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The gauntlet!

pieman247pieman247 ✭✭
edited July 2018 in The Bridge
Every time I go on gauntlet, it always does something to piss me off. Any time I find a character with weaker stats and I know I can beat them, they get a cheap critical chance and screw me over.

Not even changing opponents helps because it's always has that stupid Mirror Phlox, or Guinan, or any immortalized 5* character that you clearly can't beat because you need to waste more dilithium on portals.

<snip> ˜Shan


  • Gauntlet has gotten stale for me with the endless Mirror Picard-Mirror Phlox-Guinan-Surak walls. I play for the Gauntlet achievement to get Locutus but after that I’m seriously thinking of stopping. The opponents with 5% Crit then get one and beat you by 50 pts makes me want to throw me phone out the window. I feel your pain.

    I learned my lesson long ago, don’t use Merits to refresh opponents because you’ll still lose and be even angrier. When my crew is weakened I just toss them to the wolves to lose just to get closer to Achievement.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Gauntlet has gotten stale for me with the endless Mirror Picard-Mirror Phlox-Guinan-Surak walls. I play for the Gauntlet achievement to get Locutus but after that I’m seriously thinking of stopping. The opponents with 5% Crit then get one and beat you by 50 pts makes me want to throw me phone out the window. I feel your pain.

    I learned my lesson long ago, don’t use Merits to refresh opponents because you’ll still lose and be even angrier. When my crew is weakened I just toss them to the wolves to lose just to get closer to Achievement.

    Same here. I stopped caring if I win every match. Just throw them in there and see what happens. It is called "the gauntlet" for a good reason. It's supposed to be ball-busting. Take what I get and carry on.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    Same...the gauntlet is so incredibly leveled against you it’s easier to predict your losses rather than size up a win. NEVER go against the same card if you have a bit of an edge...that’s called a spinner bait...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • I don't much care if I win any more. I'm just doing it to add up the rounds. Working towards the 20000 reward.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Same, not even entered yesterday's.
    DB: Do Better
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Never go against the same card, unless you have nothing to lose (ie you’ve just lost a streak on your previous turn, you’re not bothered about maintaining a streak or it’s the last few battles before a reset)

    I’ve had hundreds, if not thousands, of rounds I should have lost but didn’t. But I don’t tend to remember them. I certainly don’t see Line group chats or forum threads with screenshots of unexpected gauntlet wins very often, but I believe they do happen.

    Short of it is, gauntlets are frustrating but I don’t feel there are any unfair issues. And if there are, you’re late to the party.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been frustrated with gauntlet lately. I finish top 10 nearly every time and still no Caretaker. I'm being punished for having good luck with Guinan.

    Lately I've been playing solely for farming merits.
  • I don't much care if I win any more. I'm just doing it to add up the rounds. Working towards the 20000 reward.

    Same...but i still drudge the days i enter.
  • Totally agree! I get upset every single time I enter it. I use it sometimes as a preventive measure to spending money.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Totally agree! I get upset every single time I enter it. I use it sometimes as a preventive measure to spending money.

    If anything could convince DB to make Gauntlet (more?) fair, this comment has an outstanding chance. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    Remove crits and it would slow down the complaints of foul play.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Somehow the complainers are overlooking the fact that its title is Gauntlet:

    noun: gauntlet; noun: gantlet
    go through an intimidating or dangerous crowd, place, or experience in order to reach a goal.
    "they had to run the gauntlet of television cameras"
    undergo the military punishment of receiving blows while running between two rows of men with sticks.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget this was supposed to be ‘fun’...

    For Q, the gauntlet creator, it is fun. 😉
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • TaskerTasker ✭✭✭
    pieman247 wrote: »
    Not even changing opponents helps because it's always has that stupid Mirror Phlox, or Guinan, or any immortalized 5* character that you clearly can't beat because you need to waste more dilithium on portals.

    ACKCHUALLY, you don't need to immortalize your golds to max them in gauntlet, just fully equip them. Gauntlet is based solely on proficiency, so as long as they're fe'd you're getting the same benefit from a 1/5 as you would from an immortal.

    Take it from somebody who has several of the major gauntlet beasts immortalized: there's no point at which what you're complaining about stops happening. I've been playing for over a year, have Guinan and Seven of Nine and Mirror Picard immortal and Locutus FE'd, and it still happens.

    Oh, and be sure you're in a fleet with a high-powered starbase. You'll still lose every close match, but you will have more reason to complain since your stats will be higher.
  • pieman247 wrote: »
    Every time I go on gauntlet, it always does something to piss me off. Any time I find a character with weaker stats and I know I can beat them, they get a cheap critical chance and screw me over.

    Not even changing opponents helps because it's always has that stupid Mirror Phlox, or Guinan, or any immortalized 5* character that you clearly can't beat because you need to waste more dilithium on portals.

    Screw you gauntlet, you stupid cheating bastard!

    1/5 to 5/5 offer exactly the same aptitude, so in this particular case using Dilithium to inmotalize a crew will not make the difference, but the Gauntlet is the most anoying/unfair thing on the game for sure!
  • [10F] gobolts07 [10F] gobolts07 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Yes, games can be frustrating. But anything beyond a moment of annoyance for such things is excessive. So can we please have a moratorium on these kinds of threads? I get it, a number of you are so angry you wanna throw your phone at the wall because you have had some unlucky streaks in Gauntlet (and are obviously ignoring any lucky streaks which have offset those). Oh, and DB is evil and is obviously skewing the odds against you — which of course makes zero sense because you're playing against other players, and somebody's got to be the beneficiary of such "cheating", yeah? But is that about it? Have I got that right?

    Look, streaks happen. You can either take that fact in stride and keep cool about it all, or be like the infamous "poker brat" Phil Hellmuth who swears and steams whenever things don't go his way.

    The former is a much more pleasant way to live your life, but if you prefer to court a heart attack, please continue fuming and blustering like a lunatic...
    ...just do it in the privacy of your own home and not here, if you'd be so kind.

    I agree. I never pulled a Locutus or Guinan but I’ve gotten two Caretakers. It’s all RNG/pure crap luck. If for some like the OP it’s become something you hate then a break may be in order. It’s another reason I don’t spend a ton of $$ other than a monthly card and a few 10/10 here and there. It would just increase my level of angst.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel like I'm never going to get a Caretaker.
  • Accepts these simple facts about the Gauntet and your life will be an happy one:

    Critical hits are displaying fine for you but there’s a bug with the Defender. Real percentages are:
    5% = More like 25%
    25% = More like 45%
    45% = More like 65%
    65% = Seriously, stay away

    If there’s a remote mathematical chance of you losing and you feel there’s no chance you will, there’s a 25-30% you’ll blow a fuse
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Never go against the same card, unless you have nothing to lose (ie you’ve just lost a streak on your previous turn, you’re not bothered about maintaining a streak or it’s the last few battles before a reset)

    Short of it is, gauntlets are frustrating but I don’t feel there are any unfair issues. And if there are, you’re late to the party.

    Oh contraire mon capitaine, unfairness is deeply built-in in Gauntlet mechanic. If it was fair you could choose your opponents freely. You can't ergo it's not fair...

    Gauntlet is very poor game system but great dilithium and merit sink. This is its carefully designed and implemented function. I treat it as such and mostly avoid it. No refreshes whatever the situation is.
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Somehow the complainers are overlooking the fact that its title is Gauntlet:

    noun: gauntlet; noun: gantlet
    go through an intimidating or dangerous crowd, place, or experience in order to reach a goal.
    "they had to run the gauntlet of television cameras"
    undergo the military punishment of receiving blows while running between two rows of men with sticks.

    These are very good definitions. No fun, just punishment.
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Yes, games can be frustrating. But anything beyond a moment of annoyance for such things is excessive. So can we please have a moratorium on these kinds of threads?

    I disagree. If some topics are raised up regularly then these topics are important.

  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have completed 5398 rounds of Gauntlet.
    I have participated in 50 events.
    I have been playing for 10 months.
    I have picked up 3 golds from the Gauntlet.
    The drop rates aren't worth it.
    The frustration isn't worth it.
    The achievement isn't worth it.

    I thought I would get more from the effort put in. Maybe I'm expecting too much. But. Putting those figures up, the uncountable times I have nearly screamed out loud.

    Nah. I just want to have fun. That ain't fun.
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  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gauntlet is absolutely and consistently painful to participate in... but really, what choice do I have... it's one of those if you skip it you suffer sort of things
  • Merits & credits are all I go for. Locutus is a distant vision for me, so I play Gauntlet when there’s nothing else to do. Hey, it works for my sanity.

    My philosophy exactly. There are many days I don't do anything with the Gauntlet at all. When I do, I go for modest streaks (3 to 15 or so) and really try to invest the bare minimum in thought and resources. I don't get worked up about it because of all the game modes, it is BY FAR the easiest to skip.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you think gauntlet is unfair, rigged, frustrating, biased, broken, etc., and you actually want DB to FIX it, then STOP SPENDING DILITHIUM in gauntlet. As long as idiots are still dropping dilithium in gauntlet, DB has absolutely no incentive to change it.
  • If you think gauntlet is unfair, rigged, frustrating, biased, broken, etc., and you actually want DB to FIX it, then STOP SPENDING DILITHIUM in gauntlet. As long as idiots are still dropping dilithium in gauntlet, DB has absolutely no incentive to change it.

  • If you think gauntlet is unfair, rigged, frustrating, biased, broken, etc., and you actually want DB to FIX it, then STOP SPENDING DILITHIUM in gauntlet. As long as idiots are still dropping dilithium in gauntlet, DB has absolutely no incentive to change it.

    I spent some small amount of dilithium on the first day the gauntlet went live. Since then, I've never spent a drop. It is total madness to think of spending actual money on something so random and rewardless. Yes, for all that is holy, please stop.
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