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Captains’ Oath Compensation



  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Kanon wrote: »
    I spent over 6k chronitons to crawl my way up to the top 500 to get Data, just to have a bunch of people getting it for free just because.

    Sadly you are not alone. Those are crons that we can't use in the next event that those who got a free Data could use
    I think it's time to file a ticket asking for a partial refunds of the chronitons or, at least to have with me the same courtesy they had with so many players that got Data instead of the 18k honor (that is, to allow me to exchange my unclaimed 18k honor compensation for another copy of Data)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Look on the bright side at least you get something for your crons on Skirmishes. They are literally wasted on a Galaxy event.

    I probably spent around 8k in crons trying to get Data only to find other players got a copy for free.

    All that time and effort was for literally nothing. Not even the honour and items you get from Skirmishes

    Sure, I got honor, some credits. Et cetera.

    I also spent my weekend doing nothing but space battles and the occasional nap. That was my decision, yes.

    And I'd stand by it if it hadn't led to this cluster... something that will be censored.

    But at this point, am I going to be able to try again for someone more useful someday? 35,000 chrons is a lot. I babysat a lot of voyages for that. I did a lot of adwarps. I had a lot of days I decided not to finish dailies so that I'd have more chrons.

    I don't know. I don't want my top 5 finish to be "heh, and then they messed her bonus up and you didn't even get the full compensation because rng did not bless you."
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, a bunch of time boosts, 35,000 chrons, three supply kits, and more than 5,600 skirmish battles later...

    She won a 3/5 Silva. Pretty darn impressive really. But that's what all those skirmishes were for. Winning the 3/5 Silva is no guarantee of a great outcome the next event, particularly when it's a Galaxy event, which, like skirmishes, tend to be a grind.

    Is it fair the other guy got lucky and got a free Data while she didn't? No. But did she get more than what she earned based on her play? Yes, she sure did.
    So, to check things out for herself, she plays a couple of rounds. And then just gives up on it. . . .

    So she ranks 2,800 or something.

    She stopped playing. She didn't earn those 18k honor. Thanks to the compensation, she still came out ahead.
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  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    They are literally wasted on a Galaxy event.

    I probably spent around 8k in crons trying to get Data only to find other players got a copy for free.

    All that time and effort was for literally nothing. Not even the honour and items you get from Skirmishes

    They are literally wasted you say. You also make the comparison with Skirmishes. Despite that you invested 8k Chronitons. And why? Because you wanted Data. And you got him!

    I understand that you are pi.... that others got Data for less resources. But the choice to invest those Chrons was yours. And you even got unexpected 18000 honor as "bonus".

  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    They are literally wasted on a Galaxy event.

    I probably spent around 8k in crons trying to get Data only to find other players got a copy for free.

    All that time and effort was for literally nothing. Not even the honour and items you get from Skirmishes

    They are literally wasted you say. You also make the comparison with Skirmishes. Despite that you invested 8k Chronitons. And why? Because you wanted Data. And you got him!

    I understand that you are pi.... that others got Data for less resources. But the choice to invest those Chrons was yours. And you even got unexpected 18000 honor as "bonus".

    It was my choice yes. However, that doesn't mean that it is fair that SOME players got a legendary card that they didnt work for. While other players didn't.

    The only fair method was to remove the Data that was sent out incorrectly (the players knew it was a mistake based on the earlier email).

    As I have yet to get my free copy of Data I am in the same situation as someone who got a copy incorrectly (except I slogged for it and another play won the frigging compensation lottery)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't give a flying... cronut... who got a Data.

    I just want to trade my 3/5 Silva and my 18,000 honor for my 35,000 chrons and pretend that none of this ever happened, so that I can go on to rank in a different skirmish where the bonus crew might actually work the next week.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are literally wasted you say. You also make the comparison with Skirmishes. Despite that you invested 8k Chronitons. And why? Because you wanted Data. And you got him!

    I understand that you are pi.... that others got Data for less resources. But the choice to invest those Chrons was yours. And you even got unexpected 18000 honor as "bonus".
    Well, the thing is, the more people get Data, the less value he has for this event (having him gives you an edge, but that advantage decreases the more people have the same edge, as they will be competing against you). This is even worse if you factor that a second star in your Data makes little difference (in his stats), compared to going from nothing to 1/5 Data.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I understand it correctly, the people who accidentally got Data get him AND 18000 HONOR, and get to keep him. But those of us who did not accidentally get him, ONLY get the Honor? Not sure that "compensation" is compensating the right way.

    You've changed your mind again?!
    People keep discussing "Compensation" because of game changes.....

    Most every game has a part in the Terms Of Service {TOS} that covers the developers/owners have the right to change anything they want any time they want. The Disruptor beam lawyers would be poor lawyers indeed if the Star trek Timelines TOS does not include such a disclaimer.....

    Just saying.


    It does seem like you only take issues seriously when you're directly affected by them.

    Just saying.
  • OR, DB, you could make Captain Silva La Forge full event bonus for another hybrid or galaxy event. (and not this one full of free Datas)

    That might satisfy my special pony princess moment of getting to use my very own 5/5 full bonus crew, too.
  • So there were a series of mistakes here, and naturally the final outcome is not ideal. The question is whether it's the best that could be done after the initial errors were made. I think the answer is yes.
    • First mistake: the event bonus error. DB decided to be lavish in its rewards after an initial delay, giving all players 1,000 chronitons and adding a compensatory Data to top-1500 participants and 18,000 honour to those ranked below 1500. This was a good solution, except the execution was botched.
    • Second mistake: in handing out the rewards, DB seemingly randomized the 18,000 honour and the Datas. Now faced with the choice between a) clawing back some rewards from some players, which always provokes bitter resentment (remember when that Tuesday pack spewed dilithium? boy was there some whining when that was clawed back) or b) expanding the rewards so that everyone got to keep their stuff but some lucky lottery winners were given more than others.

    They chose (b). It was the right choice, and I say this as someone who was initially a top 1000 finisher and now see lots of players ranked below me landing Datas.

    c) "Dear god, we keep screwing the pooch here. Everyone in top 1500 will get what ever compensation they should have gotten. Additionally, everyone gets 45k honor, except for those who were not in top 1500 and got a Data accidentally."

    Maybe not that exact form of compensation, but SOMETHING to help balance out what's happened.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I mean, I guess I feel the same way as OP. But my dream reward was a purple citation, so the 18,000 honor is good enough. I have a lot of Data already. I mean a lot.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • I'm seeing the argument here, and while I'm okay with my 1/5 Silva (because I always play hard in skirmishes regardless) I can see why anyone who ranked at the top is very adversely affected. That's pretty frustrating. I'd like to see a standalone event where Silva gets to shine too!
    It's especially frustrating if you feel some if the top players weren't playing fair too. Let's at least hope that with the big update the unfair play is tackled effectively as promised.
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  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    If I understand it correctly, the people who accidentally got Data get him AND 18000 HONOR, and get to keep him. But those of us who did not accidentally get him, ONLY get the Honor? Not sure that "compensation" is compensating the right way.

    You've changed your mind again?!
    People keep discussing "Compensation" because of game changes.....

    Most every game has a part in the Terms Of Service {TOS} that covers the developers/owners have the right to change anything they want any time they want. The Disruptor beam lawyers would be poor lawyers indeed if the Star trek Timelines TOS does not include such a disclaimer.....

    Just saying.


    It does seem like you only take issues seriously when you're directly affected by them.

    Just saying.

    Let me guess you are famous for your Orange Pie as you are comparing too different things.

    The TOS for the game would allow for rebalancing for gameplay purposes without requiring compensation.

    The case here is that the compensation handed out seems totally random.

    Some people who got below 1500 got the same rewards as those who finished above. Others only got honour or the Data. Some players had FF their data and got a duplicate card when a citation would have been better for them.

    We now have the situation where someone who didn't even play the galaxy part has got better compensation than someone who slogged only to miss out on the top 1500. They are now much better placed in the next event as they have Data and crons
  • edited November 2018
    they should really try again
    -everyone who got 18k honor but was supposed to get a data, should have gotten one now so thats cool
    -everyone who got a data but no honor should still get the honor
    -everyone who didnt get the honor but supposed to got a data should still get the honor
    -everyone in top 1000 (1500 for that matter) should get ANOTHER data too offset the extreme advantage everyone in top1500+ got
    -everyone who didnt get a data at all should get one, since most people got one, getting none is not cool

    So this should adress the imbalance from ranked rewards, everything should be normal after this handout (except everyone has gotten 1 extra data so seems fair)

    -everyone that is upset by the extreme chroniton disbalance that has been created by the botched up event should send in tickets i guess, no clue how to adress this problem since it affects everyone differently (people who hoarded chrons and lost it all, people who hoarded chrons who lost half or part of it, people who used all their sorrytons, people who bought extra chronitons and a dozen more variants lol) seems to complex to not handle it via tickets

    just my two cents seems overall fairestest (not proper english) but seems appropriate lol
  • cmdrworf wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    This event was the most grindy one I have played in well over a year and the only reason many did it was for the Data. To have a situation that some who were lucky enough to benefit from a screw up get a free copy while those who were not so lucky get screwed over seems massively unfair to me.

    Compensation for a screw up shouldn't be seen as a lottery

    I agree. I didn't have a strong feeling until this. I figured they'd do something fair. Now I feel like I lost the lottery. I went from not caring much to being a bit annoyed with this new compensation.

    Exactly, EXACTLY how this revision of the compensation made me feel!
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • First time I've pitched in on this topic. I finished a personal best 210 and got the typical compensation. While the DB response was minimally fair (I'd rather have seen all participants be given an extra oopsie Data), I'm not thrilled that my Data's value has been diminished by the number sent out to ranks 1500+. The main issue with their response issue is (and the DB will never tell us) - is how many oopsie Datas exist. I have mine FE and he's not good for the gauntlet anyway.
  • SuperDude wrote: »
    First time I've pitched in on this topic. I finished a personal best 210 and got the typical compensation. While the DB response was minimally fair (I'd rather have seen all participants be given an extra oopsie Data), I'm not thrilled that my Data's value has been diminished by the number sent out to ranks 1500+. The main issue with their response issue is (and the DB will never tell us) - is how many oopsie Datas exist. I have mine FE and he's not good for the gauntlet anyway.

    I’d just love to have one because he looks really cool and is a rare Data with Command.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Oh, and also, I’d just like to say, the way the compensation was initially suppose to be was fine with me. That sounded fair. Then they did this crud and I end up feeling personally slighted. I’d be a lot happier if they’d just give everyone some honor AND a Data and be done with it or at the very least, give the rest of us unluckies a Data.

    Oh yes, the planned compensation was totally fine, well thought out, and showed they had landed from previous mistakes. Implementation let them down, and this second fix was a total mess! So this means that players like me, who only got the 18k honour, are now at a disadvantage in this event as there are far more Datas out there than would be normally expected from ranking awards and people buying packs. This means my ranking is probably going to be lower than normal for a given amount of effort. Ordinarily, I would've gone for 3 Seven copies in ranked rewards so that I could complete her, but this time I'll probably only play for threshold and out...
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