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In the interests of a good night's rest...



  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Perhaps the time extender boosts should simply be eliminated, and all events have a break timer. Players can choose when the timer starts, or it starts automatically after a certain period. It's an important addition for player's mental and physical health, and would level the playing field for those who already take care of themselves effectively.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    To state the obvious: Nobody's being forced to wake up every 3 hours to change shuttles. If you want to rank at the very top of the leaderboard, it may be deemed necessary, but I've done very well in events sleeping through the night and letting the 9-hour boosts run.

    I would "awesome" your post multiple times were it allowed.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    To state the obvious: Nobody's being forced to wake up every 3 hours to change shuttles. If you want to rank at the very top of the leaderboard, it may be deemed necessary, but I've done very well in events sleeping through the night and letting the 9-hour boosts run.

    To state the obvious, it's a very common practice and there is a good reason for that. It helps you improve your rank. If you believe that it's not necessary, then there will be no issues having it implemented at a gameplay level to avoid players having their mental and physical health impacted by a mistaken but commonly held belief that waking up throughout the night for 3 or 4 nights straight is essential for a good score in an event.

    So just use the 9 hour boosts if you choose to sleep, what are we even talking about at this point?!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I’ve finished top 20 in a handful of factions. It used to be that I would send 1.5 hour time boosted shuttles all day then 3 hour shuttles with skill boosts at night. As I stated before I’m one of those people who randomly wake up all night for a minute or two so I always catch them and resend throughout the night. With the scores being inflated as of late, I have found that I have had to send 1.5 time boosts when I sleep as well and catch those. This is now what is necessary to get a top 20 finish when you don’t use dil for speed ups, only a large stockpile of time boosts. Yeah it’s a bit much, and I know heavy sleepers would sacrifice to do it but as a light sleeper it’s my routine anyway. Actually the toughest part of this past weekend was I took the family to the zoo Thursday and went to the Red Sox game Sunday. Yeah the wife complained while I was setting up my shuttles during the dolphin show but gosh darn it I still got that 16th place finish
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    To state the obvious: Nobody's being forced to wake up every 3 hours to change shuttles. If you want to rank at the very top of the leaderboard, it may be deemed necessary, but I've done very well in events sleeping through the night and letting the 9-hour boosts run.

    I’m the same (last 2 faction events prior to this last one aside). I surmise you are probably even in a stronger crew and resources position than me but...

    As I said before, it appears that the clustering of VP and competition in the 500-1500 range appears to have increased substantially in the past few months (part of that may be due to Polywatergate). It seems that the amount of last minute sniping from boosts and DIL recalls has also increased. I never had a problem with this before as I have never seen faction rankings (as opposed to galaxy) move several hundred in the last hour or two. I mean I got knocked out of top 1000 from 700 with less than two hours to go and that NEVER happened before.

    It is clear that overnight shuttles are a part of this as I watched my ranking slip 100 each morning from 300 to 400 to 500 without any change in my strategy meaning people are likely getting that extra set of shuttles in overnight. Sure, they want to win and are willing to interrupt their night to do so for four nights straight. But then it becomes a race to the bottom in terms of sacrifice of time and money. I get that for the top 25 rankings which are insane (14 is my highest). But this creep has clearly moved into the 500-1500 rank range which impacts a lot more people oh say 1000 than whales slugging it out for top 10. Surprisingly, with my new strategy in the last event, I ended up 191 and I didn’t see the constant daily rank dropping at that level that I did at the 500 rank level.

    So yeah, nobody is forcing you to do it but with the competitive dynamic the way it is now, it sure does put pressure on you to do it and that is not healthy. Because if you can’t reasonably do well in events (top 1000) without spending money then what’s the point as I’m rapidly approaching most SR being immortalized. Well, one of the conclusions is like this other guy on a different post said (see below)... but I would rather play and have some fun without STT dominating my life and ruining my health.
    I've been playing for about two years...

    At about 3 a.m. Monday, awake again for the Sato event, and scraping the bottom of the barrel for quality shuttle boosts, I thought of Yar. I realized that I am giving this game much more effort than I'm getting.
    I finished 1025th.
    I'm done. Uninstalled. LLAP
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It also helps to be the manager at your work. Even better when it’s overnight. I can spend nearly an entire 12 hour shift running a galaxy expedition or skirmish event.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    To state the obvious: Nobody's being forced to wake up every 3 hours to change shuttles. If you want to rank at the very top of the leaderboard, it may be deemed necessary, but I've done very well in events sleeping through the night and letting the 9-hour boosts run.

    To state the obvious, it's a very common practice and there is a good reason for that. It helps you improve your rank. If you believe that it's not necessary, then there will be no issues having it implemented at a gameplay level to avoid players having their mental and physical health impacted by a mistaken but commonly held belief that waking up throughout the night for 3 or 4 nights straight is essential for a good score in an event.

    So just use the 9 hour boosts if you choose to sleep, what are we even talking about at this point?!

    I was replying to Data1001 you have to read the original comment to understand the response.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So yeah, nobody is forcing you to do it but with the competitive dynamic the way it is now, it sure does put pressure on you to do it and that is not healthy.

    I get it, but Disruptor Beam doesn't (and can't) dictate how someone chooses to play the game, so the mention of it being somehow "unethical" on DB's part by other folks in this thread just doesn't hold water, as I see it. No matter how you play, there will usually always be someone crazier than you. Yes, there are many players who wake up every three hours to send out new shuttles, but there are also players who will use 9-hour boosts and auto-return them with Dilithium speed-ups. My point is, if this is about making it more "fair" to people who can't or won't get up several times overnight to do this, even if they get their way, there will still be folks who will do more (like the aforementioned dil quick returns), and unless you're also willing to do crazy stuff, you'll never be able to compete at that level.

    Thing is, though, most people don't necessarily want to compete at the very tippy-top of the leaderboards. Maybe to do it once for the achievements, but other than that (and this is in part due to the fact that there is little difference within the top 1000 as far as rewards go), I'd posit that landing securely in the top 1000 is what a vast majority of players who are interested in the new Legendary are attempting to achieve. And as I said, you don't need to go very crazy to get to such a rank. Some events are more competitive than others, but generally speaking, you can easily get there and sleep like a baby every night of the weekend.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    So yeah, nobody is forcing you to do it but with the competitive dynamic the way it is now, it sure does put pressure on you to do it and that is not healthy.

    so the mention of it being somehow "unethical" on DB's part by other folks in this thread just doesn't hold water, as I see it. No matter how you play, there will usually always be someone crazier than you.

    I'd posit that landing securely in the top 1000 is what a vast majority of players who are interested in the new Legendary are attempting to achieve. And as I said, you don't need to go very crazy to get to such a rank. Some events are more competitive than others, but generally speaking, you can easily get there and sleep like a baby every night of the weekend.

    I’m glad you said other folk because I never made claims of it being “unethical”.

    Top 1000 is indeed my goal and has been easily and consistently met most events for the past 1 1/2 years (the first half year my crew stunk and I didn’t know what I was doing). Of course that’s doing so without spending a lot outside the monthly DIL card and a couple 10x10 offers. That 14 rank damned near killed me and I’m not likely to repeat that any time soon as the top 5 achievement seems like it would be a zillion times worse.

    My point was it appears that it has become much harder in faction events recently to get top 1000 for some reason. Could be the addition of purchasable booster packs. Could be more players are competing (and able to compete) in the top 1000 range. I think part of it is also an increase in people being sleep deprived as the slow decline in ranks every morning for me suggests is happening.

    It might be slightly off topic but if it is because more people are competing (and capable of competing) for top 1000 than in the past, then we are in a death spiral arms war of sleep deprivation, carpal tunnel phone tapping, and money burning which is not something I am willing to do. It was fine when the hard core wanted to go all in but now a whole bunch of others have been sucked in, then the pain threshold just got raised. Now if that’s the case, as has been suggested before, maybe a revamp of the ranked rewards is in order is so many more people are participating as DB has alluded to a while ago.

    I’m the meantime, I switched up my strategy and it seemed to work well (191 rank last week without sleep deprivation or burning money, DIL or a zillion time boosts). Hopefully that will hold because the first time I got knocked out of a faction, I was ticked but hey poop happens. The second time might have been because people went nuts going for Polywatergate but that really stung. So let’s see if it’s just an aberration or a trend but I have adapted for now.

    Going REALLY off topic... I hate that saying “slept like a baby”. If this thread has taught us one thing, that means you got up every three hours crying and pooping yourself.

  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it's up to us, not DB, to moderate how we sleep.

    That being said... I would love to see those boosts change from nine hours to eight hours! Pleeeease? o:)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another thing to consider is this past faction, all mirror crew was bonus. I don’t know about everyone else, but couple that with my Sato’s (one professor, 2 Loque’eque and a mirror) and that is a TON of bonus crew. Every seat on every shuttle I sent was bonus crew. With all time boosts and no skill boosts, every shuttle I sent had an over 90% success rate. This one was bound to be a big point producer for that reason
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    You know what would be nice regarding the shuttle time extenders? Making a Sid Meier style interesting choice.

    Okay, so dB only wants to give us twice the rewards for thrice the time investment. Not a terribly interesting choice, because the obvious better choice is to not go with the time extenders.

    However, if there was some reward from extending your shuttles that can’t be acquired through normal shuttles, that might be an interesting choice.

    Anything relating to Sid Meier and/or Civ gets my vote.
  • edited September 2018
    As players we have choice not to do those unhealthy things.

    1. Don’t do event like it is the end of the world. At the end of the day these are virtual cards, and when servers are shutdown, we’ll have to part ways.
    2. You quit the game
    3. Comment moderated. ˜Shan
  • Cam Taliis wrote: »
    You know what would be nice regarding the shuttle time extenders? Making a Sid Meier style interesting choice.

    Okay, so dB only wants to give us twice the rewards for thrice the time investment. Not a terribly interesting choice, because the obvious better choice is to not go with the time extenders.

    However, if there was some reward from extending your shuttles that can’t be acquired through normal shuttles, that might be an interesting choice.

    Anything relating to Sid Meier and/or Civ gets my vote.

    I try.
    Task Force Pike: We are recruiting!

    Task Force Pike/Garrett's Giants, Founder

    Task Force April, Fleet Founder Emeritus

    Newfie Central, Squad Founder, In Memoriam
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    pbert wrote: »
    Thanks for bringing this up again, Elynduil. For me what really makes this go from bad design to unethical is that there have been numerous people on the forums since events began talking about setting alarms to interrupt their sleep for shuttles accompanied by posts like this pointing out that this is very unhealthy behavior, but not even a statement from DB to discourage this behavior.

    Ultimately it would be really simple to curb some (maybe even most) of this behavior by making 3x time = 3x rewards. It would still be more optimal to use skill or reduction boosts, but players wouldn't be so tempted to pass up on sleep.

    DB are not our mothers, it is not their job to tell us to go to sleep! If you need to sleep, then sleep. Please do not think you are qualified in any capacity to tell other grown adults what is good for them.

    So you don't believe in Health and Safety requirements at work then? It's okay to drink and drive?

    Blooming nanny state always trying to run our lives for us!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • ByloBand wrote: »
    pbert wrote: »
    Thanks for bringing this up again, Elynduil. For me what really makes this go from bad design to unethical is that there have been numerous people on the forums since events began talking about setting alarms to interrupt their sleep for shuttles accompanied by posts like this pointing out that this is very unhealthy behavior, but not even a statement from DB to discourage this behavior.

    Ultimately it would be really simple to curb some (maybe even most) of this behavior by making 3x time = 3x rewards. It would still be more optimal to use skill or reduction boosts, but players wouldn't be so tempted to pass up on sleep.

    DB are not our mothers, it is not their job to tell us to go to sleep! If you need to sleep, then sleep. Please do not think you are qualified in any capacity to tell other grown adults what is good for them.

    DB is not my mother.

    How dare she tell me to run all those missions and play events every weekend! Asking me to do my dailies! Get 3 stars on everything!

    Oh it's the rules of the game. How dare they have rules?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I want to chime in again that there is also the macro issue. I have heard that there are players/fleets that use a program to send out their shuttles overnight, so they can sleep easily but still get their 3 shuttles.

    To me, changing this over to a 3X reward/ 3x boost or even knocking it down to like 7.5 hours would mitigate the effect of cheating.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, the treasure boosts are vastly inferior to the rest of the boosts. But DB wants that addictive, sleep depriving behavior. It's how the game was designed, it's the philosophy of the company, and one of the ways they see themselves making money.

    That said, for the love of Pete, make those stupid boosts useful!
  • +1. Always wondered why it was only 2x rewards but 3x on the time.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thorozar wrote: »
    +1. Always wondered why it was only 2x rewards but 3x on the time.

    They want people logging in more frequently. If it was 2X rewards, 2X time then people would just always do that and wouldn't log in (and possibly buy) as frequently
  • Simple solution for DB to implement:
    1. Create Enhanced 9hr Event Shuttle boost rewards = 3x3hr Victory Point shuttle rewards
    2. Apply 24hr cooldown timer to Enhanced 9hr Event shuttle boost rewards

    1. Players can enjoy higher quality of life during Faction events and, by extension, better enjoy the game.
    2. Balanced gameplay is preserved by eliminating other shuttle rewards; players receive VP but nothing else and, as always, running the significant risk of the 9hr run ending in failure.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Simple solution for DB to implement:
    1. Create Enhanced 9hr Event Shuttle boost rewards = 3x3hr Victory Point shuttle rewards
    2. Apply 24hr cooldown timer to Enhanced 9hr Event shuttle boost rewards

    1. Players can enjoy higher quality of life during Faction events and, by extension, better enjoy the game.
    2. Balanced gameplay is preserved by eliminating other shuttle rewards; players receive VP but nothing else and, as always, running the significant risk of the 9hr run ending in failure.

    I can endorse these, I actually think those are quite clever.
  • I want to chime in again that there is also the macro issue. I have heard that there are players/fleets that use a program to send out their shuttles overnight, so they can sleep easily but still get their 3 shuttles.

    To me, changing this over to a 3X reward/ 3x boost or even knocking it down to like 7.5 hours would mitigate the effect of cheating.

    Underrated comment.
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