Advanced Gauntlet Tactics

in Ready Room
After playing Timelines for over a year and half, I'm finally approaching the 10K Gauntlet rounds achievement. I know that means I'll be staring at another 10K rounds to get Locutus, and I'm not looking forward to the months of work it will take to finish out that achievement thread. As has been talked about by others (at length), I find the Gauntlet to be the worst part of this game and incredibly difficult to get any enjoyment out of. But I'm hoping that there are some advanced tactics that I could pick up to make this aspect of the game a little more bearable.
I say advanced tactics, because I understand the basics; ie: everything is based on efficiency scores, with crit percentages, and that you want to get streaks to (in theory, though not in practice) get better rewards. I'm thinking of this as a 301 class, not a 101 class.
Here are some long standing questions I have:
If you have no streak going, and nothing but exhausted crew, is it a good or bad idea to use crew to just get an extra round for the achievement? Am I losing points doing that; or is it no big deal?
How does the recharge timer work? Some times I see it is the full 4hrs; other times it's less. It just seems to be random. This is especially frustrating to figure out in the last 4hrs of a two-day Gauntlet.
Is there some shorthand that I can use to eye-ball what a card's crit will be? I get REALLY frustrated by a "non-crit crit," when you get a crit roll but it's lower than a previous non-crit roll. Also, some cards have terrible crits while others have great ones; an example: I used Amelia Earhart in a gauntlet a few weeks back, because she had a 45% bonus, but her crits were terrible and she was a hole on the team. How do I figure this out?
In selecting crew for Gauntlets, should I only pick good gauntleters? Or should I pick to the trait bonus and primary skill? Or some combo?
What are people's tactics for going after the Caretaker? The only defense I've found is to use the the Keeper when the Caretaker doesn't have Eng as a skill. In fact, the Caretaker seems to be the only worthwhile Eng gauntleter. I hate ceding an entire skill, but he's so strong and I just don't have anything to deal with him in Eng.
Should I be more of a free-spender on Merits to by-pass rounds? Or more conservative? I use to be a big spender and it kinda-though-not-completely seemed to even out that I got Merits back as I used them. But I've discovered Merit pulls are a great source of Honor, so I've been more careful with spending anywhere else. Also, I've never used Dilithium for recharges; should I reconsider that?
Advice and opinions welcomed! Part of the reason I've been so slow in getting Gauntlet rounds is it's such a frustrating part of the game; so any help making this easier would be great.
Since it will be asked, here are my current Gauntleters that I use most often:
Armus (I've won 3 of those)
Bartender Guinan (only won 1)
Gary Seven
Defensive Phlox (but I'm disappointed almost every time I use him)
Mirror Picard
The Keeper
Nurse Garland
Mirror Phlox
Survivalist Kirk
These I don't use that often:
Mirror La Forge
Etana Jol
Enabran Tain
Revolutionary Damar (though I just got him and he isn't FE yet)
I say advanced tactics, because I understand the basics; ie: everything is based on efficiency scores, with crit percentages, and that you want to get streaks to (in theory, though not in practice) get better rewards. I'm thinking of this as a 301 class, not a 101 class.
Here are some long standing questions I have:
If you have no streak going, and nothing but exhausted crew, is it a good or bad idea to use crew to just get an extra round for the achievement? Am I losing points doing that; or is it no big deal?
How does the recharge timer work? Some times I see it is the full 4hrs; other times it's less. It just seems to be random. This is especially frustrating to figure out in the last 4hrs of a two-day Gauntlet.
Is there some shorthand that I can use to eye-ball what a card's crit will be? I get REALLY frustrated by a "non-crit crit," when you get a crit roll but it's lower than a previous non-crit roll. Also, some cards have terrible crits while others have great ones; an example: I used Amelia Earhart in a gauntlet a few weeks back, because she had a 45% bonus, but her crits were terrible and she was a hole on the team. How do I figure this out?
In selecting crew for Gauntlets, should I only pick good gauntleters? Or should I pick to the trait bonus and primary skill? Or some combo?
What are people's tactics for going after the Caretaker? The only defense I've found is to use the the Keeper when the Caretaker doesn't have Eng as a skill. In fact, the Caretaker seems to be the only worthwhile Eng gauntleter. I hate ceding an entire skill, but he's so strong and I just don't have anything to deal with him in Eng.
Should I be more of a free-spender on Merits to by-pass rounds? Or more conservative? I use to be a big spender and it kinda-though-not-completely seemed to even out that I got Merits back as I used them. But I've discovered Merit pulls are a great source of Honor, so I've been more careful with spending anywhere else. Also, I've never used Dilithium for recharges; should I reconsider that?
Advice and opinions welcomed! Part of the reason I've been so slow in getting Gauntlet rounds is it's such a frustrating part of the game; so any help making this easier would be great.
Since it will be asked, here are my current Gauntleters that I use most often:
Armus (I've won 3 of those)
Bartender Guinan (only won 1)
Gary Seven
Defensive Phlox (but I'm disappointed almost every time I use him)
Mirror Picard
The Keeper
Nurse Garland
Mirror Phlox
Survivalist Kirk
These I don't use that often:
Mirror La Forge
Etana Jol
Enabran Tain
Revolutionary Damar (though I just got him and he isn't FE yet)
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1652 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
IMO, when you have a situation like that, you should always play your remaining crew until they're spent. There's no downside to it when you don't have a streak going and your Gauntleteers aren't likely to win any battles until the next recharge. You'd likely have been further along to that 20,000 round achievement if you'd been doing that the whole time. Just to give a little background, I completed my 20k rounds on March 1st of this year, and started playing at the beginning of 2017 (or end of 2016, I can't quite recall exactly). And I don't often get to play Gauntlet more than 3 times per day.
I usually find it's best to just go with my top crew unless one of the trait bonuses is going to someone in my top 5 or so.
Personally, I've always tried to spend fewer Merits than I gain. These days, I really only do so when I've got a streak longer than at least 9, and oftentimes not even then. Dilithium is, in my opinion, only worth spending if you're trying to get one of the Gauntlet ranking achievements. Once you've gotten #1, I wouldn't drop any dil. (Though some of my fleetmates would disagree on both points, since we have a weekly fleet-wide Gauntlet that many of them try to join at the same time, and I know a few of them will spend many Merits and the occasional bit of Dilithium to place more highly.)
The other thing is that high ranks don't necessarily translate into getting more Gauntlet Legendaries to drop. I've had a few come from very short streaks (including 3-streaks), and the other month, an Armus dropped from a 42nd-place finish. Total of those that I've gotten from Gauntlets: 2 Locutuses (plus another from the Achievement), 4 Armuses, 6 Guinans, and 3 Caretakers.
The last thing I'll say is that even with top Gauntleteers, bad beats will still happen — so I just made a conscious decision not to be bothered by those. I mean, in the moment, I may swear at Defensive Phlox or Gowron or whomever for letting me down, but then I'll just brush it off and move on. That's easier to do when you are no longer worried about rank or getting super long streaks.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
This tactic will certainly help you reach 20k rounds quicker. There's no trophy penalty for failed attacks.
And yeah, my exp has been that short streaks get better/same drops as longer ones. Two Armus and my Guinan dropped on 3 streaks. Really makes you question the point of investing in longer ones.
12x Armus
4x Guinan
5x Caretaker
4x Locutus
My process: start first half day seeking low point victories (10 points ideally), until maybe the end of the second day. Typically I've already ranked to top 10 by then even though I'm trying to choose low point victories, because i want maximum streak length. I try to get 20+ streak in every gauntlet My record was over 50.
Last day if I get up early for the gym I have lots of opportunity to get a few rounds in the last day for top 10. Here I am fine choosing a 50/50 fight as long as it's for high points. I won't choose a 10 point fight and waste it on a great crew like locutus.
I spend merits liberally, still not enough that I don't have any merit pulls since campaigns started giving them out, but probably less than most people. I see lots of people posting merit pull legends with crew I'd really not want to drop, and they're not begolds. I'd rather have any of the above gauntlet crew drop except Armus since I finished 2 x FF of him. Top 10 wins have definitely dropped more crew for me than streaks, but the others are just as important.
As for your question about some gauntlet timers being 4 hours and others not, you can pretty reliably control this. It's 1pm ET and your crew resets in a few minutes. Let's say you want to control your gauntlet to get a crew reset 30mins before the end of the gauntlet. Ensure you close the game on EVERY device you play on, then don't relaunch the game until 2:30pm ET, and immediately open the gauntlet screen. If you have the game fully closed (with android I also get my apps list and "swipe up" to ensure my game is closed), the crew reset timer should not start again until you open the game. If you happened to open it too soon (maybe to send out more shuttles during a faction event), it'll probably start the gauntlet crew expiry timer from your login time, 4 hours from then. You may not notice until you reopen the game 1 hour later, so now you've got 3 hours left on your timer.
You have got to be kidding me; THAT'S how it works?! That's so incredibly stupid. Who designs something like that?! I'm dumbfounded.
- I have almost all proficiency bonuses available through collections and starbase, just missing the SCI bonus from the last tier of the Gauntlet crew collection ... so this really does help.
- Have won somewhere between 5-7 Gauntlets (with the strategy below) ... stopped counting after 2 ... the first was great and the second was because I wanted to see if I could do it again, after that I couldn't really care much.
- Never ever used Dil., Merits yes (see below).
- I actually don't like the Gauntlet at all ... am nowhere near 20k rounds in total (just past 11k at present).
- Locutus
- Guinan
- Caretaker
- Armus
- rotating 5th crew ... has been Marshal of France, North Star Tucker, Prince Bashir, Assimilated La Forge ... over the past year, but is usually Defensive Phlox.
- old crew include ... Surak, Mirror Picard, Mirror Phlox, Seven of Nine etc. ... but these crew have not seen a gauntlet for over a year (at least).
- Both NS Tucker and Assimilated La Forge haven't been used in 3+ months and I froze Q a while back.
- I never, ever play 2-skill crew.
- I never, ever care about % bonus ... if my crew aren't favourably matched up, I re-roll for Merits, usually one does it to get a good (winnable) opponent.
Though I place my crew (top to bottom) in crew with skill & bonus, crew will skill, bonus, nothing ... for easy reference i.e. top is always best.
- I don't usually pick crew based on the Gauntlet skill (e.g. ENG - usually only The Caretaker or CMD is only Armus).
- The best gauntlet crew have a small spread ... Phlox has a massive spread in his skill rolls so can disappoint ... just don't expect much ... compare minimums with opponent instead of maximums ... e.g. Phlox is 298-1041 MED so compare the 298 with opponent and not the 1041, or maybe compare the average ... it really is a massive spread.
- i.e. go for worst case scenario and not best case scenario (set expectations).
- The only thing I'm really missing (to replace Phlox) is an actual good crew with CMD proficiency (no not Mirror Picard ... his 3rd skill is useless).
- I spend Merits to get a good match, but don't spend more than 200-400 a gauntlet ... if you get enough matches in then you earn it back by the end so will be net zero. Like I said, have never spent Dil.
- Set yourself a Merit budget and stick to it ... e.g. I want to have 3000 Merits at all times so I'm not refreshing to far below that ... I like to have merits around so I can defrost a bunch of crew in one go for mega events etc. I balance this with crew Merit purchases.
- I do try to go for long streaks ... but am not too bothered if I don't make it too far ... you only see more gauntlet crew at box 3 wins because you see that box so often ... I bet you don't make 24 wins each gauntlet ... so I just like to give it a go.
- I also try to go for good rank, but again, not bothered if I'm not top 10. If I decide to really go for rank (e.g. the second time I won), I'll often take on 50/50s for 250 points on day 1 just so I don't have to crawl from the sub 150 ranks to get anywhere decent. But again, I know the risk and so if it doesn't pan out, am not frustrated.
Take Aways
- Don't take it too seriously and don't get hung up on what you might see are "bad results" (see the thread in The Bridge for gauntlet moments - people often mis-interpret their "bad luck").
- To rank high the best strategy is to be ready to battle every 4 hours ... consistency is key ... if you play a couple of rounds day one and then day two go all out, one negative outcome will greatly determine your end result (unless you are willing to spend dil) ... but the more battles you do over the two days, the less the negative results will have a bearing on your end result.
I know it can be frustrating to play Gauntlet without a bunch of good crew. But hang in there. Try to shoot for the low-trophy opponents whenever possible, rather than going for rank. Amassing a streak of at least 3 whenever possible will increase your odds for not only Legendary crew dropping, but chronitons and some other needed items. Good luck!
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Sorry Banjo, but if you use dilithium in gauntlet you have too much of it. Merits only is the way, save your Dil for slots, packs and the occasional long voyage only.
Can confirm that getting 3-win streaks is a great way to go. Two of my Caretakers, at least one of my Armii, and the most recent one (star #4 for Locutus) all came from simple 3-win reward boxes. Don’t worry too much about trying to get first place or even a top-10 finish...I’ve had at least one Armus and one of my Guinans drop from finishing in 40th or worse.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for crew that can help bridge the gap between where you are and the most powerful gauntleteers - Commander Ellen Landry, Nurse Faith Garland, Doc Crusher, Mirror Geordi La Forge, Lt. Valeris, and even Admiral Picard all come to mind as capable gauntlet crew that can be of service while you hunt for those white whales. Others to look out for are those that get 65% critical chances from various traits - some variants of Q, some variants of Guinan, Assimilated Troi, Drone Seven of Nine, and Assimilated La Forge all get the 65% treatment from time to time. 45%ers are no slouch either. While it can be frustrating to wait for these to drop from voyages or free portal pulls from events, biding your time (and dilithium) for when special packs are released is a good way to get some additional gauntlet help.
The first character to get me wins was the 3* Doctor Selar. She only has Med but she has a pretty good proficiency with it (at least for starting players). So I would prioritize her if you got/get her.
And I more than a little jealous that you got Armus so quickly.
IMHO, what's needed here is a simple league or division system that can group players into sets appropriate to their crew strengths (similar to the arena challenges). Give novice players a chance to fight each other, instead of forcing them to wait on the sidelines until they someday get big enough to actually compete. A level playing field is all I'm asking for...I don't expect the fights to be easily won, but I do expect them to be winnable. Thanks to everyone for listening, and any advice that might help beginners run gauntlets would also be appreciated.
"The eyes...are the groin...of the face." ~ Dwight K. Schrute III
Personally, I think the concept is also lousy on paper. It's super frustrating to break into this aspect of the game. One recommendation... Just do your gaunlet rounds with the expectation that you will lose. First, it manages expectations. Second, you'll thank yourself later when you have those rounds under your belt and closer to Locutus. Basically, kill time until you get good gauntlet crew. I highly recommend Nurse Faith Garland next weekend.
As to the more advanced aspects, I collected all of the books I could find in Skyrim. One is called The Importance of Where. I think it's a longblade skill book, if you care. How it relates to gauntlet is that gauntlet is more like The Importance of When.
When should you start a gauntlet?
Two options: first thing in the morning or wait almost a day and join 15 minutes before the cut-off to the next gauntlet.
First thing in the morning:
Use one attack. This starts your 4-hour timer. Use the the rest of your attacks 5-30 minutes before refresh. You will be lower in rank, so you can either attack weaker opponents and go for streaks or attack stronger and go for trophy points. Streaks seems more in line with your goals, but I prefer to win gauntlets when I can be bothered to participate. Rinse and repeat the one attack at refresh and use the rest 5-30 minutes before next refresh. The "first thing in the morning" part maximizes your refreshes during the gauntlet.
Right before cut-off of next gauntlet:
There are generally weaker opponents or just fewer of them. This strategy got my first Caretaker back in the day. Anyway, use the one attack right away to start the timer, then use the rest 5-30 minutes before refresh or right before bed. Get your first round started when you wake up with that one attack and do the 5-30 minute before refresh thing. Again, you can go for streaks or trophy points. Your call. That's all explained well above.
If you can match these tacticts with timing a refresh 10 minutes before gauntlet closes, then more power to ya.
Merits... I try to keep 10k on hand. The rest go into gaunlet. Or they will until I complete the collection. I reset pretty liberally, thanks to campaigns.
Crew selection... I go for those bonuses. It seems unpopular, but I find it more fun. I get so tired of those gauntlet walls. I'd rather reset a few times and use La Borg with a 45% bonus when it comes up. La Borg only makes ENG gauntlets, though. I'm not going to wait for that one combo to come up in any other gaunlet.
Good luck out there. And courage!
"The eyes...are the groin...of the face." ~ Dwight K. Schrute III
Well then accuse me of having too much dilithium. I used a few thousand to get Locutus much faster and I don’t regret it.
Thank you for supporting the game financially. It's not a way that I use dilithium, but I can appreciate those who do. Just... Stay out of my gauntlets.
Since I got him I barely play gauntlet anymore. But should they introduce a new crew I will blitz again until I get it
Really though, a player in your position needs to make a decision regarding your Gauntlet goals, are you chasing the 20K Locutus or are you trying to build up a strong team? The strategies you employ and resources you invest will change quite a bit based on which path you choose.
There are two tips I will offer up to this thread that I think will help everyone regardless of path:
1. EVERYONE pays attention to the max proficiency score when selecting their team every 2 days, but very few people pay attention to the MINIMUM proficiency score. Locutus is not the Gauntlet boss just because he has three strong proficiencies, he is THE boss because his minimums are very high. Seven of Nine has a nice roughly 875 (depending on starbase bonuses) max for Science, but her minimum is around 275 which makes her range quite varied. Armus has a similar Science max of roughly 900, but his minimum is over 350, making his range smaller. Smaller ranges lead to more predictable success, this is an important factor is selecting your team, not just every 2 days, but in selecting the crew you choose to level up for Gauntlet consideration.
2. Pay attention to the skill pairs that show up again and again. In my experience not all skill pairs are equal, as Eng/Med, Med/Sec, and Com/Dip seems to come up far more often than most pairs, so regardless of what the feature skill claims to be, make sure you have SOMEBODY in your team at selection time that can address those pairs, and any other you notice/encounter.
Thanks @Bylo Band . Keep in mind, I wrote this five months ago and I'm now just below 14000 rounds. Unfortunately, I'm very burned out, both with the game generally and the Gauntlet specifically (very, vert, VERY specifically). So I'm going to do very light game play for the next several months; which means I'm probably not going to move up in the rounds much now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But to answer/respond to your points: my goal has been the achievement to get that star on Locutus, as well as the other Gauntlet specific crew. So just rounds. I briefly tried using dilithium, but it was more expensive than I was willing to spend and didn't provide enough assurance of progress that I was comfortable with. Though I did finally place 1st in an Gauntlet because of it.
My Gauntlet crew is pretty good right now (not great, just good), as I've added Locutus, Gangster Spock, and Twilight T'Pol since November. I could use Gowron, Kahless, and Caretaker though (don't want to invest the honor to buy Kahless and I can't get the Caretaker to drop). So I've been pretty mindful of what I'm doing and how to go about reaching my goals.
And yeah, I've noticed your point about the minimum. In fact, I don't like using Defensive Phlox for the very reason that, because his range is so huge, it kills how great his maximum can be. I've found Twilight T'Pol to be much better for Med rounds.
Finally, your point about common skills that come up is a good one; I completely agree with it, in fact. But do you notice that two of the sets you mention are covered by the Caretaker? I sure do. And it's become my biggest gripe about the Gauntlet: that there is a such a dominate crew member that you can get only one way.
When everyone has the dominant crew members (I.E. Armus, Locutus) it helps to have other viable choices to combat walls of these crew. Having the right crew helps enormously and costs money.
You need merits, tons of them. Don't waste Merits on Merit pulls. Use them to refresh Gauntlet so you can get the right skills for your crew.
Attack certain players. If you want to move into first place. Refresh the Gauntlet and attack that player. If you exclusively attack that player you will close the gap faster. Requires a lot of Merits.
If you cannot get into the top 3, try for a lower placing so you can open 7 crates. 7 chances is better than 3.
Never hurts to have some Dilithium to revive your crew especially when attacking 1 certain player. You will find that 1 of your crew will be able to capitalize on your opponents weakness and you may want to revive those crew to keep attacking.
Be there when the Gauntlet ends. If you're busy and can't be there in the final minutes of the Gauntlet then you won't get the optimal placement.
I've pulled 16 Armus so far.
My 2c: NEVER spend dil on the gauntlet, it is the worst bang for the buck unless money means nothing to you. Also merits I rather spend on packs, but some here and there in the gauntlet are ok.
The last advice is kind of unthoughtful. Gauntlet ends at 2 AM where I live, and for eastern countries it is even worse.
After a year of playing I pulled 7 Caretakers, 6 Armus, 2 Locutus (achievement on the horizon) and 1 Guinan.
Imho regular playing is key, there is no need to frustrate yourself with the waste of ingame currencies.
Agreed - treating the Gauntlet as a merit farm rather than a merit sink (or, worse, a dilithium sink) opens a lot of doors that might otherwise be closed. Honor from merit packs (plus the occasional 5* crew) is a nice supplement, you never have to worry about having enough to thaw event crew, and you don’t have to spend nearly as much time in the Gauntlet hoping for just the right matchup.
And it’s not like you can’t still get the Gauntlet exclusive crew, either...three Locuti (plus the achievement), two Guinans, four Caretakers, and eight Armii have dropped for me and all but I think two of those stars came from streaks or placing outside the top ten (including one Guinan from a 41st place finish and two Caretakers from 3-win streaks).
It drives me nuts when people post things like this. Not that you're saying anything wrong, but that I have no where near that kind of luck with drops in the Gauntlet. 14K rounds and all I have to show for it are 4 Armus, 1 Locutus, and 1 Bartender Guinan. And it's for this reason I refuse to commit significant amounts of money to the Gauntlet. If I knew it would pay off with more crew, I'd do it; but that's not my experience.
The whole point of this game is for you to spend money. Spending WILL get you ahead.
Gauntlet is a better use of your merits than those Merit pulls. You will get far better items from Gauntlet. Gold drop rate for those Merit pulls is far far worse than Gauntlet and doesn't include merits, chrons, equipment, etc. Unless you really need blue crew.
Crew like Assimilated LaForge, Seven of Nine, Braxton, etc. can beat Caretaker given the right traits and skills.
Also I AM a thoughtless brute. Thanx for noticing.
All fair points, except I've now topped out with crew. Hell, I have to ration my crew for the daily leveling achievement. So equipment is worthless to me; and chronos I'm practically picking up off the ground, I have so many. Honor and dilithium are what are most valuable to me (and holoemitters, I guess). With that in mind, merit pulls are much more appealing. I respect that you have a different equation for the game; but it's definitely not one I share. This specific part of the game is one that I've done the calculation on and it does not come off as money well spent.
First, an update on my rounds: I am still not at 20K. In fact, I just pasted 16K the other day. While I was going strong from Nov-Feb (went from 10K rounds to 13K), I hit a wall in March (wonder why...) and then fell off the wagon in April (right around 14K). It took me six months to get the next thousand rounds. But I decided to recommit in Sept and really commit in Oct. To that end, I figured out a new strategy...
My new strategy is to aim for 10 rounds a set and making sure to do a set every four hours. That timing corresponds to the 4hr reset of the cadet mission ad-warp, something I already have an alarm on my phone to do. If I do four or five sets a day, 10 rounds each set, that means I do 40-50 rounds a day, 280-350 a week, and 1120-1400 a month. Assuming I keep this going, I should be at 20K rounds in mid-to-late January. So: **fingers-crossed**!!!!
Interesting side note with this strategy: since I started using it, I've finish in the top 10 of my Gauntlets each time, typically in the top five. I'm surprised to see that consistent playing, and numbers of rounds, will give better rank than going for higher points. I am being frugal with my dilithium but I am using it. However, I feel my experience still tells me it is not money well spent.
Now, the rewards for this year of work have been...crappy. I got two drops of Armus (he's FF/FE now), one Red Angel, and, most significantly, a Locutus. But that's it. For one year and 6K rounds. Still no Caretaker, which is still a major weakness for me. I have gotten multiple streaks (some pretty long; I've got a few that were in the 20s) but have gotten next to nothing for them. All the crew drops I've gotten have come from ranking.
I'll be interested to see what the next few months hold. Let's see if really pushing these last 4K rounds produce more crew. I'll update when I reach 20K!
I can confirm that diligently playing is an important key to success - I have enough crew I should be able to hit the top 10 every single gauntlet and win or at least hit the top 5 with regularity. But because I don’t keep up with a regular schedule, I fall anywhere from 15-55 most of the time and have only one once ever.