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Can we Please have a week with no event???!!!?!?



  • More repeat events would solve this problem.
    239 Immortalized
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  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    I would like to see many weekends off. I make this happen by not doing many events.

    Others will come by soon to tell you no one is forcing you to play with a gun. But I know how it is to feel you have to participate. I did like that for around the first year and a half.

    Exactly. Answers like that (saying no one is forcing you to participate) are condescending, dismissive and in no way helpful. It’s just a form of trolling. Everyone is different. One person might find it very easy to not participate and it won’t bother them. Another will feel they have to play an event and if they don’t, it bothers them all weekend.

    To follow your logic to the next conclusion. Some people might find that not having an event to participate in bothers them all weekend.

    Personally, I enjoy doing the events (even if I only decide to do threshold and out). If DB stopped doing weekly events simply to please players who lack the self control to not get involved in an event for a week they are punishing the entire player base.

    If the same player got bored and wanted a total break from Timelines would they also expect DB to shut down the servers for a few months while they took their break?
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Etienne wrote: »
    Etienne wrote: »
    My Vote is for NO EVENT AT CHRISTMAS!

    I have no life and still Christmas was a super drag trying to do the event and the holiday commitments, It must be horrible for people who have children and responsibilities. Really and truly, DB can just wait until January to try to get our gift cards. CHRISTMAS IS JUST TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some people like playing over the holiday because they have time off work and such. I spent the time with my family instead and loved it.

    If you are so locked into the game that you can't put it down for a weekend because something as silly as an event (which happens every week) is going on, then maybe you should seek help. Those are some serious signs of addiction.

    I don't feel your post contributes much to this discussion and frankily, I think you are just trying to bate be into an argument...what people call trolling. So.... Have a nice day!

    If anything your argument seems more like the trolling comment here.

    It is insulting and seems designed simply to provoke a response. However, I suspect that was not your intention.

    My personal thoughts on the Christmas event last year was that it was very badly handled, first off because the event in question was one of the must dull and grindy events out there and second because the time frame was actually truncated with little notice.

    If the event is handled better this year I think these problems would pretty much vanish
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Every week is a week without event if you decide to not participate.
    You don´t loose or miss anything.

    I´d prefer to have more rerun events. This would be good for new players, also for players which don´t have all the old characters (maybe only not FFed) and all others could have a weekend off or gets some honor.

    I’m fine with reruns. Just remember DB’s idea of a rerun means at least one new crew, often the gold. I did think the Dancing Uhura rerun was an interesting way to do it (new gold, old gold in thresholds), but not really a rerun in the take a week off sense.
  • Speaking of reruns.....
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

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  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Speaking of reruns.....

    Yeah, a rerun with no new 4* character. I think this could be an easy skip for many players
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Speaking of reruns.....

    Yeah, a rerun with no new 4* character. I think this could be an easy skip for many players

    Not for me 😂😂😂😂😂 (what irony)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I agree. A weekend off to level up crew or "take a break" without fomo would be nice but will never happen. DB wouldn't do it simply for the lost revenue.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Wundigore wrote: »
    I get not wanting to miss out, but once you are a few months (or I suppose a few hundred dollars) into the game you can hit the thresholds with minimal effort and get the super rare for the week (maybe 2 hours, faction is a little trickier, but I am usually done by Friday night) I find my self doing this fairly often when I do not care about the legendary. It would be nice to do more repeats, but events drive the game for DB. I am afraid not having an event just is not realistic.

    I agree with your point about long-time players creating more of a built-in ability to minimize their event gameplay, to essentially take a weekend off whenever they want, without feeling like they're missing out on anything more than the new ranked 5* crew.

    Faction - I can clear thresholds less than halfway through the event, and don't need to worry about kickstarts or overnight alarms if I don't care about a top-1000 finish

    Galaxy - I don't remember the last time I played either a full galaxy event or a hybrid galaxy event beyond threshold, especially since the change to include an existing 4* crew to every event (the ranked reward in most galaxy events).

    Skirmish - aside from grinding like crazy during the first skirmish event and the one with Interfaced La Forge (unexpectedly had tons of free time on my own), I pretty much treat them like galaxy events; threshold-and-out, using honor (or the free token this weekend) to ff the new 4* crew.

    Expedition - I have a pretty good/deep crew now, and I don't find these events to be nearly the grind that some others do. The first run through is fun and strategic, to figure out the crew combinations to maximize the rewards while minimizing the number of runs on each mission. Once that is done, I can clear every reward node with event crew in 10 minutes, since I don't worry about exhausting my crew re-running missions for minimal points. I use every free ticket and might spend dilithium for a few extra tickets, if I'm on the bubble to make or maintain a top-1000 placement.

    I am more relaxed in my event gameplay when I know that I can get the new 5* in factions quite easily, make the conscious decision to ignore the new 5* in galaxy/skirmish events, and am probably 80/20 for getting the new 5* in expedition events just from playing all the free tickets that are available.

    Once clearing threshold becomes a foregone conclusion with minimal effort, and you find yourself having most of the existing 4* crew ff before the event, the 'need' to go all-in each weekend is greatly diminished. If you can't help but need to get every new 5*…. well that's an entirely different story then!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Events are all I really have to look forward to. Taking them away even for a week would take the joy out of the game. Having to go two weeks between events sounds extremely dull.
  • I feel they shouldn't be as long, mak'em shorter, not starting on a Thursday but maybe Friday eve and ending on Sunday night. Most people have lives(family, kids to help with school projects, other hobbies, even work) we all have to find some balance. not grinding away on a screen for hours on end to worry about "placing".

    this. Why are "weekends" in STT starting on Thursday and ending Monday at noon?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel they shouldn't be as long, mak'em shorter, not starting on a Thursday but maybe Friday eve and ending on Sunday night. Most people have lives(family, kids to help with school projects, other hobbies, even work) we all have to find some balance. not grinding away on a screen for hours on end to worry about "placing".

    this. Why are "weekends" in STT starting on Thursday and ending Monday at noon?

    It actually works out great for me. I work all night Thursday so I can pound away for 12 hours on an event, then off fri, sat, sun. Get up at 6:30 Monday morning, pound away til the event is over, take a nap then the work week starts. I understand that I’m prolly in an extreme minority where this works out so well.

  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hear you.
    Also, despite what you may think, DB hears you. They read the forums.
    We won't be getting a weekend off, any time soon, if ever.

    The last one was back in 2016 before we hit the 'weekly' event schedule with consistency. This has been a request, literally, for two years. Unfortunately, as others have noticed, events are big revenue streams for DB and, as you already know, DB is a for-profit business.

    Now, look at it from a different perspective - used to we only had one event type. Then two. Then three. Then back to two. Then kinda three with a hybrid. Now 3 1/2 with both Hybrids and Skirmishes. Not everyone likes everything, but that's the beauty of the game - everyone plays it differently and has different tastes. If it's an event or character you really don't care about, take the weekend off! Next week with a re-run with only a new gold crew will be a fantastic time.

    Also, a longtime request that DB has done a great job of, is re-running old event packs in the stores on Friday. They did a different type this week, but in the previous weeks, it's been 2 or 3 old packs reran that helped someone out.

    DB has, on record, promoted that they are the only place to get new episodic Star Trek content each and every week. Yours and my definition of 'content' may differ from DB, but they aren't wrong. This has been my recent conspiracy theory base that we are seeing the end of event re-runs - instead each event will be a new run with an existing 4* crew and a new 4*/5* combo - while putting up old packs for sale on Friday. I could totally see that become the new model in the very near future. They could also sneak in a repeat every 7 or 8 weeks.

    Point is, there isn't a right or wrong way to do it, as it's the DB way - it's their game and they call the shots. We just show up and play, and complain, and throw money at them, and complain, maybe play some more, but mostly complain. Oh, and spin the Dabo wheel.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Point is, there isn't a right or wrong way to do it, as it's the DB way - it's their game and they call the shots. We just show up and play, and complain, and throw money at them, and complain, maybe play some more, but mostly complain. Oh, and spin the Dabo wheel.
    You are not wrong. I am a new-ish player (not struggling, just new) and I come to these here forums to interact with people, try to contribute to the community in a meaningful way, and I enjoy expressing joy at various aspects of this game, because it is fun. I like the events, I like interacting with my fleet (we are a hoot BTW!), I love that thrill of farming chronitons for days and days and then suddenly seeing the well runneth over, I love over-achieving occasionally in The Gauntlet, I love opening packs, I love seeing all the character cards, I love that rush you get when you immortalize another crew, I love hitting the occasional super-rare crew on voyages, I just love this game a lot, and I am really, REALLY getting irritated at coming to this forum to express that joy and support other people who are also enjoying the game only to have our Cheerios CONSTANTLY micturated in by jaded, bitter, self-righteous players who feel it is their birthright to ruin this experience for other people. I'll leave it there. For now....

    People are going to whine and here they sure do, I can deal with that cuz I hear it all night at work and alot at home from the wife. What gets me here, and everyone knows this, is the free water people. Complaining is one thing. Demanding free $H|T when you have contributing nothing to the health and welfare of the game is what really grinds my gears

  • The game dies without events. They add new content, allow for existing content to be upgraded, add new content, give some competition against other players, add new content, refer back to old times for nostalgia, add new content, give some variety to the daily grind, add new content, give players a reason to throw DB some money, and above all, they add new content, so I don't think it would be good for the game we're they to be reduced.

    Only DB knows if their income dips on a rerun, but the fact that a rerun adds new content to existing content suggests new content is where their main profit lies. We all like new content, otherwise we wouldn't play.

    The fact is, that we'd all like more episodes, but that map is going to be filled fast if they do that regularly, and it doesn't provide much in the way of new content. Only events provide new content, and new content is where the money lies.

    If you can figure out a way of DB introducing new content in a way that players are going to participate and fund, and isn't too difficult for DB to code then we'll have something different. We'd all love that.

    I doubt Voyages have made much money, but what they've done is make use of existing content and created am added element to the game, thus increasing longevity. If we could find something like that, and monetize it well (I mean, seriously the complaints about Voyages being nerfed when they provide so much stuff for free, and with so little interaction, has me quite astonished at times) would be good.

    Actually, I'd love DB to monetize voyages for an event, because I like Voyages, and I'm pretty sure they were set up to do so but somehow the coding hasn't worked for some reason. The regular interaction, the possibility of paying dil, regular drops, it's just figuring out a way to do it to persuade players to spend while not breaking the code, that's all.

    And that reiterates my point. DB need money to make new content, they are a business so they need to make more money than they spend, and there are few ways to make money without having regular periods where spending is encouraged. So for them it's about money, for us it's about having a good time, so if you want solutions the best way is to give DB good, solid ideas for making money without upsetting the player base.

    And that does also involve burnout. So if it's not working out you're doing the best thing by voicing it. You're welcome not to participate, but maybe that's not a solution in itself. Non-participation might sound easy, but it's kind of not. And it might lead to players leaving. So we've come up with reruns, which is a partial fix but not if you don't have the cards. If you do, but want to play, you're in a different position again.

    Anyway, I'm kind of waffling now. I can believe I just wrote all that. But I think it's an important discussion from that angle too, as much as it is from the perspective of addiction.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I think I speak for many players who would very much enjoy a weekend off with no sending shuttles, no tap, tap, tapping and saving chronos and no ship battling. I heard that back in the day (before I played timelines) there wasn’t an event every week(end) just a free weekend to level up crew, relax etc. So would at least one week with no event be so bad?

    Thx 😊

    I think this is a good idea, as many fleets require their players to play every event and some fleets might boot players if they do not play every week. A week off from no event once in a while would help players build crew or something else. Maybe just two or three times a year DB?

  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...



  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...




    Free water? You kidding? Next they'll want free air. These people who just want to share resources for nothing instead of paying vast amounts to corporations for their survival.. Nothing but bludgers I say. A waste of good air and water. We need a (small) government that will force them to pay! (us)
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...




    Free water? You kidding? Next they'll want free air. These people who just want to share resources for nothing instead of paying vast amounts to corporations for their survival.. Nothing but bludgers I say. A waste of good air and water. We need a (small) government that will force them to pay! (us)

  • Etienne wrote: »
    Etienne wrote: »
    My Vote is for NO EVENT AT CHRISTMAS!

    I have no life and still Christmas was a super drag trying to do the event and the holiday commitments, It must be horrible for people who have children and responsibilities. Really and truly, DB can just wait until January to try to get our gift cards. CHRISTMAS IS JUST TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some people like playing over the holiday because they have time off work and such. I spent the time with my family instead and loved it.

    If you are so locked into the game that you can't put it down for a weekend because something as silly as an event (which happens every week) is going on, then maybe you should seek help. Those are some serious signs of addiction.

    I don't feel your post contributes much to this discussion and frankily, I think you are just trying to bate be into an argument...what people call trolling. So.... Have a nice day!

    Disagreeing with someone isn't trolling. Gambling and gaming addiction are real things and this is a 100% serious post.

    If someone feels a compulsion to play this (or any) game to their personal detriment, then I hope they seek help.

    Peachtree's comment(s) intimates the same thing as much as my own post does - entering an event is a choice not a compulsion - of course a very tantalising choice with newer exciting/powerful crew but it is still the player's choice, additionally if they have found themselves pressurised by an obsessive "hard core" fleet - then they should look for a more relaxed fleet and there are plenty of those out there. The stt wiki fleet page would be a good starting place to look.

    Some people are not addicted so much as they are simply competitive.... If I don't finish in the top 1000, I consider that a lose (even if I could care less about the 5* guy) That is not to say that I have never skipped events, I have on several occasions. But I still maintain that it would be nice to have a by-week at Christmas.

    Disagreeing with someone isn't trolling. Gambling and gaming addiction are real things and this is a 100% serious post.

    And no I disagree 100 percent, There are many different ways he could have made that point without it coming off as a personal attack. I suspect that he made a conscious decision to state it the way he did because he wanted to get in an argument with me. It wasn't a general statement, he repeated used the pronoun "you" meaning it was directed at me personally. He made the choice not to make it a neutral statement on purpose I feel. I would call that trolling.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...




    Free water? You kidding? Next they'll want free air. These people who just want to share resources for nothing instead of paying vast amounts to corporations for their survival.. Nothing but bludgers I say. A waste of good air and water. We need a (small) government that will force them to pay! (us)

    It’s an a figure of speech to describe the situation, not to be taken literally. Try this one. My wife’s cousin freeloaded in their grandmothers house until she passed away (he was 33). His logic was that since he freeloaded there his whole life that the house should be given to him when she died. Didn’t matter that he was the grandchild and that there were four living children. He sat in that house for free his whole life so by golly it was his house.

  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...




    Free water? You kidding? Next they'll want free air. These people who just want to share resources for nothing instead of paying vast amounts to corporations for their survival.. Nothing but bludgers I say. A waste of good air and water. We need a (small) government that will force them to pay! (us)

    It’s an a figure of speech to describe the situation, not to be taken literally. Try this one. My wife’s cousin freeloaded in their grandmothers house until she passed away (he was 33). His logic was that since he freeloaded there his whole life that the house should be given to him when she died. Didn’t matter that he was the grandchild and that there were four living children. He sat in that house for free his whole life so by golly it was his house.

    Um, I don't know Belle'Anna, but I am pretty sure that she was being ironic.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think this is a good idea, as many fleets require their players to play every event and some fleets might boot players if they do not play every week.


    Wow, that would be a fun fleet. :#
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Cam Taliis wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo. It’s alright to debate whether Enterprise was Best...




    Free water? You kidding? Next they'll want free air. These people who just want to share resources for nothing instead of paying vast amounts to corporations for their survival.. Nothing but bludgers I say. A waste of good air and water. We need a (small) government that will force them to pay! (us)

    It’s an a figure of speech to describe the situation, not to be taken literally. Try this one. My wife’s cousin freeloaded in their grandmothers house until she passed away (he was 33). His logic was that since he freeloaded there his whole life that the house should be given to him when she died. Didn’t matter that he was the grandchild and that there were four living children. He sat in that house for free his whole life so by golly it was his house.

    Um, I don't know Belle'Anna, but I am pretty sure that she was being ironic.

    I knew that, but it still came off sarcastic so I Just thought I’d update the analogy

  • ByloBand wrote: »
    There are times where I feel compelled to play instead of doing something more useful.

    This kind of discussion has now, and in the past, helped curb my excesses. It is a worthwhile discussion. We do need to have some kind of self awareness to avoid getting into unhealthy habits, and while it can be confronting to be told our behaviour 'may' be unhealthy, it's worthwhile looking at that, and assessing it. They may be wrong but self assessment and awareness is a very useful trait.

    I just want to thank everyone who is discussing this calmly and sensibly for bringing it to my, and everyone else's, attention.

    This was an important statement, so I'm quoting it to give it the impact it deserves.

    I would just add that if you feel you need to not do an event for personal, health, etc reasons, PLEASE listen to yourself and skip the event. Your fleet will understand. Your squadron will understand. We are all Star Trek fans which by extension means we all on some level believe in the principles of Star Fleet, and that means we are all in this together, and if my words here or those of a fellow peer can help give you the will to miss an event, that is what a community such as this is for.

    But watch the week you skip an event "aw dang they released the enterprise e in a skirmish event, what a lousy week to take off!" :smirk:
  • I think repeats of previous missions but with 1 new crew member would be a fair comprise and by that i mean it will be hated by both sides equally but not enough to cause misery.
  • I think I speak for many players who would very much enjoy a weekend off with no sending shuttles, no tap, tap, tapping and saving chronos and no ship battling. I heard that back in the day (before I played timelines) there wasn’t an event every week(end) just a free weekend to level up crew, relax etc. So would at least one week with no event be so bad?

    Thx 😊

    I think this is a good idea, as many fleets require their players to play every event and some fleets might boot players if they do not play every week. A week off from no event once in a while would help players build crew or something else. Maybe just two or three times a year DB?


    That is a good point Trista (your highness), many of the top fleets are this way or even more demanding. Even though my fleet is a bit less restrictive, we still expect players esp. squad leaders to play and share a guy during shuttle events or at least let us know if they are going to be gone etc... for more then 7 days (which is the point when I start showing people the curb) . I never expect anyone else to be as competitive as I am but I do expect the people in my fleet to try and also to contribute to our fleet. And yes, a by-week now and then helps to prevent burnout and could help with player retention.
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