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Who Would Be in Your "Spirit of Star Trek" Voyage Crew?

Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
For the purpose of this thread, throw out stats. (We're keeping skills, though.) If you were putting together a Voyage of a dozen crew members that you personally presently have, and you were trying to best distill the spirit (and/or flavor, if you'd like) of what Star Trek is to you, who's in that crew and why? Here's a copy & paste template of the crew spots, and I'll add my own picks in a separate post.

CMD First Officer -
CMD Helm Officer -
DIP Diplomat -
DIP Communications Officer -
SEC Tactical Officer -
SEC Chief Security Officer -
ENG Chief Engineer -
ENG Engineer -
SCI Chief Science Officer -
SCI Deputy Science Officer -
MED Chief Medical Officer -
MED Counselor -


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was all set to answer and then I read the rules again and the crew I actually own makes this much tougher.

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Captain Killy
    - just a fun character
    CMD Helm Officer - Acting Ensign Crusher
    - the brother I could always blame for stuff
    DIP Diplomat - Garak, Elam Garak
    - Mirror Lorca would recruit him too
    DIP Communications Officer - Mirror Uhura
    - For that old timey feel
    SEC Tactical Officer - Wil Scarlett
    - favorite variant of my favorite Klingon
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Zhian'tara Odo
    - someone for Scotty to drink with
    ENG Chief Engineer - Lt Cmdr Scott
    - who else would you trust?
    ENG Engineer - Chief O'Brien
    - the only man fit to work for Scotty
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Talos IV Spock
    - best science officer you could ask for
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Cheesecake Seven
    - blame DB for me breaking the rule ;)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Gladiator McCoy
    - he's a doctor, not a counselor
    MED Counselor - Bashir, Julian Bashir
    - I think he's trained in counselling

    So many good characters got left out. But I guess that was part of the exercise. Tuvoc, Data, T'Pol, Trip, and Phlox would be in there if there was more space.

    Farewell 🖖
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    CMD First Officer - Gangster Spock
    CMD Helm Officer - Lt Sulu
    DIP Diplomat - Ambassador Sarek
    DIP Communications Officer - Comm Officer Uhura
    SEC Tactical Officer - Defiant Commander Worf
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Warship Yar
    ENG Chief Engineer - Professor Scott
    ENG Engineer - Assimilated LaForge
    SCI Chief Science Officer - 1701 Jadzia Dax
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Seven in Silver
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Katra McCoy
    MED Counselor - Goddess of Empathy Troi

    edited to include owned crew
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    CMD First Officer - Spock
    CMD Helm Officer - Sulu
    DIP Diplomat - Sarek
    DIP Communications Officer - Uhura
    SEC Tactical Officer - Worf
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Yar
    ENG Chief Engineer - Scotty
    ENG Engineer - LaForge
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Jadzia Dax
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - 7 of 9
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Bones
    MED Counselor - Troi

    See, you ran into the same problem I did. It is not "who are your favorite characters", it is "Stats notwithstanding, which crew cards that you own would you use." That makes it much harder.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Number One
    CMD Helm Officer - Cadet Nog
    DIP Diplomat - Bartender Guinan
    DIP Communications Officer - Professor Sato
    SEC Tactical Officer - Captain Sisko
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Katrine
    ENG Chief Engineer - Chief O'Brien
    ENG Engineer - Seven in Silver
    SCI Chief Science Officer - The Traveler
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Captain Beverly Picard
    MED Counselor - Vic Fontaine

    Pretty much the same reason in every case, which is also the 'spirit of Star Trek' I picked for the purposes of the exercise. They're all good at what they're doing, but what's really important is they're doing it for good reasons, to turn the opportunity they've got into something that benefits everyone.

    I had a long think about Number One versus Starfleet Kira, because really it's a miracle I didn't just fill everything up with Kira variants and invent ridiculous reasons why. If there was a Bajoran uniform s7 Kira she's get the top CMD spot, but I feel like the Starfleet one is specifically in her advisor-to-the-Cardies role, so it didn't quite fit. So DB needs to get around to s7 Kira is what I'm saying.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    I had a long think about Number One versus Starfleet Kira, because really it's a miracle I didn't just fill everything up with Kira variants and invent ridiculous reasons why. If there was a Bajoran uniform s7 Kira she's get the top CMD spot, but I feel like the Starfleet one is specifically in her advisor-to-the-Cardies role, so it didn't quite fit. So DB needs to get around to s7 Kira is what I'm saying.

    It's funny you say that, because I literally *just* posted my reasoning for picking Commander Kira Nerys was that I felt that specific version reflected her growth, which is one of my favorite arcs in all of DS9. I'd pick Starfleet Kira over Bajoran Colonel Kira even if she existed and I had her. (But I co-sign your petition for DB to get around to her!)
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Captain Spock - He has the experience, both general and specific, to know how to lead and the wisdom to challenge my rash decisions.
    or Age of Sail Riker - Just a fantastic look and similar rationale to Spock, but perhaps less seasoned. I could put my life in the hands of those two.
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris - It has to be someone reliable, but with great instincts. He proved his awesome piloting skills in that episode, but also knew when to go with his gut.
    DIP Diplomat - Enterprise-D Picard - Eww a 2/2 on voyages. Picard is the quintessential diplomat in all of Trek to me. His character has spurts of impulsiveness and daring so you know he can empathize with those traits, but never lets it seep into his arbitrating. Knows when to hold his tongue and how/when to refocus attentions if tempers flare or people get sidetracked.
    DIP Communications Officer - Captain Dathon - If this guy can't communicate, who can? He's clear and purposeful in everything he says and does and doesn't get flustered, even in the face of danger.
    SEC Tactical Officer - Anbo-jyutsu Riker - Someone with a great strategic mind who understands that combat can go sideways and will improv on the run. If he can fight blindfolded while working through Daddy issues, he can plan my sieges. Plus he's already armored.
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Security Chief Tuvok - Great leadership is required and being as cool as cucumber soup (bonus points if you get the reference). Trusts those beneath him, but reacts at a moment's notice and can train his men well. There was only one choice for me and not just because of the name.
    ENG Chief Engineer - Lt Commander Scott - I want an absolute legend. Someone who can break us out of a brig with a can of tuna. They can be rough around the edges - their team will adapt to a little stress and eccentricity from a truly great jury rigger. There's only one name again and since I don't have his 5* version from an all-time great episode, it's the 2/2 variant.
    ENG Engineer - Dr. Richard Daystrom - Here I want a brilliant mind who will come up with ideas and solutions that no one else possibly can. Since there's not a leadership component required, I'll take the tragically screw-loose, but undeniably brilliant creator of the M-5 multitronic computer.
    SCI Chief Science Officer - 1701 Jadzia Dax - They have to have a zest for exploration, but also the temperance to stay within ethical boundaries.
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Timicin - I can only imagine the heights the tragic Timicin could have reached if unfettered by the traditions of his world. For pure scientists, he's on my short list of crew members I'd requisition and he fits this slot well without having to deal with any superfluous considerations or responsibilities.
    MED Chief Medical Officer - "Dark Ages" McCoy - Someone who is one with healing. Like Chakotay said, it's his nature. In any era and with any type of (silicon-based) life form, McCoy just knows how to fix living things.
    MED Counselor - Groundskeeper Boothby - A counselor...someone who's empathetic and focuses more on their patient's feelings than their own. Guess that rules out a few characters *cough cough*. Boothby is a fantastic mirror for whomever talks to him. He has the experience and wisdom to know what you're feeling before you walk through the door. If nothing else, Boothby's "clientele" list is impressive.
    Honorable mention to Emotion Chip Data, because we all get a little crazy sometimes. I feel like he'd have great empathy for our foibles.

    Really fun little thought exercise :)
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    MED Counselor - Groundskeeper Boothby - A counselor...someone who's empathetic and focuses more on their patient's feelings than their own. Guess that rules out a few characters *cough cough*. Boothby is a fantastic mirror for whomever talks to him. He has the experience and wisdom to know what you're feeling before you walk through the door. If nothing else, Boothby's "clientele" list is impressive.

    That's a great pick, and one I admit I totally glossed over. I still would have picked Waitress Ezri for the reasons I gave, but I might have hesitated had I thought of Boothby.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Okay, this is fun. In order to be the essence of Star Trek, I decided that everyone should be main cast. No guest stars. Please note that I have added a slot that is sadly missing in Voyages -- Chief Operations Officer. Here we go:

    CMD First Officer - Captain Janeway (although, I hope one day soon to update this to "Year of Hell" Janeway)
    For me, Janeway was the ultimate Starfleet command-level officer. She took charge in any situation. She cut through the crap. She was an explorer at heart. She respected other civilizations and cultures. She was true to Starfleet/Federation ideals even though she was a zillion light-years away. She was loyal to her crew. She was smart as hell. And when the time came, she took the bad guy down. Hard.

    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris (I would have loved to give this slot to Cadet Wesley Crusher, the version of Wesley that became an ace pilot, but sadly the game gives him zero command skill)
    Paris was the best natural pilot on any of the shows, and he had that cocky edge that we associated with Kirk from the beginning. While I'm not comfortable putting that cocksure attitude in the captain's chair, you need it represented. This version is his more mature, most uber-pilot version. And he was really Cadet Locarno, we just weren't allowed to say so.
    Cadet Wesley would have represented a different side of Trek, but I would have loved to have him, too. The side that's constantly wrestling with the moral dilemma, but eventually doing the right thing. As someone who grew up watching ST:TNG, Wesley was a fellow nerdy kid that I could relate to. I know we all find him annoying now. But at the time, I wanted to be him, more than anything. For this slot, this version of Wesley was also an ace pilot.

    ENG Chief Operations Officer - Tempted Data
    It's a travesty that STT doesn't have this slot on a Voyage. The ship's COO is a vital part of the command team with unique skills, but he's not the chief engineer. Data seems to have been made for this role -- no one else filled it properly in the other shows. And Data at his peak was Data in First Contact.

    DIP Diplomat - Romulan Picard
    Picard was obviously the best diplomat of the main cast from any show. He was also the individual we most admired -- the one who always did the right thing, even if those pesky admirals disagreed. Never brash, always thoughtful, and another explorer at heart. This version of Picard was, in my view, the height of his diplomatic prowess -- he won over Spock, who was determined not to be won over, in the end.
    I nearly went with Captain Spock for this slot, the special envoy who started the ball rolling for the Khitomer Accords and proved to be a far better diplomat than Kirk.

    DIP Communications Officer - Ensign Sato (although Uhura from the Kelvin timeline would be my preferred option if she were available in this game)
    This slot really only exists in early Trek -- TOS and the series that "preceded" it, ENT. Can anyone tell me who was the communications officer on TNG, DS9, VOY, or even DISCO? I didn't think so. And while I loved Nichelle Nichols' Uhura, she doesn't have the language chops that Hoshi has.

    SEC Tactical Officer - High Roller Sisko (although, if I had him, I'd pick Captain Sisko instead)
    Sisko proved to be the best tactician in Starfleet during the Dominion War. And the High Roller version is him at his most mature -- fiercely determined, knows when to take a risk, etc. While I could make an argument for Picard Maneuver or Riker Maneuver versions of those two (if they were in the game), I think the nod has to go to Sisko for tactics.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Constable Odo
    The best security chiefs tend not to be the humans. Worf could have taken this slot, too, but in the end I went with Odo. Chief of Security isn't just about combat prowess, it's about detecting and ferreting out any internal threat to the ship. No one did that like Odo on a daily basis. He also represents another Star Trek theme -- the quest to understand one's own place in this vast universe.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Professor Scott
    Scotty was the perfect Star Trek chief engineer who loved his ship. He knew when to be serious and when to have fun. This version of Scotty is also him at his peak -- he'd recently jury-rigged the Enterprise to run on a skeleton command crew, he'd sabotaged the USS Excelsior in a way that apparently ended the transwarp drive experiment forever, and now he was jury-rigging a Klingon Bird-of-Prey to carry two humpback whales! A magician, indeed.

    ENG Engineer - Chief Engineer La Forge (I would have gone with Lt. Cmdr. La Forge if I had him)
    Geordie is the perfect counterpoint to Scotty. Equally brilliant in his craft, he never under-promises in order to over-deliver, nor does he drink on the job. He's more of a by-the-book kind of guy. He's more creative (or as DB says, he innovates), but he doesn't jury-rig (thanks, DB!), and he's much more about managing the team.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Kolinahr Spock
    I don't think it's a surprise to pick Spock for this slot, perhaps the quintessential Star Trek character over the decades, but I especially wanted Kolinahr Spock. This was the Spock that achieved pure logic, but then felt the calling of the otherworldly (of V-Ger, as it turned out). He knew there was more in his heart/soul, he needed to find it, to understand it. This is the scientist in his purest form.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Seven in Silver
    With all the time Seven spent in Astrometrics, I'm disappointed with DB that she always seems to have a larger engineering that science stat. I think Spock would be the perfect mentor for this former human who is coming to grips with her own sense of ruthless logic and her softer, human roots. Her knowledge from being Borg also makes her indispensable -- she simply knows more than anyone else about what's out there.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Katharine Pulaski
    This was a toughie, but I went with Pulaski for three reasons. (1) She's got McCoy's sardonic demeanor but with a feminine touch, and is a little more consistently reliable. (2) She's the only main cast member from a later version of Trek who appeared in TOS. (3) This version, wearing a DS9 timeline uniform, means that she's now crossed into a third series. Plus, it turns out she is uniquely skilled as a surgeon, even among her medical peers.
    I nearly went with the EMH, since he also crossed over into First Contact and supposedly has the skills and personality traits of all the best Starfleet has to offer, but he seemed to be too specific to Voyager to translate to the rest of Star Trek. I just couldn't see Kirk, Picard, or Sisko accepting him as CMO.

    MED Counselor - Bridge Officer Troi
    As much as we all got tired of hearing that "he's hiding something," no one proved so able a counselor as Deanna Troi. Her empathic abilities give her an edge, and she knows how to help her patients (or her captain) figure out the right path for themselves. Deanna in uniform is Deanna at her most professional, so that's the version I chose. Plus, no one in their right mind would go to Ezri for counseling help, and this role isn't formally filled in any of the other series.

    Looking back at this list, I think I came close to achieving the standard Star Trek diversity here, too: 8 Humans (including one Asian and two African Americans, including one who is blind), 1 Android, 1 Changeling, 1 Vulcan, 1 Borg, and 1 Betazoid. 8 male and 5 female.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    MED Counselor - Groundskeeper Boothby - A counselor...someone who's empathetic and focuses more on their patient's feelings than their own. Guess that rules out a few characters *cough cough*. Boothby is a fantastic mirror for whomever talks to him. He has the experience and wisdom to know what you're feeling before you walk through the door. If nothing else, Boothby's "clientele" list is impressive.

    That's a great pick, and one I admit I totally glossed over. I still would have picked Waitress Ezri for the reasons I gave, but I might have hesitated had I thought of Boothby.

    I liked the Vic Fontaine pick. I hadn't even thought of him. I would still pick Bashir. Counselor is a throw-away position in my book and O'Brien and Garak just wouldn't be as good without him.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Species 8472 (sometimes you need to fight the borg)

    Best reason for picking anyone so far.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Annorax
    CMD Helm Officer - Aviator Yar
    DIP Diplomat - Weyoun Clone 5
    DIP Communications Officer - Thot Gor
    SEC Tactical Officer - Away team Saru
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Merry Man Worf
    ENG Chief Engineer - RAF O'Brien
    ENG Engineer - Niners Rom
    SCI Chief Science Officer - The Keeper
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Graduate Burnham
    MED Chief Medical Officer - RAF Bashir
    MED Counselor - Chef Neelix
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    OK, I'm home now and have access to my laptop, to make typing easier. I gave this some thought on my drive home, so here goes. I suspect you will learn a lot about me from my picks. I value versatility, so my selections will reflect this.

    CMD First Officer -
    Captain Sisko: I am picking him for numerous reasons, but I bumped him to the front of the line for a couple of reasons. First, there may come a time when my crew gets in trouble so bad that only The Prophets can save us, and it certainly cannot hurt to have The Emissary handy. Also, having Sisko around greatly reduces the chances Q will mess with us. But really you cannot go wrong with Captain Sisko, he's a natural leader.

    CMD Helm Officer -
    Delta Flyer Paris: He is without question the best at piloting the big ship of any Trek helmsman, but he is also just as good a shuttle pilot, plus in a pinch he can fill in in Sick Bay and is indispensable on away missions. Plus I want to listen to metal in my ready room and Paris is the closest thing Star Trek has to a character who listens to non-stuffy/pretentious music.

    DIP Diplomat -
    Ambassador Troi: Lwaxana is a force of nature, absolutely immutable and impossible to ignore. She is absolutely somebody you want on YOUR side, so I will recruit her to my crew and be better for it! Plus, as a true telepath she will be great in a variety of situations, not just diplomatically.

    DIP Communications Officer -
    Ensign Sato: I'll go with Hoshi, but I'm really not excited about this posting, so I don't really care about it. This job seems to go to tactical officers on later seasons so I almost gave it to Kira, but I'll go with the human language database and be done with it.

    SEC Tactical Officer -
    Assimilated Tuvok: In my estimation, Tuvok is the best tactical officer on any of the shows. Not the best head of security, but he is extremely nimble and fluid during battle, anticipating problems and correcting for them. I'll take Assimilated Tuvok for a little additional boost from all that Borg technology, plus as a Borg he will be immune to many pitfalls that may threaten the rest of my crew.

    SEC Chief Security Officer -
    Constable Odo: With respect to Tuvok and Worf, there really is no choice here. Odo is absolutely relentless, thorough, and a changeling, meaning he is able to do his job with ease, will keep undesirables on their toes, and is immune to many maladies that would otherwise incapacitate my crew.

    ENG Chief Engineer -
    Chief O'brien: With respect to Scotty, I want my engineer to actually be in Engineering. And with respect to Geordi, I want my engineer to be able to solve problems without needing the third officer or an acting ensign to come up with a lot of the ideas. Chief O'brien can do damn near anything, and absolutely somebody I want heading my Engineering department. He has much better rapport with crewmen than any other engineer, and that is important. Plus as an NCO, he is likely to give me unique reports.

    ENG Engineer -
    Delta Flyer Torres: She is an excellent problem solver and tough as hell. I want her in Engineering because I've seen enough episodes to know that there are constantly going to be baddies going to Engineering to threaten the warp core, and I want somebody in charge down there with the capability to defend vital ship components, and when she isn't fighting off intruders she will be invaluable working on the ship's systems.

    SCI Chief Science Officer -
    Detective Data: As an android, Data is very important to my versatility strategy. How many times did he save the Enterprise-D just by virtue of being immune to all manner of things that took out the entire rest of the crew. Plus, he is a top-flight scientist, has a direct link with the ship's computer already, and to be fair to the 3-skill system of STT, is pretty proficient in pretty much everything. I would never leave space dock without at least one Data on my ship.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer -
    Seven of Nine: If anybody is Data's equal on both scientific prowess and immunity to various space anomalies, it is Seven. She has access to the collective knowledge of The Collective (see what I did there?!), is naturally inquisitive, and quite frankly tough meaning I can trust her to see the job to conclusion no matter the situation.

    MED Chief Medical Officer -
    Mobile Doctor: As a hologram, he is much more versatile than a humanoid doctor. He can stay on indefinitely, has numerous databases worth of medical knowledge, is immune to disease, and since he has his mobile emitter is able to travel wherever he is needed.

    MED Counselor -
    Bartender Guinan: Let's be honest, she did a much better job of counseling people on the Enterprise-D than Counselor Troi, plus she also increases my chances of having Q avoid us. Everyone trusts her and she always seems to find the right thing to say to each individual person to get them to see the solutions to their problems.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    OK, I'm home now and have access to my laptop, to make typing easier. I gave this some thought on my drive home, so here goes. I suspect you will learn a lot about me from my picks. I value versatility, so my selections will reflect this.

    CMD First Officer -
    Captain Sisko: I am picking him for numerous reasons, but I bumped him to the front of the line for a couple of reasons. First, there may come a time when my crew gets in trouble so bad that only The Prophets can save us, and it certainly cannot hurt to have The Emissary handy. Also, having Sisko around greatly reduces the chances Q will mess with us. But really you cannot go wrong with Captain Sisko, he's a natural leader.

    CMD Helm Officer -
    Delta Flyer Paris: He is without question the best at piloting the big ship of any Trek helmsman, but he is also just as good a shuttle pilot, plus in a pinch he can fill in in Sick Bay and is indispensable on away missions. Plus I want to listen to metal in my ready room and Paris is the closest thing Star Trek has to a character who listens to non-stuffy/pretentious music.

    DIP Diplomat -
    Ambassador Troi: Lwaxana is a force of nature, absolutely immutable and impossible to ignore. She is absolutely somebody you want on YOUR side, so I will recruit her to my crew and be better for it! Plus, as a true telepath she will be great in a variety of situations, not just diplomatically.

    DIP Communications Officer -
    Ensign Sato: I'll go with Hoshi, but I'm really not excited about this posting, so I don't really care about it. This job seems to go to tactical officers on later seasons so I almost gave it to Kira, but I'll go with the human language database and be done with it.

    SEC Tactical Officer -
    Assimilated Tuvok: In my estimation, Tuvok is the best tactical officer on any of the shows. Not the best head of security, but he is extremely nimble and fluid during battle, anticipating problems and correcting for them. I'll take Assimilated Tuvok for a little additional boost from all that Borg technology, plus as a Borg he will be immune to many pitfalls that may threaten the rest of my crew.

    SEC Chief Security Officer -
    Constable Odo: With respect to Tuvok and Worf, there really is no choice here. Odo is absolutely relentless, thorough, and a changeling, meaning he is able to do his job with ease, will keep undesirables on their toes, and is immune to many maladies that would otherwise incapacitate my crew.

    ENG Chief Engineer -
    Chief O'brien: With respect to Scotty, I want my engineer to actually be in Engineering. And with respect to Geordi, I want my engineer to be able to solve problems without needing the third officer or an acting ensign to come up with a lot of the ideas. Chief O'brien can do damn near anything, and absolutely somebody I want heading my Engineering department. He has much better rapport with crewmen than any other engineer, and that is important. Plus as an NCO, he is likely to give me unique reports.

    ENG Engineer -
    Delta Flyer Torres: She is an excellent problem solver and tough as hell. I want her in Engineering because I've seen enough episodes to know that there are constantly going to be baddies going to Engineering to threaten the warp core, and I want somebody in charge down there with the capability to defend vital ship components, and when she isn't fighting off intruders she will be invaluable working on the ship's systems.

    SCI Chief Science Officer -
    Detective Data: As an android, Data is very important to my versatility strategy. How many times did he save the Enterprise-D just by virtue of being immune to all manner of things that took out the entire rest of the crew. Plus, he is a top-flight scientist, has a direct link with the ship's computer already, and to be fair to the 3-skill system of STT, is pretty proficient in pretty much everything. I would never leave space dock without at least one Data on my ship.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer -
    Seven of Nine: If anybody is Data's equal on both scientific prowess and immunity to various space anomalies, it is Seven. She has access to the collective knowledge of The Collective (see what I did there?!), is naturally inquisitive, and quite frankly tough meaning I can trust her to see the job to conclusion no matter the situation.

    MED Chief Medical Officer -
    Mobile Doctor: As a hologram, he is much more versatile than a humanoid doctor. He can stay on indefinitely, has numerous databases worth of medical knowledge, is immune to disease, and since he has his mobile emitter is able to travel wherever he is needed.

    MED Counselor -
    Bartender Guinan: Let's be honest, she did a much better job of counseling people on the Enterprise-D than Counselor Troi, plus she also increases my chances of having Q avoid us. Everyone trusts her and she always seems to find the right thing to say to each individual person to get them to see the solutions to their problems.

    Spoiler for length.
    We both picked Chief O'Brien, but for opposite reasons. That's funny. I have to say though... I now regret not putting Q in my crew. Not sure why you would want to avoid him. Q is a great foil for... well, anyone reasonable. :D Lwaxana Troi was a great pick. Another one that I hadn't considered.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - 1st Officer Riker
    CMD Helm Officer - 1st Officer Chekov
    DIP Diplomat - Commander Sisko
    DIP Communications Officer - Nyoto Uhura
    SEC Tactical Officer - Aviator Yar (ok non cannon, but her stint was cut short in TNG and I liked her character)
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Will Scarlet Worf, his in game variants don't really do him justice
    ENG Chief Engineer - Scotty (yes his ingame variant is rubbish but hey, he's Scotty)
    ENG Engineer - Detective Data
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Commander Jadzia Dax
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Seven of Nine
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Mobile Doc,
    MED Counselor - Commander Troi
    DB: Do Better
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    CMD First Officer - Gangster Kirk

    Kirk remains as my favorite captain throughout the series and throughout all his scrapes, this one stands out to me as one where he didn’t just need to punch or seduce his way out of a problem - he really needed to think outside the box. Taking on the personality of a gangster while still holding true to the ideals of the Federation is something I have trouble imagining any other captain pulling off.

    CMD Helm Officer - Revolutionary Damar

    Damar had one of the more redemptive character arcs in perhaps all of Trek history. He went from being a Dukat crony, Dominion puppet, and Ziyal’s executioner to a man disillusioned with the cost his people were paying for choosing the ultimately losing side of the war and was willing to work with people who had largely been his enemies (or at least adversaries) for most of his life. He became a hero not just to the Cardassian people but also us, the viewers and gave his life to bring peace.

    DIP Diplomat - Commander Uhura

    Not only is Nichelle Nichols an absolute goddess and a revolutionary-for-the-time choice to play a bridge officer, Uhura is tough, smart, and loyal to the core. And funny, too...making that dude sit in the closet was precious.

    DIP Communications Officer - Captain T’Pol

    While there were many options here, I went with T’Pol because she was the first trailblazer for closer human/Vulcan relations. Before Spock united the two species by blood (and choosing Starfleet over the VSA) and even before Archer was the temporary guardian of the katra of Vulcan’s most important historical figure, T’Pol made the choice to remain with her human crew at a time when Vulcan’s attitude towards humanity was still very paternalistic. This particular version took that choice to an extreme, officially joining Starfleet to safeguard the crew and humanity. No other Vulcan at the time would have given that act of selflessness even cursory consideration.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Tommy Gun Dixon

    As much as Star Trek is about exploration and the ideal of peaceful cooperation between species, it does explore all facets of human nature as well...sometimes through the struggles that Spock, Data, and The Doctor have in resolving their Vulcan/android/hologram sides with their explicit or implicit human qualities, sometimes through the adversity faced by their human crewmates. Picard has been through a lot during his career and managed to more or less retain a cool, calm, and collected demeanor throughout. But this was the one time he gave in to rage and the almighty urge for revenge, showing that even as socially evolved as humans are in the 24th century, they aren’t emotionless hippie robots...even the best of humanity can still be pushed beyond their limits and react accordingly. It was a defining moment for Picard that gave him even more depth as a person than he already had.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Defiant Commander Worf

    Worf is perhaps the ultimate embodiment of how the Federation can coexist with a culture that is rather fundamentally different in many ways. Klingons revel in battle, glory, and honor and yet, Worf was able to be true to his Klingon self while also acting in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Federation. It was a very fine line to walk and he managed to do so, with only a few conflicts along the way.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Captain Scott

    I fully agree with Travis’ reasoning behind choosing Professor Scott, a character I no longer use but refuse to freeze because that scene and that film are some of my favorites in all of Trek. I went with Captain Scott because he more closely resembles my all-time favorite engineering moment in Star Trek: the scene in the fifth film where Scotty is frantically trying to fix the transporter by working on two panels on opposite sides of the control room at the same time...the man was a true miracle worker on every ship he was on.

    ENG Engineer - Chief Engineer La Forge

    Geordi deserves as much credit as Scotty for helping inspire a love of science, engineering, and technology in me, and I don’t think he gets enough credit for the job he did of keeping the Enterprise-D running smoothly.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Commander Spock

    This list wasn’t going to be missing Spock, but it was hard choosing a variant from my crew to represent the character. Ultimately I went with the most general version. His character arc was the first one to explore a dual identity, the internal war between logic and emotion that helped him bridge the vast cultural gap between his two peoples (of course with the aid of his close human friends). Spock is likely the most iconic character in all of Trek, even among a number of iconic captains and crew to choose from.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Detective Data

    Data was another I couldn’t bear to leave off the list. He took up the role of character-trying-to-define-his-humanity from Spock, albeit in a unique fashion. Even with his intellect and two decades of Starfleet service prior to the start of TNG, he grows as a person over the course of the show and films a great deal...his discoveries and experiences help remind us what it is to be human.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dark Ages McCoy

    I wasn’t going to not include the other member of the TOS triad of main characters. McCoy in general and this variant in particular is of course a gruff, cantankerous, crotchety man who can be obstinate at times. Despite his manner, he is a highly dedicated healer that isn’t afraid to put himself in grave danger to help others, even when they are total strangers or even enemies.

    MED Counselor - Vic Fontaine

    This is an out-of-left-field choice for sure. He didn’t have the same character growth as someone like The Doctor, having been programmed from the start to be self-aware and “real” on a level previously only experienced really by Minuet. Despite all that, he was more of a counselor than perhaps even Ezri towards the end of DS9 and helped Sisko’s command crew relieve stress through the darkest days of the Dominion War.

    There are other characters I wish I had extra room for...Sisko, Garak, The Doctor, and Q all come to mind. Even so, I think this list is a good one.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer – Christopher Pike (epitomized Starfleet ideals and willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good)

    CMD Helm Officer – Delta Flyer Paris (star pilot with great character arc)

    DIP Diplomat – Enterprise-E Picard (ultimate diplomat, who was hardened by Borg experiences by this point)

    DIP Communications Officer – Professor Sato (best of limited options – almost went with Romulan Data here, since his programming would include an extensive linguistic library)

    SEC Tactical Officer – Captain Sisko (needed to include Sisko, and this variant was instrumental in winning the Dominion war)

    SEC Chief Security Officer – Ba’ku Worf (needed to include Worf, and this variant was at the top of his game, having found himself and his place after stints on the Enterprise and DS9)

    ENG Chief Engineer – Captain La Forge (an older and wiser variant, who has enhanced leadership skills to go along with all of Geordi’s engineering capabilities)

    ENG Engineer – RAF Miles O’Brien (a great engineer and ultimate jury-rigger, this guy has the work-life balance nailed)

    SCI Chief Science Officer – Captain Spock (a more experienced and well-rounded variant, who has enhanced leadership skills to go along with a lifetime of Spock’s science abilities)

    SCI Deputy Science Officer – Rifle Janeway (needed to include Janeway, and this variant combined leadership and science to safeguard her ship and crew)

    MED Chief Medical Officer – Bell Riots Bashir (great doctor whose genetic engineering only adds to his story and abilities)

    MED Counselor – Bridge Officer Troi (this became the toughest choice, with options like Vic Fontaine, Guinan and Boothby all being considered, but Troi was an effective counsellor whose empathic abilities make her more universally effective than the others, who worked well with specific crew in specific circumstances)
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Dirk Gunderson , didn't Vic give Ezri the confidence to stay on as ship's counselor? I think your reasoning there is pretty solid.

    But you left out Lorca and Garak, so you can't be trusted. :p
    Farewell 🖖
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First Officer - Captain Spock
    Helm - Red Shirt Geordi
    Diplomat - Ambassador V’Lar (wishful)
    Comm Officer - Professor Sato
    Tactical - Suliban Reed
    Security Chief - Sheriff Worf or Shran
    Chief Engineer - Captain LaForge
    Engineer - Lone Star Tucker
    Chief Science Officer - Commander T’Pol
    Deputy Science Officer - Degra
    Chief Medical Officer - Surgeon Phlox
    Counselor - Drunk Troi
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tend to like rag-tag crews, lets see how this turns out...
    CMD First Officer - Commander Tomalok :: I wanted a non-Federation officer here. Who better to have as second in command as someone who is not only capable of doing the job but also does not always agree with you, and while does not challenge your authority, it forces you to think hard about making the best decision.
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris :: I wanted a typical fighter pilot, Paris comes the closest. Someone who can fly anything, knows how the ship handles better than anyone else, can make that critical maneuver without oversight of the captain. A renegade in life, but not necessarily behind the helm.
    DIP Diplomat - Bartender Quark :: Again, I wanted a non-human and not someone with a military background. Who better to deal with a potential first contact, trade, deescalation than a bartender? I would imagine this ship would need to trade and barter a lot, who better than a Ferengi?
    DIP Communications Officer - Ensign Sato :: One, Hoshi would probably keep Quark in line, and the two of them would be working together a lot. But Hoshi's talents and skills work when universal translators might not. When everything breaks down, she can still do her job with certain success.
    SEC Tactical Officer - Section 31 Reed :: I know people don't like Reed, but he is a character I see in myself. A bit idealistic, but at the same time grey to the point he works for a clandestine faction of the Federation. He is good at his job at tactical, not so much as security. He reminds me of an typical officer in the British Navy.
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Private Money :: Quiet, tough-as-nails, has one job and does it well. She can take a hit, and get back up to do the job the next day.
    ENG Chief Engineer - Lt Commander Scott :: An master of the Engineering section, but also a capable Second Officer. Kirk was never afraid to have Scotty in the chair when he and Spock were off ship.
    ENG Engineer - Time Loop Mudd :: Scotty is going to need to get parts from somewhere, Mudd would be the guy to get them.
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Commander T'Pol :: While people think of Spock, first behind the Science station, when I watched Enterprise, T'Pol was doing more Science than Spock did. And thinking about it more, T'Pol's character kind of invented the Science officer role which we famously attach to Spock who came later in the timeline. I imagine T'Pol had less resources than Spock did, and had to do the same job.
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Lt. Jadzia Dax :: I like the idea of having a young science officer with an ancient soul. The curiousity of the host and the wisdom of the symbiot make a powerful pair.
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Phlox :: While Julian Bashir put his foot in his mouth about being excited about "frontier medicine", Phlox actually WAS Frontier Medicine. And his medicine was foreign to his own crew. But aside from the miracles of Starfleet Sickbays, Phlox also relied on his knowledge of holistic medicine, so even when the machines and computers failed, Phlox still had more up his sleeve.
    MED Counselor - Commander Barclay :: Think about it, who better to talk through issues with than someone who has fought through their own issues. By this point in his career, Barclay is very functional, and a hero to the U.S.S. Voyager, from halfway across the galaxy. He's faced his demons, and is probably more than willing to help people deal with their own.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flemming wrote: »
    I tend to like rag-tag crews, lets see how this turns out...
    CMD First Officer - Commander Tomalok :: I wanted a non-Federation officer here. Who better to have as second in command as someone who is not only capable of doing the job but also does not always agree with you, and while does not challenge your authority, it forces you to think hard about making the best decision.
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris :: I wanted a typical fighter pilot, Paris comes the closest. Someone who can fly anything, knows how the ship handles better than anyone else, can make that critical maneuver without oversight of the captain. A renegade in life, but not necessarily behind the helm.
    DIP Diplomat - Bartender Quark :: Again, I wanted a non-human and not someone with a military background. Who better to deal with a potential first contact, trade, deescalation than a bartender? I would imagine this ship would need to trade and barter a lot, who better than a Ferengi?
    DIP Communications Officer - Ensign Sato :: One, Hoshi would probably keep Quark in line, and the two of them would be working together a lot. But Hoshi's talents and skills work when universal translators might not. When everything breaks down, she can still do her job with certain success.
    SEC Tactical Officer - Section 31 Reed :: I know people don't like Reed, but he is a character I see in myself. A bit idealistic, but at the same time grey to the point he works for a clandestine faction of the Federation. He is good at his job at tactical, not so much as security. He reminds me of an typical officer in the British Navy.
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Private Money :: Quiet, tough-as-nails, has one job and does it well. She can take a hit, and get back up to do the job the next day.
    ENG Chief Engineer - Lt Commander Scott :: An master of the Engineering section, but also a capable Second Officer. Kirk was never afraid to have Scotty in the chair when he and Spock were off ship.
    ENG Engineer - Time Loop Mudd :: Scotty is going to need to get parts from somewhere, Mudd would be the guy to get them.
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Commander T'Pol :: While people think of Spock, first behind the Science station, when I watched Enterprise, T'Pol was doing more Science than Spock did. And thinking about it more, T'Pol's character kind of invented the Science officer role which we famously attach to Spock who came later in the timeline. I imagine T'Pol had less resources than Spock did, and had to do the same job.
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Lt. Jadzia Dax :: I like the idea of having a young science officer with an ancient soul. The curiousity of the host and the wisdom of the symbiot make a powerful pair.
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Phlox :: While Julian Bashir put his foot in his mouth about being excited about "frontier medicine", Phlox actually WAS Frontier Medicine. And his medicine was foreign to his own crew. But aside from the miracles of Starfleet Sickbays, Phlox also relied on his knowledge of holistic medicine, so even when the machines and computers failed, Phlox still had more up his sleeve.
    MED Counselor - Commander Barclay :: Think about it, who better to talk through issues with than someone who has fought through their own issues. By this point in his career, Barclay is very functional, and a hero to the U.S.S. Voyager, from halfway across the galaxy. He's faced his demons, and is probably more than willing to help people deal with their own.

    Mudd and Barclay... Another couple that I left out. I like it. :)

    We should do a variation of this sometime and exclude main cast.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dirk Gunderson, didn't Vic give Ezri the confidence to stay on as ship's counselor? I think your reasoning there is pretty solid.

    But you left out Lorca and Garak, so you can't be trusted. :p

    True, Vic helped Ezri go from frightened kid barely out of the Academy to strong and confident problem solver. I also just plain old have a soft spot for James Darren.

    Having now caught up with at least the whole of Lorca’s story arc I can safely say he is a compelling character. But......I made my choices based partially on adherence to Federation values and he doesn’t quite qualify. If I were to make a voyage crew of characters who were fascinating, deep, and either not-entirely-good or outright evil, I think I could find a place for Prison Break Lorca (my only one). Garak would also be there, and I have a couple to choose from.

    You know what, I’ll do it anyway. Here’s a voyage crew of anti-heroes and villains:
    CMD First Officer - Prison Break Lorca

    Although we learn much about Lorca’s true nature by the end of his run, from beginning to end he does show a dedication to his people. His motives may be ulterior, but the people who line up behind and beside him do matter to him.

    CMD Helm Officer - Ushaan Shran

    Shran is of course one of the most beloved recurring characters from Enterprise. He is fiercely dedicated to his crew and will stop at nothing to avenge them when attacked or killed...even if it means threatening an interstellar incident over it. Even when faced with the prospect of killing a respected friend in ritual combat, he is committed to following the traditions of his people.

    DIP Diplomat - Mariachi Q

    Q is a quintessential sometimes-villain. He may be bored with life in the Continuum and ultimately proves that he does care about, well, things in later years...in this moment, however, he is celebrating life to its full potential. That unbridled joy is something that, on further reflection, isn’t as prevalent in Trek as I first thought.

    DIP Communications Officer - Mirror Intendant Kira

    Just as we seem to rarely see people being joyful with wild abandon in Trek, we also rarely see people who are blatant hedonists like Mirror Kira. I think she might even give the Risians a run for their money in this respect.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Ushaan Archer

    Maybe a bit of a stretch for the theme of this crew...then again, Kirk is the only other captain I can think of that willingly participated in ritual combat to the death and he was both woefully unprepared and did it for his best friend. Archer was willing to sacrifice himself, Starfleet’s most experienced captain at the time, even though Daniels warned him that his death would be Really Bad. Seems reckless. At the same time, he recognized what would happen to the nascent alliance that he was helping to build and knew it would survive his death better than it would the death of a Tellarite ambassador.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Klingon Dukat

    Dukat is one of the most fantastically complex characters in all of Star Trek. Unlike some villains, he does care for others (chiefly his daughter but even some Bajorans as well) and has moments where he is fighting for a just cause, such as when he was waging a one-man war in the stolen Bird of Prey. Do they balance out his moments of madness and depravity? No. But they make him someone that isn’t always to hate.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Tailor Garak

    Finally, a place for plain, simple Garak. Although his past as an Obsidian Order operative is long behind him, he still clearly has no trouble doing the wrong things for the right reasons. His capacity for being a good friend and a frightening enemy is matched by few other characters.

    ENG Engineer - Mirror O’Brien

    I also felt bad about leaving Miles off my previous list. While he is still an eminently talented engineer, his real value to the Terran Rebellion is as a soldier and commander. Despite the hardships he’s faced, he is a tough but skilled leader.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Dr. Richard Daystrom

    A brilliant mind searching for a worthy second act to his career, with a tragic result. Still, you don’t have a preeminent research facility or a science medal named after you if your work isn’t legendary.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Mirror Spock

    Although he is a loyal member of the Empire and of Terran Starfleet, the Mirror version of Spock realizes better than anyone else in the Mirror universe that their aggressive and tyrannical ways are unsustainable in a galactic community.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Crell Moset

    He is clearly a brilliant doctor and scientist. And what surprised me most about him (or, I suppose, his hologram) is how he had such an affable and pleasant manner while being frankly quite sadistic with his research methods. The way that episode set him up as an Evil Scientist, then made him seem almost likable, then reeled it back in slowly with things like how he prefers metal scalpels to modern tools...it was masterfully done.

    MED Counselor - Antaak

    Despite being hamstrung by shoddy equipment, a mercurial series of superior officers, and the general Klingon cultural distaste for non-warrior professions, Antaak made the best of a bad hand dealt to him. Even without such rigorous medical ethics as those of Phlox, Antaak was driven to find a solution to the Augment virus and then to reverse the unpleasant effects of the cure.

    On this list, I had hoped to find a place for Kai Winn. If Dukat was the villain we were slightly ashamed to like, Winn was the villain we were pleased to hate. Same for Quark and even someone like Silik.

    I would have made room for Mudd here ahead of any of those three but my preferred Mudd version is one we’ll never see...no offense to Rainn Wilson, who played Mudd well, but Disco Mudd was written to be too much of a sadist for my taste. TOS Mudd was a complete shyster who didn’t care very much for the people left in his wake but he at least didn’t revel in their suffering. Some might argue that the intervening years softened him to be the jaunty, swindling buffoon as portrayed by Roger C. Carmel, of course.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flemming wrote: »
    I tend to like rag-tag crews, lets see how this turns out...
    CMD First Officer - Commander Tomalok :: I wanted a non-Federation officer here. Who better to have as second in command as someone who is not only capable of doing the job but also does not always agree with you, and while does not challenge your authority, it forces you to think hard about making the best decision.
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris :: I wanted a typical fighter pilot, Paris comes the closest. Someone who can fly anything, knows how the ship handles better than anyone else, can make that critical maneuver without oversight of the captain. A renegade in life, but not necessarily behind the helm.
    DIP Diplomat - Bartender Quark :: Again, I wanted a non-human and not someone with a military background. Who better to deal with a potential first contact, trade, deescalation than a bartender? I would imagine this ship would need to trade and barter a lot, who better than a Ferengi?
    DIP Communications Officer - Ensign Sato :: One, Hoshi would probably keep Quark in line, and the two of them would be working together a lot. But Hoshi's talents and skills work when universal translators might not. When everything breaks down, she can still do her job with certain success.
    SEC Tactical Officer - Section 31 Reed :: I know people don't like Reed, but he is a character I see in myself. A bit idealistic, but at the same time grey to the point he works for a clandestine faction of the Federation. He is good at his job at tactical, not so much as security. He reminds me of an typical officer in the British Navy.
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Private Money :: Quiet, tough-as-nails, has one job and does it well. She can take a hit, and get back up to do the job the next day.
    ENG Chief Engineer - Lt Commander Scott :: An master of the Engineering section, but also a capable Second Officer. Kirk was never afraid to have Scotty in the chair when he and Spock were off ship.
    ENG Engineer - Time Loop Mudd :: Scotty is going to need to get parts from somewhere, Mudd would be the guy to get them.
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Commander T'Pol :: While people think of Spock, first behind the Science station, when I watched Enterprise, T'Pol was doing more Science than Spock did. And thinking about it more, T'Pol's character kind of invented the Science officer role which we famously attach to Spock who came later in the timeline. I imagine T'Pol had less resources than Spock did, and had to do the same job.
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Lt. Jadzia Dax :: I like the idea of having a young science officer with an ancient soul. The curiousity of the host and the wisdom of the symbiot make a powerful pair.
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Phlox :: While Julian Bashir put his foot in his mouth about being excited about "frontier medicine", Phlox actually WAS Frontier Medicine. And his medicine was foreign to his own crew. But aside from the miracles of Starfleet Sickbays, Phlox also relied on his knowledge of holistic medicine, so even when the machines and computers failed, Phlox still had more up his sleeve.
    MED Counselor - Commander Barclay :: Think about it, who better to talk through issues with than someone who has fought through their own issues. By this point in his career, Barclay is very functional, and a hero to the U.S.S. Voyager, from halfway across the galaxy. He's faced his demons, and is probably more than willing to help people deal with their own.

    Some unexpected choices, @Flemming, but your reasoning is all persuasive. Commander Barclay as Counselor gave me the most pause, and then I remembered that I'm actively involved with a peer support group organization founded on the very principle that you gave for that selection. Neat list!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dirk Gunderson, didn't Vic give Ezri the confidence to stay on as ship's counselor? I think your reasoning there is pretty solid.

    But you left out Lorca and Garak, so you can't be trusted. :p

    True, Vic helped Ezri go from frightened kid barely out of the Academy to strong and confident problem solver. I also just plain old have a soft spot for James Darren.

    Having now caught up with at least the whole of Lorca’s story arc I can safely say he is a compelling character. But......I made my choices based partially on adherence to Federation values and he doesn’t quite qualify. If I were to make a voyage crew of characters who were fascinating, deep, and either not-entirely-good or outright evil, I think I could find a place for Prison Break Lorca (my only one). Garak would also be there, and I have a couple to choose from.

    You know what, I’ll do it anyway. Here’s a voyage crew of anti-heroes and villains:
    CMD First Officer - Prison Break Lorca

    Although we learn much about Lorca’s true nature by the end of his run, from beginning to end he does show a dedication to his people. His motives may be ulterior, but the people who line up behind and beside him do matter to him.

    CMD Helm Officer - Ushaan Shran

    Shran is of course one of the most beloved recurring characters from Enterprise. He is fiercely dedicated to his crew and will stop at nothing to avenge them when attacked or killed...even if it means threatening an interstellar incident over it. Even when faced with the prospect of killing a respected friend in ritual combat, he is committed to following the traditions of his people.

    DIP Diplomat - Mariachi Q

    Q is a quintessential sometimes-villain. He may be bored with life in the Continuum and ultimately proves that he does care about, well, things in later years...in this moment, however, he is celebrating life to its full potential. That unbridled joy is something that, on further reflection, isn’t as prevalent in Trek as I first thought.

    DIP Communications Officer - Mirror Intendant Kira

    Just as we seem to rarely see people being joyful with wild abandon in Trek, we also rarely see people who are blatant hedonists like Mirror Kira. I think she might even give the Risians a run for their money in this respect.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Ushaan Archer

    Maybe a bit of a stretch for the theme of this crew...then again, Kirk is the only other captain I can think of that willingly participated in ritual combat to the death and he was both woefully unprepared and did it for his best friend. Archer was willing to sacrifice himself, Starfleet’s most experienced captain at the time, even though Daniels warned him that his death would be Really Bad. Seems reckless. At the same time, he recognized what would happen to the nascent alliance that he was helping to build and knew it would survive his death better than it would the death of a Tellarite ambassador.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Klingon Dukat

    Dukat is one of the most fantastically complex characters in all of Star Trek. Unlike some villains, he does care for others (chiefly his daughter but even some Bajorans as well) and has moments where he is fighting for a just cause, such as when he was waging a one-man war in the stolen Bird of Prey. Do they balance out his moments of madness and depravity? No. But they make him someone that isn’t always to hate.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Tailor Garak

    Finally, a place for plain, simple Garak. Although his past as an Obsidian Order operative is long behind him, he still clearly has no trouble doing the wrong things for the right reasons. His capacity for being a good friend and a frightening enemy is matched by few other characters.

    ENG Engineer - Mirror O’Brien

    I also felt bad about leaving Miles off my previous list. While he is still an eminently talented engineer, his real value to the Terran Rebellion is as a soldier and commander. Despite the hardships he’s faced, he is a tough but skilled leader.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Dr. Richard Daystrom

    A brilliant mind searching for a worthy second act to his career, with a tragic result. Still, you don’t have a preeminent research facility or a science medal named after you if your work isn’t legendary.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Mirror Spock

    Although he is a loyal member of the Empire and of Terran Starfleet, the Mirror version of Spock realizes better than anyone else in the Mirror universe that their aggressive and tyrannical ways are unsustainable in a galactic community.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Crell Moset

    He is clearly a brilliant doctor and scientist. And what surprised me most about him (or, I suppose, his hologram) is how he had such an affable and pleasant manner while being frankly quite sadistic with his research methods. The way that episode set him up as an Evil Scientist, then made him seem almost likable, then reeled it back in slowly with things like how he prefers metal scalpels to modern tools...it was masterfully done.

    MED Counselor - Antaak

    Despite being hamstrung by shoddy equipment, a mercurial series of superior officers, and the general Klingon cultural distaste for non-warrior professions, Antaak made the best of a bad hand dealt to him. Even without such rigorous medical ethics as those of Phlox, Antaak was driven to find a solution to the Augment virus and then to reverse the unpleasant effects of the cure.

    On this list, I had hoped to find a place for Kai Winn. If Dukat was the villain we were slightly ashamed to like, Winn was the villain we were pleased to hate. Same for Quark and even someone like Silik.

    I would have made room for Mudd here ahead of any of those three but my preferred Mudd version is one we’ll never see...no offense to Rainn Wilson, who played Mudd well, but Disco Mudd was written to be too much of a sadist for my taste. TOS Mudd was a complete shyster who didn’t care very much for the people left in his wake but he at least didn’t revel in their suffering. Some might argue that the intervening years softened him to be the jaunty, swindling buffoon as portrayed by Roger C. Carmel, of course.

    An interesting idea, this Anti-Hero/Villain crew, @Dirk Gunderson. Though I should note that my prompt only called for a representation of the spirit/flavor of Star Trek, not Starfleet. I think a lot of these choices have been critical for defining Trek. What is DS9 without Dukat? You've got me reconsidering some of my own selections!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dirk Gunderson, didn't Vic give Ezri the confidence to stay on as ship's counselor? I think your reasoning there is pretty solid.

    But you left out Lorca and Garak, so you can't be trusted. :p

    True, Vic helped Ezri go from frightened kid barely out of the Academy to strong and confident problem solver. I also just plain old have a soft spot for James Darren.

    Having now caught up with at least the whole of Lorca’s story arc I can safely say he is a compelling character. But......I made my choices based partially on adherence to Federation values and he doesn’t quite qualify. If I were to make a voyage crew of characters who were fascinating, deep, and either not-entirely-good or outright evil, I think I could find a place for Prison Break Lorca (my only one). Garak would also be there, and I have a couple to choose from.

    You know what, I’ll do it anyway. Here’s a voyage crew of anti-heroes and villains:
    CMD First Officer - Prison Break Lorca

    Although we learn much about Lorca’s true nature by the end of his run, from beginning to end he does show a dedication to his people. His motives may be ulterior, but the people who line up behind and beside him do matter to him.

    CMD Helm Officer - Ushaan Shran

    Shran is of course one of the most beloved recurring characters from Enterprise. He is fiercely dedicated to his crew and will stop at nothing to avenge them when attacked or killed...even if it means threatening an interstellar incident over it. Even when faced with the prospect of killing a respected friend in ritual combat, he is committed to following the traditions of his people.

    DIP Diplomat - Mariachi Q

    Q is a quintessential sometimes-villain. He may be bored with life in the Continuum and ultimately proves that he does care about, well, things in later years...in this moment, however, he is celebrating life to its full potential. That unbridled joy is something that, on further reflection, isn’t as prevalent in Trek as I first thought.

    DIP Communications Officer - Mirror Intendant Kira

    Just as we seem to rarely see people being joyful with wild abandon in Trek, we also rarely see people who are blatant hedonists like Mirror Kira. I think she might even give the Risians a run for their money in this respect.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Ushaan Archer

    Maybe a bit of a stretch for the theme of this crew...then again, Kirk is the only other captain I can think of that willingly participated in ritual combat to the death and he was both woefully unprepared and did it for his best friend. Archer was willing to sacrifice himself, Starfleet’s most experienced captain at the time, even though Daniels warned him that his death would be Really Bad. Seems reckless. At the same time, he recognized what would happen to the nascent alliance that he was helping to build and knew it would survive his death better than it would the death of a Tellarite ambassador.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Klingon Dukat

    Dukat is one of the most fantastically complex characters in all of Star Trek. Unlike some villains, he does care for others (chiefly his daughter but even some Bajorans as well) and has moments where he is fighting for a just cause, such as when he was waging a one-man war in the stolen Bird of Prey. Do they balance out his moments of madness and depravity? No. But they make him someone that isn’t always to hate.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Tailor Garak

    Finally, a place for plain, simple Garak. Although his past as an Obsidian Order operative is long behind him, he still clearly has no trouble doing the wrong things for the right reasons. His capacity for being a good friend and a frightening enemy is matched by few other characters.

    ENG Engineer - Mirror O’Brien

    I also felt bad about leaving Miles off my previous list. While he is still an eminently talented engineer, his real value to the Terran Rebellion is as a soldier and commander. Despite the hardships he’s faced, he is a tough but skilled leader.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Dr. Richard Daystrom

    A brilliant mind searching for a worthy second act to his career, with a tragic result. Still, you don’t have a preeminent research facility or a science medal named after you if your work isn’t legendary.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Mirror Spock

    Although he is a loyal member of the Empire and of Terran Starfleet, the Mirror version of Spock realizes better than anyone else in the Mirror universe that their aggressive and tyrannical ways are unsustainable in a galactic community.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Crell Moset

    He is clearly a brilliant doctor and scientist. And what surprised me most about him (or, I suppose, his hologram) is how he had such an affable and pleasant manner while being frankly quite sadistic with his research methods. The way that episode set him up as an Evil Scientist, then made him seem almost likable, then reeled it back in slowly with things like how he prefers metal scalpels to modern tools...it was masterfully done.

    MED Counselor - Antaak

    Despite being hamstrung by shoddy equipment, a mercurial series of superior officers, and the general Klingon cultural distaste for non-warrior professions, Antaak made the best of a bad hand dealt to him. Even without such rigorous medical ethics as those of Phlox, Antaak was driven to find a solution to the Augment virus and then to reverse the unpleasant effects of the cure.

    On this list, I had hoped to find a place for Kai Winn. If Dukat was the villain we were slightly ashamed to like, Winn was the villain we were pleased to hate. Same for Quark and even someone like Silik.

    I would have made room for Mudd here ahead of any of those three but my preferred Mudd version is one we’ll never see...no offense to Rainn Wilson, who played Mudd well, but Disco Mudd was written to be too much of a sadist for my taste. TOS Mudd was a complete shyster who didn’t care very much for the people left in his wake but he at least didn’t revel in their suffering. Some might argue that the intervening years softened him to be the jaunty, swindling buffoon as portrayed by Roger C. Carmel, of course.

    An interesting idea, this Anti-Hero/Villain crew, @Dirk Gunderson. Though I should note that my prompt only called for a representation of the spirit/flavor of Star Trek, not Starfleet. I think a lot of these choices have been critical for defining Trek. What is DS9 without Dukat? You've got me reconsidering some of my own selections!

    I suppose I took the “flavor of Trek” idea and ran with the Federation-centric presentation as the primary theme for my first list. It’s quite the challenge to distill 50+ years of film, television, and some comic books into a twelve-character list...extending to 24 makes it a little easier. :)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very nice choices for the anti-hero, @Dirk Gunderson . I would have put in Warship EMA, but that's little.

    I do have to say though, the one Short Trek about Mudd is a little more true to the original shyster. I also prefer the original, and that one Short Trek returns to the roots, if you ask me. If that version were available, I would pick him over Smiley O'Brien. (You're right about the two full episodes in the series. He's too sadistic.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Riker
    Age of Sail Riker.
    Knows when to be in charge, when to relax, and when to have fun.
    Strong on leadership, but a peoples person

    CMD Helm Officer - Airiam
    Lt. Commander Airiam.
    Gave her life to protect USS Discovery

    DIP Diplomat - Troi
    Commander Troi,
    The ultimate diplomat in Star Trek, rarely argues, can sense your feelings, just cannot park the ship. Also any excuse to have a drink.

    DIP Communications Officer - Uhura
    Commander Uhura.
    "You're going to sit in the closet." (ST Search for Spock)
    Second choice would be Sato.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Worf
    Defiant Commander Worf
    "Perhaps today is a good day to die
    Prepare for ramming speed."

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Reed
    Sniper Reed.
    He's English, and can teach the rest of the Universe how to hold a rifle.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Scotty
    Lt. Commander Scott
    "They called the Enterprise a garbage scow, sir, "
    Kirk "You hit the Klingons because they insulted the Enterprise not because (me)
    "Well sir, this was a matter of pride."

    ENG Engineer - Cochrane
    Phoenix Cochrane
    Defies the limits, built his spaceship from scrap, then blasted off from Earth to explore.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Spock
    Ambassador Spock.
    Science officer, but on a mission of peace

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Seven
    Seven in Silver
    Just because

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Bones
    "Dark Ages" McCoy
    Able to do surgery wherever and whenever, including the "Dark Ages" and surgery on a photon torpedo.
    Kirk "You hit the Klingons because they insulted the Enterprise not because (me)
    "Well sir, this was a matter of pride."

    MED Counselor - Bashir
    Captive Bashir.
    Very smooth, but knows when to get physical.
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