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Gifts for Christmas

Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2018 in The Bridge
It would be nice this year to be able to give your fleetmembers packs or something, DB. Even a gift of a monthly card. Most other games have a gift deal set up. Perhaps a package to give everyone in the fleet a pack or two? I mean, something.



  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    AviTrek wrote: »
    No. I'm happy to receive gifts from DB, but an ability for one player to gift something to another player would break the game.

    You'd have fleets of zombie accounts collecting community rewards and gifting them to the one real player.

    You'd have zombie accounts buying the monthly card and then gifting that DIL to the owner.

    You'd create a game where to compete you need to run multiple accounts. Thanks, but no thanks.

    I see ur fair point, regarding free rewards, but i don t see it if u pay/buy things and gift it to another player(like a monthy card). Of course u shouldn t be able to gift ur own crew, chrons, credits, merits or dilithium, to someone else.

    In the past i played other games where special packs/offers were released that gave additional stuff to everyone in ur fleet. So if 3 ppl bought, everyone in the fleet got some extra items 3x. Its kind of nice, and no game breaker.

    And since u mentioned my accounts as example(at least it felt so, since i have 3 accounts in SST). All of my 4 Zombie accounts, i play for real and with real effort. I never merged a single account so far and won t do it in the future.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I meant zombie in the generic sense, I didn't even realize your name. I have no issue with players having multiple accounts that they play separately. I just don't want to see a game where you need to run secondary accounts to farm items for your primary account.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    In games where players can trade each other items, there has to be rigid policing of multi-accounts to prevent people from unfairly amassing an advantage over others. Punishments start with banning all but one account and go up from there to perma-bans by IP address (yes, there are ways around that but they require extra effort). Here, DB relishes the idea of multiple accounts because that means they have the chance at getting more money from individual players, even if it is just through extra as revenue.

    I don’t see DB ever allowing P2P trading for two reasons: it decreases revenue by players trading for crew/items/ships rather than buying packs or offers, and it decreases revenue (and increases enforcement costs) by ending legal multi-account use.

    Maybe we can convince them to expand crew sharing in events, whether by adding crew sharing to event types other than Factions or by allowing admirals/officers to share crew with the entire fleet in addition to what squad leaders share with their own squads. Maybe...if they think that having more competitive players through crew sharing will cause more people to try to achieve a particular rank and therefore lead to more pack/dilithium/offer sales.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    What I've seen in other games is the ability to gift people stuff that you can buy in the store. So for example I could gift someone the $100 bundle or for the matter a $9.99 one. What you also see typically is that they make a $5 bundle available that can be gifted, for more token gift giving.

    I'd love to see that here to be honest. There are plenty of situations in which I would like to be able to buy event crew or the shuttle slots for fleet members (if they wanted them).
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd just like to see a decent offer alas dB seem intent on miking whales until they are pissed off enough to leave
    DB: Do Better
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am talking about how someone, like a fleet leader for example, can buy a package of say, 50 monthly cards to be given to the fleet members. Or perhaps a package of 100 packs so each fleet member can get two packs each. Something like that. And I do not see the issue of doing for for a group.

  • I am talking about how someone, like a fleet leader for example, can buy a package of say, 50 monthly cards to be given to the fleet members. Or perhaps a package of 100 packs so each fleet member can get two packs each. Something like that. And I do not see the issue of doing for for a group.


    I can tell you that there'd be 49 rightly irked players if only a fleet leader could do this, because I'm way too poor to be so generous. I'd be okay with a one-off of some kind, though. Terms I'm comfortable with:

    Restriction of Four Gifts to Each Player
    There are two places to cap gift giving: how much anyone can give and how much anyone can receive. Four seems like a decent cap since it would still allow everyone in a squadron to give something to one another.

    $4.99 - $9.99 Max Price Point
    Reciprocity can feel obligatory, after all. There are surely players who wouldn't spend the additional money for themselves who would be uncomfortable feeling compelled to match what someone spent on them.

    Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Maybe for such a special occasion, something like the Starter Pack could be set up with fixed items and a Behold! at the end. For instance:

    5* Schematics x100
    Honor Citation* x1
    Voyage Extension token x1
    Shuttle Requisition token x1
    Behold!* x1

    *To scale with the above price point, a $4.99 pack would include 4* Citation and Behold! and a $9.99 pack would include 5*'s.
  • As nice a thought as that is it would be a unfair advantage of say a fleet having an advantage over other fleets because a Admiral is in a better position to fund those gifts over other Admirals.
    Leave the gift giving to Santa.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    No. I'm happy to receive gifts from DB, but an ability for one player to gift something to another player would break the game.

    You'd have fleets of zombie accounts collecting community rewards and gifting them to the one real player.

    You'd have zombie accounts buying the monthly card and then gifting that DIL to the owner.

    You'd create a game where to compete you need to run multiple accounts. Thanks, but no thanks.

    I believe SST was mentioning from DB to us, and not from a player to another player.
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I believe SST was mentioning from DB to us, and not from a player to another player.

    Actually I was wanting to give all the members of my fleet a gift.
  • Well I sent a couple members some Beef Jerky and they loved it. Nope it wasn't store bought.
  • It would be a PITA, but you could buy everyone in your fleet a $5 (insert platform name here) gift card to use for their next monthly card. Not sure what to do with the extra penny though. The PITA part would be getting everyone's platform correct.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be a PITA, but you could buy everyone in your fleet a $5 (insert platform name here) gift card to use for their next monthly card. Not sure what to do with the extra penny though. The PITA part would be getting everyone's platform correct.

    Getting the iOS/google/steam part isn’t that hard, it’s when people also have accounts using foreign versions of those app stores. For example a US Apple store gift card couldn’t be used by people in the UK App Store for Apple.

  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    I am talking about how someone, like a fleet leader for example, can buy a package of say, 50 monthly cards to be given to the fleet members. Or perhaps a package of 100 packs so each fleet member can get two packs each. Something like that. And I do not see the issue of doing for for a group.


    I can tell you that there'd be 49 rightly irked players if only a fleet leader could do this, because I'm way too poor to be so generous. I'd be okay with a one-off of some kind, though. Terms I'm comfortable with:

    Restriction of Four Gifts to Each Player
    There are two places to cap gift giving: how much anyone can give and how much anyone can receive. Four seems like a decent cap since it would still allow everyone in a squadron to give something to one another.

    $4.99 - $9.99 Max Price Point
    Reciprocity can feel obligatory, after all. There are surely players who wouldn't spend the additional money for themselves who would be uncomfortable feeling compelled to match what someone spent on them.

    Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Maybe for such a special occasion, something like the Starter Pack could be set up with fixed items and a Behold! at the end. For instance:

    5* Schematics x100
    Honor Citation* x1
    Voyage Extension token x1
    Shuttle Requisition token x1
    Behold!* x1

    *To scale with the above price point, a $4.99 pack would include 4* Citation and Behold! and a $9.99 pack would include 5*'s.

    Come on boss, us plebs need your scraps at least once per year!
  • BekkaBekka ✭✭✭
    I could see where someone in the fleet could buy something, and then everyone i the fleet get a 'bonus' pack. I play another game where that happens, if anyone purchases an gift box, everyone in the guild gets a gift box.

    This could be set up as a special thing for DB.

    For example - someone purchases a 10$ pack and everyone in the fleet gets a pack that has something like Travis mentioned above -
    1 behold & shuttle req if its a 10$ pack
    an honor citation and voyage extension for 25$ pack
    honor citation, voyage extension and shuttle req If its 50$
    100$ all of the above plus 5* schematics x 50 or 100 for a 100$ purchase

    (obviously since DB uses the .99 trick it would be 9.99 to 99.99)

    yes, this does give bonus' to those in fleet with whales, but it is kind of a nice thing to think about.

    As for just flat out gifting one item to another for cash - so if I wanted to give everyone in my faction a gift I'd have to pay $$$ for it... even if its a 1$ pack that's 49$ I'd have to invest to give everyone, and if you just give it to 1 or 2 that's unkind

    That type of gifting would be more of a bonus for whale factions and tilt the scales to much in favor of big spenders.

    Heck it would even be nice if people purchase the monthly card and everyone in the faction got a 1 time pack (at time of purchase) for something as simple as a 10 pack (that has the 4* crew)

  • DippyDippy ✭✭✭
    Thorozar wrote: »
    I can tell you that there'd be 49 rightly irked players if only a fleet leader could do this, because I'm way too poor to be so generous.

    Come on boss, us plebs need your scraps at least once per year!

    I want to see more of your posts in "ship themes" in lieu of loot.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    It would be nice this year to be able to give your fleetmembers packs or something, DB. Even a gift of a monthly card. Most other games have a gift deal set up. Perhaps a package to give everyone in the fleet a pack or two? I mean, something.


    Be happy to join your fleet and you can send me any gift you want via PayPal. 😉
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Man, if vip doesn't count when DB gives you something for free, and it also doesn't count when you actually give money to DB, when does it count?

    When you give money to DB in exchange for content for yourself. I had thought that rather self-evident.

    Okay, so does the person receiving the gift get the VIP?

    Because if not, it sounds like you could retain your VIP0 status by continually gifting things from one account to another.

    Maybe with two VIP0 friends, maybe with an alt account and a main account. Maybe with a whale friend and a VIP0.

    What you're proposing could be the practical equivalent of buying things for yourself with real money, getting the receipt, and then asking CS to remove the VIP from your account.

    I really don't understand, and I feel like that would ruin some of the sanctity involved in being VIP0.

    But what do I know.
  • DippyDippy ✭✭✭
    Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Man, if vip doesn't count when DB gives you something for free, and it also doesn't count when you actually give money to DB, when does it count?

    When you give money to DB in exchange for content for yourself. I had thought that rather self-evident.

    Okay, so does the person receiving the gift get the VIP?

    Because if not, it sounds like you could retain your VIP0 status by continually gifting things from one account to another.

    Maybe with two VIP0 friends, maybe with an alt account and a main account. Maybe with a whale friend and a VIP0.

    What you're proposing could be the practical equivalent of buying things for yourself with real money, getting the receipt, and then asking CS to remove the VIP from your account.

    I really don't understand, and I feel like that would ruin some of the sanctity involved in being VIP0.

    But what do I know.

    For some reason this makes me think of "The Loophole" by Garfunkel & Oates.
    (This comment wasn't intended to be offensive, but the song certainly is.)
  • Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Man, if vip doesn't count when DB gives you something for free, and it also doesn't count when you actually give money to DB, when does it count?

    When you give money to DB in exchange for content for yourself. I had thought that rather self-evident.

    Okay, so does the person receiving the gift get the VIP?

    Because if not, it sounds like you could retain your VIP0 status by continually gifting things from one account to another.

    Maybe with two VIP0 friends, maybe with an alt account and a main account. Maybe with a whale friend and a VIP0.

    What you're proposing could be the practical equivalent of buying things for yourself with real money, getting the receipt, and then asking CS to remove the VIP from your account.

    I really don't understand, and I feel like that would ruin some of the sanctity involved in being VIP0.

    But what do I know.

    I can't imagine anyone who would bother with such an elaborate scheme is still playing as VIP 0 in the first place.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be nice this year to be able to give your fleetmembers packs or something, DB. Even a gift of a monthly card. Most other games have a gift deal set up. Perhaps a package to give everyone in the fleet a pack or two? I mean, something.


    Be happy to join your fleet and you can send me any gift you want via PayPal. 😉

    Stay on my team and I'll triple what I gave you last year. 😀
  • If DB wants to give us something, I’m cool with that. I understand they’ve done that before, after Christmas.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Man, if vip doesn't count when DB gives you something for free, and it also doesn't count when you actually give money to DB, when does it count?

    When you give money to DB in exchange for content for yourself. I had thought that rather self-evident.

    Okay, so does the person receiving the gift get the VIP?

    Because if not, it sounds like you could retain your VIP0 status by continually gifting things from one account to another.

    Maybe with two VIP0 friends, maybe with an alt account and a main account. Maybe with a whale friend and a VIP0.

    What you're proposing could be the practical equivalent of buying things for yourself with real money, getting the receipt, and then asking CS to remove the VIP from your account.

    I really don't understand, and I feel like that would ruin some of the sanctity involved in being VIP0.

    But what do I know.

    I can't imagine anyone who would bother with such an elaborate scheme is still playing as VIP 0 in the first place.

    Alternatively, gifts could give both players VIP and then you could just contact CS to have them remove your VIP!

    Or is that the kind of thing that someone still playing as a VIP 0 would think is too elaborate of a scheme?
  • Does NOT Add to VIP Points
    VIP 0 is a prideful thing. Players should be able to purchase a gift for someone else without forfeiting that status.

    Man, if vip doesn't count when DB gives you something for free, and it also doesn't count when you actually give money to DB, when does it count?

    When you give money to DB in exchange for content for yourself. I had thought that rather self-evident.

    Okay, so does the person receiving the gift get the VIP?

    Because if not, it sounds like you could retain your VIP0 status by continually gifting things from one account to another.

    Maybe with two VIP0 friends, maybe with an alt account and a main account. Maybe with a whale friend and a VIP0.

    What you're proposing could be the practical equivalent of buying things for yourself with real money, getting the receipt, and then asking CS to remove the VIP from your account.

    I really don't understand, and I feel like that would ruin some of the sanctity involved in being VIP0.

    But what do I know.

    I can't imagine anyone who would bother with such an elaborate scheme is still playing as VIP 0 in the first place.

    Alternatively, gifts could give both players VIP and then you could just contact CS to have them remove your VIP!

    Or is that the kind of thing that someone still playing as a VIP 0 would think is too elaborate of a scheme?

    As a VIP 0, I would not like this in any shape or form. The idea of VIP 0 is to not spend any money, and a gift from another player would defeat that purpose. One could argue that it wasn't your money, but it goes against the spirit as money is being spent on the account, Also, one could have a whale VIP 0 account by just gifting everything from one account to another.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dear DEB Santa,

    Please Santa, may we have a female alien, Med, Eng, Sec, with Starfleet as a Trait, to use on Cadet Missions?

    It would save all of us one extra spot and 200 merits on our weekly crew, and help us all out alot.

    Either that, or make Human Males matter - we're feeling rather neglected/discriminated against, lol.

    Thanks DEB Santa, we know you love us and want to help us out.

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