD): TP Kes
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 4/4 Drone Seven
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/4 Robin Hood
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    Science Officer (SCI): 3/5 Lt Cmmdr Jadzia Dax ran a marathon and is now a winner, closely followed by 1/5 Ilia Probe

    June 2018
    1st Officer (CMD): puter says EV Suit Archer however I use 2/5 Killy as her eng and sec teritiary skills are higher and of course, i love her 💜
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Mintaken Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 4/4 Drone Seven
    Chief of Security (SEC): 3/4 Ellen Landry
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Nurse Faith Garland
    Science Officer (SCI): 3/5 Lt Cmmdr Jadzia Dax
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mega-less redo: (I think I actually like these crews better).

    June 2018 (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Gangster Kirk
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Commander Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Obsidian Order Garak
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 1/5 Surgeon Pulaski
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax

    June 2018 (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 1701 Sisko
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Commander Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Obsidian Order Garak
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Benny Russell
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Excluding mega-event 5*s (brackets)...

    CMD 4/4 Tieran Possessed Kes (4/5 Borg Queen)
    DIP 4/4 Victorian Pulaski (5/5 Cornwell)
    ENG 4/4 Niners Rom
    SEC 1/5 Maquis Tuvok 3/4 Robin Hood, just got 3rd star from Voyage. :) (4/5 Kortar)
    MED 1/5 Mobile Doctor (5/5 Cornwell)
    SCI 4/4 Princess Jadzia (5/5 Surak).

    Combined (using crew sort)
    CMD 1/5 EV Suit Archer (5/5 Mirror Picard)
    DIP 2/5 Bartender Guinan (5/5 Cornwell)
    ENG 4/4 Human Q
    SEC 1/5 Suus Mahna Sarek (5/5 Mirror Picard)
    MED 4/4 Mirror Phlox (5/5 Cornwell)
    SCI 4/4 Sarina Douglas (5/5 Surak).

    I should put as caveat ... I've frozen 4* crew that have potential of being top in category (e.g. Graduation Michael Burnham).

    EDIT: Have added Federation restriction (see posts below) - by the way I've really frozen quite a number of my best Federation crew (see SEC!!) ... this is who I have left after the "carnage" :)

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Base Stats)
    CMD 1/5 Captain Sisko
    DIP 4/4 Marla McGivers
    ENG 1/5 Mirror Data
    SEC 1/5 Away Team Saru
    MED 1/5 Mobil Doctor
    SCI 4/4 Commander Thelin.

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Combined Stats)
    CMD 1/5 Captain Sisko
    DIP 4/4 Marla McGivers
    ENG 1/5 Mirror Data
    SEC 2/5 Admiral Janeway
    MED 1/5 Mobil Doctor
    SCI 1/5 Away Team Saru.
  • I'm totally into doing this without considering the recurring mega event characters.

    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Sheriff of Nottingham Q
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/5 Klingon Janeway
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Age of Sail Crusher
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Graduation Michael Burnham

    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Sheriff of Nottingham Q
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/5 Bartender Guinan
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Scott
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Admiral Janeway
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox (if using the "Combined" sort in crew quarters); 5/5 Age of Sail Crusher (if using voyage numbers)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Seven of Nine
  • With no mega event recurring crew...

    Base Stats Only
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 First Officer Burnham
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Zhian'tara Odo
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Dress Uniform Scotty
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Falcon O'Brien
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Dr. Hugh Culber
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Leonardo Da Vinci

    Combined Stats
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Smitten Jean-Luc Picard
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Tempted Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Mirror Reed
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Dr. Hugh Culber
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 The Keeper
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad. Run, don't walk, to Quark's Holosuite!

    Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Ooh this is fun!

    1st Officer (CMD): 3/4 Warlord Kes
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Mintakan Troi
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 4/4 Niners Rom
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Mirror Dax
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 RAF Bashir
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Graduation Burnham

    1st Officer (CMD): 4/4 Bajoran Dukat
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 3/5 Bartender Guinan
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Tempted Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Mirror Dax
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Nurse Garland
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Graduation Burnham

    EDIT: After posting, I noticed the non-mega rule. So I redid mine.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    My mega-less bridge crews overall, and then for fun I've added a Federation Starfleet in Uniform set -- since that's what's required to serve on the bridge (at least under Captain Jellico)!

    Overall (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated La Forge
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/5 Falcon O'Brien (although it was Durango Troi until just a few days ago)
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Combat Medic Paris
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway

    Overall (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Kahless the Unforgettable
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 3/5 Bartender Guinan
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated La Forge
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/5 Mirror Reed
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Base Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Marla McGivers
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Dress Uniform Scotty
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Warship Yar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Holonovel Doctor
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Reinforcements Stamets

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Dress Uniform Scotty
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Commander Ellen Landry
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Bridge Officer Troi
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 First Officer Saru

    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • All crew FF/FE

    Base skill -
    1st officier: Commander Kira
    Comm officer: Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Chief Engineer: RAF O’Brien
    Security Chief: Kortar
    CMO: Mobile Doctor
    Science officer: Leonardo da Vinci

    Combined skill -
    1st officier: Mirror Picard
    Comm officer: Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Chief Engineer: Tempted Data
    Security Chief: First Officer Riker
    CMO: Prisoner Cornwell
    Science officer: Surak
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Base (June 2018):
    CMD: Gangster Kirk 5/5 (really Borg Queen 5/5)
    DIP: Arachnia Janeway 5/5
    ENG: Scientist Degra 5/5
    SEC: Durango Troi 3/5 (really Kortar 5/5)
    MED: Mobile Doctor 4/5 (really, soon to be 5/5 Sith Bashir followed by Cornwell 5/5)
    SCI: Assimilated Janeway 5/5

    Combined (June 2018):
    CMD: Gangster Kirk 5/5 (really Mirror Picard 5/5 followed by Queen 5/5)
    DIP: Arachnia Janeway 5/5
    ENG: RAF Miles O’Brien 5/5
    SEC: Obsidian Order Garak 4/5 (really Kortar 5/5 followed by Mirror Picard 5/5)
    MED: Mirror Phlox 4/4 (really Cornwell 5/5)
    SCI: Scientist Degra 5/5 (really Surak 5/5)
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    My mega-less bridge crews overall, and then for fun I've added a Federation Starfleet in Uniform set -- since that's what's required to serve on the bridge (at least under Captain Jellico)!

    Overall (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Victorian Pulaski
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated La Forge
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/5 Falcon O'Brien (although it was Durango Troi until just a few days ago)
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Combat Medic Paris
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway

    Overall (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Kahless the Unforgettable
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 3/5 Bartender Guinan
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated La Forge
    Chief of Security (SEC): 1/5 Mirror Reed
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Mirror Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Assimilated Janeway

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Base Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Marla McGivers
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Dress Uniform Scotty
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Warship Yar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Holonovel Doctor
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 Reinforcements Stamets

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): 1/5 Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 4/4 Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Dress Uniform Scotty
    Chief of Security (SEC): 4/4 Commander Ellen Landry
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Bridge Officer Troi
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 First Officer Saru

    Oh I like the Starfleet Uniform limitation idea. Here's mine (also no Mega crew):

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform
    1st Officer (CMD): 2/4 Captain T'Pol
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 2/5 Lt. Cmdr. Dax
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 1/5 Tempted Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): 2/4 Warship Yar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 4/4 Bridge Officer Troi
    Science Officer (SCI): 4/4 First Officer Saru

    It was acutally the same for base and combined
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    C - FO Burnham 1/5 (Borg Queen 5/5)
    D - Grand Nagus Zek 4/5
    E - Subcommander T'Rul 4/4
    Se - Falcon O'Brien 1/5 (Kortar 4/5)
    M - Dark Age McCoy 5/5 (Prisoner Katrina Cornwell 4/5)
    Sc - Leonardo Da Vinci 3/5 (Surak 4/5)

    C - Kahless 1/5 (Mirror Jean-Luc Picard 5/5)
    D - Locutus of Borg 5/5
    E - The Caretaker 1/5
    Se - Obsidian Order Garak 4/5 (Mirror Jean-Luc Picard 5/5)
    M - Mirror Phlox 4/4
    Sc - Benny Russell 1/5 (Surak 4/5)

    Edited for reasons.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    All crew listed are immortal:
    Overall (Base Stats Only)
    1st Officer (CMD): Pah-Wraith Keiko
    Chief of Communications (DIP): Zhian'tara Odo
    Chief Engineer (ENG): Captain Lorian
    Chief of Security (SEC): Falcon O'Brien
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): Dr. Hugh Culber
    Science Officer (SCI): Temporal Agent Daniels

    Overall (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): Kahless the Unforgettable
    Chief of Communications (DIP): Smitten Jean-Luc Picard
    Chief Engineer (ENG): Tempted Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): Mirror Reed
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): Defensive Phlox
    Science Officer (SCI): Surak

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Base Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): First Officer Burnham
    Chief of Communications (DIP): Admiral Kirk
    Chief Engineer (ENG): Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Chief of Security (SEC): Protomorphosis Worf
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): Dr Hugh Culber
    Science Officer (SCI): Protomorphosis Barclay

    Federation Starfleet Officers in Uniform (Combined Stats)
    1st Officer (CMD): Captain Lorca
    Chief of Communications (DIP): Smitten JLP
    Chief Engineer (ENG): Tempted Data
    Chief of Security (SEC): Ushaan Archer
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): Culber
    Science Officer (SCI): Proto Barclay

    Had to get real picky there - technically the protomorphosis guys are wearing Starfleet uniforms.
  • 3f1wnr6o7jo7.png

    No Megas, all Base, minimal typing ;)
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • The all uniform theme really shows how low you have to go for some skills, particularly Secb6ij52xxsoph.png
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • 1/5 EMH would be my non Mega & Uniformed Med
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Had to get real picky there - technically the protomorphosis guys are wearing Starfleet uniforms.

    You are correct, of course. But somehow I don't think Jellico would let them serve on his bridge. ;-)
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    The all uniform theme really shows how low you have to go for some skills, particularly Sec

    I know, right? It's really interesting that folks in their standard uniforms (not counting mirror counterparts) just don't seem to rank as highly for DB.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • edited June 2018
    Combined Stats
    1st Officer: 5/5 Mirror Picard
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Martian Quark
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Lorian
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Musketeer LaForge
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Cornwell
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak

    Base Stats
    1st Officer (CMD): First Officer Burnham
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Martian Quark
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Captain Lorian
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Cornwell
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Leonardo Da Vinchi
  • Sure thing, I am in. I will add in brackets the non-mega crew.

    Base stats:
    1st Officer: 5/5 Borg Queen (3/5 Commander Kira Nerys)
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell (4/4 Victorian Pulaski)
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated Geordi LaForge (5/5 Scientist Degra)
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Kortar (5/5 Suus Mahna Sarek)
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell (5/5 Age of Sail Crusher)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak (5/5 Lt Commander Jadzia Dax)

    Combined stats:
    1st Officer: 5/5 Mirror Picard (4/5 Sheriff of Nottingham Q)
    Chief of Communications (DIP): 5/5 Bartender Guinan (5/5 Obsidian Order Garaki)
    Chief Engineer (ENG): 5/5 Assimilated Geordi LaForge (5/5 One)
    Chief of Security (SEC): 5/5 Suus Mahna Sarek (5/5 Judge Q) (funnily enough, Obsidian Garak is second, but he's got a post aready)
    Chief Medical Officer (MED): 5/5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell (5/5 Age of Sail Crusher)
    Science Officer (SCI): 5/5 Surak (5/5 Scientist Degra)

    There you go guys :) And thanks for the fun.
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