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No fix, and just a flat sorryton email for the event screw up?



  • You know DB i really wasn't sure about going for Silva, at 1/5 shes not exactly setting anyone knickers on fire and im so choked with 1/5 already. However, i thought shed be quite useful this event. I've been playing 8 months so I don't have a FF Mirror Picard or anything, I truly thought she'd be quite useful. I lead a squad and I take that far too seriously, and wanted a good card to share.

    Man I can't imagine playing this event without Mirror Picard - Him, North Star Archer and Arachnia are doing nearly 50% of the work for me.

    For me it's been Gangster Kirk and Mirror Picard. And occasionally Harriman or Rura Penthe Kirk.

    But 1000 chrons is meaningless. Before Voyages, yeah, we'd all squee at 1k chrons. Now, it's petty cash.

  • Really? The only people? I don't have De Silva at all and Bateson is 1/5 and sitting untouched yet I'm currently 27th.

    I stand corrected... Most people in the top levels will be ones with maxed De Silva and Bateson... And some crazy people like Wizzlestix earning their spot through solid grind! I applaud you sir! ;)
  • [QH] Captain Ziggy[QH] Captain Ziggy ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    You know DB i really wasn't sure about going for Silva, at 1/5 shes not exactly setting anyone knickers on fire and im so choked with 1/5 already. However, i thought shed be quite useful this event. I've been playing 8 months so I don't have a FF Mirror Picard or anything, I truly thought she'd be quite useful. I lead a squad and I take that far too seriously, and wanted a good card to share.

    Man I can't imagine playing this event without Mirror Picard - Him, North Star Archer and Arachnia are doing nearly 50% of the work for me.

    For me it's been Gangster Kirk and Mirror Picard. And occasionally Harriman or Rura Penthe Kirk.

    But 1000 chrons is meaningless. Before Voyages, yeah, we'd all squee at 1k chrons. Now, it's petty cash.

    On the positive side, this event is kinda like having Expeditions back as I'm using crew I'd usually find completely useless - I don't think I've ever used 1/5 Lorca before this weekend!
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:


  • Really? The only people? I don't have De Silva at all and Bateson is 1/5 and sitting untouched yet I'm currently 27th.

    I stand corrected... Most people in the top levels will be ones with maxed De Silva and Bateson... And some crazy people like Wizzlestix earning their spot through solid grind! I applaud you sir! ;)

    What's funny is the only reason I'm grinding is for the Top 25 achievement. I was just going threshold and out but when phase two bonuses were broken I thought... "Hmm. Rerun and broken... lotta people will lose motivation, I've got some chrons saved... ah, what the hell."

    Of course, I'll probably finish 26th now. Really, unless it's a faction event I just don't have the time to grind.
  • Dear @Shan giving 1000 chronitons should've been well received, the mistake was giving them out during the event rather than after the event, also giving them out as a blanket reward players not even participating still get the 1000 chronitons. Players who purchased event packs were harder hit than those who who did not buy packs. So there needs to be more grades of compensation.

    £99 =
    £45 =
    £22 =
    £9 =
    650x dilithium =
    Taking part in event = 1000 chronitons

    Regards V'ger
  • edited November 2018
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    Dear @Shan giving 1000 chronitons should've been well received, the mistake was giving them out during the event rather than after the event, also giving them out as a blanket reward players not even participating still get the 1000 chronitons. Players who purchased event packs were harder hit than those who who did not buy packs. So there needs to be more grades of compensation.

    £99 =
    £45 =
    £22 =
    £9 =
    650x dilithium =
    Taking part in event = 1000 chronitons

    Regards V'ger

    Indeed. My alt was only ever doing threshold in phase one and done. Same compensation for all, when some weren't even playing... Pfft.

    Horse hockey!
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    In case some of you want to follow DB's procedure, I contacted support for further assistance and all I got is an answer telling me they're not sure what the problem is yet. I mean, WTF. It's the third time I contact them and they have never been helpful. The first time was for a bug that has never been solved on my account, the second time I got a "sorry we won't help" for another event bug and this time they're not sure about what to do... 10/10 I would contact support again. With all due respect for the hard-working people there, I feel like DB's rules are so draconian they won't do anything in most cases and that it could be an auto reply bot and it wouldn't be any less helpful.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    Dear @Shan giving 1000 chronitons should've been well received, the mistake was giving them out during the event rather than after the event, also giving them out as a blanket reward players not even participating still get the 1000 chronitons. Players who purchased event packs were harder hit than those who who did not buy packs. So there needs to be more grades of compensation.

    £99 =
    £45 =
    £22 =
    £9 =
    650x dilithium =
    Taking part in event = 1000 chronitons

    Regards V'ger

    I didn’t buy any packs 1000 chrons still wouldn’t cut the mustard, this wouldn’t scratch the surface for obtaining then levelling a useless/multiple useless event crew for the galaxy part. Not to mention the fact I burnt hard on shuttle portion hoping to minimise the need to build in phase 2 only to find sorrytons handed out and nearly everyone having an equal chance of obtaining super rares for the galaxy portion with my event crew I should have been able to keep ahead with relative ease instead the vp gap between where I ranked 399 and 1000 was comparatively small. So now I am out of chrons and suffering the post event blues of not being able to enjoy levelling data instead I will be stockpiling again.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Ren~ wrote: »
    In case some of you want to follow DB's procedure, I contacted support for further assistance and all I got is an answer telling me they're not sure what the problem is yet. I mean, WTF. It's the third time I contact them and they have never been helpful. The first time was for a bug that has never been solved on my account, the second time I got a "sorry we won't help" for another event bug and this time they're not sure about what to do... 10/10 I would contact support again. With all due respect for the hard-working people there, I feel like DB's rules are so draconian they won't do anything in most cases and that it could be an auto reply bot and it wouldn't be any less helpful.

    I'm sure everyone knows my feelings about this subject as well but in regards to you contacting CS, Shan posted this in the engineering room subforum...
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for your patience everyone, we are finalizing what we are going to do about this and will announce it soon.

    All I'm saying is that they are aware there was an issue and, by her post, they are working to try to figure out what to do. This doesn't excuse your past (and apparently consistent results) but at least give them "a moment" to figure out what they're going to do in this case.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Ren~ wrote: »
    In case some of you want to follow DB's procedure, I contacted support for further assistance and all I got is an answer telling me they're not sure what the problem is yet. I mean, WTF. It's the third time I contact them and they have never been helpful. The first time was for a bug that has never been solved on my account, the second time I got a "sorry we won't help" for another event bug and this time they're not sure about what to do... 10/10 I would contact support again. With all due respect for the hard-working people there, I feel like DB's rules are so draconian they won't do anything in most cases and that it could be an auto reply bot and it wouldn't be any less helpful.

    I'm sure everyone knows my feelings about this subject as well but in regards to you contacting CS, Shan posted this in the engineering room subforum...
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for your patience everyone, we are finalizing what we are going to do about this and will announce it soon.

    All I'm saying is that they are aware there was an issue and, by her post, they are working to try to figure out what to do. This doesn't excuse your past (and apparently consistent results) but at least give them "a moment" to figure out what they're going to do in this case.

    Yeah sorry, but that post is a bit hidden and i don't go to the bug report forums that often. I simply did what Jazz Riker said yesterday, so I wasn't expecting the answer I got. All this is very confusing. I used to work for a huge organization too so I suspect that's a case of "you have to ask 50 people to buy new pencils for the office" but I was hoping that the issue was already kind of solved internally when he posted that, since, you know, I did exactly what he recommended.
  • Ren~ wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    In case some of you want to follow DB's procedure, I contacted support for further assistance and all I got is an answer telling me they're not sure what the problem is yet. I mean, WTF. It's the third time I contact them and they have never been helpful. The first time was for a bug that has never been solved on my account, the second time I got a "sorry we won't help" for another event bug and this time they're not sure about what to do... 10/10 I would contact support again. With all due respect for the hard-working people there, I feel like DB's rules are so draconian they won't do anything in most cases and that it could be an auto reply bot and it wouldn't be any less helpful.

    I'm sure everyone knows my feelings about this subject as well but in regards to you contacting CS, Shan posted this in the engineering room subforum...
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for your patience everyone, we are finalizing what we are going to do about this and will announce it soon.

    All I'm saying is that they are aware there was an issue and, by her post, they are working to try to figure out what to do. This doesn't excuse your past (and apparently consistent results) but at least give them "a moment" to figure out what they're going to do in this case.

    Yeah sorry, but that post is a bit hidden and i don't go to the bug report forums that often. I simply did what Jazz Riker said yesterday, so I wasn't expecting the answer I got. All this is very confusing. I used to work for a huge organization too so I suspect that's a case of "you have to ask 50 people to buy new pencils for the office" but I was hoping that the issue was already kind of solved internally when he posted that, since, you know, I did exactly what he recommended.

    No, that's completely understandable. I was lucky in a way because my CS ticket from Saturday after the phase change (which was replied to yesterday) was "kept open" and "forwarded to the developers". I just wanted to make sure you (and anyone else that maybe doesn't check the subforums regularly...ah the benefits of no life, lol) knew that they're trying to work on it. ;)
  • This was handled exceptionally poorly DB! You have players who went to extensive effort to level up crew that were to be giving bonuses. They get extra event packs to add stars to their 5* crew. no fix, no response from DB, no developers available to immediately fix the issue. Then a email with 1000 crons sent to everyone, which only aggravated the scenario the final day and as everyone has to spend more crons to catch up because everyone now has 1000 to spend. This was a big screw up and anyone who was getting event packs deserves a MASSIVE apology because DB has negated the investment those players made this week.
    The only thing DB was fair on, and it was probably because they had no Dev's to fix it was leaving the event run as it through its entirely.
    Apology crons sent to EVERYONE should only be issued AFTER the event.
    Now DB, to make right, needs to go through everyone who spent $$$ on packs and credit them in someway. This week was quite a rip off from DB position.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    JazzRiker wrote: »
    We just posted an announcement about compensation regarding the last event:


    Thank you, I think this is a really great step.
  • Nope, I was ready to go all in to try to finish sub 1k, Time and effort are worth a lot more that this.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Doesn’t cut it for me either.

    Sub-1000 would have been easy, if that was my goal, but I was aiming and expecting higher.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thx DB. For me the resolution was fair with the additional Data I would have recieved without the bonus bug.
    Let’s fly!
  • Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    Free chronitons are always good, regardless of when they drop

    No, the free chron screwed me over. I work Monday mornings and was in 400s when last checked at 600k VP (usually enough to place top 1000 but not when everyone gets 1000 free chron). The 1000 chron allowed my competition to play more than they could have without them. Not to mention I invested chron and resources leveling two 5-star that we're useless in phase 2.

    The rules changed during event. After event compensation would have been fair. During event gives everyone with extra time an advantage.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    Free chronitons are always good, regardless of when they drop

    No, the free chron screwed me over. I work Monday mornings and was in 400s when last checked at 600k VP (usually enough to place top 1000 but not when everyone gets 1000 free chron). The 1000 chron allowed my competition to play more than they could have without them. Not to mention I invested chron and resources leveling two 5-star that we're useless in phase 2.

    The rules changed during event. After event compensation would have been fair. During event gives everyone with extra time an advantage.

    Agree the 1,000 chrons were a mistake.

    If you were at 600K vp then you should have been top 1K since 599,390 was rank 709.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    And I don't even want to start with what happened in Ru'afo's skirmish. I was actually hoping to pretend that never happened...

    What happened with Ru'afo happening again in the next mega skirmish with Minuet really shows how they learn from their mistakes. ;)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    And I don't even want to start with what happened in Ru'afo's skirmish. I was actually hoping to pretend that never happened...

    What happened with Ru'afo happening again in the next mega skirmish with Minuet really shows how they learn from their mistakes. ;)

    Shows it even better when you consider what happened in Reunification!

    The last event of Surak's mega, he got full bonus in the faction half, and 5x instead of 10x in the galaxy half. And people who submitted tickets at first were told that they were wrong, and he was only supposed to have 5x. Anyway, we got a 4* cite in the mail eventually.
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