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Captains’ Oath Compensation

Has everyone seen the new message about the compensation fix yet? It’s in Starfleet Communications if you haven’t. All I can say about it right now is, it seems like a pretty good solution, except for the lowest ranking people, like myself.

I have to say, I just entirely stopped playing the event once I discovered I couldn’t really get much done due to the bonuses not working correctly, though you should keep in mind that I had 3 of the 4 event crew fully immortalized and ready to go. The bonuses were just so horrible that I couldn’t seem to get anywhere with points anymore so I just called it quits until they fixed the bonus problem. Oops, they never did. So my ranked slipped way, WAY down.

I guess I’m mostly fine with just getting 18,000 Honor, or admittedly I WAS fine with it, till this revision. Again, this is a good fix, but I still have to say that it feels like all those that are in the same boat as me as well as the “little guys” who played the event, just really got snubbed. I KNOW it’s not really the case or intention, but it still feels like a situation where, “everybody gets a Data! Except you guys. Cause you suc.”

Man, it also feels like every other post I’m making on the forum for the past two weeks has been a complaint and contrary to all evidence, I do not like complaining. I’ll do it, but I don’t like doing it, lol. What’s everyone else’s thoughts on this and the fix?
Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.


  • Yes, I’ve read those threads. They’re not quite on the same point except your first mention. Also, mine was started with newer information. Thanks for the info though, as I’m always managing to overlook similar threads.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    This event was the most grindy one I have played in well over a year and the only reason many did it was for the Data. To have a situation that some who were lucky enough to benefit from a screw up get a free copy while those who were not so lucky get screwed over seems massively unfair to me.

    Compensation for a screw up shouldn't be seen as a lottery

    I agree. I didn't have a strong feeling until this. I figured they'd do something fair. Now I feel like I lost the lottery. I went from not caring much to being a bit annoyed with this new compensation.
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just give everybody in the '18k honor & oopsie Data for some' tier a single copy of Data, then give everybody in the '1 free Data' tier a 2nd free Data.

    Of course, that means that people in the highest tier and/or people who already had Data fused to at least 4/5 will need to figure something out with CS on a case-by-case basis.

    More work, but also seems more fair.
  • I will be threshold and out...just in support of my fellow players that this unfair impacted.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gogus wrote: »
    I will be threshold and out...just in support of my fellow players that this unfair impacted.

    Thanks, but honestly, to pull that kind of unfair trick, it takes quite a lot of insensitivity. This mess shows that executives at DB don't feel they have to make things fair. Some got a Data? Cool. Others didn't? Also cool to them.

    They're not even trying to anger us, they just don't care how we feel. That's sad for an entertainment business but that's how it is. So rest assured that they do not care in the slightest if you don't go after something you want from this event. If anything, they may find it amusing at best.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Speaking as someone who lost the lottery, my wallet is closed. This is ridiculous. I regret giving DB yet another $20 yesterday. I wish I could take it back.

    Did they take your money electronically from a credit card or debit card?
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I can only speak from my experience, I hadn't started the 2nd part of the event as I was at work. Though after hearing the issues and seeing the bonus issues I decided to not put forth what I felt would be 3x the resources on something that was not working as intended. Yes that was my choice, I had did fairly well in the shuttle portion, I had all but 2 of the thresholds completed. By choosing not to use more resource than I thought I should I missed out on those last 2. I think one was Harriman and the other Bateson. For me that was a little upsetting. Data, I really wasn't shooting for, if I got him great, if not no big deal. I can understand other people frustration from quite a few different angles on the issue. Should compensation be granted, absolutely. What I think really needs to be addressed more, and may have been already stated, is the frequency in which these major event impacting mistakes are happening. I honestly can't think of single Mega Event dating back to some of the first ones where something didn't go wrong. To me that is what needs fixed is why and how these mistakes continue to happen, instead of consistently rolling out new character content, instead of giving out compensation. I get character content and game mechanics are 2 separate things, though if you keep putting a new tire on bent broken rim, no matter how good the tire is, it's going to get damaged and not work. Just my 2 cents.
    Playing since April 2016

    Waving dead chickens while using Voodoo in Star Trek Timelines since Jan 2017 (forum comment from another user)

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181490765563427/

  • So there were a series of mistakes here, and naturally the final outcome is not ideal. The question is whether it's the best that could be done after the initial errors were made. I think the answer is yes.
    • First mistake: the event bonus error. DB decided to be lavish in its rewards after an initial delay, giving all players 1,000 chronitons and adding a compensatory Data to top-1500 participants and 18,000 honour to those ranked below 1500. This was a good solution, except the execution was botched.
    • Second mistake: in handing out the rewards, DB seemingly randomized the 18,000 honour and the Datas. Now faced with the choice between a) clawing back some rewards from some players, which always provokes bitter resentment (remember when that Tuesday pack spewed dilithium? boy was there some whining when that was clawed back) or b) expanding the rewards so that everyone got to keep their stuff but some lucky lottery winners were given more than others.

    They chose (b). It was the right choice, and I say this as someone who was initially a top 1000 finisher and now see lots of players ranked below me landing Datas.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I disagree that it was the right choice. They have essentially sent out a legendary character to some players and told those in the same position who were unlucky "Tough".

    It also appears thay some of those who got the Data incorrectly are also getting the extra honour. So someone who would have burned thousands of crons is getting the same reward as someone who didnt even play the galaxy part.

    There is enough randomness in the game without compensation being treated the same way.

    They should have removed the free copy of Data (they made clear WHAT the rewards were so players knew it was a mistake). The best approach would have been to send a quick follow up emailing players NOT to collect their compensation until the issue was resolved.
  • So there were a series of mistakes here, and naturally the final outcome is not ideal. The question is whether it's the best that could be done after the initial errors were made. I think the answer is yes.

    I disagree. There are people in the top 1.5k still angry because they didn't want Data and CS didn't provide them with any alternative. There are some players below 1.5k who were affected more than some in the 1.5k (bought packs or crew, used up resources during the faction part before stopping at the threshold because of the bug...) and others who were marginally affected (like me), but still ranked decently and put some effort and resources into it, definitely more than someone at rank 40000 or 90000 who may now have Data and 18000 honor. Now I "lost the lottery" to people who weren't affected at all. Everyone in the 1.5k and everyone who got Data by mistake now got double compensation.
    I still don't think they should give a Data to everyone, but they could have given some more honor to the people below 1.5k and taken tickets more seriously.
    I was fine with 18000 honor before the compensations were sent out to the wrong players. I'd still be fine with it if they had added even just 9000 more honor to it. But this way, it feels disappointing.
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I had Sulu and Harriman immortalized, and Bateson and Silva FE, not to mention about a dozen other immortalized bonus captains ready to go. I did great in the first half, but once I noticed the bug in the second I stopped trying waiting for it to get fixed.

    Didn't realize I could have ended up with two Datas, or at least one.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm in the same boat as you. I had Sulu and Harriman immortalized, and Bateson and Silva FE, not to mention about a dozen other immortalized bonus captains ready to go. I did great in the first half, but once I noticed the bug in the second I stopped trying waiting for it to get fixed.

    Didn't realize I could have ended up with two Datas, or at least one.

    I grinded through thousands of crons in the galaxy part to get Data and it was the hardest slog I have had for any event (or certainly felt like it). It is a massive kick in the teeth that some players who finished thousands of places behind may have got a free copy from dumb luck.

    And I am far from the worst impacted.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm in the same boat as you. I had Sulu and Harriman immortalized, and Bateson and Silva FE, not to mention about a dozen other immortalized bonus captains ready to go. I did great in the first half, but once I noticed the bug in the second I stopped trying waiting for it to get fixed.

    Didn't realize I could have ended up with two Datas, or at least one.

    DB has very often given crew or high amounts of honor for such issues. I therefore took a gamble and went for the top 1000. It was hard, but I made it. I knew there would be some kind of universal payout, such as chronitons, but I gambled that them sending out a Data was possible. My gamble paid dividends.

    If this kind of thing happens in the future, I intend to keep fighting and gamble once more. Sitting back and doing nothing was another possible gamble. That one didn't pay off.
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat as you. I had Sulu and Harriman immortalized, and Bateson and Silva FE, not to mention about a dozen other immortalized bonus captains ready to go. I did great in the first half, but once I noticed the bug in the second I stopped trying waiting for it to get fixed.

    Didn't realize I could have ended up with two Datas, or at least one.

    I grinded through thousands of crons in the galaxy part to get Data and it was the hardest slog I have had for any event (or certainly felt like it). It is a massive kick in the teeth that some players who finished thousands of places behind may have got a free copy from dumb luck.

    And I am far from the worst impacted.

    The very least they should do is give us back the chrons we needlessly spent
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    So there were a series of mistakes here, and naturally the final outcome is not ideal. The question is whether it's the best that could be done after the initial errors were made. I think the answer is yes.

    I disagree. There are people in the top 1.5k still angry because they didn't want Data and CS didn't provide them with any alternative.

    Then why go for top 1500 (presumably top 1000)? You don't try for top 1k for the extra trainers and merits; you go for the 5* reward. I get that they might want 18k honor over Data, but they got either a "forced" 5* citation for Data or what they wanted in the first place (the 5* ranked reward) but couldn't get for whatever reason (either the bug or not able to score high enough anyway).

    It bugs me that those 1500+ players that didn't get Data from the "lottery" won't be getting him. I honestly don't care if everyone else gets Data, even if I had to work my tail off to get him in top 1k. I got him, and that what matters to me. I'm fine with others who didn't earn it getting him. This is a rare issue, and maybe if I spent money trying to get him, I might would be upset. But no one knew that this issue would happen. And if we did, then we all would have been rank 1000000 because no one would have tried.
  • Usually, I side with DB on a measured approach, however they really screwed this one up. They are handing out free Datas to those who didnt even place high enough and got them by mistake.

    Meantime Im over here struggling to get him in event packs. The intital compensation looked like it might do the trick but the screw up on top of the screw up was even worse

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    In my fleet, some folks got the honor, and claimed it, I can't even claim the honor I was sent, so that's fair right?
  • oh well, next event has no powerhouse crew, so power to those people who will chase the card for the character.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    I spent over 6k chronitons to crawl my way up to the top 500 to get Data, just to have a bunch of people getting it for free just because.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Kanon wrote: »
    I spent over 6k chronitons to crawl my way up to the top 500 to get Data, just to have a bunch of people getting it for free just because.

    Sadly you are not alone. Those are crons that we can't use in the next event that those who got a free Data could use
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Look on the bright side at least you get something for your crons on Skirmishes. They are literally wasted on a Galaxy event.

    I probably spent around 8k in crons trying to get Data only to find other players got a copy for free.

    All that time and effort was for literally nothing. Not even the honour and items you get from Skirmishes
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