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Vosk outfit



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Censorship is quite a chilling thought, especially for a subject that we must never be allowed to forget or to whitewash.

    Very well said

  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    I think they made the effort to hide the swastika on his sleeve, and still capture the scene image. I doubt they left any insignia in as intentional disrespect.

  • Careful. Stare too long at the skull and Vosk will appear in your room.😞
    Star Trek first season rankings from best to worst: DS9, TOS, ENT, VOY, TNG, TAS, ORV, DIS
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Again it's literally right there in the wiki article, learning and art are not affected by the law. Tv and film are considered art, but video games aren't - which is obviously dumb, but I imagine the people who drew up the laws hadn't put many hours into Dragon Age (and it was probably more like Pong back then, if that), so they didn't know any better, hopefully it'll get fixed. But nobody's trying to erase history, because if you did want to erase history, you wouldn't specifically exempt history class.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Censorship is quite a chilling thought, especially for a subject that we must never be allowed to forget or to whitewash.


    The PC police want to erase history or talk about it as if it never happened.

    Nobody is talking about erasing or re-writing history.

    And in any case, the study of history is all about re-examining, re-evaluating, and ultimately re-writing what we know about past events and people.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    On second thought, never mind.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    My two cents the nazis weren’t the only one to use the jolly Rodger, plenty of armies have used it even after the war, uk and us included, so saying it’s only applicable as a nazi symbol is fubar, they have censored the appropriate/important one, by the angle of the drawing, that’s good enough for me. Anyone misusing it in game well I think they will have a very short time on the game. If you see it used in that way report it and it will be dealt with swiftly I am pretty sure of that.

    It’s what you use the symbol for that matters not what it is, some people might not even know that the swastika was actually a symbol of good long before the nazis got their dirty rotten mits on it.

    Also this is artwork representing a tv show (an artistic medium) I am pretty sure it would be covered under that same artistic license.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Wow, what a bit of snokeflakery crying here. Last I checked, a tiny bit of history, a tiny bit of realism, and a coule dozen pixels never killed anybody. In fact, those who deny it and attack those who don't tend to be the problem, and are the ones doomed to repeat it.

    A tiny skull and crossbones on an imaginary character in small pixel art is the biggest nothing burger we've had here in a while.

    In 1605 a man called Guido Fawkes attempted to blow up the houses of parliament as a revolutionary act of the Pope following the excommunication of the monarch of the day. In memory of this important event, most precisely it's failing because Fawkes had a British government agent in his midst, we now celebrate that failure by holding bonfires.
    There is also a rhyme to remember this.
    We should never try to forget those difficult parts of our history.
    When we do, we invite those who would seek to rewrite it back.
    "Remember, remember the fifth of November.
    The gunpowder,treason and plot".

    Not should we erase the lingering memory of difficult periods of history.
    Account on it's final tour, soon to be retired!
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    OK, take two! Action!

    First, all props to @easypeasy, that was doubly brilliant!

    OK, so, let me just see if my 5* level 93 diplomacy hat still fits....yes, nice. OK, so I think it is safe to say that everyone here has more-or-less spoken truthfully, and many outstanding points have been made in a surprisingly civil way (well done, all). And much like the earlier thread where new forum hero @Jassada carved a beautiful path to resolution, here is my attempt.

    There is a clear path whereby we can be true to history/remember history AND be respectful of those who justifiably do not need really unpleasant historical references shoved in their face, and I give it away to you all now for free because while this has been a great thread and a lot of great points have been made, I think it is time to heal the wounds.

    We all know about the Nazi armband, and most know about the SS skull. What changes on this Vosk card if the tiny white skull gets replaced with a tiny portrait of, say, Mr. Bean? Or even Churchill. Or heck, just a generic emoji face? Or of that is still too much, how about just a white circle?

    And with regard to the armband, why not simply replace the symbol altogether and just go with a red stripe (OMG, I can't see that adult beverage the same way ever again now!)?

    The historical significance is not lost on the majority, and yet we are all spared from having that horrible chapter of human history shoved in our collective faces.

    Problem solved! And now for something completely different, a man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose!
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    For me it's the cavalier use of the image in this game that hurts. It's not about denial of history, it's about the minimization of the impact that this image is likely to have. There are some images that should appear in a context which speaks to the gravity of the historical reality, or at the very least not minimize it. This image should not appear in the middle of a jolly game - as in "oh yay! I got my 4 Vosks. Did you get yours?"
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Magpie wrote: »
    For me it's the cavalier use of the image in this game that bites hardest. It's not about denial of history, it's about the minimization of the impact that this image is likely to have. There are some images that should appear in a context which speaks to the gravity of the historical reality. This image should not appear in the middle of a jolly game.

    I don't think they have been cavalier at all with this they have not used an image where he has his hat on, protruding yet more symbols, they have instead done an angle where the armband is out of view and we are left with a lapel - a lapel that appears nothing more than a dot as I look at my phone. The only issue really i see is with the avatar, which as a compromise they perhaps could have better cropped it.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, let me get this straight... This is acceptable?

    But this isn't?
    Despite the fact that both images depict a group mostly notable for killing countless innocent civilians and enslaving people.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Shan, I tried!
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apagg wrote: »
    ITT, people with no experience of living under a Nazi regime telling a country which has "not to be such snowflakes about it" and sanctimoniously talking about not forgetting the past. I don't think many of you realise how ridiculous you sound.

    In other words you are saying it's fine to forget it happened and hide anything related to it ever occurring is that right?

    Talk about that episode of Enterprise being pertinent. That does a complete disservice to those very people who suffered under that regime.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Countdown before Shan gets in and closes this thread...
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    We all know about the Nazi armband, and most know about the SS skull. What changes on this Vosk card if the tiny white skull gets replaced with a tiny portrait of, say, Mr. Bean? Or even Churchill. Or heck, just a generic emoji face? Or of that is still too much, how about just a white circle?

    I applaud the effort to play the diplomat.

    I find the idea of replacing the historically accurate symbol in the artwork with Mr Bean, or even just a simple geographic shape/blob, very offensive. Because to me, that would be a lie in order to hide or deny the truth.

    I did not know what the symbol meant. I was either never taught about it, I had forgotten my school history, or perhaps I have been prevented from being exposed to it as a child?

    Obviously I have sympathy for everyone affected, directly/indirectly by WWII, as with any other horrendous moment in our history. But I’m more upset that we try to hide it and make it harder for people to learn of our past. They might not even be given the opportunity to feel sympathy.

    Edit - Perhaps those that feel offended seeing this symbol could elaborate why? Or how their personal discomfort overtakes the need for people to be able to learn?
  • edited March 2019

    It's a game folks. But people are free to have concerns about such symbols and voice them.

    Very curious how the people saying "snowflakes" are censoring to argue about censoring
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    We all know about the Nazi armband, and most know about the SS skull. What changes on this Vosk card if the tiny white skull gets replaced with a tiny portrait of, say, Mr. Bean? Or even Churchill. Or heck, just a generic emoji face? Or of that is still too much, how about just a white circle?

    I applaud the effort to play the diplomat.

    I find the idea of replacing the historically accurate symbol in the artwork with Mr Bean, or even just a simple geographic shape/blob, very offensive. Because to me, that would be a lie in order to hide or deny the truth.

    I did not know what the symbol meant. I was either never taught about it, I had forgotten my school history, or perhaps I have been prevented from being exposed to it as a child?

    Obviously I have sympathy for everyone affected, directly/indirectly by WWII, as with any other horrendous moment in our history. But I’m more upset that we try to hide it and make it harder for people to learn of our past. They might not even be given the opportunity to feel sympathy.

    Edit - Perhaps those that feel offended seeing this symbol could elaborate why? Or how their personal discomfort overtakes the need for people to be able to learn?

    I should have done a better job of stating that this should have been done BEFORE we saw the card. Nobody would have been the wiser, and that would be one fewer thread Shan has to close.
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    This is a conversation that we have to be able to have, and I'm impressed that it has stayed cordial. If we can't have this discussion in Star Trek world, where can we have it? I don't feel that voicing my discomfort about the use of a symbol in this context is censorship, though it is a request to a community to understand the impact. Hopefully it can be a discussion that helps us successfully share the planet. I would not at all mind elaborating why this image is disturbing to me (offended is the wrong word) but I'm not sure people are really curious about that?
This discussion has been closed.