To Prove Ones Self Threshold Pull

in The Bridge
500 honour and final star for Lon Suder. Not bad!
Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
But some bright spots appeared with my first copy of Tourist Jadzia and schematics for Discovery.
Begold choices were Dark Ages Mccoy, Mademoiselle de Neuf, Mirror Inquisitor Troi
Last 3 were beholds which is my best yet.
Edit: I also just noticed that the N'Var schematics I got in this pull were enough to finally build the ship!
2 more immortals pushing me past the 400 count.
Third star for Soran, first for Spock, 400 honor and fuel replicator, so a good pull for me.
- 2x 3* Honor (Daren & Castillo)
- 7x ship schematics - only the 150 pack for ISS Avenger was for a non-maxed ship.
Sigh ... these just keep getting worse for me (see last week).
400 honor
Some schematics
It was okay i guess
Public profile
Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
(then did couple of merit pulls and got second star for Defective Data, yay)
Congrats on getting him though! I already have Dr. LaForge and would love to add him to my collection. I haven't a gold drop in a merit pull for a while now.
900 Honor and some fuel. Looking forward to 2 free pulls next week.
First star for Meme Paris.
Ooh, now that’s an idea.
Yeah ... 10x the dispair (in my case at least).