so drone 7 of 9 is a reward for new Borg faction story!

in The Bridge
Just in case any of you guys don't have one already for this week's event.....
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I chose wrong once before and missed out on a good farming mission.
Curious as well.
I went with the Borg, which yields the following on the mission Bearing Up:
One thing I noticed while looking at these screenshots is that the chron values seem to be shifted by one difficulty level. Normal costs 24, Elite costs 16, and Epic costs 20. In any case, the 3* items are okay on Normal and Elite but nothing special; it would take some serious drop rate testing to determine if Bearing Up is better than existing missions.
Already have 2 copies of both FF/FE.
Ship battle for Fed victory.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Good. I need Dixon. Seven is Fully Fuzed.
Which is a good reason to have the Reward Crew for these be new. A lot of players that have been around probably have both Fully Fuzed. Wasn't Drone Seven a Threshold? Maybe in a Galaxy?
Yes, though players without her at 4/4* might appreciate getting an event crew before the end of the event.
I had to go look. My memory is not what it once was. {I once stood in the kitchen for five minutes trying to rememory what I got up to do. Then realized I had gotten up to hit the head.} She is a Crew this week. Since the Borg Mission is so short, might have been done so people without her can get a copy easier for the Event.
Yeah, there's something wrong with the file. She looks that way everywhere else, too: crew quarters, avatar, Behold! lineup. Same problem with Marla McGivers.
She needs to assimilate a 4k TV
My technological and biological distinctiveness must be unworthy of adding to the collective.
It looks like you may not have finished Episode 8. If that's the case, Episode 9 won't appear until you finish Episode 8.
She was
- daily reward
- event reward in 2017
- event reward IN 2018, DS9 MEGA-EVENT which pissed me off because it was shoehorned
- event reward in this event (2019)
- reward for episode
I really don't can't think of ANY CARD which was used so many times for so many different things....
Scatter Thine Enemies (Federation choice, a ship battle)
18 Chonitons - 4* Starfleet Uniform Patern, 3* Subprocessor, 2* Isolinear Chips, 1* Microconnector, 0* Optronic Circuit-
22 Chronitons - 4* Emitter Crystal, 3* Power Cell, 2* Expansion Module, 2* Subprocessor.
EDIT: Just did a quick warp 10 ... 7 Power Cells ... nice, I always seem to be low on those.
24 Chronitons - 4*Optronic Circuit, 3* Sensor, 2* Interlink, 1* Borg Occipital Implant.