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Thot Gor



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Between the last two 4* citation offers I have FF’d Lucien (freezer) and now Thot Gor (freezer in a couple weeks). Thot Gor has made it onto shuttles since I fused him earlier today, so it wasn’t a total waste. Just mostly a waste.
  • Yay! I have a new 24th best CMD crew(!)
    No way I'd pay for the citations offer - that would be too much regret to handle.

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  • These voyage only crew are the most blatant and dispicable money grab Inthink I’ve ever seen in this game.

    It’s not that it’s that expensive to immortalise them through citations, it’s the lack of transparency over being able to obtain them elsewhere in game in the future.

    Scenario 1 - buy the 5x purple citation offers, or just spend honor earned elsewhere. You might assume that the extra stars will never be made available in pulls or otherwise and you want the crew slots back.

    Scenario 2 - don’t buy more stars on the hope that DB will make them available for free/in pulls/new dilemmas later on. In the mean time they are useless and occupy crew slots.

    We’re all screwed either way.

  • DB should have more voyages with possibility to obtain additional copies, or just allow them to be repeated. All of the voyage cards are mediocre and none are worth 54K honor. That's another star on a 5-star which has much more long term value.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eh, a 1/4 Voyage exclusive dropping is not appreciably different for me than a pack-exclusive crew member dropping, or me ending up with a 1/4 from the community rewards in a Galaxy Event I bail on early. I treat them the same as any other crew: I keep the ones that interest me and 86 the rest. I kept Thot Gor and cited him to immortality because, DS9. Would I like for these crew to be more widely circulated, whether in packs or repeat Voyage drops? Of course. But I don't find it off-putting or egregious that they aren't.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still think an event or (mini?)-mega featuring each of the voyage crew would be the way to go. I'm even fine with only 3 copies of each. This could be done as the crew are switched out, or just new dilemmas could be added with new crew, or the existing dilemmas dropping voyage could have the new crew added in as an RNG option.

    People with the crew would have a reason to level them, the crew would finally provide some use, people with existing copies would get an advantage, it makes a great transition to new crew, and it's been long enough now that the exclusivity provides little to no value or incentive.
    I've got all but the triple dilemma crew, and I wish they'd stop sucking up crew slots, but they're not worth citing to freeze.

    It could be fun to see how all these interact, and centering around defeating Fear, The Clown, gives them all an excuse to exist together.
    C'mon, we've got the tools, use them.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, no Thot Gor in the finale of the Dominion Mega. I had hoped that the exclusive tag was going to start coming off of the second wave of the Voyage-only crew, but alas.

    Here’s a question: Is it worth 54K of Honor to FF him, use him on the Faction phase of the Hybrid, and then freeze him to make room for one of the new crew next week?

    Tho(ugh)ts welcomed. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • I've spent the honor to immortalize him on two accounts - on Silver and on my VIP0. On Silver, I did it because I want to catch them all and I have the resources anyway. On my VIP0, the rationale was that he's clogging a slot so I'd like to get rid of him anyway, and he has some actual use in this mega, so now would be the time to do it if I ever was. I haven't cited him on my baby beluga account. I don't have the burning need for slots like I do on my VIP0, and I don't have the free resources laying around to do it like I do on Silver. Different accounts have different motivations. There's no right or wrong answer.
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    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
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