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Well Handled

[QH] Captain Ziggy[QH] Captain Ziggy ✭✭✭✭
edited July 2018 in The Bridge
I was one of the people who purchased the bugged pack - only a few though.
I noticed that my dilithium balance changed twice without anyone actually communicating exactly why and how it had been calculated so I sent a ticket asking for confirmation.
The reply was swift and from someone who was actually in charge of the situation so I didn't feel messed about or like I was wasting my time as has happened on some past tickets. I still wasn't entirely clear on one point so asked for clarification and I've now received that and DB have got the maths right and made it clear how.

Many thanks to the person who handled my ticket and good luck with the remaining tickets.
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  • Expect a <snip> because you used a CS name. Of course, that would only be if it were a 2 way street, ofc.
  • I hope not as I think it was very professional and patient handling and deserves kudos
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Normal, sarcastic and critical Ziggy service will resume shortly I'm sure ;)
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope not as I think it was very professional and patient handling and deserves kudos

    That, and Andrea's not one of the usual CS reps, her position is a little higher up the food chain if I recall correctly.

    It shows how seriously they take this situation that all tickets and responses seem to be going to or from people who can really do something to help.
  • edited July 2018
    I know, the person who handled a ticket i had problems with (dont worry @Shan , i moderated my post for you) is one of the best CS reps, she handled a case i had awhile quite nicely involving a pack that switched what it gave me after an app crash. Took some fighting and "bump to your superior please" messages but it was resolved properly!
  • I have to say well done to DB on this issue... direct dilithium was removed the first day and the VIP bonus dilithium removed right after the holiday... Hopefully direct confirmation can put other players at ease about any undue advantage from bugged dilithium...
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad. Run, don't walk, to Quark's Holosuite!

    Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to say well done to DB on this issue... direct dilithium was removed the first day and the VIP bonus dilithium removed right after the holiday... Hopefully direct confirmation can put other players at ease about any undue advantage from bugged dilithium...

    Agreed. I understood the furor that arose from it, but they're handling of it has been on point.
  • I knew I liked you, @eXo | Frank. Thank you for the update.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ll add my name to the list of people who have been “reset”. Like Ziggy, the first day a chunk of the dilithium was removed and then after the holiday the VIP dilithium was also removed. I hadn’t spent any of the excess dilithium so mine was fairly simple for them.
  • Monopoly money is a great way to put it! It was really fun spending endlessly on silly things for half a day. And since none of it is real, they are welcome to take it back.
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just for the community:

    I was one of the "worst" offenders on the list probably - I was ready to go hard on the pack because I wanted to hit F2M on Yates. Instead, I got....DIL?

    So, try and try again, DIL. Then word spread like wildfire. And this isn't my first rodeo. I knew the wrong loot table had been coded and this was all coming to a screeching hault and FAST. So, while I wait, what the heck - let's have fun! I treated it as 'monopoly money' in that I know it isn't mine, i know it's going away and i know whatever I do for the next few minutes will be wiped out.

    So you know what that means? Time to speed up scans!
    Yes, I did *8* scan speedups. I took care of that daily right then and there. I bought 1 tier of crew slots, taking me from 275 to 280. I bought some shuttle boosts...why not? I even started pulling from the portal. Now, I could have had unlimited DIL and all the time in the world to pull from that 650 pack and it would take me HOURS to get one of the 4 useful gold stars I need. That's all I missing. 4 stars. Spoiler alert: I didn't get a useful one. Instead, I did about 75 pulls.

    Finally, the faucet was shut off and we were able to say "ok, that was fun!" like kids playing in the street in the summer when the fire hydrant is spraying water into the street. It's a free water park until the Fire Dept comes and shuts it off.

    Only, nothing changed, not immediately at least.
    Things were complicated. We learned that a rollback wasn't possible like we envisioned it in our heads. We learned that this was going to be a slow, painful, manual process. I thought I would do what I could to help, and took an accounting of everything i bought, and then airlocked all the crew. Because it's easier to do that and have the honor on hand to swap than crew that may expire before we get around to it.

    Fast forward a week later, and real life has happened. I've used honor to cite people, I've bought things, moved on with the game and my life. This can make the ultimate job of DB very hard, because my transaction log will look *nuts* and like I have been trying to launder the ill-gotten DIL.

    Today, I got a very well written and concise list of everything DB showed I had transacted, as well as what we they were going to remove. It was incredibly detailed and, amazingly, a little light. There was a discrepancy with two items on the list, in my favor mind you, and the issue of the used honor. I responded to the ticket with my accounting of everything I had purchased as well as where the honor went AND the mistakes made in the earlier calculations.

    So there you have it. Corrections are happening, but SLOWLY. They are doing things are fairly and correctly as possible. The main thing, to what Shan said earlier, is that they want to work with us, not against us. By working with them, and helping, the process goes faster and easier and brings this entire thing one step closer to the end. Was it fun while it lasted? Sure! Did I need anything i obtained? Not a single bit. Have I and will I continue to spend after all this? Yep. The best advice I can give to anyone is to jot down somewhere a rough idea of what you bought/acquired/airlocked/whatever and have it ready for the team when they open a ticket to you. That way you can establish the communication lines and make things go smoothly and also to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

    This is pretty sad and disturbing confession. Why all this colorful metaphors? Fire hydrant spraying water onto the street? You forgot to add you are the one responsible to open this hydrant... You made a mess and now trying to picture yourself as a hero helping CS to straighten things up? I don't get this...

    Frank didn't make DB put the wrong loot table in there. Frank didn't even spread the news about this. Why are you acting like he's persona non grata and the mastermind behind all this? He did nothing except buy a pack that was freely available to all.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    I'll tell you what Frank is responsible for. 8 scan speedups. 0 starbase refreshes. And that's why it isn't his fleet.

    He keeps trying to buy his own fleet too. Even if just to disband it.
  • As someone who didn't get the chance to enjoy the bugged pack and was a bit jealous of those who did, I am heartened by the posts of players who did buy the pack praising the way DB is handling this, especially since DB isn't saying much themselves. Thank you for sharing.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll tell you what Frank is responsible for. 8 scan speedups. 0 starbase refreshes. And that's why it isn't his fleet.

    He keeps trying to buy his own fleet too. Even if just to disband it.

    How much is he willing to pay ? Lol

    What !? I'm curious and poor lol. :P
    I'd Never sell my fleet.. I got good people and made some good friends.. but even on game shows you get to see what you turned down in the other brief case.. behind door number two ect..
  • 60 of 9 {DD}60 of 9 {DD} ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    If any of the post is to be removed, then it can all go. No need for only partial suppression.
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    As someone who didn't get the chance to enjoy the bugged pack and was a bit jealous of those who did, I am heartened by the posts of players who did buy the pack praising the way DB is handling this, especially since DB isn't saying much themselves. Thank you for sharing.

    DB isn't saying anything. That is what frusturates the player base.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    A reminder that we have Community Guidelines to follow when interacting on our forums, thanks.
    I would like to not have to close this thread.

    As for the comments about not saying anything, I am sorry that you feel that what was communicated was not specific enough. It was said that we will work with each player to address the issue, and this is exactly what we are doing.

  • @Shan I think the issue is that you're not expressing that every purchase made with the bugged dil will be removed and that players need to have some idea what of what they had before because, since this is manual removal, mistakes are possible.

    Communication is more than just shotgunning an email saying "this will be handled" and then not letting us know what's going on. We don't need specifics -- and credit to @eXo | Frank for sharing such specific details -- just some idea of what's going on.

    This was such a titanic issue that many people I speak to are quite frustrated at the lack of transparency. I, for one, am one of them. I don't care about the dil I had received from the pack being taken back, I care about how this is upsetting such a large swath of the players.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Farnsworth wrote: »
    @Shan I think the issue is that you're not expressing that every purchase made with the bugged dil will be removed and that players need to have some idea what of what they had before because, since this is manual removal, mistakes are possible.

    Communication is more than just shotgunning an email saying "this will be handled" and then not letting us know what's going on. We don't need specifics -- and credit to @eXo | Frank for sharing such specific details -- just some idea of what's going on.

    This was such a titanic issue that many people I speak to are quite frustrated at the lack of transparency. I, for one, am one of them. I don't care about the dil I had received from the pack being taken back, I care about how this is upsetting such a large swath of the players.

    They have let you know what's going on. They are working with players on an individual basis to make their accounts "right".

    You say you "don't need specifics", so that should be sufficient. ...unless what you ACTUALLY want is specifics. In that case, you'll have to wait for people like Frank and others to share their individual actions, because I doubt DB would want to share the details of another player's account with the public.
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Farnsworth wrote: »
    @Shan I think the issue is that you're not expressing that every purchase made with the bugged dil will be removed and that players need to have some idea what of what they had before because, since this is manual removal, mistakes are possible.

    Communication is more than just shotgunning an email saying "this will be handled" and then not letting us know what's going on. We don't need specifics -- and credit to @eXo | Frank for sharing such specific details -- just some idea of what's going on.

    This was such a titanic issue that many people I speak to are quite frustrated at the lack of transparency. I, for one, am one of them. I don't care about the dil I had received from the pack being taken back, I care about how this is upsetting such a large swath of the players.

    I doubt DB would want to share the details of another player's account with the public.

    How about "redacted" specifics?
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Farnsworth wrote: »
    @Shan I think the issue is that you're not expressing that every purchase made with the bugged dil will be removed and that players need to have some idea what of what they had before because, since this is manual removal, mistakes are possible.

    Communication is more than just shotgunning an email saying "this will be handled" and then not letting us know what's going on. We don't need specifics -- and credit to @eXo | Frank for sharing such specific details -- just some idea of what's going on.

    This was such a titanic issue that many people I speak to are quite frustrated at the lack of transparency. I, for one, am one of them. I don't care about the dil I had received from the pack being taken back, I care about how this is upsetting such a large swath of the players.

    They have let you know what's going on. They are working with players on an individual basis to make their accounts "right".

    You say you "don't need specifics", so that should be sufficient. ...unless what you ACTUALLY want is specifics. In that case, you'll have to wait for people like Frank and others to share their individual actions, because I doubt DB would want to share the details of another player's account with the public.

    I think specifics in terms of how the problem is being handled can be shared. No one is here asking for a list of accounts and what was done to each individual one. I, for one, am curious how they would go through and account for all the actions before the problem was noticed? As Frank has shown with his detailed entry, the issue is more than the simple removal of dilithium. Frank also mentioned he thought it was “light”... What is the procedure for this issue? To what extent is said procedure implemented?
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
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