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  • Hey Shan, DB has been claiming to have blocked these creepy abusive porn ads for months. We players would have to be stupid to believe the claims after more than half a year, so could you at least stop insulting our intelligence with these assurances?
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Shan, DB has been claiming to have blocked these creepy abusive porn ads for months. We players would have to be stupid to believe the claims after more than half a year, so could you at least stop insulting our intelligence with these assurances?

    Hm? I played this myself for a few hours. It is boring as hell, but it is zero porn. But whatever turns you on...
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Hey Shan, DB has been claiming to have blocked these creepy abusive porn ads for months. We players would have to be stupid to believe the claims after more than half a year, so could you at least stop insulting our intelligence with these assurances?

    Hm? I played this myself for a few hours. It is boring as hell, but it is zero porn. But whatever turns you on...

    Not my bag, but A game where one beats, impregnates, and is assisted in bathing by concubines certainly sounds like its aimed at a narrow fetish.

  • AdiAdi ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    For my wife "make coffee" is porn. 🙄
  • This thread really escalated quickly!
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adi wrote: »
    For my wife "make coffee" is porn. 🙄

    I'm reminded of the San Andreas "Hot Coffee" mod... anyone?
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Shan, DB has been claiming to have blocked these creepy abusive porn ads for months. We players would have to be stupid to believe the claims after more than half a year, so could you at least stop insulting our intelligence with these assurances?


    This was not relevant to the event thread where you commented so I am moving it here.
    I was about to reply to you on our FB page but as you are posting here as well, I will reply here.

    What platform are you using and when did you see this ad last?
    We gave instructions for it to be blocked and received confirmation that it would be done.
    Ad networks might not always respect said instructions though, as seems to be the case here.

    There is no reason on our end to purposely mislead players about this, what would be the point?

    So please let me know whether you are seeing this on iOs or Android, and if could check the actual network displaying it that would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    To identify a network please click on this symbol x2yx4n2mjdgd.png

  • Shan, on FB you said you needed me to identify the network pushing this ad,here you say you already told them to stop. Obviously one of those is a lie, but I cannot further assist you in your stated goal to stop these ads without knowing which
  • edited August 2019
    If you could direct me to the symbol I would apprecaite it, but as you will see below, it appears to not be present
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan, on FB you said you needed me to identify the network pushing this ad,here you say you already told them to stop. Obviously one of those is a lie, but I cannot further assist you in your stated goal to stop these ads without knowing which

    She means they told ALL their associated networks to stop the ad, so if one is still doing it, DB needs to know which one is not compliant so DB can stop the ad. She is not trying to deceive you.
  • Shan, on FB you said you needed me to identify the network pushing this ad,here you say you already told them to stop. Obviously one of those is a lie, but I cannot further assist you in your stated goal to stop these ads without knowing which

    She means they told ALL their associated networks to stop the ad, so if one is still doing it, DB needs to know which one is not compliant so DB can stop the ad. She is not trying to deceive you.

    I find that difficult to believe at this point, as they have been claiming victory for nine months. Furthermore if they allow people to advertise on their platform without having to register those advertisements, that is gross negligence, which they have specifically denied in the past, which would qualify as deception.

  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is this from the start of the ad?
    Are you playing on iOS or Android?
  • As I have mentioned, and my available player profile should affirm, IOS. I am curious how you can offer technical support at all without having that info availible. I have attached the beginning of the ad.q8ja8cg2fi3f.png
    I am quite curious how you expect to avoid this problem, going forward As apparently you do not even vet your ads well enough to know what they look like
  • Apologies if I seem curt but after 9 months of assurances this was not your business model, with no change, and more than a little derision I am understandably dubious
  • Apparently, last time I put this in the wrong place, so here goes. Trek, is attractive largely for a certain morality. Beating Concubines for fun is outside that morality, as is advertising it. There is no shortage of outrage over this even on sponsored social media, and DB has been promising change for 9 months. I say it is time they vet their ads, as currently they claim, that while they obvious can track who pays them to advertise, they cannot discern who puts up what ad. This is either negligence, or an insult to every player’s intelligence, and I doubt its negligence. Additionally DB seems real upset to have these images sent to them. To this I say, Well, now you know how we feel.

  • Well, you've got a point.
    Im not sure how much effort DB can allot for filtering objectionable ads.
    Not that it isnt the right thing to do.
    However, I will say this in DB's favor: I complained to them about seeing umpteen medical ads.
    I felt as if I were watching rerun TV for seniors there were so many medical ads.
    One polite complaint/request, and I've never seen another medical ad.
    So, in that example, I have to say DB did a good job.
    Why the above ad is appearing still...who knows?
    Sometimes, its not as simple a thing to stop a particular ad. For instance, what is DB's agreement with the ad stream provider? I dont know.
    You've got the moral high ground, its getting from there to the desired result
  • Well, you've got a point.
    Im not sure how much effort DB can allot for filtering objectionable ads.
    Not that it isnt the right thing to do.
    However, I will say this in DB's favor: I complained to them about seeing umpteen medical ads.
    I felt as if I were watching rerun TV for seniors there were so many medical ads.
    One polite complaint/request, and I've never seen another medical ad.
    So, in that example, I have to say DB did a good job.
    Why the above ad is appearing still...who knows?
    Sometimes, its not as simple a thing to stop a particular ad. For instance, what is DB's agreement with the ad stream provider? I dont know.
    You've got the moral high ground, its getting from there to the desired result

    I had the same objection to the med ads, and they were quick courteous and effective. In THIS case, I have received so many contradictory responses and explanations I domnot know what to think

  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't like that ad either. However my issue really is with that entire game.....
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  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    There was already a discussion about this, so I merged the 2 discussions together.
    I am looking into it. Once I know more I will let you know.

    I will also inquire as to why there no longer seem to be a symbol allowing to identify the network presenting the ad.
  • Any Luck Shan? Cause nothing has changed. Its been months. Wouldn’t wanna “spam” you, but I must say, DB doesn’t seem to care how its Players feel about being surprised with these images, so why you would expect that deference is beyond me
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    This has been brought up again and the ad network have received instructions to block said ad.
    Please let me know if it appears again.

    I have not yet received any update regarding the lack of icon to help identify the network.

    We are doing our very best to take care of issues like these in a timely manner.
    I am reiterating what I said in the other thread, instructions have been given to various ad networks to block said ad again.

  • SvenLundgrenSvenLundgren ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019

    The ad is being server by Unity Ads.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019

    The ad is being server by Unity Ads.

    Have you seen it recently? Thank you for confirming the network. All screenshots posted recently didn't show any symbol at all.
  • SvenLundgrenSvenLundgren ✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »

    The ad is being server by Unity Ads.

    Have you seen it recently? Thank you for confirming the network. All screenshots posted recently didn't show any symbol at all.

    Right before I posted the screenshot.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
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