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Pulaski FTM

Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
Maybe I'm just being cranky today with the DST change but...

The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

(This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)


  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe I'm just being cranky today with the DST change but...

    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    They were following the Hypocritic Oath.

  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    to troll everyone / DB
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • I saw this player at the top of the rankings after the phase switch.

    I wondered the same thing.

    For the record, I don’t have any problem with non-canon chars when they are done like this. :)
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    I saw this player at the top of the rankings after the phase switch.

    I wondered the same thing.

    For the record, I don’t have any problem with non-canon chars when they are done like this. :)

    I agree. I wasn't even aware that the art was from a comic book instead of an episode. I thought it was just generic art taken from any episode (or no episode in particular), like Enterprise-D Picard or Captain Janeway.
  • I would never have known if she was conon or not, because, well, it's Pulaski. I was done with the event after immortalizing Vosk.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Maybe I'm just being cranky today with the DST change but...

    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    By YOUR definition does NOT necessarily mean by everyone's definition.

    Just saying......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Maybe I'm just being cranky today with the DST change but...

    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    By YOUR definition does NOT necessarily mean by everyone's definition.

    Just saying......

    The traditional definition refers to anything that didn't appear onscreen as non-canon. Hence, comic book appearances = non-canon.

    Also, if I can just give you a piece of unsolicited advice: sometimes your use of bold and italics comes off as quite aggressive. I say this as someone who has both agreed and disagreed with you in the past, and I say it because I've seen it escalate a conversation far more quickly than I think you intend, and I generally appreciate what you bring to the conversation even when we aren't on the same side.

    It's a way of stressing a word in a sentence when people have no way of hearing what you are saying.

    No offense has [inflection]ever[/inflection] been meant by it.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Clone wrote: »
    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    Putting "Stick to Canon Please" on Pulaski's FTM line was my artwork. Since you asked for the logic, here's the short version:

    I wanted a new Medical character and had the chrons for a galaxy event. Though I do often skip events with non-canon trash, Pulaski's stats are so good that I would have at least gone for a 1/5 on her. So I flew the event under a protest banner. And I'll be completely honest with you: Getting that name on her FTM line justified the eyestrain, headache, and fatigue from spending 76,000 chrons in 47 hours (plus the 50k honor for the last star).

    As for the canonicity (which came up in some responses): She is definitely not canon. In Star Trek, the official canon consists only of what's been shown on-screen, and doesn't include any books, comics, or other works of fanfic. But for me, this Pulaski is some of the least-awful non-canon work in Timelines, because it's a very plausible variant where they just updated the uniform by 5 years. From my perspective, the developers did far worse (and sometimes crossed the line into offensive territory) with non-canon trash like Army Chaplain Odo, Potato Martok, Augment Picard/Riker, COP Founder Picard, Agent Janeway, or Yelgrun.

    Ultimately, when it comes to canon and non-canon characters in this game, I'm an idealist, not a zealot. So I hope you'll see my "Stick to Canon Please" label on Non-Canon Pulaski as irony, not hypocrisy.

    Iggy Pop (Yelgrun) is totally canon. I loved his depiction of a Vorta. It was brilliant.

    Yeah, that. He was onscreen and everything. Even by the strict definition of "It is only canon if it is from a TV show or movie.", he counts.

    Since I do not want to escalate things again, I will agree to disagree quietly on how strict the definition is for various people.

    Nothing but love, everyone have a good night, and don't take any wooden Issiks!!!
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Clone wrote: »
    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    Putting "Stick to Canon Please" on Pulaski's FTM line was my artwork. Since you asked for the logic, here's the short version:

    I wanted a new Medical character and had the chrons for a galaxy event. Though I do often skip events with non-canon trash, Pulaski's stats are so good that I would have at least gone for a 1/5 on her. So I flew the event under a protest banner. And I'll be completely honest with you: Getting that name on her FTM line justified the eyestrain, headache, and fatigue from spending 76,000 chrons in 47 hours (plus the 50k honor for the last star).

    As for the canonicity (which came up in some responses): She is definitely not canon. In Star Trek, the official canon consists only of what's been shown on-screen, and doesn't include any books, comics, or other works of fanfic. But for me, this Pulaski is some of the least-awful non-canon work in Timelines, because it's a very plausible variant where they just updated the uniform by 5 years. From my perspective, the developers did far worse (and sometimes crossed the line into offensive territory) with non-canon trash like Army Chaplain Odo, Potato Martok, Augment Picard/Riker, COP Founder Picard, Agent Janeway, or Yelgrun.

    Ultimately, when it comes to canon and non-canon characters in this game, I'm an idealist, not a zealot. So I hope you'll see my "Stick to Canon Please" label on Non-Canon Pulaski as irony, not hypocrisy.

    When the first Abrams Star Trek film came out, there were some comics released as a tie-in. They went in to some detail about Nero and Spock before Romulus was destroyed in the Prime timeline. Wouldn't those be considered canon? What about the various Star Trek novels?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Don’t take it so hard. He told you as nicely as possible and he’s right. That’s why the one thread got closed. Cuz you went all bold faced and italicized. It is interpreted as yelling or foot stomping whether you mean it that way or not

    I will try to remember from now on.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone wrote: »
    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    Putting "Stick to Canon Please" on Pulaski's FTM line was my artwork. Since you asked for the logic, here's the short version:

    I wanted a new Medical character and had the chrons for a galaxy event. Though I do often skip events with non-canon trash, Pulaski's stats are so good that I would have at least gone for a 1/5 on her. So I flew the event under a protest banner. And I'll be completely honest with you: Getting that name on her FTM line justified the eyestrain, headache, and fatigue from spending 76,000 chrons in 47 hours (plus the 50k honor for the last star).

    As for the canonicity (which came up in some responses): She is definitely not canon. In Star Trek, the official canon consists only of what's been shown on-screen, and doesn't include any books, comics, or other works of fanfic. But for me, this Pulaski is some of the least-awful non-canon work in Timelines, because it's a very plausible variant where they just updated the uniform by 5 years. From my perspective, the developers did far worse (and sometimes crossed the line into offensive territory) with non-canon trash like Army Chaplain Odo, Potato Martok, Augment Picard/Riker, COP Founder Picard, Agent Janeway, or Yelgrun.

    Ultimately, when it comes to canon and non-canon characters in this game, I'm an idealist, not a zealot. So I hope you'll see my "Stick to Canon Please" label on Non-Canon Pulaski as irony, not hypocrisy.

    When the first Abrams Star Trek film came out, there were some comics released as a tie-in. They went in to some detail about Nero and Spock before Romulus was destroyed in the Prime timeline. Wouldn't those be considered canon? What about the various Star Trek novels?

    That was my polite point. Some players do consider other media to be at least somewhat "official" if it has been "approved". I doubt many if those comcs are unapproved rip-offs, especially the ones from the bigger houses.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    JJ trek is fake Trek. He did those movies to audition for Star Wars. They used the names Kirk and Spock to trick people into watching the movies. IMO just make the movies in the normal Trek universe and timeline, no need to bastardize them by trying to pass them off as Kirk and company in some alternate timeline. They make pretty good SciFi action flicks, but Trek they ain't.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    My argument for Yelgrun being non-canon is the same as for Agent Janeway: there’s a trait that is antithetical to the character.

    The Vorta are depicted as being incapable of appreciating or creating art, music, etc. Yelgrun having the Musician trait makes about as much sense as Janeway being a Section 32 agent.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I simply do not understand all the acrimony around canon or non-canon characters. Like @(HGH)Apollo said, to some degree this entire game is non-canon, and it is something we all enjoy.

    At the end of the say, does it really matter if this Pulaski is canon? She is a legal crew card in the game we all play, and she can help players play the game better. That really is all that anybody should care about.

    Lest we forget the famed Star Trek Wars from the Futurama episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before"; that episode took a mild shot at the Star Trek fandom by gently pointing out that many of us take this BLEEP way too seriously, and that in so doing we lose sight of what it really means for something to be "Trek".

    Fandom needs fewer gatekeepers and more greeters.

    Well said.

    Believe it or not there is at least one "Star Trek" Group on Facebook that kicks people out if they even mention the "wrong" Star Trek show or movie.

    Star Trek was supposed to teach us to be all-inclusive and to understand each other. Most often the takeaway of an episode should have been "It's our differences that make us strong together."

    Two great examples of how dangerous arguing over petty things is are "Let This be Your Last Battlefield" and "Chosen Realm". "Chosen Realm" actually had a race nearly extinguish themselves over an argument of whether the world was created in eight days, or nine!!!!

    Can't we allust get along?
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the occasional, occasional, non-canon character. But I definitely understand those that don't, and others who have mixed options.

    Strangely, my favorites are the new mirror universe characters, despite my general dislike of the mirror episodes. (Excepting ENT's mirror intro.)
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    @Clone - I was honestly not expecting an official response, since who knew if the player was a forum reader or not? Appreciate you taking the time to discuss. And congrats on the FTM.

    This thread makes me happy
  • This thread makes me happy too! It's actually showing how folks with differing opinions can get along with each other. Perfect Trekkie behaviour :)

    I totally understand @clone's feelings regarding non-canon items within the game. When I first started playing, I felt exactly the same way and balked at anything that wasn't. I mean, you only have to look at some of DB's creations, and wonder what they were thinking:
    • Army Chaplain Odo, nice art, but for those of us who never saw M*A*S*H the reference is lost on us.
    • Mirror Data, terrible art but has to be included to make up the Mirror TNG collection which for the most part is cool.
    • The Simpson/Infinity Planet.... WTF is it meant to be? And WHY?
    • Potato Martok, I'm sure it's established in DS9 that he lost his eye at the hands of the Jem'Hadar... and the art is really awfull!

    However, some of DBs creations have been really cool. And if it makes sense (such as Pulaski wearing the VOY uniform) then I'm cool with that.

    One thing I will say though, is that there are loads of genuine canon characters from Trek that we are yet to see in the game.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Clone wrote: »
    The art for Dr. Katherine Pulaski, per Shan in another thread, is based on a comic book version of her. By definition, a non-canon variant. So why would a player calling himself/herself "Stick To Canon Please" bother to make the effort to FTM this card?

    (This is not sour grapes. I did not attempt to FTM her. I'm just trying to understand the logic.)

    Putting "Stick to Canon Please" on Pulaski's FTM line was my artwork. Since you asked for the logic, here's the short version:

    I wanted a new Medical character and had the chrons for a galaxy event. Though I do often skip events with non-canon trash, Pulaski's stats are so good that I would have at least gone for a 1/5 on her. So I flew the event under a protest banner. And I'll be completely honest with you: Getting that name on her FTM line justified the eyestrain, headache, and fatigue from spending 76,000 chrons in 47 hours (plus the 50k honor for the last star).

    As for the canonicity (which came up in some responses): She is definitely not canon. In Star Trek, the official canon consists only of what's been shown on-screen, and doesn't include any books, comics, or other works of fanfic. But for me, this Pulaski is some of the least-awful non-canon work in Timelines, because it's a very plausible variant where they just updated the uniform by 5 years. From my perspective, the developers did far worse (and sometimes crossed the line into offensive territory) with non-canon trash like Army Chaplain Odo, Potato Martok, Augment Picard/Riker, COP Founder Picard, Agent Janeway, or Yelgrun.

    Ultimately, when it comes to canon and non-canon characters in this game, I'm an idealist, not a zealot. So I hope you'll see my "Stick to Canon Please" label on Non-Canon Pulaski as irony, not hypocrisy.

    When the first Abrams Star Trek film came out, there were some comics released as a tie-in. They went in to some detail about Nero and Spock before Romulus was destroyed in the Prime timeline. Wouldn't those be considered canon? What about the various Star Trek novels?

    In the case of Star Trek, it’s quite clear cut. TV/Film is canon. Comics, novels, computer games and anything else are not.

  • ByloBand wrote: »
    I simply do not understand all the acrimony around canon or non-canon characters. Like @(HGH)Apollo said, to some degree this entire game is non-canon, and it is something we all enjoy.

    At the end of the say, does it really matter if this Pulaski is canon? She is a legal crew card in the game we all play, and she can help players play the game better. That really is all that anybody should care about.

    Lest we forget the famed Star Trek Wars from the Futurama episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before"; that episode took a mild shot at the Star Trek fandom by gently pointing out that many of us take this BLEEP way too seriously, and that in so doing we lose sight of what it really means for something to be "Trek".

    Fandom needs fewer gatekeepers and more greeters.

    "Chosen Realm" actually had a race nearly extinguish themselves over an argument of whether the world was created in eight days, or nine!!!!

    How dare you, this isnt cannon, it was 7 days or 10!!! Your wrong, how can you not know and call your self a star trek fan. (Just in case anyone thinks im being serious...im not, im joking around and showing how not to be :smiley:, lets not be that guy)
  • I dont mind non canon, i have yet to read any star trek novels or comics...but i get why db adds them and i think it is cool...ish (the ish part is due to 23rd century Martok)
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    This thread makes me happy too! It's actually showing how folks with differing opinions can get along with each other. Perfect Trekkie behaviour :)

    I totally understand @clone's feelings regarding non-canon items within the game. When I first started playing, I felt exactly the same way and balked at anything that wasn't. I mean, you only have to look at some of DB's creations, and wonder what they were thinking:
    • Army Chaplain Odo, nice art, but for those of us who never saw M*A*S*H the reference is lost on us.
    • Mirror Data, terrible art but has to be included to make up the Mirror TNG collection which for the most part is cool.
    • The Simpson/Infinity Planet.... WTF is it meant to be? And WHY?
    • Potato Martok, I'm sure it's established in DS9 that he lost his eye at the hands of the Jem'Hadar... and the art is really awfull!

    However, some of DBs creations have been really cool. And if it makes sense (such as Pulaski wearing the VOY uniform) then I'm cool with that.

    One thing I will say though, is that there are loads of genuine canon characters from Trek that we are yet to see in the game.

    Okay. I'ma ask. Since I am stumped.

    "Simpson Planet"?
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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