Petition on when the next Honor Hall crew should be released. Since petitions are a thing now

in The Bridge
The poll is obviosuly meant to be light hearted... BUT.... it seems like we're easily due for a new addition
Petition on when the next Honor Hall crew should be released. Since petitions are a thing now 40 votes
Seriously, though, I'd like to know. I've got a lot of honor burning a hole in my pocket, but I don't want to use it in case Seven shows up.
I think like when Cap’n Bev was released, existing honor hall-only crew will remain and someone new will join them. Pitchforks and torches were passed around last time, just in case Kahless was going to be pulled, and DB did everyone a solid by leaving him right where he was.
As I understand it, the plan is to restrict them to the Honor Hall permanently.
Oh, I think Mr. Mot is an excellent candidate for the next 2* or 1* in the honor hall :-)
Cheesecake Doctor Seven as the next honor hall legendary would make me unhappy...I’ve been stockpiling dilithium for Tuesday packs rather than honor for anything other than citations. Amanda Rogers, on the other hand, might work out real nicely. Maybe SCI/MED/DIP? Although those three go together often enough, I don’t think anyone has them in that order.
Yes, the order is very underrated. Could even replace DIP with SEC for smacking Q around. Takes one tough hombre to do that
Very true. ENG could even be a reasonable choice, since “eco-regeneration” (one of the things that Beverly was impressed with from
Amanda’s transcript) doesn’t sound to me like a purely scientific activity. And that would make players pretty happy, to boot.
That said... are we talking about adding or rotating current to the portal and replacing?
Either.... Captain Beverly was SUPPOSED to be a replacement but they decided to keep both so I'd just assume that any future 100k crew will also just be additions
My one recommendation would be to add a 3* and 5* crew. Mostly to keep an even number of slots.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
@ JL
It does not matter to me either I only pay 50,000 honor for a citation for the megaevent legendary crew. I have not cited any other legendaries.
So I am not going to pay twice that for a honor hall crew.
Let's see 550 honor for legendary dismissed. 100k roughly 182 dismissed legendaries. I suppose that is better than getting a dupe from a honor begold.
If ever I get to the point where I have about a 50/50 chance of all immortalized begold, I may have to spend on those citations. But that only happens if the rate of new legendaries slow down. Not going to happen. If it does game probably will be ending.
Actually 50/50 is too high more like 20% chance.
Doing rough math should be 10% chance.
Roughly 46% of the legendary crew immortalized. Though this is pack dependent or portal dependent.
Get with it DB! Tired of waiting!
Kahless = TNG
Picard = TNG
Mk ll = Voy
Maybe time for an TOS honor hall addition..... My vote is:
I, for one, really want her on my crew. Iconic art and the likelihood of a desperately-needed skill combo? What’s not to like?
Ancient wish of mine. Voyager is not my fav series. But those 2 were my favourites of the show. Also fused together they could make a trait "monster". And hopefully have at least one killer base as "bonus"...
It's interesting though. I have both Cap'n Bev and Kahless, yet only Kahless remains in my honour hall for potential repurchase. Bev for some reason hasn't appeared back in there. Not that I would want to get a second one of either of them from the HH, but it is curious.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
What really excites me about Cheesecake Doctor Seven is yes of course the trait treasure trove, but most importantly, she would probably be our only character (to date) that is strong in *both* MED and ENG. If you look at all the MED/ENG/X combo characters, none of them are strong in both MED and ENG, if they are strong in ENG, then X is their second strongest and MED is their weak 3rd skill; likewise, if MED is their strongest, X is their second strongest and ENG is their weak 3rd skill. No one is strong in both medicine and engineering yet, and it is quite a rare combo as is. But Cheesecake Seven would have both of those as her strongest skills, because MED is the Doc's speciality, and ENG is Seven's. SCI would likely be their third skill which would be the weakish one.
Just some data on what I'm talking about with MED/ENG characters...
Temporal Prisoner Chakotay - SEC strong, ENG strong, MED weak
Leonardo da Vinci - SCI strong, ENG strong, MED weak
Delta Flyer Paris - CMD strong, ENG strong, MED weak
Phlox au naturel - SCI strong, MED strong, ENG weak
Stranded Quark - DIP strong, ENG strong, MED weak
Mirror Stamets - SCI strong, ENG strong, MED weak
The Caretaker - ENG strong, SCI strong, MED weak
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
I want her. Maybe more than everyone else added together
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I'd be lying if I said she was especially important to me personally, but I did enjoy the episode. It's an okay Doctor story, but a really fun Seven story that managed to insert some actual character development. Plus, her reaction to eating cheesecake is absolutely delightful and one of my favorite Seven scenes.