Outage Compensation Issue
I have discovered that some in my fleet received the 250 chroniton compensation twice. I've read of at least one instance here in the forums of it happening as well. I understand tbings happen in a game when servers get updated or events reach their conclusion, however I must ask if it was human error that gave people double compensation for the outage. Regardless of human error or computer error, this issue should be addressed and corrected in a fitting manner. I have also submitted a ticket to further raise the issue.
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+1. I know quite a few UNAFFECTED players are are sitting at 250 crons better than those of us who had the issues. No bueno.
We will look into what caused the issue. This is unfortunately a case where we cannot and will not issue further compensation.
I too have gone charging with my sword of words to fight an injustice, accidental or deliberate..
(See Mirror Troi-Gate, Mirror data's uggo face, the not our fault lost community 10x)
And if we were in the era of pre Voyages..
OR if it were a much greater number in to the 1000+ range, I'd be riding shotgun with you no doubt..
(In fact, there actually was a situation in the past of 1000 or 1500 given out double for some)
In this instance..
Yes, perfection is preferred..
But there are a great many other battles that could be fought with greater reward to be yielded.
The latter part. It should be a trivial matter to run a tool/script against the database and see who got double the compensation. Then write a script that pays another 250 chron to those that didn’t get it twice. Maybe 1hr to write, test and use the check and 15 mins for the deployed fix?
Although that sort of assumes that they keep a full record of what's been sent, and that the bug hasn't influenced that record in some way.
I don't know what their code looks like, or if they have the people in the office for that when it happens, or if it's just one of those "eh, everybody got it at least once, which was the intention, let's go back to what we were working on before." But, it's possible that any sort of rational fix falls under the heading of "easier said than done."
Yeah, no kidding. I mean, what if those people have already spent their 500 chrons, what then?
Honestly, man, this whole tendency amongst certain players to get all up in arms and demand reciprocity for every little thing gets really old after awhile. Mistakes happen, and sometimes some people will benefit from those mistakes. If you feel you've been personally held back by not being one of the people who was on the surplus side of this particular mistake, then submit a ticket — but the protesting and grumbling is on the extreme side for something like this. I have to think most players really couldn't give a rip about it.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I've already moved on.
As I tell my I.T. peeps, "Please close the ticket"
If there had been a trivial way to rectify the situation, we would have done so. Unfortunately that was not the case.
As I posted in another thread, we are sorry that a technical hiccup occurred while the in-game mail with the 250 Chronitons was sending out resulting in some players getting it twice. We will track down the cause and remedy it.
Edit: By remedy I mean remedy what caused the issue, we cannot correct the fact that some have received the email twice and others have not.