Timelines' Originals Collection

A couple quick questions for @Shan or @SunshineRiker:
We've long speculated about the canon nature of Agent Janeway, who has the Section 31 trait despite nothing in canon to link her with that organization. Seeing as she's not in this collection, could we get an explanation for the S31 trait?
How come Dancing Uhura is in here? Isn't she just straight up out of "Plato's Stepchildren"?
Why is Prince Bashir absent? (Credit to @[DDF] Marge Gunderson for bringing this up below.)
Otherwise, thanks and kudos to the team for this collection!
We've long speculated about the canon nature of Agent Janeway, who has the Section 31 trait despite nothing in canon to link her with that organization. Seeing as she's not in this collection, could we get an explanation for the S31 trait?
How come Dancing Uhura is in here? Isn't she just straight up out of "Plato's Stepchildren"?
Why is Prince Bashir absent? (Credit to @[DDF] Marge Gunderson for bringing this up below.)
Otherwise, thanks and kudos to the team for this collection!
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Uhura does not actually dance in that episode? I think that is why someone speculated somewhere else she is non-canon.
Yes. But THAT Uhura does not. I don't know. Maybe we can get an answer. Officially.
Most people remember that episode mainly for making television history...
And not much else, given how godawful it was. I even prefer Spock's Brain to PS.
Natch! I knew there was something else I meant to question.
It has always bothered me that that kiss was non-consensual for either Uhura or Kirk. Plus, of course, it wasn't the first interracial kiss on TV anyway.
Bingo. While the outfit for Dancing Uhura is from Plato’s Stepchildren, dancing actually occurred at least in Mudd’s Women and TFF with vastly different outfits. She’s more canon-ish (?) than some of the others in the collection but still technically non-canon.
Leaving out Prince Bashir, though...that’s interesting. He definitely qualifies for inclusion here.
History usually ends up being how people remember it.
And seems like a lot of people remember wrong:
I think the Kirk/Uhura one "became" the one because of the popularity of the show.
Prince Bashir looks to be a mistake. I'll inform the developers.
We consider Agent Janeway to be a canon character, BUT you rightly point out an issue with the Section 31 affiliation. I've put in a bug to have Section 31 removed from that crew.
I to would think Prince Bashir should be included unless he was drawn by a non DB peep.
We haven’t agreed on much these last few days but I’m with you here. It is a little amusing.
And we must disagree. It's a LOT amusing!!!!!!!!!
She has Section 31 due to storyline stuff from the event where she was introduced. Also not sure how her in that costume with the MP40 is any different than Uhura dancing.
For example: Mirror Lean-Luc Picard, makes perfect sense; while he does not actually ever appear, if the mirror universe existed before TNG and after TNG, and since the mirror universe seems to "mirror" our universe, it is hard to argue that a mirror version of Picard did not exist, he merely did not appear in a show or movie.
That being said, were there to be a non-canon crew like Preschool Teacher Borg Queen that simply makes no sense at all, those are the ones I think people struggle with.
I think this new collection is a hoot, and I personally hope it means that down the road we can expect more creative and exciting non-canon characters!
Okay? Now it is headcanon that the Borg Queen was a pre-school teacher on her home planet. She was injured or became ill and was the first recipient of the experimental new technology doctors were working on to use cybernetic implants to heal or "repair" injured/ill people. The implants were able to interface with WiFi, for updates and such. An implant malfunctioned, and the wacked out code entered the network. She started connecting to other technology with WiFi, and then with new patients who received the implants. She was able to sort through the "voices" and became the one mind that controlled the hive.
If there is a reason for it, should not be removed.
If you’re going to claim that Dancing Uhura is a DB original based on just her pose (the outfit seems to fit the TOS episode 100%), then I think a full on face swap should count as “originality” too.
LOL, forgot about that one.
In fairness, the artwork is clearly Kirstie Alley's face. She was Saavik in Wrath of Khan. They way I see it, they wanted to have ONE Saavik, and the part was played by TWO different women. So the compromise was Alley's face on Curtis' body.
That’s more original than Dancing Uhura in my opinion.
A few days before a fraction event where section 31 crew are bonus crew. Expect fireworks if the trait is removed before the event.
As I said, if the Trait is there for story reasons, it should not be removed. Especially right before an Event using that Trait.