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Duplicate Gold Advice

Hi all, I could use a bit more space in my crew and I have kept a few duplicate golds and i am wondering if some should be airlocked. some are no brainers to stay, but let me know your thoughts on the following. they all seem useful for different parts of the game but i am feeling a bit like a hoarder...

Adira Tal  1 star
assimilated hawk 1 star
assimilated janeway 5 star
bartender guinan 2 star
breen disguise kira 1 star
captain killy 3 star
captain lorian 1 star
chancellor gorkon 1 star
dareth 1 star
desert archer 3 star
Desert Georgiou  5 star
disguised kira 1 star
dr hugh culber 5 star
durango troi 2 star
ev suit spock 1 star
first office burnham 5 star
gary seven 3 star
gladiator spock 2 star
high roller sisko 5 star
human saru 2 star
julia tainer 1 star
laborer kirk 2 star
mirror ellen landry 1 star
mirror picard 5 star
niners ezri 1 star
Pah-wraith Keiko 5 star
picard & number 1 1 star
professor sato 5 star
ripper 1 star
rp kirk 5 star
scrooge data 1 star
Soji Asha 1 star
stranded quark 5 star
tribble herder scotty 1 star
twilight tpol 3 star


  • JuristJurist ✭✭✭
    Assuming these are all duplicates and you have another copy FF/FE, all of the 5/5 ones can be frozen once immortalized. These are the ones I would ditch first not including the 5/5 ones you can freeze:

    Bartender Guinan
    Captain Lorian
    Chancellor Gorkon
    Mirror Ellen Landry
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2021
    I agree with Jurist that you should keep all 5/5* dupes, FE them and freeze them. Some of them, like FO Burnham and HR Sisko, will be a lot more useful than others, but they're all fully fused legendaries a few minutes away from being immortalized. Since they're also main cast (or recurring in the case of Keiko) they will all get event use sooner or later. You can freeze a few dupes of the same card - I don't remember the exact number - and get them all back when needed.

    For the others, it depends on your priorities. If you're going for a 12 hours voyage, strong voyagers like Gary Seven and Human Saru are worth a dupe. If you like to compete in faction events, then main cast crew with a particularly high base like Human Saru or Prof Sato could be worth keeping for a possible event use. On the other hand, I don't think dupes of gauntlet crew are very useful in general, even for people who enjoy competing in the gauntlet (I have some and I never use them). That's also true for two skillers with high proficiency.

    By the way, my advice is based on the assumption that your crew quarters look somewhat similar to mine. That is, long-time player with lots of unfused legendaries, who comfortably makes 10 hour voyages every time and has no difficulty ranking for the featured legendary in any given event.

    If you are a newer player, who for some reason has prioritized dupes until now, or if you are a big spender or someone who has all collections complete or almost complete, then the usefulness of all of those cards changes accordingly.

    As for a personal list, since I prioritize crew that's useful for more than one game mode, besides all the 5/5* I would also keep:

    Adira Tal 1 star
    Breen Disguise Kira 1 star

    Captain Killy 3 star (maybe for the arena if you have no other instant damage crew at 6s?)
    Durango Troi 2 star (depends on SEC bases and Troi versions available)
    Gary Seven 3 star (since he's already at 3/5* and a good voyager)
    Human Saru 2 star
    Niners Ezri 1 star (depends on SEC/MED options of voyages and SEC bases)
    Picard & Number 1 1 star
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jurist wrote: »
    Assuming these are all duplicates and you have another copy FF/FE, all of the 5/5 ones can be frozen once immortalized. These are the ones I would ditch first not including the 5/5 ones you can freeze:

    Bartender Guinan
    Captain Lorian
    Chancellor Gorkon
    Mirror Ellen Landry

    This is where I would start as well.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Bylo Band wrote: »
    My advice is to airlock 100% of all duplicates. I feel spending resources working on duplicates takes away from working on unfinished cards which is harmful toward the goal of making progress on Collections, and Collection bonuses will ultimately help much more in the long run than having multiple copies of the same card.

  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2021
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    My advice is to airlock 100% of all duplicates. I feel spending resources working on duplicates takes away from working on unfinished cards which is harmful toward the goal of making progress on Collections, and Collection bonuses will ultimately help much more in the long run than having multiple copies of the same card.

    I do agree with you almost completely. If you have a lot of unfinished cards/collections, I would only keep a duplicate if it is a significant card in stats, use, or voyages. Even then, it would stay at the bottom of my crew roster untouched until I could FE my other unfinished cards, or it might help me in a specific event (and I had the extra resources). That doesn’t mean you have the yellow brick road at the bottom of your crew manifest...it’s only a few bricks, not the entire walkway. ;) And If space becomes an issue, I’d weigh freezing an existing crew vs. jettisoning a potentially strong dupe.

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭

    I do agree with you almost completely. If you have a lot of unfinished cards/collections, I would only keep a duplicate if it is a significant card in stats, use, or voyages. Even then, it would stay at the bottom of my crew roster untouched until I could FE my other unfinished cards, or it might help me in a specific event. That doesn’t mean you have the yellow brick road at the bottom of your crew manifest...it’s only a few bricks, not the entire walkway. ;) And If space becomes an issue, I’d weigh freezing an existing crew vs. jettisoning a dupe.

    If someone has that many duplicate 5*, they are either a late game player and shouldn't have unfinished crew, or are a new player buying way too many packs up front. In that second case they should slow down on packs to get their crew under control first. And if they're a late game player, I wonder how many of these cards would even make a Voyage anyway.
  • I would start with airlocking any 2-skill with only 1/5. They never go on Voyages, and only occasionally get shuttle use.

    Evaluate if that is enough, then move to 2/5. I wouldn't airlock any 3/5 if you can help it. I have started just vaulting some of my 5/5 FE's that are lower usage and cleared 15 crew slots that way about a week ago. I can always swap them out when needed.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    A couple years ago, I would not have said this, but as my roster has matured and the available card options continue to climb...

    My general advice would be to either embrace a deliberate/aggressive plan to FF any duplicate legendary you obtain within a short time frame (perhaps 3 months at the max), or airlock the dup.

    The investment in citations, beholds, and/or retrievals needed to take a low-star duplicate to 5 stars is significant (and unless it's also a gauntlet card, your roster likely won't benefit from the duplicate until it is at least 4/5) and the fusion process diverts resources from completing other goals (as Bylo noted). Zombie makes a good point about specific elite cards, but in that case, I reiterate my original point about setting a short window to get the card fused up. Some cards can be good initially, but might fade in value in a year or so - get the benefits quickly before a longer-term, slower-paced investment becomes wasted.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a few duplicate golds. I put them in three categories. 1: Gauntlet crew. Keep. Freeze the immortalized copy (unless an event makes it worth keeping out). Slowly work to earn more copies. I put crew like Gun Show Picard with Gauntletcrew. 2: amazing crew. I have a duplicate of Professor Sato and High Roller Sisko and Lizard Janeway. 3: accidental dups. I have Drunk Troy and Puffer Fish Phlox I got from honor sale single pulls. I think there is another, but I can't recall. They are not really worth keeping. (Maybe Phlox.) But I just don't want to ditch gold crew. Since I have a significant number of crew slots, I am keeping them for now, just in case I get an all immortalized behold. But they are definitely on the chopping block.
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have two duplicate golds, Survivalist Quark (now 3/5 and FFed) and Saboteur Garak (1/5 and unleveled).

    Both popped up with poor begolds, and in Quark's case he just keeps dropping. So if you've been desperate to get Survivalist Quark, I'm so sorry he keeps ending up in my begolds instead of yours.

    I don't have any real interest in duplicate golds, but I have enough room to keep these two around in case more copies drop. Helps that they're characters I enjoy. I don't see myself ever using cites on these, but if there's a Ferengi or Cardassian Mega I imagine they'll be useful.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • I have a duplicate of Gary Seven and duplicates of 5 of the gauntlet crew. Gary gets a lot of shuttle and voyage use.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fully equip all your 5/5 dupes and freeze the copy for future Faction Event use, unless you're finding them useful for Voyages, gauntlet, arena, etc...

    Unless you're actually hurting for slots, there's no actual need to airlock any of them. But if you do need to make space because you have crew in overflow, I'd suggest keeping:

    Bartender Guinan
    Breen Disguise Kira
    Captain Killy
    First Officer Burnham
    Gary Seven
    Human Saru
    Picard and Number One
    Soji Asha

    ... in addition to the 5/5s already mentioned.

    After that, keep main cast crew and then start culling from amongst the guest stars.

    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
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