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Faction Event This Weekend

AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
There is another faction event this weekend. With all the screw ups and problems DB has had recently, you know what would go a long way towards regaining credibility with players? Finally acknowledging the state of the AND bug for shuttles.


  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another ANDgate thread. Good. Time for my usual response.

    Dear DB: For me, you don't need to admit fault or even that it once was broken. All I want at this point is: "We have carefully and thoroughly looked into this issue and have run extensive tests. We can assure you that this is not currently an issue."

    ^ This.......

    Please confirm that it is not an issue. Also since we found a bunch of "inconsistencies" in the OR boosts, please confirm that those are or are NOT working correctly as well.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another ANDgate thread. Good. Time for my usual response.

    Dear DB: For me, you don't need to admit fault or even that it once was broken. All I want at this point is: "We have carefully and thoroughly looked into this issue and have run extensive tests. We can assure you that this is not currently an issue."

    ^ This.......

    Please confirm that it is not an issue. Also since we found a bunch of "inconsistencies" in the OR boosts, please confirm that those are or are NOT working correctly as well.

    I am not sure I am ready for ORgate...the continued silence on ANDgate is stifling enough as is.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    *Sigh* I don't think they are ever going to admit a problem or indeed address this issue. I think there is more chance of @Where's my $25? | eXo | SR getting 25$ back from DB
    DB: Do Better
  • So now we've given up all hope.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    The correct process for determining the success rate is:


    Assuming all of THOSE gates are working properly.

    Edit: Couldn't you just group them togeter as gategate?
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The correct process for determining the success rate is:


    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guess what, another faction event. DB has managed to piss players off even more. Maybe as a show of transparency, this issue could finally be acknowledged?
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.

    I'm getting PTSD myself. there was an ECE circuits class that i had to take 3 times (cause prereq's). Needless to say, I don't think I ever ended up using my major. lol
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.

    I'm getting PTSD myself. there was an ECE circuits class that i had to take 3 times (cause prereq's). Needless to say, I don't think I ever ended up using my major. lol

    There are a lot of classes that have had nothing to do with my post-college experience. I understand why we need to know the fundamentals, but come on...calculus I, calc II, ordinary differential equations, and Transport Phenomena of Materials probably could have been condensed into two classes or even one, for as much as I have used that stuff. At no point, even when discussing heat treatment furnace design/construction, did I need to whip out any fluid flow, heat flow, or diffusion equations.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭

    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.

    I'm getting PTSD myself. there was an ECE circuits class that i had to take 3 times (cause prereq's). Needless to say, I don't think I ever ended up using my major. lol

    There are a lot of classes that have had nothing to do with my post-college experience. I understand why we need to know the fundamentals, but come on...calculus I, calc II, ordinary differential equations, and Transport Phenomena of Materials probably could have been condensed into two classes or even one, for as much as I have used that stuff. At no point, even when discussing heat treatment furnace design/construction, did I need to whip out any fluid flow, heat flow, or diffusion equations.

    Yes but the Dean and professor were friends with the person who wrote the textbook. As such, everyone suffered as they had to study the whole book while kickbacks were given to the department/Dean/prof for choosing the course material.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.

    I'm getting PTSD myself. there was an ECE circuits class that i had to take 3 times (cause prereq's). Needless to say, I don't think I ever ended up using my major. lol

    There are a lot of classes that have had nothing to do with my post-college experience. I understand why we need to know the fundamentals, but come on...calculus I, calc II, ordinary differential equations, and Transport Phenomena of Materials probably could have been condensed into two classes or even one, for as much as I have used that stuff. At no point, even when discussing heat treatment furnace design/construction, did I need to whip out any fluid flow, heat flow, or diffusion equations.

    Yes but the Dean and professor were friends with the person who wrote the textbook. As such, everyone suffered as they had to study the whole book while kickbacks were given to the department/Dean/prof for choosing the course material.

    Ouch. That happened in a few non-engineering classes but fortunately not in my really important ones. College textbooks have really become a racket...

    And to make sure we don’t veer too far off topic, it’s like DB and the recent event changes.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭

    I am getting a serious flashback to ECE 376 (Circuits) right now. The only bright spot of the waking nightmare that was that class was the time we were learning about operational amplifiers and the instructor had a diagram up on the screen, asking us what the voltage would be at a particular point. After a solid minute of silence, he asked us what the first rule of op amps was...the only answer he got was “don’t talk about op amps.”

    Good times.

    I'm getting PTSD myself. there was an ECE circuits class that i had to take 3 times (cause prereq's). Needless to say, I don't think I ever ended up using my major. lol

    There are a lot of classes that have had nothing to do with my post-college experience. I understand why we need to know the fundamentals, but come on...calculus I, calc II, ordinary differential equations, and Transport Phenomena of Materials probably could have been condensed into two classes or even one, for as much as I have used that stuff. At no point, even when discussing heat treatment furnace design/construction, did I need to whip out any fluid flow, heat flow, or diffusion equations.

    Yes but the Dean and professor were friends with the person who wrote the textbook. As such, everyone suffered as they had to study the whole book while kickbacks were given to the department/Dean/prof for choosing the course material.

    And to make sure we don’t veer too far off topic, it’s like DB and the recent event changes.

    Things that make you go hmmmmm.......
  • Agreed, but just a reminder, all characters HAVE all 6 skills but only have one to three listed, the ones that aren't listed have hidden values but do exist & might make that difference if their listed skills are high enough ... (ex: Mirror Jean-Luc Picard)
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another faction event here and more radio silence from DB. How many updates will DB push out without ever acknowledging this issue and it's resolution?
  • I still believe there is an issue. At a bare minimum, Boosts don't seem to impact the stats in a way that make sense.

    I accidentally opened a Terran mission right during kickstart. First slot on the shuttle is Cmd AND Eng. Second is Eng OR Sci.

    I Drop 5/5 Lorian in slot 1 (1259 eng, 835 cmd). Shows 54% success rate. NOW, Regardless of whether I drop a 3* boost for CMD or ENG, the success rate goes up to 61%.

    I clear the boost out and drop Reinforcements Stamets in slot 2. Success rate without any boosts goes up to 79%.

    Here's where it gets really weird.

    If I drop a CMD boost in with Lorian in slot 1 and Stamets in slot 2, my rate only goes up to 83. But if I drop in an ENG boost, the Rate goes up to 87? This is utterly baffling to me because he does not have ENG as a skill, period.

    Even if that is 'just' a boost calculation issue, it doesn't inspire much confidence that the AND slots work as intended.

    I'm pretty sure the Starbase prof boosts get calculated in there as well. So if your ENG prof boost was at say, 8%, but your CMD prof boost was only 3%, that might make the difference.

    I have not tried these, but it brings up an interesting point about faction missions whether for Event or not if/and/or where the prof boosts are calculated.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another partial faction event. Will we even get a no comment from DB, or will they continue to ignore this and pretend the AND bug never existed?
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel DB should do the following:

    - Finally admit there was a bug.
    - Thank the community for highlighting the issue and gathering evidence.
    - Apologise for the delayed response.
    - Apologise for the bug itself.
    - Confirm if and when it has been fixed.
    - Offer to look at any tickets from players on the matter where they feel they may have been disadvantaged or where they can quantify the cost in resources wasted due to the bug.

    What would be nice goodwill gestures tied in with all the above apologising:

    - 75 free transmissions for each faction.
    - 50,000 honor for all players.
    - 50,000 honor extra for the members that did all the investigative work. Or if that’s not feasible, all forums members.
  • Some of you are mixing 2 concepts. The AND bug was solely an issue with the concept of AND relating to a crew having 2 different stats, and it should not matter the order they fall in for an AND concept (rather than FIRST). CMD AND SEC should be exactly the same shuttle win rate with a large amount of data verification, if the crew is CMD primary or SEC primary with the same stats (1kCMD/500SEC, or 1kSEC/500CMD).

    This has nothing to do with how shuttle skill boosts are calculated. I imagine with sufficient testing of a wide variety of scenarios someone might be able to reverse engineer and figure out how shuttle skill boosts are calculated. But they have nothing to do with crew selection to fit a shuttle slot based on which skill is primary vs secondary. Those win rates were not as advertised as proven with a large data set, then later fixed as proven with another equally large data set.

  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Those win rates were not as advertised as proven with a large data set, then later fixed as proven with another equally large data set.

    Do you have a link or know where the 2nd set of data is that shows it’s been fixed please? I’ve not kept an eye on the issue for a long while and may have missed that.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Some of you are mixing 2 concepts. The AND bug was solely an issue with the concept of AND relating to a crew having 2 different stats, and it should not matter the order they fall in for an AND concept (rather than FIRST). CMD AND SEC should be exactly the same shuttle win rate with a large amount of data verification, if the crew is CMD primary or SEC primary with the same stats (1kCMD/500SEC, or 1kSEC/500CMD).

    People took this idea and ran with it assuming it should be that way. While is is true in logic that AND is a commutative concept, there is no evidence that the game designers meant it to be that way. In fact there is evidence that it was not intended to be commutative with shuttle slots having both orders.

    I think they heard all the bitching and just modified it to mollify some of the hotheads.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, sounds like you got your answer from DB (Shan) then.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, sounds like you got your answer from DB (Shan) then.

    No. Shan provided that answer when DB first made AND changes. That is likely what triggered the AND bug between server and client in the first place. DB then went a year denying the bug existed despite constant player reports of issues. Players eventually produced enough evidence that DB was forced to look at the issue.

    There was then a shuttle update. DB never acknowledged what was found after Shan entered the ticket. DB never mentioned AND changes in that release. Players did some testing and suspect the issue has been fixed. But DB has never A) acknowledged the issue existed or B) acknowledged what if anything was done to fix it.

    That is what we have been asking for.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Ok, sounds like you got your answer from DB (Shan) then.

    No. Shan provided that answer when DB first made AND changes. That is likely what triggered the AND bug between server and client in the first place. DB then went a year denying the bug existed despite constant player reports of issues. Players eventually produced enough evidence that DB was forced to look at the issue.

    There was then a shuttle update. DB never acknowledged what was found after Shan entered the ticket. DB never mentioned AND changes in that release. Players did some testing and suspect the issue has been fixed. But DB has never A) acknowledged the issue existed or B) acknowledged what if anything was done to fix it.

    That is what we have been asking for.

    Well done and thank you for explaining away some of the misconceptions around this issue.

    This is the 11th time we’ve created a thread on the matter. The same questions pop up each time.

    Key here is that the expected percentage shown in our client/game did not match the maths being performed on the server. Eg we were being told it was 95%, but actually it was only ever 60%.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just start a new thread. Don't bring back dead threads.
    Let’s fly!
  • Those win rates were not as advertised as proven with a large data set, then later fixed as proven with another equally large data set.

    Do you have a link or know where the 2nd set of data is that shows it’s been fixed please? I’ve not kept an eye on the issue for a long while and may have missed that.

    I'm sorry Pasty I confess that I am relying on my memory, but I believe a test was done in the same manner that the initial test was done to prove the front-end % display was different from the back-end server success % before, but the follow-up testing showed correction. I probably even provided a link once or twice in threads around that time.

    I'm afraid I don't have time to search the forums looking for this testing data (it might be within one of the 11 related threads), this is a common problem with the nature of forums where some people will read the threads on a given day and another person will not.
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