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In the interests of a good night's rest...

Can we please change the shuttle Reward Boosts to x3 the normal rewards? Or at least the VP component?

You are already taking an increased risk because you are "putting all your eggs in one basket", so to speak, by using a Reward Boost, instead of doing separate runs. You are already giving up using a Skill Boost (and a higher success chance) to use the Reward Boost instead. You really don't need to be penalised with 6 hours' worth of VP during a 9- hour period, as well.

Alternatively, the duration of a Reward Boost shuttle run could be decreased to 6 hours.

But clearly, something needs to change, because there are far too many players willing to wake up in the middle of the night to resend shuttle runs during a Faction Event. This is not healthy. Not to mention the fact that it's not even an option for those who are married or in a live-in relationship (unless you are a horrible, horrible person).

If DB really cares about the health and welfare of its players, this would get addressed.


  • +1 from me
    [Mirror] Seven of 31, Offizier bei [Mirror] Unimatrix 31
    Level 45, VIP 6
  • Next thing you will want is no more shuttle fails either.

    Ohh wait......
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree to a point, but also, make the game more engaging rather than having to devote so much time to either clicking buttons repetitively (skirmish and galaxy events) or clicking them every three hours.

    I for one take the hit with the doubled/trippled time system as I can usually make up the cost using time boosts when I am awake.

    DB: Do Better
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »

    If DB really cares about the health and welfare of its players, this would get addressed.

    I'm quite sure DB doesn't care about anything, other than us purchasing packs and dilithium.

    Considering their recent behavior, I question the validity of this statement.
  • Elynduil wrote: »

    If DB really cares about the health and welfare of its players, this would get addressed.

    I'm quite sure DB doesn't care about anything, other than us purchasing packs and dilithium.

    Well, if people burn out and quit, they will certainly be buying less packs and dilithium...
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    You are AFK, why would you expect to receive rewards on par with being awake?

    Also, it impacts 100% of players equally. If everyone gets the same amount of sleep, then the rewards are the same, regardless of how big/small they are. If the reward bonus is only 1% increased, it is still fair because it impacts everyone equally.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just think that the reward boosts are tuned to the thresholds of the events, so if they increase the rewards from 2x to 3x, they will also move the goalposts accordingly, requiring more victory points to hit the thresholds. Nothing will be accomplished.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I don't want more for less effort, I simply want the freedom to live a normal life, still enjoy this game, and not have to concern myself with other players making unhealthy choices forcing me to make those same unhealthy choices or give up on competing.

    Some games kick you out completely if you've been playing for too long continuously, forcing you to take a break. This is not that revolutionary, really.
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just think that the reward boosts are tuned to the thresholds of the events, so if they increase the rewards from 2x to 3x, they will also move the goalposts accordingly, requiring more victory points to hit the thresholds. Nothing will be accomplished.

    No, the goalpost/VP required is currently tied to how many players are willing to set alarms/use bots. The max VP wouldn't change.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    I don't want more for less effort, I simply want the freedom to live a normal life, still enjoy this game, and not have to concern myself with other players making unhealthy choices forcing me to make those same unhealthy choices or give up on competing.

    Some games kick you out completely if you've been playing for too long continuously, forcing you to take a break. This is not that revolutionary, really.
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just think that the reward boosts are tuned to the thresholds of the events, so if they increase the rewards from 2x to 3x, they will also move the goalposts accordingly, requiring more victory points to hit the thresholds. Nothing will be accomplished.

    No, the goalpost/VP required is currently tied to how many players are willing to set alarms/use bots. The max VP wouldn't change.

    That is not how inflation or supply and demand works.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. I mean, I kinda do, but we are arriving at different conclusions.

    This wouldn't even make Reward Boosts a better alternative to sending shuttles out every three hours with Skill Boosts, but merely a less-poor alternative than it currently is. And definitely not better than using Time Boosts.

    Top in the rankings would still be those using Time Boosts.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just think that the reward boosts are tuned to the thresholds of the events, so if they increase the rewards from 2x to 3x, they will also move the goalposts accordingly, requiring more victory points to hit the thresholds. Nothing will be accomplished.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with the threshold rewards. I blew them all away with almost 500K last event while keeping my eight hours of sleep. It has everything to do with the ranked rewards which, IMO has become ultra-competitive and crowded in the 500-1500 range (for people shooting for a top 1000) partially due to booster packs on sale and other reasons.

    I can only say I used to safely be in top 1000 for the last year plus but was knocked out at the last few hours in the last two faction events prior to this last one... necessitating a strategy change on my behalf. One of the strategies I considered and rejected (for basically the same health and sanity reasons outlined above) was the 3 hour alarm at night as it is clear to me that the difference between 500 and 1000 place is exactly 2-3 sets of shuttles. The lack of sleep strategy essentially gives you four extra sets of shuttles which would safely put me back into top 1000 easily.

    But if you’re not willing to pay to win either through extra time boosts or DIL recalls, the current setup is putting additional pressure on people to screw up their sleep schedule in order to stay in the race.

    Having said that, 3x for nine hours also raises the problem of people saying cool, now I don’t need to run shuttles every three hours and I can use my 8 gazillion overnight boosts and play golf on the weekend instead. So maybe the right trade off would be somewhere in between 6-9 hours (7.5?) so that those with babies can still get some advantage and those who want to sleep or play golf have some penalty on top of the 5% gain in success from using skill boosts.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    9 hours x 3 times = 27 hours
    vs 24 hours in a day

    I'd say that you would rapidly run into scheduling problems if you tried to chain too many of them in succession.

    With regards to the amount of Reward Boosts people currently have in inventory, perhaps only the max rarity could give the max multiplier. And the lower rarities something in between twice and thrice.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    9 hours x 3 times = 27 hours
    vs 24 hours in a day

    I'd say that you would rapidly run into scheduling problems if you tried to chain too many of them in succession.

    With regards to the amount of Reward Boosts people currently have in inventory, perhaps only the max rarity could give the max multiplier. And the lower rarities something in between twice and thrice.

    Not really... 9 hours in the morning... work, golf, whatever. Do two regular runs before supper and watching DS9 reruns. Then 9 hours before sleeping is exactly 24 hours. Would reduce the grind considerably at the expense of losing 5% increased success. I would certainly consider this strategy myself as this game is grindy enough.

    But I agree that the current setup is encouraging sleep deprivation and would like to see a change.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    That sounds perfectly fine to me, tbh. I think Skill Boosts improve chances by quite a bit more than 5%, though (keep in mind that bonus crew multiply them). Last event most of my shuttles were ~70% without boost and ~93% with boost.

    All in all, you'd only be able to afford to do this if you have a healthy complement of bonus crew (which required hard work to get in the first place), anyway, and are not bothered about ranking too highly. Everyone else would have to work a bit harder.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Sounds perfectly fine to me. I think Skill Boosts improve chances by quite a bit more than 5%, though (keep in mind that bonus crew multiply them).

    All in all, you'd only be able to afford to do this if you have a healthy complement of bonus and crew, anyway, and am not bothered about ranking too highly. Everyone else would have to work a bit harder.

    I can only speak for myself. Last event I had bonus crew in every slot with unboosted success rates of 90/90/92/93. All the 3* skill boosts did was bump it up from 90 to 95. Now I believe their is some logarithmic increase so that a skill boost at 60% is probably more than 5% but in my worst events where I couldn’t stuff bonus crew in all slots (usually because they had something like limited bonus crew pool or a SCI slot when no bonus crew had SCI) , I can’t remember any unboosted shuttles under 80% (because all the free legendaries from Mega means a 1300 skill crew is only modestly worse than a 800 skill double bonus crew).

    I am coming from the point of view not of a whale with unlimited legendaries but as a long time two year player with a monthly DIL card... still not anywhere close to VIP 14).

    But honestly, I would consider doing a 9 hour boost during the day just to get away from STT and pay the 5% reduction in success. You could argue that this is sufficient penalty and I would probably agree but it’s probably not DB’s ideal as they want you glued to the game.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If we cannot agree on this point, then we cannot agree.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree then, because I cannot agree that penalising a healthy amount of sleep is ethical, no matter how much DB wants eyes on screen (and no matter how many players are willing to indulge them). :smirk:

    I believe you are using faulty logic by stating that participation is a requirement. Something is only punitive if it is compulsory. We all have a choice, you are free to not participate. If you do choose to participate you have access to the exact same 3x time, 2x reward boosts I have access to. The playing field is equitable. If the boost was changed to be 3x time, 10x reward, it would still be equitable. The amount of reward will only either change the value of the reward or require an adjustment to the required victory points to achieve the rewards.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Elynduil wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If we cannot agree on this point, then we cannot agree.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree then, because I cannot agree that penalising a healthy amount of sleep is ethical, no matter how much DB wants eyes on screen (and no matter how many players are willing to indulge them). :smirk:

    But the highest success in the game (and I'm talking mainly about events here) is always — at least partially — about how much time you put into it. So one could argue that people who have to work 12 hours a day on the weekends (and can't get regular breaks to play) are being penalized because they can't devote as much time to playing as people who don't have to work.

    There are two dictates at play: 1) a player must be able to have the free time to play; and 2) a player must be willing to devote the free time to play. It is so in any number of games, not just STT. Those who excel often spend a huge amount of time playing. And they are willing to give up sleep, if needed, in order to excel. Those who either can't or won't do so, should be "penalized", to some extent, imo.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Elynduil wrote: »
    no matter how many players are willing to indulge them

    You hit the real crux of it right there. As long as players are willing to give up whatever they have to to get ahead, nothing will really change. You can't blame the players for doing that, because the game has told them "These are your conditions for victory, do what you must."

    I think what you're asking for is very reasonable, and should have been the way that particular boost worked from the beginning, but I suspect you will find just as many against it as for it. Another part of the economics (from the player side) is the sunk cost of all this time that it has been a 2x, and all the gameplay that has been done with it as it is. Those that have adapted and succeeded with things as they are would generally not be in favor of rewarding those that haven't and won't.
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