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Faction Event This Weekend



  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    No problem @Synthetic Commander just wondered if you could remember off the top of your head.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bumping this thread again. Will DB ever decide to admit what happened?
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Bumping this thread again. Will DB ever decide to admit what happened?

    i believe this question has been answered, multiple times. But for funs and giggles, here it is again.

    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Bumping this thread again. Will DB ever decide to admit what happened?

    i believe this question has been answered, multiple times. But for funs and giggles, here it is again.


    Well we’ll just have to keep asking then.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Some of you are mixing 2 concepts. The AND bug was solely an issue with the concept of AND relating to a crew having 2 different stats, and it should not matter the order they fall in for an AND concept (rather than FIRST). CMD AND SEC should be exactly the same shuttle win rate with a large amount of data verification, if the crew is CMD primary or SEC primary with the same stats (1kCMD/500SEC, or 1kSEC/500CMD).

    People took this idea and ran with it assuming it should be that way. While is is true in logic that AND is a commutative concept, there is no evidence that the game designers meant it to be that way. In fact there is evidence that it was not intended to be commutative with shuttle slots having both orders.

    I think they heard all the bitching and just modified it to mollify some of the hotheads.

    It doesn't matter what was intended or not, the issue was that the on screen percent didn't match the server percent. I personally don't care which one was correct (that's up to the developers), just make the percent displayed on screen match what the server calculates.

    This. Exactly this. I really am kicking myself right now for not charting all my shuttles, but during the LAST full faction event (so two weeks ago :p ) I decided for the first time in months to ignore the AND seats and treat them as if they were PLUS seats. For example, in a SEC AND COM seat, I'd assign Assimilated Hawk despite him being COM AND SEC, knowing that I had the resources to push for rank at the end should I suffer more failures than expected.

    And hooooo boy, did I fail a lot of shuttles! Despite getting my average listed success chance in the mid-80s, I failed over 40% of my shuttles until the very end when RNGesus finally stopped being a complete tool, and I finished around 34% fails, which was still appallingly bad given I was regularly sending out two shuttles at 93% listed success.

    For my money, this issue is still very much a problem, and I will not ignore AND seats again unless we all decide to do it together and share out results.
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Some of you are mixing 2 concepts. The AND bug was solely an issue with the concept of AND relating to a crew having 2 different stats, and it should not matter the order they fall in for an AND concept (rather than FIRST). CMD AND SEC should be exactly the same shuttle win rate with a large amount of data verification, if the crew is CMD primary or SEC primary with the same stats (1kCMD/500SEC, or 1kSEC/500CMD).

    People took this idea and ran with it assuming it should be that way. While is is true in logic that AND is a commutative concept, there is no evidence that the game designers meant it to be that way. In fact there is evidence that it was not intended to be commutative with shuttle slots having both orders.

    I think they heard all the bitching and just modified it to mollify some of the hotheads.

    It doesn't matter what was intended or not, the issue was that the on screen percent didn't match the server percent. I personally don't care which one was correct (that's up to the developers), just make the percent displayed on screen match what the server calculates.

    This. Exactly this. I really am kicking myself right now for not charting all my shuttles, but during the LAST full faction event (so two weeks ago :p ) I decided for the first time in months to ignore the AND seats and treat them as if they were PLUS seats. For example, in a SEC AND COM seat, I'd assign Assimilated Hawk despite him being COM AND SEC, knowing that I had the resources to push for rank at the end should I suffer more failures than expected.

    And hooooo boy, did I fail a lot of shuttles! Despite getting my average listed success chance in the mid-80s, I failed over 40% of my shuttles until the very end when RNGesus finally stopped being a complete tool, and I finished around 34% fails, which was still appallingly bad given I was regularly sending out two shuttles at 93% listed success.

    For my money, this issue is still very much a problem, and I will not ignore AND seats again unless we all decide to do it together and share out results.

    I’m convinced the problem was fixed ages ago and I ignore the order in “and” shuttle missions and get pretty much expected results. I, for one, will be glad when discussion on this winds down.
  • PaPa ✭✭
    I think the AND-gate is resolved for new faction events where I get consistently good success rates. In reruns the bug is still there because I get way more failures.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Pa wrote: »
    I think the AND-gate is resolved for new faction events where I get consistently good success rates. In reruns the bug is still there because I get way more failures.

    This could be it - I also failed a lot of shuttles where I put Kes in the MED AND CMD seat, newer events seem to be playing ball, but this last rerun smelt a bit whiffy to me. If they did admit to it, at least we would know to be aware of it when a rerun event comes up and plan accordingly.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    I'm still concerned about this, especially with the way they are doing new faction events now. They take 8 missions, copy the shuttle slots to the other factions, and change the name and text. The current event has 6 total 3-slot missions, 2 for each faction. They have the exact same slots. So if the AND bug still exists, then I have to figure out if running 1/5 Thrax (Sec/Cmd/Dip) in the Cmd AND Sec slot is better than running the much weaker Prison Break Lorca (Cmd/Sec), simply because the skill order MIGHT matter. I don't have much variety if I want to do 3-slot missions (which I do, since AND slots generally result in higher

    If it does still exist, then DB is making it a pain to use event crew (like Thrax and KDF Gowron (Dip/Cmd/Sec) in this event, and others in the past).
  • While low sample size, I've had 3 95% (OR HIGHER) shuttles fail out of 12.

    Not ruling out bad luck yet, but that's a real kick in the knickers...
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    No failures yet (knock on wood), but I have been fortunate to not have to load the slots backwards yet. I did end up putting Darth Bashir into a DIP/SEC slot on my last round, which is relatively new to me...that job usually goes to Cornwell if it comes up.
  • This particular event made it easy to choose the Federation as faction I will support this weekend. The other two had a tone of ridicule about the matter of imprisonments.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only had one failure. For the new events, at least, I don't think the issue is here, anymore.

    It would still be nice to have an official statement that says, "Whatever may or may not have been observed in the past, we have thoroughly tested and the issue is not present at the moment."
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only had one failure. For the new events, at least, I don't think the issue is here, anymore.

    It would still be nice to have an official statement that says, "Whatever may or may not have been observed in the past, we have thoroughly tested and the issue is not present at the moment."

    Maybe this is something we as forum denizens can attempt to answer ourselves definitively, if we ever get a Faction-free weekend. Perhaps several dozen of us could track all of our shuttles for an entire 7-day period; half observing the AND rules and half not observing the AND rules, posting our results, and seeing for ourselves. With enough people and missions, we could control for RNGesus.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I've only had one failure. For the new events, at least, I don't think the issue is here, anymore.

    It would still be nice to have an official statement that says, "Whatever may or may not have been observed in the past, we have thoroughly tested and the issue is not present at the moment."

    Maybe this is something we as forum denizens can attempt to answer ourselves definitively, if we ever get a Faction-free weekend. Perhaps several dozen of us could track all of our shuttles for an entire 7-day period; half observing the AND rules and half not observing the AND rules, posting our results, and seeing for ourselves. With enough people and missions, we could control for RNGesus.

    I'm sure you're right. However, I am convinced it is fixed and don't ever worry about it. I'd like confirmation, but I can't work myself up about it.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I've only had one failure. For the new events, at least, I don't think the issue is here, anymore.

    It would still be nice to have an official statement that says, "Whatever may or may not have been observed in the past, we have thoroughly tested and the issue is not present at the moment."

    Maybe this is something we as forum denizens can attempt to answer ourselves definitively, if we ever get a Faction-free weekend. Perhaps several dozen of us could track all of our shuttles for an entire 7-day period; half observing the AND rules and half not observing the AND rules, posting our results, and seeing for ourselves. With enough people and missions, we could control for RNGesus.

    That's how people proved the bug in the first place. But we don't know if faction events behave differently than non-event shuttles.

    Also, I'm willing to accept it's fixed. I just want DB to admit that they had a bug for a year, they denied the bug, and they refused to listen to players continue to raise the same issue. Until DB is willing to admit its mistakes and learn from them I'm concerned a similar issue will happen again. The fact that they continue to ignore this thread and pretend it doesn't exist is even more damning than the issue itself.

    Think about the bugged portal on Tuesday. What's to stop DB from claiming the portal was always working? Once they fix it players have no way to prove it wasn't working. If DB decided to save on some compensation they could just lie and claim the portal was fine despite the crew missing in the vault.

    As long as DB continues to pretend that the AND bug never happened, they have no credibility for anything else. That's what I want to see addressed, not confirming a fix that we suspect is already fixed.
  • PaPa ✭✭
    Think about the bugged portal on Tuesday.

    What's the portal bug on Tuesdays? Never read about that.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crew not being in a pack there supposed to be in. This time it was Kassidy Yates.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    In regards to this Tuesday's pack issues, it was actually pretty easy to prove - she wasn't showing in the Vault and no one was able to pull her during that (short) period.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    What's to gain from them admitting there was an issue? will it make you feel better? because i know exactly what will happen ... people will demand some kind of compensation.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Avi, stop necroing this thread. No matter what you do there is NEVER going to be a response to this so stop cluttering up the message board.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    What's to gain from them admitting there was an issue? will it make you feel better? because i know exactly what will happen ... people will demand some kind of compensation.

    This is why I don't demand an admission of problems, and I only request a confirmation that there is no issue currently.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    Avi, stop necroing this thread. No matter what you do there is NEVER going to be a response to this so stop cluttering up the message board.

    Two things:

    1) Avi was not the first comment on the 12th.

    2) Most Forums, it is preferred that people comment on an already running thread, instead of starting a new one on the same topic.

    3) Leave Avi alone, and stop picking on people!!!! :D
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I have a suggestion for a great addition to faction events. How about a repeat function that would allow us the ability to resend a shuttle with the exact same crew as the one just ended, with the touch of a button?
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just move on.
  • MirrorVerse JcMirrorVerse Jc ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    When reporting an issue everyone is asked ; “ have you tried restarting your game?, is your device updated with the latest software?, if using an app have you checked for stt updates?” It seems the first response from DB is to question/blame the player, or say there is not enough info to go on. Please submit screenshots next time “if?” It happens again. So here ya go, screenshots from this morning current outside of event. Clearly showing a different % for the and/or issue.

    I forgot to screenshot the dip boost in the 3rd seat. But it was the same as command. Nonexistent.

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