Who Would You Like To See Added From Disco {PER BYLOSHAN}

in The Bridge
Since it got the TOS thread off-topic and off-track, discuss here Discovery characters you would like to see in-game.
I'd like a 1* Burnham from the time she was on Discovery, but did not have an official position.
Traits: Federation Starfleet Human Prisoner Xenoanthropology
Skills: Science Engineering
I'd like a 1* Burnham from the time she was on Discovery, but did not have an official position.
Traits: Federation Starfleet Human Prisoner Xenoanthropology
Skills: Science Engineering
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Lt. Keyla Detmer
Lt. Joann Owosekun
Jett Reno
Captain Pike
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
He could be a 5* with Security & Science. Traits could be Brutal, Desperate, Explorer, Primal, & Survivalist.
Already exists, unless you mean when he was hooked up to the discovery?
Yes, +1
+87. As Disco Mega Recurring!!!!!!!!!!
+10000 from me too
But I don't think it's a spoiler, she was in the tralier after all.
Apart from her (this will be a long post!):
Undercover Georgiou
This Georgiou (I know we haven't seen her on the show yet, but she will obviously rock
Mirror Burnham
Coup d'etat Lorca
Mirror Saru (maybe as a 2*?)
Cornwell taking over the Discovery (or Cornwell shooting at fortune cookies
The drug dealer
Prisoner L'Rell
And, obviously, Pike
There's at least one from each of the Short Treks I'd love to see in the game; I'm actually surprised we didn't get anything throughout the time they were airing.
- Po from "Runaway"
- Craft from "Calypso"
- Lt. Georgiou from "The Brightest Star"
- Bounty Hunter Mudd from "The Escape Artist"
Also, we desperately need another Stamets. I don't care it it's Engineer Stamets, Mirror Stamets, Navigator Stamets (all hooked up, ready to drive), freaking catatonic Stamets, or some other version - he deserves another card.
Not-Quite-As-Much-Of-A-Jerk Stamets from Season 2 is welcome. Void can be replaced with Mansplainer Connolly.
I could live with Tasty Morsel Saru per above.
Yes yes yes on Reno and Pike.
And absolutely "hsssssss" Georgiou. Cant wait!
And, is it me or does Saru have a little more swoosh in his arms this season? My boy's got a little sashay goin' on alongside the attitude. Just sayin'.
Didn't watched the first season - so i've a long way to go.
But, some of the crew suggestions abvoe look great
Don't let the naysayers sway you, it's a good show with some cool new ideas (and I REALLY like the direction season 2 is going so far, they immediately seem to be starting to address some shortcomings of season 1).
100%. It’s so weird that we only have one version of him. (Though I guess we also only have one Lorca).
We need a legendary Spore Drive Stamets (ENG, SCI, CMD?) stat!
I thought his arms were swinging a little wider than before down that corridor .
Lt., er...Um... "Lt. Headgear"?
And most definitely Lt. "Sneezy" Linus
Commander Nhan. She is Barzan, see also TNG “The Price” (the Barzan wormhole).
one thing that bugged me during S1 was the shaky wobbly camera and faster than light scene cuts, blink and you missed half the stuff lol.
Thanks is what happened with Romulus........
Gambler Ash from that episode was the most I liked that character as well, but I don't know what they're doing with him this season; plus, he already has a fair amount of variants.
Enlightened/First Contact Saru (yeah, there's already Away Team from that episode, but whatever)
The whole "Low-Life" set would be cool.
Here's a question for you.... if DB does Prime Lorca that's obviously a DB original and part of the collection. But what if Jason Isaac comes back and plays that role? Does it stay part of that collection?
(DB, don't let this discourage you. Please still do it.)
Any other version of Lorca
EV Suit Pike
Lt Georgiou
Young Spock (not because I want him, just because I want a Spock event.
Isn’t gambler ash already in the game anyway, Tyler, son of none
Yes. Tyler, Son of None IS Low-Life/Gambler Ash.......
Amanda Grayson
Discovery Pike
The rest of the bridge crew
Mirror Stamets
Audrey Hepburn (legal rights aren't my problem)
I'm not so sure about the Power Rangers Pike/Burnham/Connolly/Nhan collection
Looks like you're right (I just didn't remember it), but that [self-censoring] overly emotional face (if episode 1 is any indication, I'm not going to like Burnham's expression in at least one variant over the next few months) is not what I wanted. He actually looked like he was having fun, he had a swagger.
Sexual Prowess Georgiou who manages to impress both Orion dancers enough that they don't want to charge her (imagine what a Mirror Orion could do)
That was the only part of the episode that I didn’t like, it felt unnecessarily overdone and unrealistic.
Otherwise it was a solid effort. Loved Pike.
News flash, DB. The Klingon War is over.
We won.