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New threshold rewards

edited November 2018 in The Bridge
From Starfleet Communications:

Threshold rewards changes for Faction events, and hybrid Faction/Galaxy events.
Starting with the upcoming faction event "Peldor Joi" we were making the following changes to threshold rewards with the following additions:

VP 12,500 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
VP 52,000 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
VP 180,000 - 2 Requisition Shuttle tokens, 2 Legendary 2x Reward Multiplier
VP 210,000 - 150,000 Credits
VP 215,000 - 1,500 Honor
VP 300,000 - 1 Voyage Revival token
Vp 350,000 - 1 10x Premium Pull

As with any changes of this type we will assess how they perform and make additional changes as needed. Likewise we are also planning on some similar changes for other types of events. Ranked rewards changes for the top 1000 players have not been forgotten, they will be part of a future update.



  • Well.. I like that they are giving some of the new tokens as thresholds. And i'll never say no to another free premium 10x pull.
  • More add freestuff for same effort....nothing to complain about.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Love the added rewards for faction events, but worry more in galaxy events could dissuade players from going threshold-and-out (well still threshold-and-out, just with more time/chrons required to hit that level).
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Honor is always welcome, Voyage Revival tokens are as well. Now 2 10x Premium Pulls in Hybrid events possible is nice also. Planned changes to the Top 1000 structure is something to look forward 2. I like it...
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Love the added rewards for faction events, but worry more in galaxy events could dissuade players from going threshold-and-out

    This are just for faction and hybrids.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Love the added rewards for faction events, but worry more in galaxy events could dissuade players from going threshold-and-out

    This are just for faction and hybrids.

    For now, but they also mentioned that changes to the reward structures for other event types are also in the works.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I might have considered this an improvement if it had been for all events types but right now I'm not impressed.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    I might have considered this an improvement if it had been for all events types but right now I'm not impressed.

    They said that the reward structure for all events types will be updated, but all events that don't have at least a faction portion won't need shuttle tokens included as threshold rewards.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I like the Voyage revival token..
    I really feel they should have gone all the way and put a 5* in there at 350..
    (325 For the 10x if ya want but I'd be just as good losing it in favor of.. last week's, this week's or next week's 5*)

    I know she said they haven't forgotten the rank rewards issue and they'd look at it in the future.. but I'm honestly tired of the most popular game request being put off again in favor of a feature that exactly 2 people may have actually asked for.

    Especially when your making the stick pointy AND heavy.

    If we're going to be beaten with a pointy heavy stick we really need a bit more of a carrot then tokens for an unwanted feature and a 10x that will rarely drop something useful (rarely that is for players who have been here long enough to know that the $33 dollar ship offer when you first get past the tutorial is a Horrendous deal)

    Look ! We've made it harder !
    But if you push thru you can get a small number of objects that will torture other players too ! Make then suffer like you do now ! :D

    1500 honor..
    Only about compensates the honor lost from not being able to send your "A team " out in Voyages during the events.

    If this were really to be rewarding..
    At least 5,000 should be considered.

    It's a step.
    A really really small step.
    But a step in the right direction.

    .. ok maybe it's not a step but at least you've rotated towards the direction we'd like you to take a step towards.

    Yay ! :D

  • I agree about the rank table being more pressing than the threshold table, but setting that aside, I'm intrigued by this new template. I doubt I'll claim many of the 10x Premium Pulls, but I dig that they're there at the end of the rainbow.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    350,000VP = 88 4,000VP shuttle successes during the event

    = 22 successes a day (over 4 days)

    = minimum of 5.5 batches of 4 shuttles sent out each day during the event.

    I was happy to get the chance to win a pack (boy do I need every chance I can get to add stars to my crew) ... but a couple of minutes later reality set in ... ah well.

    But ... I really like the addition of extra rewards (Voyage revival token and Honor especially).
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    This will get me playing through the new rewards for every hybrid event. Faction I already play through and I'd have to see how those final numbers are relative to my VP to see if I want to use boosts. But I'm happy to collect voyage tokens until I have enough to run through all the dilemmas to get the exclusive crew.
  • RaraRacing wrote: »
    350,000VP = 88 4,000VP shuttle successes during the event

    = 22 successes a day (over 4 days)

    = minimum of 5.5 batches of 4 shuttles sent out each day during the event.

    I was happy to get the chance to win a pack (boy do I need every chance I can get to add stars to my crew) ... but a couple of minutes later reality set in ... ah well.

    But ... I really like the addition of extra rewards (Voyage revival token and Honor especially).

    Yes, but you can use time reducers and 2* rewards and you get some extra tokens in the event. Sure, it will be difficult but completing tresholds should be difficult.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Love this change, the rewards that come with it, and the clarification that they aren't done with revamping the ranked rewards yet. Kudos all around, @Shan
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    More stuff for free is the best assessment. If you already ranked 350k VP in an event, then you get more stuff for no difference in your play.

    If you didn't rank 350k VP, then there is no difference.

    Still, it's a positive change that's been asked for (in some form) for a long time. Steps in the right direction.

    Technically it isn't free as you need a lot of time reducers to get there.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Ren~ wrote: »
    More stuff for free is the best assessment. If you already ranked 350k VP in an event, then you get more stuff for no difference in your play.

    If you didn't rank 350k VP, then there is no difference.

    Still, it's a positive change that's been asked for (in some form) for a long time. Steps in the right direction.

    Technically it isn't free as you need a lot of time reducers to get there.

    Should be pretty easy doing the bare minimum kickstart (ie: 11 x 3* speed boosts), assuming you're able to login every 3 hours thereafter, for the next 4 days. Sleep is the biggest cost during faction events! lol

    Speed boosts are much more plentiful now, if you use the double-up adwarp for all 6 cadet missions on Thursdays, giving you 12 of the 10x boost packs every week. With the amount of galaxy/hybrid/skirmish events we've had recently, my shuttle boost inventory is at record levels!
  • I always play out each event so it’s all good for me.

    Can’t see myself making it to 350k for the premiums, but extra honor and credits is always welcome (and a voyage revival token is basically 100dil)
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    All good news as far as I'm concerned.

    Do we know if voyage tokens are saveable now or use is forced still?

    That’s my only concern. All of this is definitely a step in the right direction. However, if the voyage tokens can’t be saved and used when you want to use them instead of being forced to use them, they really aren’t that useful. Other than that, this is all good news

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's also available in hybrid events. This past event, 1k was over 350k, but not over by that much. That means that if you go for 1k and miss, you at least earned all those threshold rewards along the way. That is much better. Now how many people go for new threshold and as a result push the 1k VP even higher, that's TBD.
  • Some people complain even when positive changes are added. Simply unbelievable! You don't have to focus on tresholds or even complete them, you can still send out your A team on voyages if you want to.

    Some people always act like it's a crime to look at a change critically. If it weren't for the vocal critical players these changes would never happen and we'd still be playing a game with half the crew slots, no honor and and no immortalizing characters. You'd have the fun of building them and spacing them forever when a better character weighs come among.
    Simply unbelievable ! :O

    And tank an event.. ?
    (That I don't have to play ya know !)
    ((Oh wait, I do because of the way ranked rewards are !))

    We've asked for improved thresholds for nearly as long as we've asked for improved rank rewards. They didn't just -happen- to decide to improve them because of our long standing request, they did it to go with additional monetization which I don't begrudge them at all for, but.. if you want me to chase the carrot, it dam well better be worth the run.. (and consequently more of our money.) - this stuff isn't free. Bashir this morning was free and I value him.

    So let's look at the "value" they've added.
    Exclude the shuttle requests because they're part of the problem.

    Just look at the other stuff.

    150,000 credits
    1,500 honor
    1 Voyage reviver
    1x10 Standard non event premium portal

    Is that worth the extra money / effort to reach 350,000 points ?

    I donno.
    Like I said, it may not even be a step in the right direction.. but they may at least be pointing in the right direction now.
    (And that's.. possibly a start. I hope it is)

    In order to rank 1k or better, you would have needed much more VP than 250k (that was the top treshold in faction/hybrid events). So you would still have to send out shuttles and spend money/time/resources in order to rank 1k or better to get the yellow crew. What has changed now is that you would actually get some more rewards that you previously didn't get. How can you even say that it can be a negative thing? But let's just assume that you don't care about the extra rewards and still just do 250k like prior to this change, then you would still get 150k credits and 1.5k honor for free. Is that a bad thing? When there is a legitimate problem, then complaining is sometimes necessary. But way to strawman there, you just claim that the game would not improve without complaining.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some people complain even when positive changes are added. Simply unbelievable! You don't have to focus on tresholds or even complete them, you can still send out your A team on voyages if you want to.

    Some people always act like it's a crime to look at a change critically. If it weren't for the vocal critical players these changes would never happen and we'd still be playing a game with half the crew slots, no honor and and no immortalizing characters. You'd have the fun of building them and spacing them forever when a better character weighs come among.
    Simply unbelievable ! :O

    And tank an event.. ?
    (That I don't have to play ya know !)
    ((Oh wait, I do because of the way ranked rewards are !))

    We've asked for improved thresholds for nearly as long as we've asked for improved rank rewards. They didn't just -happen- to decide to improve them because of our long standing request, they did it to go with additional monetization which I don't begrudge them at all for, but.. if you want me to chase the carrot, it dam well better be worth the run.. (and consequently more of our money.) - this stuff isn't free. Bashir this morning was free and I value him.

    So let's look at the "value" they've added.
    Exclude the shuttle requests because they're part of the problem.

    Just look at the other stuff.

    150,000 credits
    1,500 honor
    1 Voyage reviver
    1x10 Standard non event premium portal

    Is that worth the extra money / effort to reach 350,000 points ?

    I donno.
    Like I said, it may not even be a step in the right direction.. but they may at least be pointing in the right direction now.
    (And that's.. possibly a start. I hope it is)

    In order to rank 1k or better, you would have needed much more VP than 250k (that was the top treshold in faction/hybrid events). So you would still have to send out shuttles and spend money/time/resources in order to rank 1k or better to get the yellow crew. What has changed now is that you would actually get some more rewards that you previously didn't get. How can you even say that it can be a negative thing? But let's just assume that you don't care about the extra rewards and still just do 250k like prior to this change, then you would still get 150k credits and 1.5k honor for free. Is that a bad thing? When there is a legitimate problem, then complaining is sometimes necessary. But way to strawman there, you just claim that the game would not improve without complaining.

    I need to see what what my faction scores are, but as a low spender, that Voyage revive token and premium 10x is worth using extra boosts even if I was already getting the 5* crew. I'll sit on those tokens until I can do the all dilemma run to get the voyage exclusive crew. And getting an extra 10x premium is always appreciated.
  • RaraRacing wrote: »
    350,000VP = 88 4,000VP shuttle successes during the event

    = 22 successes a day (over 4 days)

    = minimum of 5.5 batches of 4 shuttles sent out each day during the event.

    I was happy to get the chance to win a pack (boy do I need every chance I can get to add stars to my crew) ... but a couple of minutes later reality set in ... ah well.

    But ... I really like the addition of extra rewards (Voyage revival token and Honor especially).

    I agree with your numbers, but I still realize that there is something missing or not taken into account by you and I don't know what it is.
    Last Hybrid event, when the faction part ended I had almost 200k points, just playing missions almost normally except for the Kickstart..
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just popping in to say "thank you, DB." I'm particularly happy about voyage revival tokens.
    Farewell 🖖
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