DB, let us earn more chronitons in voyages
It’s downright insulting to have a 9 hour voyage and only have 300 chronitons to show for it. Up the odds of getting them in rewards, or increase the amount you get from dilemmas please.
I don't think you'll have much luck with this request as voyage chrons were deliberately nerfed a while ago.
This also would compete with DB's selling of Chrons. which it already is doing.
This I have 5000+ Chronies right now plus ~700 in the mail to be claimed. Most I have ever had, outside of buying five of the Chronie Packs for a Galaxy I really wanted to go deep in. Before Voyages, I had trouble getting over 500 built up without buying........
The highest amount is 75, correct?
I think it goes 30/60/75. But might be 30/60/100? The other big problem is being addressed in a way in the other thread. The one with a poll. It's kind of stupid to get a 30/30/2* Dilemma at six hours or higher.
Yes it is, many confuse it with the 100 honor that pops up, along with the 75 chrons.
That was exactly my point
Two hors should be the 30/30/2*
Four hours should the 60/60/2*-3*
Six hours on should be 100/75/3*-4*
Fine with me too. I earn more chrons that I can use. Increasing chrons would just inflate galaxy scores even more.
I think it is a good balance. It seems Voyages have "themes". Is this a thing? I usuall get like more Chronies, or more Trainers, or more Replicator Rations.
Like I have gotten 50+ 3* Replicator Rations and 75+ 2* Replicator Rations in a Voyage, but much lower Chronies.
Yep. I haven't ran out of chrons in months. I typically float between 10k and 20k.
Chronitons were in chronic short supply before the advent of voyages. Now I feel that so long as you're running voyages constantly, you will obtain an adequate amount to allow you to play and compete.
These days, the only unit I usually run out of is Dilithium, and even that currently stands at over 2,000 crystals due to there not being anything I've wanted to spend it on recently.
Hey, we prefer the term "seasoned"
For Chrons. they should make sure when we reach the dilemma that we have received 5 rewards of Chron during that two hour segment or they can make sure the totals are at a certain minimum at each dilemma.
For crew, my suggestion would be to make sure at the 8 hour dilemma after the dilemma that we have a superrare crew if not pull one at random from the portal and award them.
(I'd be less irked if I could ever finally get "Champion of the People, Part 3" to show up.)
I hope it is just RNG. But if just RNG it would be nice if towards the end of a two hour segment if we have had less than 5 drops of Chron. That DB would make sure with the last 5 drops before the dilemma the missing drops happen to make 5 drops of chron. for every two hour segment.
Edit: I guess since I have two accounts and run 8 hour voyages (recall right after 8 hour dilemma) . I should keep track of the Chrons I received by dilemmas and for all of my voyages.
The extra seven minutes after the Dilemma was waiting for 15 to drop to get me over 300.......
I’ve seen no difference in the quantities earned from voyages lately. Sometimes at 8hr I might have 300, other times I’ll have 600.
There are no more ‘multi drops’ for dilemma choices now. Where as before you could sometimes win 2x or 3x the rewards (including chron), now we cant.
What I learned: we vividly remember the voyages where we feel like we got robbed, but we quickly forget the voyages where the chroniton piñata overflows in our favor.
THIS! +1 Same for other parts of the game as well, like Gauntlet. Always remember the bad beats, but easily forget about the luck outs(not talkong about the drop rate of the legendaries though, thats another story lol).