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World cup event



  • [SJ] Yorkster[SJ] Yorkster ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018

    Hope you two dont mind that i used these ideas for my little blurp above?

    Not in the slightest!

    Edit: fixed quote
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Wow, so many great ideas here. DB are you listening?

    I hope not. I have no issues with non canon crew, but I've always hated when games inject real life events or themes where they don't fit.

    So please, no World Cup event, or World Series, or Easter/April Fool's Day/National Catfish Day, or Jurassic World, or ...
  • Dralix wrote: »
    S31 wrote: »
    Wow, so many great ideas here. DB are you listening?

    I hope not. I have no issues with non canon crew, but I've always hated when games inject real life events or themes where they don't fit.

    So please, no World Cup event, or World Series, or Easter/April Fool's Day/National Catfish Day, or Jurassic World, or ...

    Each to their own... but Data did mention that Diwali was being celebrated on the Enterprise once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDPxEEuWWuA

    And we do know that soccer football was still being played into the 24th century:
    (ENT: Minefield)
    ARCHER: I heard that England made it to the finals in the World Cup.
    REED: I beg your pardon?
    ARCHER: The World Cup? Soccer?
    REED: Oh. I'm afraid I don't much follow football, sir.

    (DS9: Let He Who is Without Sin)
    WORF: When I was thirteen, I was captain of my school soccer team. We had made the championships, and I was determined to win. Near the end of the second half, with the score tied, my team got a corner kick. The ball sailed up high. Both I and one of my opponents, a human boy named Mikel, leaped up to head the ball. He had position, but I was determined to score. I remember laughing with excitement as I threw myself at him.
    DAX: Go on.
    WORF: The next thing I knew, the ball was sailing into their goal. I roared with triumph and turned around to Mikel to gloat, only to find him lying on the grass bleeding. Our heads had collided when we both went up for the ball. I had not feel the impact, but I had broken his neck, and he died the next day.

    So it could be argued that a 'themed' event could fit in with the Trek Universe.

  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    S31 wrote: »
    Wow, so many great ideas here. DB are you listening?

    I hope not. I have no issues with non canon crew, but I've always hated when games inject real life events or themes where they don't fit.

    So please, no World Cup event, or World Series, or Easter/April Fool's Day/National Catfish Day, or Jurassic World, or ...

    Each to their own... but Data did mention that Diwali was being celebrated on the Enterprise once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDPxEEuWWuA

    And we do know that soccer football was still being played into the 24th century:
    (ENT: Minefield)
    ARCHER: I heard that England made it to the finals in the World Cup.
    REED: I beg your pardon?
    ARCHER: The World Cup? Soccer?
    REED: Oh. I'm afraid I don't much follow football, sir.

    (DS9: Let He Who is Without Sin)
    WORF: When I was thirteen, I was captain of my school soccer team. We had made the championships, and I was determined to win. Near the end of the second half, with the score tied, my team got a corner kick. The ball sailed up high. Both I and one of my opponents, a human boy named Mikel, leaped up to head the ball. He had position, but I was determined to score. I remember laughing with excitement as I threw myself at him.
    DAX: Go on.
    WORF: The next thing I knew, the ball was sailing into their goal. I roared with triumph and turned around to Mikel to gloat, only to find him lying on the grass bleeding. Our heads had collided when we both went up for the ball. I had not feel the impact, but I had broken his neck, and he died the next day.

    So it could be argued that a 'themed' event could fit in with the Trek Universe.

    Let's do it. 😀
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just make the event a Parrises Squares event and it'll be close enough... Perfect chance to get some of the Doctor's holographic family into the game too
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