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Key information about the event: Whistles and Canaries - 08/27 - ME#3

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2020 in The Bridge
As I will be unavailable for a few days, posting this one early :)

Event Name: Whistles and Canaries
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Jhamel 5* (New), Ransom Shran 4* (New), and Alidar Jarok 4* (Existing).
Event Dates: Thursday 08/27 until Monday 08/31 at Noon (16.00 UTC)

Ranked Reward 5*: Captain Erika Hernandez (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 09/03.

Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Humanoid Figure 5* (Existing)

Event Factions:
Section 31, Maquis, Cardassian

Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew, and Humanoid Figure
• small bonus: variants of Shran, and crew from Enterprise (list below)

Current Enterprise crew
Humbled Archer
Away Team Archer
North Star Archer
Desert Archer
Ushaan Archer
EV Suit Archer
C.O.P. Founder Archer
C.O.P. Founder Picard
Imprinted Archer
Mirror Archer
Xindi 'Prisoner' Archer
Archer and Porthos
Test Pilot Archer
Arik Soong
Mirror Zefram Cochrane
Temporal Agent Daniels
Scientist Degra
Commander Dolim
Feezal Phlox
Admiral Maxwell Forrest
Agent Harris
Karyn Archer
Commander Kelby
Advocate Kolos
Captain Lorian
Boomer Mayweather
Ensign Mayweather
Mirror Mayweather
Mountain Climber Mayweather
Tuskegee Mayweather
Orion Slaver
Defensive Phlox
Mirror Phlox
Nanoprobe Phlox
Phlox, Au Naturel
Reverend Phlox
Dr. Phlox
Surgeon Phlox
Mirror Reed
Rura Penthe Reed
Section 31 Reed
Sniper Reed
Suliban Reed
Tourist Reed
Augment Riker
Chef Riker
Ensign Sato
Loque'eque Sato
Mirror Empress Sato
Professor Sato
Commando Shran
Ushaan Shran
Expedition Shran
Tholian Prisoner
Young T'Pau
Alternate Future T'Pol
Captain T'Pol
Commander T'Pol
Desert T'Pol
Mirror T'Pol
North Star T'Pol
Science Officer T'Pol
Subcommander T'Pol
Twilight T'Pol
Vulcan Wedding T'Pol
Tucker On-The-Ropes
Commander Tucker
North Star Tucker
EV Suit Tucker
Mirror Tucker
Rescuer Tucker
Tourist Tucker
Xindi Insectoid Councilor
Sphere-Builder Presage
Ambassador Soval
Private S. Money
Rianna Mayweather
Gralik Durr
Lieutenant Tarah
EV Suit T’Pol
EV Suit Phlox
Humanoid Figure
Alicia Travers
Brigitte Torres


  • NX-02 Captain? Nice...
  • edited August 2020
    too bad Shran is a 4* but good that that means i’ll get a 4/4 copy ‘free’ and won’t have to care about ranking :wink:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we going to get to Craft the huge jewel from the worst episode of Enterprise for Shran?

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we going to get to Craft the huge jewel from the worst episode of Enterprise for Shran?


    You know it. I say this was not history, but a cover up so Tucker could go undercover.

  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm trying to decide how useful Jarok will be. Such low numbers. I'll have to unfreeze him, anyway, I suppose.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    Base DIP with event bonus
    (with my starbase and collection boosts)
    4/4 Jarok: 701 × 10 = 7,010
    5/5 Prof Sato: 1,760 × 5 = 8,809
    1/5 Hum. Figure: 1,024 × 10 = 10,240

    All three have CMD secondary. I don't know how those numbers work out for AND missions. I just know that it probably doesn't matter. Especially considering that most of us will probably have Humanoid Figure at 3/5 or better shortly after the event starts. Those stats are likely to make Jarok irrelevant. The occasional trait bonus may give Jarok the best percentage, but... I'm not counting on that.
    Farewell 🖖
  • (A) Traveling Man(A) Traveling Man ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
    Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
  • edited August 2020
    I'm glad Jarok is the Galaxy existing. He was the only one of the four existing crew I didn't have. I'll have one copy to work with at least. I hover at around 35 4*s needed these days. I hope to have it down to 30 by year's end.

    both my jarok and ev tucker were 2/4 at the beginning, tucker now immo, all i have to do is get one more jarok (cause community rewards) , so another easy ranking week for me :smile:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Bound2FateBound2Fate ✭✭✭✭
    I have Jarok at 3/4, so this will be an easy event--just threshold and out--no need to try to rank to get the final stars on the existing 4-star.
    Admiral of Historians of Starfleet Join! Looking for daily players.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Off-topic of the OP, but this is why the STT wiki remains my go-to source for information. I trust us, the community of players, more than the company when looking at supposed probabilities, &c. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Off-topic of the OP, but this is why the STT wiki remains my go-to source for information. I trust us, the community of players, more than the company when looking at supposed probabilities, &c. 🖖

    Both are run by humans. Both are hit and miss. I recently provided info to the wiki people because the dilithium for shuttle returns was off. I'm sure there's other errors still. Wiki people do their best and most things are accurate. Devs probably do their best and most things run well.

    There's a few old sayings about the proper way to do things when you want them done right. Sometimes good old fashioned self reliance is the way to go. I know that humanity is flawed, but a little faith in their intentions goes a long way.

    Sorry for continuing to ramble a little off topic for a bit, but I find it generally worthwhile to spread a little goodwill. :)

    Excellent points! I will add that peregrine makes a huge point at least as it pertains to item drop rates - the five-dots method in the game is very much a subjective rather than objective indication of the likelihood of getting items from missions, while the raw data many people have been kind enough to add to wiki pages gives a clearer picture of which missions to choose and which to avoid when farming items. Even if there are errors buried in the data from one source or another, some of those sample sizes are huge enough that the overall error becomes minimized.

    I am reminded of a study done on the accuracy of articles from Wikipedia and from the Encyclopedia Britannica...although I no longer remember the exact numbers, I recall the Britannica having three times and many errors per article as Wikipedia. There are still errors from time to time but they are easy to find and easy to fix, thanks to a vibrant community of contributors.
  • Wasn't Erika Hernandez the mother of The Borg?
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Wasn't Erika Hernandez the mother of The Borg?

    Sort of. Her crew were accidentally involved in the books, the Destiny trilogy.
  • edited August 2020
    Wasn't Erika Hernandez the mother of The Borg?

    Sort of. Her crew were accidentally involved in the books, the Destiny trilogy.

    A cracker of a story and one that hasn't been disproved in 'canon', yet.

    Thanks for refreshing my memory. 👍
  • edited August 2020
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    Base DIP with event bonus
    (with my starbase and collection boosts)
    4/4 Jarok: 701 × 10 = 7,010
    5/5 Prof Sato: 1,760 × 5 = 8,809
    1/5 Hum. Figure: 1,024 × 10 = 10,240

    All three have CMD secondary. I don't know how those numbers work out for AND missions. I just know that it probably doesn't matter. Especially considering that most of us will probably have Humanoid Figure at 3/5 or better shortly after the event starts. Those stats are likely to make Jarok irrelevant. The occasional trait bonus may give Jarok the best percentage, but... I'm not counting on that.

    I started to post something about trait matches but then I saw you already addressed that in your comment. D'oh!
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Or, it'll be par for the Galaxy course. His Traits will match for Crafting when he is not a Skillz match......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Trait matches are 5% each, so matching both will add 10% to his success rate. By the time Humanoid Figure gets a third star (which he will have a short time into the event), he will be close to 150% of Jarok's score. There's some diminishing returns going on, so it is possible that Jarok will win out, but I think the odds of that are low.
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Or, it'll be par for the Galaxy course. His Traits will match for Crafting when he is not a Skillz match......


    I find it more likely, as Scott says, that Jarok is in the mix so that his traits can be mixed into the recipes. That will effectively take the trait bonuses away from other characters and result in fewer SR's in circulation.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Trait matches are 5% each, so matching both will add 10% to his success rate. By the time Humanoid Figure gets a third star (which he will have a short time into the event), he will be close to 150% of Jarok's score. There's some diminishing returns going on, so it is possible that Jarok will win out, but I think the odds of that are low.
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Or, it'll be par for the Galaxy course. His Traits will match for Crafting when he is not a Skillz match......


    I find it more likely, as Scott says, that Jarok is in the mix so that his traits can be mixed into the recipes. That will effectively take the trait bonuses away from other characters and result in fewer SR's in circulation.

    I have an idea that we might want to try on for size...perhaps the choice of Alidar Jarok was for narrative reasons over strictly gameplay/balance issues? Romulans are obviously central to the story of the mega, we just had Tomalak a little while back, Sela would probably be worse, and that leaves previous few other 4* Romulans that could stand in for the story. T’Rul was a cloaking device operator, Rakal Troi and Romulan Kirk aren’t really Romulan, and Nevesa/Keras/Donatra are all ship captains (Jarok was an admiral before defecting).

    With the decisions to have Jhamel and Hernandez to be 5*, Shran to be the new 4* for the week, and to have a Romulan existing 4* alongside the new Shran, Jarok is maybe the only one that makes sense. That his overall weakness will force people looking to clear all or certain thresholds to grind harder to make up for the loss of super rares is found money for TP.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Trait matches are 5% each, so matching both will add 10% to his success rate. By the time Humanoid Figure gets a third star (which he will have a short time into the event), he will be close to 150% of Jarok's score. There's some diminishing returns going on, so it is possible that Jarok will win out, but I think the odds of that are low.
    I think the traits are going to push Jarok over the top.

    Or, it'll be par for the Galaxy course. His Traits will match for Crafting when he is not a Skillz match......


    I find it more likely, as Scott says, that Jarok is in the mix so that his traits can be mixed into the recipes. That will effectively take the trait bonuses away from other characters and result in fewer SR's in circulation.

    I have an idea that we might want to try on for size...perhaps the choice of Alidar Jarok was for narrative reasons over strictly gameplay/balance issues? Romulans are obviously central to the story of the mega, we just had Tomalak a little while back, Sela would probably be worse, and that leaves previous few other 4* Romulans that could stand in for the story. T’Rul was a cloaking device operator, Rakal Troi and Romulan Kirk aren’t really Romulan, and Nevesa/Keras/Donatra are all ship captains (Jarok was an admiral before defecting).

    With the decisions to have Jhamel and Hernandez to be 5*, Shran to be the new 4* for the week, and to have a Romulan existing 4* alongside the new Shran, Jarok is maybe the only one that makes sense. That his overall weakness will force people looking to clear all or certain thresholds to grind harder to make up for the loss of super rares is found money for TP.

    Excellent analysis, @Dirk Gunderson . 👍
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Very good analysis, @Dirk Gunderson

    I think mine is going to get a lot of rest.......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • (A) Traveling Man(A) Traveling Man ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Thanks @Prime Lorca [10FH] . That's helpful - but it still makes me want to ask:

    10x WHAT exactly? The base stats? I can't find spelled out anywhere exactly how that bonus percentage is calculated. Which stat is chosen to base the bonus off of? What is the boost for additional matching traits?

    It would be nice to actually have that all spelled out somewhere. I know I've looked a bunch and have never found it all.
    Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
    Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Thanks @Prime Lorca [10FH] . That's helpful - but it still makes me want to ask:

    10x WHAT exactly? The base stats? I can't find spelled out anywhere exactly how that bonus percentage is calculated. Which stat is chosen to base the bonus off of? What is the boost for additional matching traits?

    It would be nice to actually have that all spelled out somewhere. I know I've looked a bunch and have never found it all.

    I'm pretty sure it's 10x base stat. I remember Nurse Faith Garland being nigh useless because her bases are so low.

    I've also observed that using the same crew on missions with the same stats, but different traits results in a difference of 5% per trait match.

    I haven't recorded numbers. These are just observations based on memory. I can't guarantee any of it, of course. I'm more sure of the 5% thing. That was easy to observe.
    Farewell 🖖
  • (A) Traveling Man(A) Traveling Man ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Thanks @Prime Lorca [10FH] . That's helpful - but it still makes me want to ask:

    10x WHAT exactly? The base stats? I can't find spelled out anywhere exactly how that bonus percentage is calculated. Which stat is chosen to base the bonus off of? What is the boost for additional matching traits?

    It would be nice to actually have that all spelled out somewhere. I know I've looked a bunch and have never found it all.

    I'm pretty sure it's 10x base stat. I remember Nurse Faith Garland being nigh useless because her bases are so low.

    I've also observed that using the same crew on missions with the same stats, but different traits results in a difference of 5% per trait match.

    I haven't recorded numbers. These are just observations based on memory. I can't guarantee any of it, of course. I'm more sure of the 5% thing. That was easy to observe.

    Well, thanks for the info anyway. I know people don't need to pull crew out of the icebox for a Galaxy the way they do a Faction. But it'd still be nice to be able to calculate which small-bonus crew would be most effective for a Galaxy in advance. I'll keep digging.

    Now, if you don't have the event crew, it's kind of a wait and see thing.
    Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
    Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Thanks @Prime Lorca [10FH] . That's helpful - but it still makes me want to ask:

    10x WHAT exactly? The base stats? I can't find spelled out anywhere exactly how that bonus percentage is calculated. Which stat is chosen to base the bonus off of? What is the boost for additional matching traits?

    It would be nice to actually have that all spelled out somewhere. I know I've looked a bunch and have never found it all.

    I'm pretty sure it's 10x base stat. I remember Nurse Faith Garland being nigh useless because her bases are so low.

    I've also observed that using the same crew on missions with the same stats, but different traits results in a difference of 5% per trait match.

    I haven't recorded numbers. These are just observations based on memory. I can't guarantee any of it, of course. I'm more sure of the 5% thing. That was easy to observe.

    Well, thanks for the info anyway. I know people don't need to pull crew out of the icebox for a Galaxy the way they do a Faction. But it'd still be nice to be able to calculate which small-bonus crew would be most effective for a Galaxy in advance. I'll keep digging.

    Now, if you don't have the event crew, it's kind of a wait and see thing.

    I think I'll thaw Jarok to experiment. I'll use the numbers above, double check trait bonuses, and record percentages. With the crossover of two event crew and one significantly strong bonus crew having the same primary and secondary skills, this will be a unique opportunity to see how things work.
    Farewell 🖖
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don’t forget galaxy event crew get a bigger bonus.

    Per wiki, event crew get 10x bonus and bonus crew get 5x bonus.

    I've been scavenging for that info for days, and can't find it anywhere. Where in the wiki are you seeing that?

    I can't find it detailed what metrics the game uses to determine bonus percentages anywhere for the galaxy.

    Go to the wiki events page, then scroll down to the Event Character Category section. This states the bonuses for event crew and bonus crew in faction, galaxy, and expedition events. I searched for it last galaxy event, which is why I remember where to find it. :)

    Thanks @Prime Lorca [10FH] . That's helpful - but it still makes me want to ask:

    10x WHAT exactly? The base stats? I can't find spelled out anywhere exactly how that bonus percentage is calculated. Which stat is chosen to base the bonus off of? What is the boost for additional matching traits?

    It would be nice to actually have that all spelled out somewhere. I know I've looked a bunch and have never found it all.

    I'm pretty sure it's 10x base stat. I remember Nurse Faith Garland being nigh useless because her bases are so low.

    I've also observed that using the same crew on missions with the same stats, but different traits results in a difference of 5% per trait match.

    I haven't recorded numbers. These are just observations based on memory. I can't guarantee any of it, of course. I'm more sure of the 5% thing. That was easy to observe.

    Well, thanks for the info anyway. I know people don't need to pull crew out of the icebox for a Galaxy the way they do a Faction. But it'd still be nice to be able to calculate which small-bonus crew would be most effective for a Galaxy in advance. I'll keep digging.

    Now, if you don't have the event crew, it's kind of a wait and see thing.

    For 5* Captain Harry Kim’s galaxy event, I thawed 4* Delta Flyer Kim because of the matching skills. So, variants & skills are what I look for. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
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