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New threshold rewards



  • Some people complain even when positive changes are added. Simply unbelievable! You don't have to focus on tresholds or even complete them, you can still send out your A team on voyages if you want to.

    Some people always act like it's a crime to look at a change critically. If it weren't for the vocal critical players these changes would never happen and we'd still be playing a game with half the crew slots, no honor and and no immortalizing characters. You'd have the fun of building them and spacing them forever when a better character weighs come among.
    Simply unbelievable ! :O

    And tank an event.. ?
    (That I don't have to play ya know !)
    ((Oh wait, I do because of the way ranked rewards are !))

    We've asked for improved thresholds for nearly as long as we've asked for improved rank rewards. They didn't just -happen- to decide to improve them because of our long standing request, they did it to go with additional monetization which I don't begrudge them at all for, but.. if you want me to chase the carrot, it dam well better be worth the run.. (and consequently more of our money.) - this stuff isn't free. Bashir this morning was free and I value him.

    So let's look at the "value" they've added.
    Exclude the shuttle requests because they're part of the problem.

    Just look at the other stuff.

    150,000 credits
    1,500 honor
    1 Voyage reviver
    1x10 Standard non event premium portal

    Is that worth the extra money / effort to reach 350,000 points ?

    I donno.
    Like I said, it may not even be a step in the right direction.. but they may at least be pointing in the right direction now.
    (And that's.. possibly a start. I hope it is)

    In order to rank 1k or better, you would have needed much more VP than 250k (that was the top treshold in faction/hybrid events). So you would still have to send out shuttles and spend money/time/resources in order to rank 1k or better to get the yellow crew. What has changed now is that you would actually get some more rewards that you previously didn't get. How can you even say that it can be a negative thing? But let's just assume that you don't care about the extra rewards and still just do 250k like prior to this change, then you would still get 150k credits and 1.5k honor for free. Is that a bad thing? When there is a legitimate problem, then complaining is sometimes necessary. But way to strawman there, you just claim that the game would not improve without complaining.

    And what about these too!
    VP 12,500 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
    VP 52,000 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
    VP 180,000 - 2 Requisition Shuttle tokens, 2 Legendary 2x Reward Multiplier

    All of this were added prizes and not a replacement of existing prizes, but we still need to see tomorrow's Threshold Reward table
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like some voyage revival tokens... I might just be able to hit that. I think the portal pull will be just out of reach
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Some people complain even when positive changes are added. Simply unbelievable! You don't have to focus on tresholds or even complete them, you can still send out your A team on voyages if you want to.

    I think this last sentence makes a very good point. In general, when I send out voyages, I tend to think “If I have a problem, if no one else can help, and if I can find them... Who could I hire?”.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    More stuff for free is the best assessment. If you already ranked 350k VP in an event, then you get more stuff for no difference in your play.

    If you didn't rank 350k VP, then there is no difference.

    Still, it's a positive change that's been asked for (in some form) for a long time. Steps in the right direction.

    Technically it isn't free as you need a lot of time reducers to get there.

    Should be pretty easy doing the bare minimum kickstart (ie: 11 x 3* speed boosts), assuming you're able to login every 3 hours thereafter, for the next 4 days. Sleep is the biggest cost during faction events! lol

    Speed boosts are much more plentiful now, if you use the double-up adwarp for all 6 cadet missions on Thursdays, giving you 12 of the 10x boost packs every week. With the amount of galaxy/hybrid/skirmish events we've had recently, my shuttle boost inventory is at record levels!

    You're forgetting the "hidden" costs: 4 shuttles, lots of 5/5* crew or a lot of the new rewards doublers and infinite extra shuttles.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭

    We've asked for improved thresholds for nearly as long as we've asked for improved rank rewards. They didn't just -happen- to decide to improve them because of our long standing request, they did it to go with additional monetization which I don't begrudge them at all for, but.. if you want me to chase the carrot, it dam well better be worth the run.. (and consequently more of our money.) - this stuff isn't free.

    This "we" is a small subset of a small subset though. With ruff numbers of active players and active forum posters around an 1/1600th. Hence you overrate your wishes and this "we". Also:

    The 4/5 legendaries of the megas every second month, the rerun threshold legendaries, the ones you get for Top 1000 placements, the regular gifts like Bashir today are not enough for you? Than buy some more. And if you can´t do that make the most out of what you have. Instead of always craving for more and more. Many people would be much happier if they take joy out of what they DO HAVE. Instead of being grumpy about the things they DON´T HAVE.

    Also save up the Premium Packs from Hybrids for a while. 5 Hybrids = 10 10x Premium Packs with the new structure (assuming you play until 350000 VP). Hence on average 1 further legendary. Those Premium Packs may be regarded as useless by you. Bought, won, saved up and used over time many of the cards you wish for will fall your way.

    Also, common sense, you cannot expect to have every card you crave for for free. DB gives out enough freebies to keep every kind of player entertained. Yes, also through input this game is where it is today, but there has to be a line somewhere or this game would be off the server by now...

  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    We've asked for improved thresholds for nearly as long as we've asked for improved rank rewards. They didn't just -happen- to decide to improve them because of our long standing request, they did it to go with additional monetization which I don't begrudge them at all for, but.. if you want me to chase the carrot, it dam well better be worth the run.. (and consequently more of our money.) - this stuff isn't free.

    This "we" is a small subset of a small subset though. With ruff numbers of active players and active forum posters around an 1/1600th. Hence you overrate your wishes and this "we". Also:

    The 4/5 legendaries of the megas every second month, the rerun threshold legendaries, the ones you get for Top 1000 placements, the regular gifts like Bashir today are not enough for you? Than buy some more. And if you can´t do that make the most out of what you have. Instead of always craving for more and more. Many people would be much happier if they take joy out of what they DO HAVE. Instead of being grumpy about the things they DON´T HAVE.

    Also save up the Premium Packs from Hybrids for a while. 5 Hybrids = 10 10x Premium Packs with the new structure (assuming you play until 350000 VP). Hence on average 1 further legendary. Those Premium Packs may be regarded as useless by you. Bought, won, saved up and used over time many of the cards you wish for will fall your way.

    Also, common sense, you cannot expect to have every card you crave for for free. DB gives out enough freebies to keep every kind of player entertained. Yes, also through input this game is where it is today, but there has to be a line somewhere or this game would be off the server by now...

    Well if that's the direction you want this conversation to take, I would argue they could. In all of the top 5 F2P games, you can explore and obtain all of the content for free and you pay for early access, xp boosts and flavour. That's not sorcery, it's doable and it seems that it's also very successful. I wonder why. I'm not saying that they should (these games have high quality gameplay, this one doesn't) or that they will, simply that it's feasible.
  • "The 4/5 legendaries of the megas every second month, the rerun threshold legendaries, the ones you get for Top 1000 placements, the regular gifts like Bashir today are not enough for you? "

    Show of hands, who imagined I said that ?

    I'm looking solely at the changes made today and how they affect the game, the cost to reach these new levels and the effects of adding the shuttle rental feature.

    I thank Db every time they do something nice / good / generous, either publicly or in PMs.

    But again, these aren't gifts that I'm talking about.

    I've never said they were all bad,
    The VERY first thing I said was something like "I like the voyage revival token".

    First thing I said.

    Then I looked at the value of the other add ons to threshold.

    I'm not a fan of the new feature and that new feature is the only reason they were added so that brings the value into question for me.

    Because with out the new feature and the new super awesome best ever thank you, thank you, thank you db my life is complete now prizes - where was top 1000 last month and where will it be next month ?

    I'm not doing cart wheels, for the extra effort we're going to have to endure to reach top 1000 soon because of shuttle rentals just to get another 1 of 5 star.

    If they had done a rank reward upgrade as well or added a 5* to threshold or even had the 10x an event 10x then I could really see the value and fun.

    But as it stands now it's going to be more work, more boosts (more money) to get basically what we're getting now.. And a voyage revival token that it too may be next to worthless unless they add the ability to choose to use it or not. (Versus Dilithium)

    Yippy !

    And yeah, I'm -trying- to take the joy out of this for everyone. How am I doing ?

    When did this become the place where we all have to think exactly the same as everyone else and get snide remarks thrown at you if you don't ?

    When did this become the " DB is super awesome everything they do we should praise fan site" ?

    I clearly missed the memo.

  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    I think the new rewards are an excellent step in the right direction. Even if you fell around 250-300k VP, the extra Thursday Cadet time, new shuttle and legendary reward boosts can push borderline players closer to threshold and the bonus honour and 10x pull. Who doesn't want that a couple times a month? Plus a free voyage revival every faction saves everyone 100 dilithium. I personally don't care if it gets used before dilithium, that's what it's for, to save dilithium for other uses. If they update all the reward tables that's lots of bonus stuff for the same amount of work. Thank you to all the vocal players, but it's time to take a break ( let's say a week) and say good work DB. In a week the vocal group can pick a new challenge for improvement. 🙂
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    More stuff for free is the best assessment. If you already ranked 350k VP in an event, then you get more stuff for no difference in your play.

    If you didn't rank 350k VP, then there is no difference.

    Still, it's a positive change that's been asked for (in some form) for a long time. Steps in the right direction.

    Technically it isn't free as you need a lot of time reducers to get there.

    Should be pretty easy doing the bare minimum kickstart (ie: 11 x 3* speed boosts), assuming you're able to login every 3 hours thereafter, for the next 4 days. Sleep is the biggest cost during faction events! lol

    Speed boosts are much more plentiful now, if you use the double-up adwarp for all 6 cadet missions on Thursdays, giving you 12 of the 10x boost packs every week. With the amount of galaxy/hybrid/skirmish events we've had recently, my shuttle boost inventory is at record levels!

    You're forgetting the "hidden" costs: 4 shuttles, lots of 5/5* crew or a lot of the new rewards doublers and infinite extra shuttles.

    I'm afraid I don't follow. For a relatively new player, it will be hard to clear all the new threshold rewards. However, for anybody that's been playing for awhile and has a decently deep crew, it should be a good but achievable challenge. Being on to play every 3 hours, including overnight, will be the biggest challenge. I only have 8 5/5* crew and most of those are mega event rewards. I've never used a reward doubler during a faction event, and don't anticipate spending dil to rent extra shuttles. I don't foresee clearing the expanded thresholds to be a problem at all, without any extra costs - hidden or otherwise.
  • I will miss those 1k merits
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    350,000VP = 88 4,000VP shuttle successes during the event

    = 22 successes a day (over 4 days)

    = minimum of 5.5 batches of 4 shuttles sent out each day during the event.

    I was happy to get the chance to win a pack (boy do I need every chance I can get to add stars to my crew) ... but a couple of minutes later reality set in ... ah well.

    But ... I really like the addition of extra rewards (Voyage revival token and Honor especially).

    Yes, but you can use time reducers and 2* rewards and you get some extra tokens in the event. Sure, it will be difficult but completing tresholds should be difficult.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't be difficult to obtain ... this was a reality check for me when I started thinking about what that kind of number (350k VP) means in terms of gameplay and then reflecting on how that fits into me personal situation (my weekends are busy cuz I have a young family, so I will generally only be able to send out minimum shuttles etc. over Sat/Sun ... if I can send out max shuttles I can hit top 1000 (have done so twice), so with some luck I can make it, but that will not be so on a regular basis.)

    Time reducers do not change the number of successes you need to reach 350K VP, they just allow you to run more shuttles (but with a lower chance of success than with a 3* skill boost, what I normally do).

    We'll see how the new tokens work. Have 14 Requisite Tokens at the moment, so we'll see where I can best use them and how easy they are to come by ...

    Anyway, like I said, for example the 1,500 Honor is great, I see it as basically 2x 10 packs, which give me around 700 Honor on average ... the faster I can build up for the next 5* citation, the better and this certainly helps.

    Anyway, I picked up Weyoun Clone 5 last weekend, so you can bet I'll try for the top threshold (not going for Rank this weekend) ... but I need to be realistic and not just assume I can hit that in a Faction-only event (Hybrid, sure, no problem). :)
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    350,000VP = 88 4,000VP shuttle successes during the event

    = 22 successes a day (over 4 days)

    = minimum of 5.5 batches of 4 shuttles sent out each day during the event.

    I was happy to get the chance to win a pack (boy do I need every chance I can get to add stars to my crew) ... but a couple of minutes later reality set in ... ah well.

    But ... I really like the addition of extra rewards (Voyage revival token and Honor especially).

    I agree with your numbers, but I still realize that there is something missing or not taken into account by you and I don't know what it is.
    Last Hybrid event, when the faction part ended I had almost 200k points, just playing missions almost normally except for the Kickstart..

    Nothing missing, just very simplified ...

    - I don't take into account that the first 40 shuttles you run will give you a lower VP return.
    - I don't take into account overnight shuttles (double VP).
    - I don't take into account the VP that a failed shuttle will get you.

    Hybrid events are slightly different because you can continue to send out shuttles in Phase 2, so you basically have two sources of VP income for about 16 hrs.
  • BTW, I waited until after the daily reset so the new things were enabled (verified by getting the new tutorials) and let a Voyage run out of antimatter. If I wanted to revive it, I didn't have the option of using dilithium; I would have has to use the voyage revival token sitting in my inventory.

    So, for those of you who wondered, the revival tokens from the threshold prizes will be your only option to revive a Voyage, once they are in your inventory.

    Thanks Sushi :)
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • AMDGAMDG ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    As a f2p, I already go over 400k in hybrid events because of the second part, that means free rewards for me. I will continue to ignore faction events ( only get the 3/4 and airlock it ) until I have a strong legendary event crew and plenty of boosts/tokens.
  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    I really like this change. It rewards you for getting further in the event
  • So they replaced the 1000 merits for 250k VP with 1500 honor....i d prefer the merits though, but guess some folks will be more happy with the honor.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • So they replaced the 1000 merits for 250k VP with 1500 honor....i d prefer the merits though, but guess some folks will be more happy with the honor.

    1500 honor is the best prize ever !

    But I too would prefer the merits as they were.

    Thanks DB ! Yay !!
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great to see the honor and other additions. Will miss the merits. But overall, I'm very happy with these additions.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • So they replaced the 1000 merits for 250k VP with 1500 honor....i d prefer the merits though, but guess some folks will be more happy with the honor.

    If we are looking at the big picture, we have gained more than we lost but 1,500 honor for 250k VP is a fairly significant let down. I am guessing that they optimized the new rewards for Hybrid events and overlooked or disregarded the impact on existing Faction rewards.

    The other side of the coin might be that significant increases in Merits will be part of the Top 1k reward revamp.

    I know some (many?) players say Gauntlet has been a reliable way to farm Merits but I have never been one of them (I must be doing something wrong) so 1,000 Merits was a reliable way for me to maintain my Merit bank.

    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm very happy with getting the honor, but losing that 1k merits will probably eliminate any extra merits I can use for the merit portal.
  • Quit GameQuit Game ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    So they replaced the 1000 merits for 250k VP with 1500 honor....i d prefer the merits though, but guess some folks will be more happy with the honor.

    They sneakily removed the 1k merits. I can swear that the merits were there when I checked earlier and even their in game message says that the honor reward should be for 215k VP.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    At this level, neither has much value.
    My instinct is to be annoyed at the removal. But 1000 merits are an easy single gauntlet farm. 1500 honor, while still almost worthless, is at least a few days of dedicated Voyage babysitting.

    I guess, at the end, I don't care. Neither has any meaningful value, and not enough to incentivize any extra effort past the previous tier to obtain.
  • On the flip side, the way packs have been going I'll get about 900 honor (and nothing useful) out of the final achievement. That makes 1500 honor sound kinda nice.
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I already no longer spend merits on faction store (bar transmissions) for a while now, running higher vp requires running more missions, requires more transmissions. I think I'm going to miss that 1k merits. What good is the rewards if you might not be able to achieve it.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Ren~ wrote: »

    They also downgraded all the equipment for the super rare character by 1 quality tier. Overall what they've done is taking rewards from the bottom VPs to put them in higher thresholds, ie FU newer players, it's all about whales and 1 year+ veterans now. Needless to say I am thrilled. :) It was really useful to equip other characters, all of wedding quark's (which I trashed almost instantly due to his 3/4* status) stuff went on other cards like Kahless.

    This is exactly how you crash a successful F2P business lol, not the first company I've seen doing that, and it never ended well.

    Yeah, and not the first time ppl are wrongly predicting this game to be going down the hill soon. Happened even 6 months after this game went live, 18 months ago, 12 months ago....and guess what? They still making good money and this game is far from being over, regardless what u predict or hope for. ;)

    This game has a huge advantage(from DB sight of view) reagarding other F2P games. Since they don t have live PVP, like attacking or raiding bases for ressources, they don t need to care about players that never spent a dime, or players that have stopped spending at all(okay tze latter they might try to lure them into spending again). Even if all free players would leave it once it would have zero effect on the gameplay and their revenue.

    And regarding gaining new players.... it was never so easy to do decent in a short time(of course it requires effort and if u wanna speed things up, a monthly card for 4!! bucks) ) than it is now, thx to achievements, gauntlets, voyages.
    How do i know that it never was so easy? Well i can compare...
    2016 i started my 1st account, 2017 my 2nd , 2018 my 3rd and now i have started my 4th toon. So please don t tell me u need to be a whale or high spender, to have fun playing this game.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »

    They also downgraded all the equipment for the super rare character by 1 quality tier. Overall what they've done is taking rewards from the bottom VPs to put them in higher thresholds, ie FU newer players, it's all about whales and 1 year+ veterans now. Needless to say I am thrilled. :) It was really useful to equip other characters, all of wedding quark's (which I trashed almost instantly due to his 3/4* status) stuff went on other cards like Kahless.

    This is exactly how you crash a successful F2P business lol, not the first company I've seen doing that, and it never ended well.

    Yeah, and not the first time ppl are wrongly predicting this game to be going down the hill soon. Happened even 6 months after this game went live, 18 months ago, 12 months ago....and guess what? They still making good money and this game is far from being over, regardless what u predict or hope for. ;)

    This game has a huge advantage(from DB sight of view) reagarding other F2P games. Since they don t have live PVP, like attacking or raiding bases for ressources, they don t need to care about players that never spent a dime, or players that have stopped spending at all(okay tze latter they might try to lure them into spending again). Even if all free players would leave it once it would have zero effect on the gameplay and their revenue.

    And regarding gaining new players.... it was never so easy to do decent in a short time(of course it requires effort and if u wanna speed things up, a monthly card for 4!! bucks) ) than it is now, thx to achievements, gauntlets, voyages.
    How do i know that it never was so easy? Well i can compare...
    2016 i started my 1st account, 2017 my 2nd , 2018 my 3rd and now i have started my 4th toon. So please don t tell me u need to be a whale or high spender, to have fun playing this game.

    I'm not predicting anything and certainly not "soon", it takes years for a game like this to die, I'm merely pointing out that this isn't a good sign at all because taking stuff from new players to give more to whales isn't exactly how you gain new players in the first place.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    The biggest advantage of this game is that everyone can have his own fun.

    Ok so F2P won't win any event (unless they are stockpiling for months) but they can freely collect SR event cards, SR voyages and occasional SR or Legendary free portal pulls.

    The other big advantage is that you can freely stop playing at any moment and return into the game after several months and not lose anything except for cards in events that you didn't play.
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