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Can we get more MED crew? Like as soon as...



  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SpyOne wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Secondary skill MED crew? How about Commander Christine Chapel (at Starfleet HQ) from ST:TVH? Primary skill: CMD; secondary skill: MED; tertiary skill: DIP.
    I've got a Commander Chapel. She's Sci/med/dip though.

    FYI, I wrote that before she was added to the game, or even announced.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • It's been nearly 5 months since the last super-rare Medic was added. That's a bit rubbish for players who started since then. I'm sure DB can find a couple out of this list they can add very soon.

    It may be another 5 months since they released 2 5* MED during the Mirror Event.
  • Well for MED people we can stand to have more versions of Bones, Chapel, Bev, Pulaski, Deanna, Bashir, Ezri, the Doctor, Kes, and Phlox. That's 10 characters right there, so if we space out the variants, we should come up with quite a number of MED crew.

    I know I've asked for a Platonian Chapel, a Time's Arrow Nurse Bev, Captain Bev, a Holodeck Pulaski, and many versions of the Doc and more Kes.

    We can also use some other prevalent doctors, counselors, medical researchers, and therapists like Culber from Discovery, Boyce from the TOS Pilot, M'Benga from TOS, Crewman Cutler from ENT, EMH Mark 2 from VOY, Elizabeth Lense in DS9, Elizabeth Dehner from TOS, Helen Noel from TOS, Lethe from TOS, Sarah April from TAS, Faith Garland from DS9, Doc Holliday from TOS, Doctor Dysek from VOY, Doctor Voje from VOY, Salish from TOS, Kirok (Kirk) from TOS (maybe).

    So that's a ton of material for DB to work with, so they need to get to stepping, pronto!

    Interesting list, I've only seen one episode of Discovery, but I'm sure CBS will make sure they show up sooner rather than later.

    Probably sure to get good Med from: M'Benga, EMH Mark 2, Dehner, Salish, Dysek, & Noel. Wouldn't mind seeing any of these along with the primary crew mentioned at the top.

    Secondary or weak med at best from Doc Holliday (SEC primary), Voje (DIP primary), Cutler (medic in training, shouldn't be better than Paris at med. She would make a good 3* though.

    Skippable, Lethe was a little to mind-numbed to be a doctor. Of course they gave Proto Worf command so anything can happen. Sarah April (who...), the rest seem like boring 1-offs that don't deserve to be featured as good med

  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    SpyOne wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Secondary skill MED crew? How about Commander Christine Chapel (at Starfleet HQ) from ST:TVH? Primary skill: CMD; secondary skill: MED; tertiary skill: DIP.
    I've got a Commander Chapel. She's Sci/med/dip though.

    I think others have correctly guessed the source of this imbalance: the regular cast of the various shows was a bit light on medical people, plus those chacters were rarely the central character of an episode (making for fewer variants of them), and it is also comparatively rare for a character who isn't a doctor or nurse to be defined as having medical training.

    You have demonstrated a point. Commander Chapel was a nurse in TOS and a Doctor in the motion picture. She was primarily a medic and only appeared in TVH very briefly,

    Despite this DB made her primary skill Sci. They had ample opportunity to give us a primary Med, but decided not to.

    Whilst this is true they could have made MED primary, but you could also argue Commander Chapel is a Bridge officer at this point of her career, not a Ship's Doctor or Nurse therefore that skill becomes Secondary or Tertiary not a Primary Skill.

    Personally variants of a character are all well and good but if you have so many Characters yet to be added, I feel it is a shame this is not utilised more. I fully support addition of more medical crew and I think a good place to start would be adding Dr Helen Noel (perhaps another Blue). Adding a new trait such as Psychiatrist would open usefulness if they add new missions/challenges etc and help for voyages.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    SpyOne wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Secondary skill MED crew? How about Commander Christine Chapel (at Starfleet HQ) from ST:TVH? Primary skill: CMD; secondary skill: MED; tertiary skill: DIP.
    I've got a Commander Chapel. She's Sci/med/dip though.

    I think others have correctly guessed the source of this imbalance: the regular cast of the various shows was a bit light on medical people, plus those chacters were rarely the central character of an episode (making for fewer variants of them), and it is also comparatively rare for a character who isn't a doctor or nurse to be defined as having medical training.

    You have demonstrated a point. Commander Chapel was a nurse in TOS and a Doctor in the motion picture. She was primarily a medic and only appeared in TVH very briefly,

    Despite this DB made her primary skill Sci. They had ample opportunity to give us a primary Med, but decided not to.

    Whilst this is true they could have made MED primary, but you could also argue Commander Chapel is a Bridge officer at this point of her career, not a Ship's Doctor or Nurse therefore that skill becomes Secondary or Tertiary not a Primary Skill.

    Personally variants of a character are all well and good but if you have so many Characters yet to be added, I feel it is a shame this is not utilised more. I fully support addition of more medical crew and I think a good place to start would be adding Dr Helen Noel (perhaps another Blue). Adding a new trait such as Psychiatrist would open usefulness if they add new missions/challenges etc and help for voyages.

    Do we actually know her assignment to make that assertion? I mean even in the deleted scenes I don't remember a duty station being presented.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    If I recall she was assigned to starfleet high command, and at some point given the rank of commander around the same time. This would surely put her primary role as Command would it not? Perhaps bridge crew was a hasty "assertion" but i haven't seen the voyage home in a while.

    That's why I find it quite strange that skill wasn't even assigned to her character in the game.

    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, I know this thread started back in the fall, and I have to say I think you all had an impact. Cmdr Chapel. Mirror Crusher. Mirror Troi. Tourist Quark (who, while a DIP primary, still has a fairly high MED score). And now this week Gladiator McCoy (we'll have to see about his stats). [Now if only they hadn't screwed up the Mirror Crusher event so badly with the Christmas Disaster, but I digress.] Congrats to you all for getting DB to add so many new MED characters recently!
    Fleet: Starship Trista
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I recall she was assigned to starfleet high command, and at some point given the rank of commander around the same time. This would surely put her primary role as Command would it not? Perhaps bridge crew was a hasty "assertion" but i haven't seen the voyage home in a while.

    That's why I find it quite strange that skill wasn't even assigned to her character in the game.

    The only things she's seen doing are coordinating relief efforts and congratulating her former crewmates on not getting thrown in prison.

    Now, if it truly is some form of command position, then you'd assume CMD would be in the character. She's actually SCI primary, which is the head scratcher there. The DIP Tertiary may make some sense with the relief efforts, but I think CMD would have even fit that better.

    Either DB RNG or some backstory I can't find -- -regardless, it is a small disappointment for her not to be MED primary with SCI secondary.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well thats just the thing if you are co-ordinating relief efforts - then that is management or taking command of the project(s), hence why I would have thought command would be the more fitting, diplomacy woud also feature if it required negotiating or fundraising with other factions seeking relief agreements or help from neighbouring parties (but you would rely on/delegate that to an expert XO or other fulfill that role). Admittedly she could be actively involved as well due to her extensive medical expertise and that is why I would think medical as a secondary is fitting. I agree science is a head scratcher here especially being primary unless she is developing specific medical resources to provide these relief efforts.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I recall she was assigned to starfleet high command, and at some point given the rank of commander around the same time. This would surely put her primary role as Command would it not?

    The rank of commander does not mean she commands, it is just the rank above Lieutenant. James Bond has the rank of commander, but does not have subordinates.

    It could be she was transferred to a Star fleet medical facility in a senior position, and given the rank of commander. Her years of experience aboard the Enterprise could have given her the experience needed in disaster management to direct relief.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    If I recall she was assigned to starfleet high command, and at some point given the rank of commander around the same time. This would surely put her primary role as Command would it not?

    The rank of commander does not mean she commands, it is just the rank above Lieutenant. James Bond has the rank of commander, but does not have subordinates.

    It could be she was transferred to a Star fleet medical facility in a senior position, and given the rank of commander. Her years of experience aboard the Enterprise could have given her the experience needed in disaster management to direct relief.

    I think the answer to this is in TNG when Crusher is on the bridge for the night shift (cause Data is away) and explains to Troi she took the Bridge Officers Test and rank of Commander because she liked sitting in the big chair every once and a while even though the rank commander is not required to be CMO. This precipitates Troi to go and take the test herself. So in Starfleet, a commander is expected to command...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    So in Starfleet, a commander is expected to command...

    Perhaps more importantly even if you don't command, you still have the training and temperament to do it.

    That sad panda look Holo-Geordi got when BO in training Troi sent him to his death still gives me nightmares.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    So in Starfleet, a commander is expected to command...

    Perhaps more importantly even if you don't command, you still have the training and temperament to do it.

    That sad panda look Holo-Geordi got when BO in training Troi sent him to his death still gives me nightmares.

    Yeah... I guess I could crawl up the Jeffries tube to my ultimate death... but why don’t you send data... he might live... OK, I’ll just go and crawl to my death now... thanks counselor, guess we can cancel next weeks session...
  • And the new McCoy for this event is...a Security expert. Of course he is!
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I recall she was assigned to starfleet high command, and at some point given the rank of commander around the same time. This would surely put her primary role as Command would it not?

    The rank of commander does not mean she commands, it is just the rank above Lieutenant. James Bond has the rank of commander, but does not have subordinates.

    It could be she was transferred to a Star fleet medical facility in a senior position, and given the rank of commander. Her years of experience aboard the Enterprise could have given her the experience needed in disaster management to direct relief.

    James Bond is an oddity in itself - he is Spy and the nature of his role and indeed the stories is that he is a "lone ranger type" his rank of Commander only applies to his rank in the Royal Naval Reserve and only really applies when he is involved in Naval operations, his rank is rarely used elsewhere (don't rely on the films the books are far better and grittier). However to say he never has subordinates or people he has to command is just simply not true, there are several instances in which he "commands."

    Whether it's Navy, Army, Airforce, Police et al the poisition of Commander is one of Command/management - Lt Commander, however, well that's a different story...
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wasn't Bones a Lt Commander in TOS and later Commander? Did Bones get some command the ship training before Admiral?
    If feel like different eras of Trek may have had different standards for who gets what rank and what requirement.

    The Janeway conversation with Tuvok at the end of Flashback feels apropos albeit tangentially.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Wasn't Bones a Lt Commander in TOS and later Commander? Did Bones get some command the ship training before Admiral?
    If feel like different eras of Trek may have had different standards for who gets what rank and what requirement.

    The Janeway conversation with Tuvok at the end of Flashback feels apropos albeit tangentially.

    Hmm I think so - according to mem alpha his animated version rank fluctuated worse than a faulty plasma injector, there is also non cannon talk of him being promoted to Captain and TNG has him as admiral so it is conceivable he was promoted to commander but the details are even patchier than Chapel's
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • A while ago I was making up a list of possible MED crew since we're so short on them. I noticed there aren't many McCoy variants. Gladiator McCoy was one i came up with before seeing this event.

    So first I see it and I'm like oh cool, finally! Then I see SEC primary. What a joke. McCoy was barely able to keep himself from getting killed in that episode. He's a doctor, not a gladiator. I guess this is why we don't have any good MED crew. 300 something MED at 100. Wow.
  • A while ago I was making up a list of possible MED crew since we're so short on them. I noticed there aren't many McCoy variants. Gladiator McCoy was one i came up with before seeing this event.

    So first I see it and I'm like oh cool, finally! Then I see SEC primary. What a joke. McCoy was barely able to keep himself from getting killed in that episode. He's a doctor, not a gladiator. I guess this is why we don't have any good MED crew. 300 something MED at 100. Wow.

    Yeah that was a little strange to me too... Gladiator McCoy really should have been MED Primary, SCI/DIP/CMD Secondary and SEC Tertiary.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Wasn't Bones a Lt Commander in TOS and later Commander? Did Bones get some command the ship training before Admiral?
    If feel like different eras of Trek may have had different standards for who gets what rank and what requirement.

    The Janeway conversation with Tuvok at the end of Flashback feels apropos albeit tangentially.

    Hmm I think so - according to mem alpha his animated version rank fluctuated worse than a faulty plasma injector, there is also non cannon talk of him being promoted to Captain and TNG has him as admiral so it is conceivable he was promoted to commander but the details are even patchier than Chapel's

    He's CMO. That's a position of command. He should have CMD regardless of what his rank is.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • How about the "Real" Legendary Mccoy kicking rear.
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