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No fix, and just a flat sorryton email for the event screw up?



  • TaskerTasker ✭✭✭
    @Shan, @JazzRiker, let’s make this easy for you guys:

    6) PS if people spent real money/packs on crew that they couldn’t use, they deserve refunds

    ^^^^^^ THIS RIGHT HERE.

    You either:

    1. Give me a copy of Pinafore Data or
    2. Refund the money I spent on Bateson thinking he'd at least be useful for this event or
    3. That's the last money you get from me.

    I am so angry about this I can't even see straight.

    Give EVERYONE in the game a copy of Data, you still owe me money.

    I know I'm not the only one in this boat. Make it right, DB.
  • I say since DB can't launch a clean event, not fix it while it's going wrong, let us boycott the next one and, not spend a penny on this game till it's end. "NUTS" to their 1k sorries!
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Well, I am clearly in the extreme minority here, but I think this was handled properly. OBVIOUSLY all parties agree it would have been better had the event worked properly, but since that did not happen all DB was left with was how to address the situation.

    They have chosen to give EVERYONE 1,000 chronitons, in theory to offset the extra chronitons we have been forced to spend to hit threshold+ given the horrible bonus chance rates.

    If they did anything else it would have drastically manipulated the results, and for that reason I 100% agree with them that doing anything now would be wrong.

    Instead of complaining about it, why not see it for what it is, an opportunity? If you want to keep going, congratulations, you are still on an level playing field with everyone else who is still trying, only you get 1,000 more chronitons to use. If you are threshold and out, congratulations, you now have 1,000 more chronitons to use net week! Like seriously, sometimes this forum is just soul-crushing with all the complaining, whining, etc. Take a deep breath, process the situation, exhale slowly, and move on!
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Well, I am clearly in the extreme minority here, but I think this was handled properly. OBVIOUSLY all parties agree it would have been better had the event worked properly, but since that did not happen all DB was left with was how to address the situation.

    They have chosen to give EVERYONE 1,000 chronitons, in theory to offset the extra chronitons we have been forced to spend to hit threshold+ given the horrible bonus chance rates.

    If they did anything else it would have drastically manipulated the results, and for that reason I 100% agree with them that doing anything now would be wrong.

    Instead of complaining about it, why not see it for what it is, an opportunity? If you want to keep going, congratulations, you are still on an level playing field with everyone else who is still trying, only you get 1,000 more chronitons to use. If you are threshold and out, congratulations, you now have 1,000 more chronitons to use net week! Like seriously, sometimes this forum is just soul-crushing with all the complaining, whining, etc. Take a deep breath, process the situation, exhale slowly, and move on!

    And if you are actually competing for the top 1k because you planned and built resources, you are not ahead
  • They should have never launched a flawed event. This is getting into a FCC issue since they are payed to produce but fail.
  • It’s like no one thinks things through. lol. I would love to see the decision making flow chart.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • How do I get help on this? I spent way more than a thousand crons are worth who do I talk to
  • edited November 2018
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If you want to keep going, congratulations, you are still on an level playing field with everyone else who is still trying

    First let me begin with I have great respect for you @ByloBand always have and always will. The event crew I have that is immortalized should be an advantage which is the whole purpose behind events having event crew. As it is, all of my immortalized main event crew now give basically the same bonus as other non-event crew that others may have, thus negating the advantage that I worked hard for over the 20 months of playing the game. Simply put, if they don't have immortalized main event crew and I do we should not be "on a level playing field". I didn't create these parameters, DB did and it is unfair to those of us that should have an advantage when we don't.

    Yes, this goes back way further than this weekend. I spent money the first time around with this event, and was able to get 2 stars on Bateson from that event, was fortunate enough to get a third from 10x pulls along the way, then used a citation before this event knowing I'd get the fifth star during the event to actually compete for a top 1000 finish and a cool new Data. All of that amounts to nothing because Mirror Picard, who nearly everyone has FF/FE, is almost as useful as the Bateson I'd prepared, and thats not the only "other" crew that competes or is equal to Sulu and Harriman, who I had FF/FE before the event.
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  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    How do I get help on this? I spent way more than a thousand crons are worth who do I talk to

    As stated by others, submit a ticket. However, I advise patience. They will doubtless give us more information tomorrow. Whatever compensation is offered will not meet everyone's expectations, but if it fills your personal needs, then be happy and move on with your life. If it does not, submit a ticket. I also recommend looking at what is offered in a vacuum: forgetting about if it advantages or disadvantages others, is it what you feel is fair for you. That will keep you sane.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am benefiting quite greatly from the way this error is being handled. I didn't go for Data. I really focused on the shuttles to hit threshold and get the one remaining Sulu that I need (top 3,000). Since the error is making it harder for players who are using chronitons in the Galaxy portion, I have an advantage. I may have to spend a few chronitons to maintain my rank, but probably won't need to touch the 1,000 chronitons that were sent out. So I'll have them for the next Galaxy event.

    If DB sends out a citation or a Pinafore Data to all players, I'll get an even bigger reward for low participation. I mean, I'm fine with that if that's what everyone wants, but are you all really willing to give that to me when you spent much more resources?

    The timing of the Sorrytons was pretty bad. Some players will use them to try to get into or stay in the top 1,000. That just makes my 1,000 Sorrytons more valuable because I'll still have them next week. It would have been better for the players who are actually trying hard this event if the Sorrytons were sent out an hour after the event ends.

    I find it very unfortunate that so many players are mad. I generally like the community and the other players. I don't want anyone to leave or stop spending money (which funds the game). The unfortunate thing is that I suspect that both of those things may happen. :'(
    Farewell 🖖
  • edited November 2018
    I'd like more than a 1000 crons. Like most of you I've been saving for this event had crew frozen as well and to get crapped on really bothers me
  • Thanks Davidebooks
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Im confused thou? Db has been able to fix errors in events in the past? why not this one. My guess is Db really likes tickets lol
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Davidebooks

    You're welcome. Call me David. I was so mad at the Yar fiasco that it affected my feelings around others and my attitude. That was so unnecessary. DB knows what is going on. They will make mistakes, but they will make it acceptable in the end for 95% of players. My Yar recompense was not ideal, but it was satisfactory. This time, I'm not as affected as many, but I am affected more than many others. Frankly I trust that DB will do fine by me. As for others, I wish them well. I don't look at others as competition. For me, this is only for me.

    I wish you well. If you are new, come join my fleet, I'll talk with my admiral. PM me. If you are simply new to the forums, welcome. We are usually a good, friendly group.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Oddly I had 15 event crew and I wasted over 1000 merits defrosting crew. Stopped aiming high when I saw the bonus error and started looking for 2/4 Sulu instead. This game is getting more and more messed up by the week.

  • And if you are actually competing for the top 1k because you planned and built resources, you are not ahead

    Actually, you and not ahead nor behind. You are in exactly the same state as before as the only people aiming for top 1k will be the ones who got De Silva and finished her, and Bateson and finished him as well. Since no one has any advantage from the crew, you are in the same competitive state as before...

  • And if you are actually competing for the top 1k because you planned and built resources, you are not ahead

    Actually, you and not ahead nor behind. You are in exactly the same state as before as the only people aiming for top 1k will be the ones who got De Silva and finished her, and Bateson and finished him as well. Since no one has any advantage from the crew, you are in the same competitive state as before...

    Really? The only people? I don't have De Silva at all and Bateson is 1/5 and sitting untouched yet I'm currently 27th.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I would be fine with it if they left it at 1000 chrons and gave refunds to those who spent money, dilithium and/or lots of chrons in an attempt to rank high (I'm not one of them).
    But it appears that this is now some sort of "send out a ticket and make a convincing case of how high you could have ranked or how angry you are and you will get anything in between a free 5* and a pat on the shoulder". So, in a few days, there will be people who did exactly what I did in this event and were affected exactly as much as I was (not that much) who will have a free Pinafore Data or a bunch of dilithium or a gold citation that I will not have, since I don't plan to send a ticket. And others who were really bothered by the bug and maybe event contacted CS and didn't get anything.

    That's why I think that, if they don't give refunds, then it would be better if they gave out some other general compensation, which could be scaled according to rank or available event crew or whatever. Obviously, it would also benefit people who were not affected by the bug or who even had an advantage because of it, but I don't really see that as a big issue. The event will be over anyway.
  • You know DB i really wasn't sure about going for Silva, at 1/5 shes not exactly setting anyone knickers on fire and im so choked with 1/5 already. However, i thought shed be quite useful this event. I've been playing 8 months so I don't have a FF Mirror Picard or anything, I truly thought she'd be quite useful. I lead a squad and I take that far too seriously, and wanted a good card to share.

    Man I can't imagine playing this event without Mirror Picard - Him, North Star Archer and Arachnia are doing nearly 50% of the work for me.
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