I’m shooting somewhere in the middle, I enjoy playing each day, so I pre-farmed say 70% of what you need, to have a core item bank. Soon I will start banking chrons to farm what I need during the event. This way I also minimize the investment of time during the event. Like I said though, no wrong answer
I’m shooting somewhere in the middle, I enjoy playing each day, so I pre-farmed say 70% of what you need, to have a core item bank. Soon I will start banking chrons to farm what I need during the event. This way I also minimize the investment of time during the event. Like I said though, no wrong answer
I do totally see the advantage of reducing actual time spent doing the event when you pre-farm. I’m sure there’s a lot to be said for that when you keep rolling along with lots of yellow wrenches
I agree. If people have fully equipped their crew, I still don't understand why they don't pre-farm. I want that 240/accrual. I've pre-farmed to the point that I'm equipping 5* with almost no farming at this point.
Two reasons:
I don't pre farm cause I find it tedious to try and burn every chrono every day and have to keep a ledger. Somedays I am quite happy to invest 30 mins in the game and escape.
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
Even if they did, most of the items that come up regularly in Galaxy event recipe builds also are used a lot when equipping crew. So, worst case scenario, you'd have a lot easier time leveling new crew.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing. ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I have never been able to understand why so many people have elected to stockpile chrons like this at the expense of losing chrons acquired over time. Those who have all of their crew FE and don’t pre-farm Galaxy events...fine. Anyone else is giving up 240 chrons per day, or over 86,000 chrons per year. Although Voyages have made them easy to acquire in vast quantities, you can do a lot of stuff with 86,000 extra chrons.
I stockpile chronitons to try and complete the supply missions and try and get to the top rank. It never happens. I usually run low by the time I get anywhere near the top 100.
My highest stash has been 55K (at the start of the Species 8472 event). Went for top 5, finished 10th. No complaints, but never doing it again.
Re: pre-farming. I'm on the side of "why bother?". Let's say I have 10K chrons (for example) at the start of a galaxy. Pop a supply kit. Warp-50 (or even warp-100) for each recipe component as I go through them while deciding which 2 recipes I'm going to ignore. Burn through 6-7K chrons in the first hour and farming is done (with no chance that I farmed the wrong items). I can mostly not farm another item for the rest of the weekend (unless one of the stage 2 recipes is vastly different from stage 1).
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
Even if they did, most of the items that come up regularly in Galaxy event recipe builds also are used a lot when equipping crew. So, worst case scenario, you'd have a lot easier time leveling new crew.
Agreed almost every 'bottleneck' item I run into on a Galaxy event is something that is also used by most crew.
As to people who talk about pre-farming versus hoarding, I agree that pre-farming appears to be more efficient in many cases, BUT Skirmishes aren't something you can pre-farm for, so hoarding is necessary for those events. Chron-bouncing isn't always guaranteed, and having a stockpile/buffer to start with is important if you're going to put in the time to rank in one.
I have 35 Chrons right now. I had 710 after a Voyage returned this morning. I had over 3000 once. It was from sorrytons.
Ok, I should probably just save up my chrons and use a kit once a week. My weekly Chron budget would have to be about 5760 Chrons to make up for not using 6 days of chron regen. I get 2370/week from daily sources, EAS + 1 days worth of chron regen. 3390 Chrons from 9-10 Voyages of 8-9hr duration is pretty easy.
So why don't I play the game this way? Because seeing a full Chron meter bothers the crap out of me.
Sure I have 1200 2* Batteries I'll never be able to use but at least I have the mindless satisfaction of wasting my time pointlessly to keep my chrons drained.
Someday DB might be nice to me and give my the opportunity to use up all the trash I've accumulated after 28 months of game play.
I will probably never use up my chronitons. I was at 100,000 before this past event and spent around 8000. I have long been thinking of going for a top 5 finish but after hearing the time involved I'm not sure I will.
I like having vast stockpiles of stuff in games so that if I ever decide I want something or want to do something I can.
It is a HUGE commitment. I spent the entire weekend tapping away.
Would have won the event if he was with a fleet that had a 5% boost to base stat.
He was not with fleet with his run for first. Figure for every 100 builds he did he would have had 5 more superrares. What he did was quite a feat.
Plus 570 honour a day, which is one 4* citation a month. Plus starbase bonuses to stats for voyages, his un-refulled voyages would have lasted a little bit longer getting more chrons, and he might of hit an extra dilemma.
I will probably never use up my chronitons. I was at 100,000 before this past event and spent around 8000. I have long been thinking of going for a top 5 finish but after hearing the time involved I'm not sure I will.
I like having vast stockpiles of stuff in games so that if I ever decide I want something or want to do something I can.
It is a HUGE commitment. I spent the entire weekend tapping away.
Would have won the event if he was with a fleet that had a 5% boost to base stat.
He was not with fleet with his run for first. Figure for every 100 builds he did he would have had 5 more superrares. What he did was quite a feat.
Plus 570 honour a day, which is one 4* citation a month. Plus starbase bonuses to stats for voyages, his un-refulled voyages would have lasted a little bit longer getting more chrons, and he might of hit an extra dilemma.
So you see the challenges a fleetless person faces to win an event. Someday. Someday soon.
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
Even if they did, most of the items that come up regularly in Galaxy event recipe builds also are used a lot when equipping crew. So, worst case scenario, you'd have a lot easier time leveling new crew.
Agreed almost every 'bottleneck' item I run into on a Galaxy event is something that is also used by most crew.
As to people who talk about pre-farming versus hoarding, I agree that pre-farming appears to be more efficient in many cases, BUT Skirmishes aren't something you can pre-farm for, so hoarding is necessary for those events. Chron-bouncing isn't always guaranteed, and having a stockpile/buffer to start with is important if you're going to put in the time to rank in one.
The chron drops from skirmishes makes them nearly chron neutral. Maybe if you're going for top 25 you might need chrons(and a bot), but if all you want is top 1k, I haven't had any issue going into the skirmish with ~200 chrons and a voyage returning. I let plenty of intel waste because I have no desire to play more and I can reach top 1k. I've never felt that I needed even more chrons just for a skirmish.
That's strange because I spent around 5000 chrono in both skirmishes - finishing around 400-600.
Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
I'm a new player, coming up on three month playing. I've read this entire thread with my jaw on the floor!
That said, I consider 4,500 chronitons the bare minimum pre-event, although I prefer to be up above 5,500 chronitons, because for me being in a position to invest a significant percentage of my resources to certain events have really allowed my viability in the game to rise rapidly. A little over a month ago I was struggling big time in events, but after going all-in several events in a row and really building up some strong fully-fused/upgraded super-rares, I've gotten a lot more competitive and routinely fight it out for the top spot in our fleet each weekend (I usually lose to Stormready - and before you ask, yeah, our fleet is, to put it diplomatically, growing).
Even at my lower captain level and even with my weak crew (as compared to the crews previously discussed in this thread) I still try to bank between 800-1,000 chronitons per day, and on most days I succeed. As long as you are dedicated you do not need to hit 8+ hour voyages to farm chronitons, I do really well sending out 3-4 voyages per day that only go around 4 hours in length. Those dedicated voyages plus frugal/strategic leveling practices are essential for someone in my position, but I enjoy it. I'm only captain level 40 and I am a regular in the top 5K event ranks
I hope that answered your question, sorry for rambling!
Had a fleetmate with 103,000 chrons at one point. That’s the most I have ever seen.
If you pick and choose events, meet the dailies, and run voyages, it is fairly easy to save chrons. Sitting at 23,000+ at the moment.
“A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
I agree. If people have fully equipped their crew, I still don't understand why they don't pre-farm. I want that 240/accrual. I've pre-farmed to the point that I'm equipping 5* with almost no farming at this point.
Two reasons:
I don't pre farm cause I find it tedious to try and burn every chrono every day and have to keep a ledger. Somedays I am quite happy to invest 30 mins in the game and escape.
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
Agreed. I don’t pre-farm very much because I do wonder if DB will change the recipe. It could be the paranoia. lol
“A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
This is a server based game and so it's impossible to hack it. But if you think that you have saved much, I have some bad news for you. That's peanuts.
I don't mean to be dismissive to anyone here, but saving or hoarding chrons isn't exactly a magical feat.
Anything you can think of doing in this game - someone has done it before you, and probably larger/better/faster.
However, each person should absolutely set & attain goals for their individual gameplay - that way the grind has some meaning to it. If your goal, like above, is to have 60k or more of chrons - hey, fantastic! Good going! There is nothing wrong with individual or personal achievement.
I don't mean to be dismissive to anyone here, but saving or hoarding chrons isn't exactly a magical feat.
Anything you can think of doing in this game - someone has done it before you, and probably larger/better/faster.
However, each person should absolutely set & attain goals for their individual gameplay - that way the grind has some meaning to it. If your goal, like above, is to have 60k or more of chrons - hey, fantastic! Good going! There is nothing wrong with individual or personal achievement.
Indeed. Unless you have unlimited cash to plug into STT, you'll achieve nothing but frustration if you just play the comparison game, or to use an old phrase, "keeping up with the Joneses". Even somebody like me, who's VIP 14 x ## [actual amount redacted to preserve my own sanity], and who's been playing for 2 years, is but a pup compared to many of the Ancient Ones.
And a few players in my own fleet have been playing half as long as I have, but have spent more money or more time and achieved certain things before I did. Bottom line is, you can't really compete with the most advanced players on all levels. I've been most fulfilled when setting personal goals and ignoring what anyone else has done — aside from some friendly competitions with fleet members to see who can get to a certain goal first. My philosophy is: play your own game, and you'll be much happier for it.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing. ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
However, each person should absolutely set & attain goals for their individual gameplay - that way the grind has some meaning to it. If your goal, like above, is to have 60k or more of chrons - hey, fantastic! Good going! There is nothing wrong with individual or personal achievement.
I plan to gather more than 60k chronitons like other people have.
I want to bank 100k chronitons if I can. But eventually all the supply missions, crew upgrades and mission repeats can cost quite a bit and I have to start saving all over again.
Hence why I think the Chroniton Bonus should appear every week and the amount increased to 2000 chronitons if they will only release it for events and that.
I also take advantage of the Plunder the Galaxy offers and others where they offer chronitons.
However, each person should absolutely set & attain goals for their individual gameplay - that way the grind has some meaning to it.
Exactly. Crons are a useful tool for a f2p because with enough time one can for sure reach top 1000 in every galaxy, hybrid or skirmish event, and that helps in many ways. Hoarding crons is meaningless per se. Same with hoarding time reductions for shuttles.
Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
I don't understand the point of saving 100k+ chrons. They can't all be effectively spent in the span of an event.
What else are we going to do but save them. Once you level all your crew, you need to keep doing voyages for the honor so the chrons keep accumulating.
And I think you could use them all in an event. You can craft about 250 recipes per hour in a galaxy going for a event win. Once you’ve burned through inventory say the recipes are averaging 40 chrons off additional items you need to farm. 100k chrons would be only 10 hours or so of play.
I don't understand the point of saving 100k+ chrons. They can't all be effectively spent in the span of an event.
What else are we going to do but save them. Once you level all your crew, you need to keep doing voyages for the honor so the chrons keep accumulating.
And I think you could use them all in an event. You can craft about 250 recipes per hour in a galaxy going for a event win. Once you’ve burned through inventory say the recipes are averaging 40 chrons off additional items you need to farm. 100k chrons would be only 10 hours or so of play.
I shudder to think of that amount of tapping lol.
You're right though. I recently ran out of crew to train, and my chrons only grow now. I've been staying around the 20k mark lately.
I do totally see the advantage of reducing actual time spent doing the event when you pre-farm. I’m sure there’s a lot to be said for that when you keep rolling along with lots of yellow wrenches
Two reasons:
I don't pre farm cause I find it tedious to try and burn every chrono every day and have to keep a ledger. Somedays I am quite happy to invest 30 mins in the game and escape.
I am paranoid DB will change the recipes, making pre-farming a waste.
Even if they did, most of the items that come up regularly in Galaxy event recipe builds also are used a lot when equipping crew. So, worst case scenario, you'd have a lot easier time leveling new crew.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
158,000 Chronitons. Wow. I wish I had that amount.
I stockpile chronitons to try and complete the supply missions and try and get to the top rank. It never happens. I usually run low by the time I get anywhere near the top 100.
Re: pre-farming. I'm on the side of "why bother?". Let's say I have 10K chrons (for example) at the start of a galaxy. Pop a supply kit. Warp-50 (or even warp-100) for each recipe component as I go through them while deciding which 2 recipes I'm going to ignore. Burn through 6-7K chrons in the first hour and farming is done (with no chance that I farmed the wrong items). I can mostly not farm another item for the rest of the weekend (unless one of the stage 2 recipes is vastly different from stage 1).
Agreed almost every 'bottleneck' item I run into on a Galaxy event is something that is also used by most crew.
As to people who talk about pre-farming versus hoarding, I agree that pre-farming appears to be more efficient in many cases, BUT Skirmishes aren't something you can pre-farm for, so hoarding is necessary for those events. Chron-bouncing isn't always guaranteed, and having a stockpile/buffer to start with is important if you're going to put in the time to rank in one.
Ok, I should probably just save up my chrons and use a kit once a week. My weekly Chron budget would have to be about 5760 Chrons to make up for not using 6 days of chron regen. I get 2370/week from daily sources, EAS + 1 days worth of chron regen. 3390 Chrons from 9-10 Voyages of 8-9hr duration is pretty easy.
So why don't I play the game this way? Because seeing a full Chron meter bothers the crap out of me.
Sure I have 1200 2* Batteries I'll never be able to use but at least I have the mindless satisfaction of wasting my time pointlessly to keep my chrons drained.
Someday DB might be nice to me and give my the opportunity to use up all the trash I've accumulated after 28 months of game play.
Plus 570 honour a day, which is one 4* citation a month. Plus starbase bonuses to stats for voyages, his un-refulled voyages would have lasted a little bit longer getting more chrons, and he might of hit an extra dilemma.
So you see the challenges a fleetless person faces to win an event. Someday. Someday soon.
The chron drops from skirmishes makes them nearly chron neutral. Maybe if you're going for top 25 you might need chrons(and a bot), but if all you want is top 1k, I haven't had any issue going into the skirmish with ~200 chrons and a voyage returning. I let plenty of intel waste because I have no desire to play more and I can reach top 1k. I've never felt that I needed even more chrons just for a skirmish.
That said, I consider 4,500 chronitons the bare minimum pre-event, although I prefer to be up above 5,500 chronitons, because for me being in a position to invest a significant percentage of my resources to certain events have really allowed my viability in the game to rise rapidly. A little over a month ago I was struggling big time in events, but after going all-in several events in a row and really building up some strong fully-fused/upgraded super-rares, I've gotten a lot more competitive and routinely fight it out for the top spot in our fleet each weekend (I usually lose to Stormready - and before you ask, yeah, our fleet is, to put it diplomatically, growing).
Even at my lower captain level and even with my weak crew (as compared to the crews previously discussed in this thread) I still try to bank between 800-1,000 chronitons per day, and on most days I succeed. As long as you are dedicated you do not need to hit 8+ hour voyages to farm chronitons, I do really well sending out 3-4 voyages per day that only go around 4 hours in length. Those dedicated voyages plus frugal/strategic leveling practices are essential for someone in my position, but I enjoy it. I'm only captain level 40 and I am a regular in the top 5K event ranks
I hope that answered your question, sorry for rambling!
Thanks to the Chroniton Boost offer.
I hope to hit the 100K chroniton mark soon.
If you pick and choose events, meet the dailies, and run voyages, it is fairly easy to save chrons. Sitting at 23,000+ at the moment.
Agreed. I don’t pre-farm very much because I do wonder if DB will change the recipe. It could be the paranoia. lol
Is that 132,000 Chronitons?
What do you say to that ###Kahless###?
Anything you can think of doing in this game - someone has done it before you, and probably larger/better/faster.
However, each person should absolutely set & attain goals for their individual gameplay - that way the grind has some meaning to it. If your goal, like above, is to have 60k or more of chrons - hey, fantastic! Good going! There is nothing wrong with individual or personal achievement.
Indeed. Unless you have unlimited cash to plug into STT, you'll achieve nothing but frustration if you just play the comparison game, or to use an old phrase, "keeping up with the Joneses". Even somebody like me, who's VIP 14 x ## [actual amount redacted to preserve my own sanity], and who's been playing for 2 years, is but a pup compared to many of the Ancient Ones.
And a few players in my own fleet have been playing half as long as I have, but have spent more money or more time and achieved certain things before I did. Bottom line is, you can't really compete with the most advanced players on all levels. I've been most fulfilled when setting personal goals and ignoring what anyone else has done — aside from some friendly competitions with fleet members to see who can get to a certain goal first.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I plan to gather more than 60k chronitons like other people have.
I want to bank 100k chronitons if I can. But eventually all the supply missions, crew upgrades and mission repeats can cost quite a bit and I have to start saving all over again.
Hence why I think the Chroniton Bonus should appear every week and the amount increased to 2000 chronitons if they will only release it for events and that.
I also take advantage of the Plunder the Galaxy offers and others where they offer chronitons.
Exactly. Crons are a useful tool for a f2p because with enough time one can for sure reach top 1000 in every galaxy, hybrid or skirmish event, and that helps in many ways. Hoarding crons is meaningless per se. Same with hoarding time reductions for shuttles.
My latest Chronitons stockpile before the Plague of Plagues 2 event began.
Come on DB, be generous again so that I can reach 200,000 Chronitons. I have a long way to go yet.
What else are we going to do but save them. Once you level all your crew, you need to keep doing voyages for the honor so the chrons keep accumulating.
And I think you could use them all in an event. You can craft about 250 recipes per hour in a galaxy going for a event win. Once you’ve burned through inventory say the recipes are averaging 40 chrons off additional items you need to farm. 100k chrons would be only 10 hours or so of play.
I shudder to think of that amount of tapping lol.
You're right though. I recently ran out of crew to train, and my chrons only grow now. I've been staying around the 20k mark lately.