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Who Would Be in Your "Spirit of Star Trek" Voyage Crew?



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very nice choices for the anti-hero, @Dirk Gunderson . I would have put in Warship EMA, but that's little.

    I do have to say though, the one Short Trek about Mudd is a little more true to the original shyster. I also prefer the original, and that one Short Trek returns to the roots, if you ask me. If that version were available, I would pick him over Smiley O'Brien. (You're right about the two full episodes in the series. He's too sadistic.)

    I definitely considered the EMA, as a delightful perversion of the Doctor we all know and love. He could easily take Antaak’s place very nicely.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's funny you say that, because I literally *just* posted my reasoning for picking Commander Kira Nerys was that I felt that specific version reflected her growth, which is one of my favorite arcs in all of DS9. I'd pick Starfleet Kira over Bajoran Colonel Kira even if she existed and I had her.

    I agree (except I'd pick the Bajoran uniform just because I like it more - but really any s7 Kira is mainly about the cool hairstyle), where my head was with that one was that I was thinking about the specific named roles in each slot, and I didn't really feel like Starfleet Kira was acting as an XO - I mean she couldn't, the XO's meant to keep the crew in top shape for the Captain, Damar's 'crew' only tolerated Kira because Damar backed her, even though it was pretty obvious they needed her expertise. Once Rusot got whacked I suppose Garak was the resistance's XO if anyone, Kira was kind of the tactical officer insofar as anyone had firm roles.

    Although if we're being totally honest I'm not sure I don't like Number One for the role better than Colonel Kira in any case, just because Kira was kind of getting over-qualified by then - she was de facto station commander and Romulan beater while Sisko was off peeling potatoes, I got the feeling she kept on running the station herself after he came back to let him stay focused on the war, and by the end she's in the big chair for good. Same reason I went straight past anyone who was an actual captain, I feel like Kira's more on that level, whereas Number One is awesome, but she's the XO, it's her damn name.

    (In any case Starfleet Kira's my avatar, so she's effectively the captain for all my voyages. Unless for this exercise we're assuming that we're the captain, in which case just pick the twelve best-looking guys and fill the ship up with them. I still haven't got Culber though, sigh...)
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.

    Q introduced the Federation to the Borg. He took Vash to the Gamma Quadrant. Q also took Janeway to the Continuum. Q is a gateway to new things. I would trust my crew to handle any encounter with Q. Especially with Wesley at the helm. ;)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.

    Q introduced the Federation to the Borg. He took Vash to the Gamma Quadrant. Q also took Janeway to the Continuum. Q is a gateway to new things. I would trust my crew to handle any encounter with Q. Especially with Wesley at the helm. ;)

    Granted, however this really opens up a GIGANTIC philosophical debate/problem IMO.

    As you just described, Q has demonstrated countless times an eager willingness to essentially kidnap anybody he wants, whenever he wants, and use them to interfere with anybody/anything he wants.

    So here is the issue: if we believe strongly in the Prime Directive, specifically the part about non-interference, AND we know for a fact that Q is the walking/talking embodiment of interference, in order to preserve the Prime Directive, should we not actively seek to avoid Q?
  • Looking at my current crew, there are a couple of choices that I would make if I had them, but here we go.
    CMD First Officer - AOS Riker. Number One may have done it first for Capt. Pike, but ones does it better.
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris A popular choice on the forums and I couldn't agree more.
    DIP Diplomat - Grand Nagus Rom The least Ferengi Ferengi there is, and since a Diplomat has to do a lot of hosting, you couldn't ask for a more capable wife at your side.
    DIP Communications Officer -Garak, Elim Garak An unconventional choice, but Diplomacy often requires "backdoor channels," and no one is as capable at this as Garak.
    SEC Tactical Officer - Commander Kira Nerys "Tacitcs," you say? No one knows Tactics like a former resistance fighter.
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Lieutenent TarahThe toughest role for me to fill. Worf and Odo are obvious choices, but I want a little more diversity on my crew, both in species and in show representation
    ENG Chief Engineer -Chief O'Brien He can fix anything, and if the ship get boarded, engineering is in good hands.
    ENG Engineer - Off-Duty Tilly Ambitious and brillant, but needs a little seasoning. Have you met my Chief Engineer?
    SCI Chief Science Officer - 1701 Jadzia Dax Enthusiastically inquisitive, but can she keep he hands off of her deputy?
    SCI Deputy Science Officer -Commander Spock He's only my deputy because I wanted a little more energy at the top.
    MED Chief Medical Officer -Holonovel Doctor I like Crusher more, but I wanted to give Voyager some love. My choices were slim, but at this point in the series, he is at least getting some bedside manners.
    MED Counselor - Bartender Guinan The teenager that came of age watching TNG wanted Troi in this slot. But the reality is when I (Picard) need a councelor, I go to Guinan. Or, more often than not, she knows to come find me.

    Here's my voyage:
    And my crew.
    Thanks for reading!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    It's funny you say that, because I literally *just* posted my reasoning for picking Commander Kira Nerys was that I felt that specific version reflected her growth, which is one of my favorite arcs in all of DS9. I'd pick Starfleet Kira over Bajoran Colonel Kira even if she existed and I had her.

    I agree (except I'd pick the Bajoran uniform just because I like it more - but really any s7 Kira is mainly about the cool hairstyle), where my head was with that one was that I was thinking about the specific named roles in each slot, and I didn't really feel like Starfleet Kira was acting as an XO - I mean she couldn't, the XO's meant to keep the crew in top shape for the Captain, Damar's 'crew' only tolerated Kira because Damar backed her, even though it was pretty obvious they needed her expertise. Once Rusot got whacked I suppose Garak was the resistance's XO if anyone, Kira was kind of the tactical officer insofar as anyone had firm roles.

    Although if we're being totally honest I'm not sure I don't like Number One for the role better than Colonel Kira in any case, just because Kira was kind of getting over-qualified by then - she was de facto station commander and Romulan beater while Sisko was off peeling potatoes, I got the feeling she kept on running the station herself after he came back to let him stay focused on the war, and by the end she's in the big chair for good. Same reason I went straight past anyone who was an actual captain, I feel like Kira's more on that level, whereas Number One is awesome, but she's the XO, it's her damn name.

    (In any case Starfleet Kira's my avatar, so she's effectively the captain for all my voyages. Unless for this exercise we're assuming that we're the captain, in which case just pick the twelve best-looking guys and fill the ship up with them. I still haven't got Culber though, sigh...)

    That all makes sense. I also struggled with the overqualified-to-be-a-First-Officer issue. If I hadn't recently lucked into Solar Sails Sisko to be my Engineer, I'd have had greater difficulty settling on anyone who wasn't Sisko there.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.

    Q introduced the Federation to the Borg. He took Vash to the Gamma Quadrant. Q also took Janeway to the Continuum. Q is a gateway to new things. I would trust my crew to handle any encounter with Q. Especially with Wesley at the helm. ;)

    Granted, however this really opens up a GIGANTIC philosophical debate/problem IMO.

    As you just described, Q has demonstrated countless times an eager willingness to essentially kidnap anybody he wants, whenever he wants, and use them to interfere with anybody/anything he wants.

    So here is the issue: if we believe strongly in the Prime Directive, specifically the part about non-interference, AND we know for a fact that Q is the walking/talking embodiment of interference, in order to preserve the Prime Directive, should we not actively seek to avoid Q?

    Counterpoint: Having encountered Q is one thing. No one has ever served with a Q on a starship so far as I'm aware. Isn't that worth exploring? In theory, his inclusion would be predicated on some kind of promise, unenforceable as it may be, to behave within acceptable boundaries. I passed on him myself because I just couldn't find a spot where I favored him over any of the crew I selected, but I do think his legacy merits consideration.

    Also, as a compromise, what about Human Q? Same smug insights, but without the power to do as he pleases. (This does admittedly require disregarding the implications of the episode that having him aboard in that form would make the ship's mission one of being his bodyguard.)
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Ok here goes and I have to say this was hard,

    1st Officer - Gangster Kirk, the first officer often leads the away team, I need a guy who get's to grips and wants a piece of the action.

    Helm - Delta Flyer Torres - i know but I don't have Delta Flyer Paris this is a limitation of who you have, still with this choice I bag me an extra engineer and a person determined to win a race.

    Diplomat - Ambassador Sarek most distinguished and perhaps most successful diplomat... next to my first choice who isn't currently in the game.

    Comm officer - Dancing Uhura the original and the best comm officer, broke boundaries and has a great singing voice.

    Tactical Officer - Danar, my first choice would be someone with military background and that would have been Hayes. Danar is the first person I could think of next that has pretty much everything you could want in the role.

    Security officer - Constable Odo - ruthless, tireless, relentless, attention to detail and scrutiny he was everything needed in a security officer.

    Chief Engineer - Commander Tucker repairs alien ships, maintains own starship. Scotty says you cannot rewrite the laws of physics but this man will certainly try.

    Engineer - Chief O'Brien - an engineer who is a workaholic who will wear out his hyperspanner into the deck plating, just what you need to get jobs done on a starship.

    Chief Science officer - Commander Spock next time he says "Unknown Captain" you know it won't be for long.

    Deputy Science Officer - Commander T'Pol methodical, logical and will work well with another like minded Vulcan.

    Chief Medical Officer - CMO Bashir despite the bad artwork I believe he is the best one suited for the job, to my mind he had all the qualities and made the most convincing doctor and was an expert in many medical fields.

    Ships counsellor - Bartender Quark, was very tempted to go with Guinan but somehow Quark has the habit of bringing about the best in people and was arguably the most crucial role in DS9. Also without him Odo would be very bored on a long voyage.

    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.

    Q introduced the Federation to the Borg. He took Vash to the Gamma Quadrant. Q also took Janeway to the Continuum. Q is a gateway to new things. I would trust my crew to handle any encounter with Q. Especially with Wesley at the helm. ;)

    Granted, however this really opens up a GIGANTIC philosophical debate/problem IMO.

    As you just described, Q has demonstrated countless times an eager willingness to essentially kidnap anybody he wants, whenever he wants, and use them to interfere with anybody/anything he wants.

    So here is the issue: if we believe strongly in the Prime Directive, specifically the part about non-interference, AND we know for a fact that Q is the walking/talking embodiment of interference, in order to preserve the Prime Directive, should we not actively seek to avoid Q?

    Counterpoint: Having encountered Q is one thing. No one has ever served with a Q on a starship so far as I'm aware. Isn't that worth exploring? In theory, his inclusion would be predicated on some kind of promise, unenforceable as it may be, to behave within acceptable boundaries. I passed on him myself because I just couldn't find a spot where I favored him over any of the crew I selected, but I do think his legacy merits consideration.

    Also, as a compromise, what about Human Q? Same smug insights, but without the power to do as he pleases. (This does admittedly require disregarding the implications of the episode that having him aboard in that form would make the ship's mission one of being his bodyguard.)

    Human Q is a decent way to get all that great Q-ness in a relatively safe way.

    Although I'd still personally find this objectionable. Remember the Maquis/Bajoran objections when the Holo Doc recreated Crell Moset to help Torres because all his knowledge came from horribly unethical ways? How good would you feel about taking advantage of Q's knowledge knowing he got that knowledge by exploiting countless civilizations?
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Great to see different folks' thought processes here, like "avoiding Q" or "ready for a Borg attack". As I see it, though, Starfleet is all about seeking out new life and new civilizations, so I hope my Voyage encounters them both.

    Quite correct, the operative word there being "new". Q is already a known, so I would prefer to avoid him. We saw our favorite ships encounter Q several times and make it out alive, but how many times did he interfere with other ships off screen with disastrous consequences? We don't know, but I'd rather not risk it. I want to keep my crew and ship in one piece to get out there and discover "new" things.

    Q introduced the Federation to the Borg. He took Vash to the Gamma Quadrant. Q also took Janeway to the Continuum. Q is a gateway to new things. I would trust my crew to handle any encounter with Q. Especially with Wesley at the helm. ;)

    Granted, however this really opens up a GIGANTIC philosophical debate/problem IMO.

    As you just described, Q has demonstrated countless times an eager willingness to essentially kidnap anybody he wants, whenever he wants, and use them to interfere with anybody/anything he wants.

    So here is the issue: if we believe strongly in the Prime Directive, specifically the part about non-interference, AND we know for a fact that Q is the walking/talking embodiment of interference, in order to preserve the Prime Directive, should we not actively seek to avoid Q?

    Counterpoint: Having encountered Q is one thing. No one has ever served with a Q on a starship so far as I'm aware. Isn't that worth exploring? In theory, his inclusion would be predicated on some kind of promise, unenforceable as it may be, to behave within acceptable boundaries. I passed on him myself because I just couldn't find a spot where I favored him over any of the crew I selected, but I do think his legacy merits consideration.

    Also, as a compromise, what about Human Q? Same smug insights, but without the power to do as he pleases. (This does admittedly require disregarding the implications of the episode that having him aboard in that form would make the ship's mission one of being his bodyguard.)

    Human Q is a decent way to get all that great Q-ness in a relatively safe way.

    Although I'd still personally find this objectionable. Remember the Maquis/Bajoran objections when the Holo Doc recreated Crell Moset to help Torres because all his knowledge came from horribly unethical ways? How good would you feel about taking advantage of Q's knowledge knowing he got that knowledge by exploiting countless civilizations?

    Q's very nature is to interfere. To set conditions to the contrary would make the character less interesting. I definitely have to concede that he would not make a good crewman, human or not.

    But avoiding Q (presumably) means that some other crew will have to deal with his shenanigans. I'd rather it be my crew. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • CMD First Officer - Enterprise-E Picard
    CMD Helm Officer - Captain Lorca
    DIP Diplomat - Admiral Kirk
    DIP Communications Officer - Professor Sato
    SEC Tactical Officer - Enemy Lines Sisko
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Sheriff Worf
    ENG Chief Engineer - Dress Uniform Scotty
    ENG Engineer - Pinafore Data
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Captain Spock
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Interfaced La Forge
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Mobile Doctor
    MED Counselor - Bartender Guinan
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    CMD First Officer - Bridge Officer Number One
    - Gets it done, anticipates, doesn’t want questions asked.

    CMD Helm Officer - Undercover Sulu
    - Best pilot (and jacket) in the game. Figured out how to fly both a Klingon Bird of Prey and Huey chopper in like 20 minutes.

    DIP Diplomat - Admiral Picard
    - Although fictitious, this Picard was, at long last, brokering peace with the Romulan empire.

    DIP Communications Officer - First Officer Saru
    - How many languages does this guy speak?

    SEC Tactical Officer - Gun Show Picard
    - If you’re going to bring out the big guns... bring out the big guns.

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Duelist Yar
    - Good at her job, loyal, slick 80s headband.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Seven in Silver
    - Borg knowledge, silver jumpsuit.

    ENG Engineer - Captain Killy
    - Next gen math skills, youthful enthusiasm, plus cosplay!

    SCI Chief Science Officer - 1701 Jadzia Dax
    - Lifetimes of knowledge, mid-23rd century design

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Commander Spock
    - He’s Spock.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Mobile Doctor
    - The whole of Federation medical knowledge in a tamagotchi toy - great!

    MED Counselor - Admiral Katrina Cornwell
    - Right after she was brought back from a coma, half paralyzed, she immediately was able to ask for a sit-rep, diagnose Ash’s PTSD and began treating him as she was engaged in a firefight with Klingons laying on the ground. Yeah, she’s my counselor.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Not so sure about the spirit of Star Trek or about the usefulness of the crew I chose in the roles I gave them, but this is mostly an attempt to fit all of the character(-version)s that I like the most into one voyage.

    CMD First Officer - Assimilated Janeway
    I love those two episodes and I love Janeway. Also, anyone infiltrating the Borg like that deserves to be in command.

    CMD Helm Officer - Emperor Philippa Georgiou
    Great fight scenes, Michelle Yeoh, crazy costume and SO evil. Needed to find a spot for her.

    DIP Diplomat - Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    Everything that Shy Khan wrote. Also, she somehow must have convinced L'Rell to do the weird Chancellor-with-bomb thing, her diplomacy skills must be close to hypnotic.

    DIP Communications Officer - Vengeful L'Rell
    Who better to go with Cornwell?

    SEC Chief Security Officer - Away Team Saru
    Who wouldn't want to stay on Pahvo? I would go there now, if the place existed.

    SEC Tactical Officer - Tsunkatse Seven
    That was a good episode and I've always loved Seven.

    ENG Chief Engineer - Mirror Stamets
    He was fun and very likable for a Mirror Universe guy.

    ENG Engineer - Lily Sloane
    I just like her a lot.

    SCI Chief Science Officer - Lon Suder
    Suder was interesting and weirdly fascinating, it would have been nice to see more of him.

    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Dr. Kathrine Pulaski
    I wish I had Surgeon Pulaski in my crew, but I don't. So I'll pretend that she's Surgeon Pulaski.

    MED Chief Medical Officer - Tieran Kes
    It's funny how Kes' body had to be a host for an evil warlord for her to realize that the relationship with Neelix was not that great a thing after all.

    MED Counselor - Mirror Crusher
    I just really like the art.

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not so sure about the spirit of Star Trek or about the usefulness of the crew I chose in the roles I gave them, but this is mostly an attempt to fit all of the character(-version)s that I like the most into one voyage.


    DIP Diplomat - Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    Everything that Shy Khan wrote. Also, she somehow must have convinced L'Rell to do the weird Chancellor-with-bomb thing, her diplomacy skills must be close to hypnotic.

    My recollection is that it was Michael, not Cornwell, who swayed L'Rell into that. Cornwell was opposed to even making the offer.
    ENG Engineer - Lily Sloane
    I just like her a lot.

    Lily is another great choice I wish I'd had room for, but I had to have a Scotty and Solar Sails Sisko. She's a fantastic point of view character.
  • bobirdbobird ✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Captain Janeway 70k light years away --- and she finds the right way
    CMD Helm Officer - Lt. Sulu
    DIP Diplomat - Admiral Picard
    DIP Communications Officer - Commander Uhura
    SEC Tactical Officer - Will Scarlett
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Warship Yar
    ENG Chief Engineer - Professor Scott Only Scotty should be the chief
    ENG Engineer - Deltaflyer Torres A woman touch for the machines
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Ambassador Spock
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Silver Seven
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Midage McCoy Because he is a DOCTOR
    MED Counselor - Lady Beverly

    So in all sections a Woman and a Man
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Alternatively, as soon as I take over DB...

    CMD First Officer - Colonel Kira
    CMD Helm Officer - Raider Pilot Kira
    DIP Diplomat - Dress Uniform Kira (the blue one)
    DIP Communications Officer - Prophet Kira
    SEC Tactical Officer - DS9 Occupation Kira
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Breen Disguise Kira
    ENG Chief Engineer - Resistance Kira (she makes bombs and stuff)
    ENG Engineer - Jeraddo Kira (she helped build a pizza oven... okay I'm reaching here)
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Kay Eaton/KC Hunter
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Luma Rahl (time travelling just because you're curious about something is pretty sciencey)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - 'Starship Down' Kira (she took care of Sisko and he survived, that totally counts)
    MED Counselor - Lola Chrystal

    You forgot a few

    Kira goes to college
    Prom Night Kira
    Kira and the Spiders From Mars
    General Kira
    Admiral Kira
    Kira vs Evil Dead
    Weekend at Kira
    Tourist Kira
    Augment Kira
    Assimilated Kira
    Maquis Kira
    Diet CaffeineFree Kira
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flemming wrote: »
    You forgot a few

    Got to save some ideas for the second week.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still want Vedek Jadzia and Kira (from "The Siege"). Surrogate Kira probably merits adding; that was a big arc for that whole season. And a Bajoran Collection called "Bajoran You Lonely?" and a banner image featuring Jazz Musician Odo, Resistance Shakaar, Vedek Bareil Antos, and Disguised Kira shunning them all.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Alternatively, as soon as I take over DB...

    CMD First Officer - Colonel Kira
    CMD Helm Officer - Raider Pilot Kira
    DIP Diplomat - Dress Uniform Kira (the blue one)
    DIP Communications Officer - Prophet Kira
    SEC Tactical Officer - DS9 Occupation Kira
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Breen Disguise Kira
    ENG Chief Engineer - Resistance Kira (she makes bombs and stuff)
    ENG Engineer - Jeraddo Kira (she helped build a pizza oven... okay I'm reaching here)
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Kay Eaton/KC Hunter
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Luma Rahl (time travelling just because you're curious about something is pretty sciencey)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - 'Starship Down' Kira (she took care of Sisko and he survived, that totally counts)
    MED Counselor - Lola Chrystal

    Now that’s a great idea you have here. What is your dream voyage crew of anyone who is NOT in the game. Let me think about that and re-go for it!

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Alternatively, as soon as I take over DB...

    CMD First Officer - Colonel Kira
    CMD Helm Officer - Raider Pilot Kira
    DIP Diplomat - Dress Uniform Kira (the blue one)
    DIP Communications Officer - Prophet Kira
    SEC Tactical Officer - DS9 Occupation Kira
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Breen Disguise Kira
    ENG Chief Engineer - Resistance Kira (she makes bombs and stuff)
    ENG Engineer - Jeraddo Kira (she helped build a pizza oven... okay I'm reaching here)
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Kay Eaton/KC Hunter
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Luma Rahl (time travelling just because you're curious about something is pretty sciencey)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - 'Starship Down' Kira (she took care of Sisko and he survived, that totally counts)
    MED Counselor - Lola Chrystal

    Now that’s a great idea you have here. What is your dream voyage crew of anyone who is NOT in the game. Let me think about that and re-go for it!

    Oh boy...that’s a fascinating concept.

    CMD First Officer - Expedition Kirk (TWOK)
    CMD Helm Officer - Commander Sonak (TMP)
    DIP Diplomat - the nameless “backwards” freighter captain from The Search for Spock
    DIP Communications Officer - Mirror Brunt (The Emperor’s New Cloak)
    SEC Tactical Officer - Commando Picard (Chain of Command pt 1)
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Leck (The Magnificent Ferengi)
    ENG Chief Engineer - Claustrophobic Garak (By Inferno’s Light)
    ENG Engineer - Mining Consortium Shran (Proving Ground)
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Gary Mitchell (Where No Man Has Gone Before)
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Warship Kim (Living Witness)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Nanoprobe-Infested Phlox (Regeneration)
    MED Counselor - Pilot Troi (Generations)
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dream Team

    First Officer - Captain Erika Hernandez
    Helm Officer - Skalaar
    DIplomat - Riva
    Comm Officer - Captive Hoshi
    Tactical Officer - Major Hayes
    Chief of Security - Lieutenant Leslie
    Chief Engineer - Stranded Jett Reno
    Engineer - Captain A G Robinson
    Chief Science Officer - Mirror Erika Hansen
    Deputy Science Officer - Lt Cmr Icheb
    Chief Medical Officer - Doctor M'Benga
    Counsellor - Dr Helen Noel
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, here goes:

    First Officer - Captain Riker (during the Picard abducted by Borg situation)
    Helm - Sylvia Gomez
    Diplomat - V’Lar
    Comm- Tourist Hoshi
    Tactical - Kevin Uxbridge
    Security Chief - Sparring Reed
    Chief Engineer - Vulcan Visit Tucker
    Engineer - Queen Po
    Chief Science Officer - Amanda Rogers
    Deputy Science Officer - Cheesecake Seven
    Chief Medical Officer- Captive Phlox
    Counselor - Charlie Evans’ Life Coach Kirk
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wish List Dream Team, almost exclusively comprised of characters not presently in the game:

    CMD First Officer - First Officer Ro Laren*
    CMD Helm Officer - Balok (with puppet!)
    DIP Diplomat - Chancellor Azetbur
    DIP Communications Officer - Caithlin Dar
    SEC Tactical Officer - Lt. Commander Shelby
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Mirror Marlena Moreau
    ENG Chief Engineer - Flint
    ENG Engineer - Jett Reno
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Lenara Kahn
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Lt. M'Ress**
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Tracy Pollard
    MED Counselor - Quinn***

    * Timelines Original from a timeline where Michelle Forbes agreed to do DS9
    ** M'Ress should be Communications Officer, but she did take over for Spock at his science station, so I rationalized slotting her here with a secondary skill so I could include Caithlin Dar.
    ***He counseled that hippie, so I rationalized him a MED skill.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    CMD First Officer - Age of Sail Riker
    CMD Helm Officer - Delta Flyer Paris
    DIP Diplomat - Romulan Picard
    DIP Communications Officer - Professor Sato
    SEC Tactical Officer - HMS Pinafore Data
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Govenor Worf
    ENG Chief Engineer - Assimilated La Forge
    ENG Engineer - Dress Uniform Scotty
    SCI Chief Science Officer - Captain Spock
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Assimilated Janeway
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dark Ages McCoy
    MED Counselor - Lt Commander Troi
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went back to the OP and flagged it as Awesome.

    @Travis S McClain
    Good job making a fun thread which encourages creativity!
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flemming wrote: »
    I went back to the OP and flagged it as Awesome.

    @Travis S McClain
    Good job making a fun thread which encourages creativity!

    Ha! Thanks. :) It just occurred to me that a Voyage might be an interesting way to filter and organize our views on what makes Star Trek, Star Trek. And imposing the restriction of crew that we each presently have was intended to highlight crew members that may not have much gameplay value, but mean something to us as fans.

    Quasi-related: I have to believe that someone regrets squandering Captain Dathon as a 3*. The only thing that I could accept would be that it was thought at launch, given how hard it was to collect and fuse, that they were throwing us a bone by making someone that iconic relatively easy to get and complete. He really ought to have been a Mega-Event Recurring Legendary, or at least a one-time 5*.
  • Commander TuckerCommander Tucker ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Too much fun reading the responses not to try my hand! Started out with representative crew in mind, but it quickly became about how they all fit together on a starship, and I wound up fanfic-ing a spinoff. Here's the sneak peek:


    Spoiler-tagging the explanation for length too, because on some of these I couldn't help myself.
    CMD 1 (captain) - Captain Beverly Crusher
    I went in expecting to pick the other Picard, but I didn't have a good version of the Picard I wanted, not the reckless Enterprise-E Picard but the deliberative guy from the show. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked a ship and crew built around Captain Beverly Crusher. She's got the authority. She's got the medical know-how with science/engineering buffs and rough-and-tumble away mission experience. She's got a backstory with a few major established beats and a lot of room to explore. And she's got artistic and athletic extracurriculars to round her out.

    CMD2 (helm) - Delta Flyer Paris
    Someone else said it, he's the best pilot in the franchise. Plus he's got that good old Star Trek redemption story. PS Didn't have room for her in the voyage slots, but Paris' wife, Liaison Torres, will of course be aboard, as part of the diplomatic mission.

    DIP 1 (ambassador) - Admiral Picard
    Now there's the Picard I was looking for! Pairs up well with Bev. So that's settled. It's Beverly's ship but Jean-Luc ranks, and they're on a diplomatic/aid/outreach mission. It's what Guinan once said, a ship of peace.

    DIP 2 (attache?) - Senator Cretak
    Here's the other part of the premise: it's set post-Dominion War and post-Romulus, hence the need for medical ships, aid, and rebuilding. I've always wanted just a bit more Romulan focus, and now we have a smart opportunity. I imagine based on the last time we saw her, Cretak might well be interested in working with Picard and the Federation on....galactic community organizing. Anyway I always liked the Martok-Ross-Cretak trio, DS9's Yalta. Now we get Old Picard-Torres-Cretak.

    SEC 1 (tactical officer) - RAF Bashir
    Sneaking in another doctor since this is a medical ship after all, and RAF Bashir has the brain calculator that came in handy in the wars (Dominion & WWII) after all. Think he might enjoy challenging himself with a new role.

    SEC 2 (chief of security) - Subcommander T'Rul
    I always wanted to see more from T'Rul, who operated the cloak on the Defiant. Besides, what's better than a Romulan on the main crew? Two Romulans. And while Cretak's on the outs with her government, T'Rul returned to the fold before she even had a chance to shine on a Federation ship. I imagine they might come into conflict over the direction of the Romulans going forward.

    ENG 1 (chief engineer) - RAF O'Brien
    I hesitate to bring in another TNG crewperson, but there's something irresistible about it. Bashir's here already, so are Jean-Luc and Beverly, there's a whole married couple motif going on (the Picards, the Parises, the O'Briens). And he's Chief O'Brien! Quintessential Starfleet engineer.

    ENG 2 (engineering consultant) - HoloBrahms
    A damn good engineer who makes sense as second fiddle considering she's a holoprogram. And it'd be nice to see her apart from Geordi.

    SCI 1 (science officer) - Commander Chapel
    I couldn't find a satisfying science officer--I'd love to use Seven or Spock, but they didn't quite mesh right--until I remembered this is a medical ship. Leaning toward the medical side (but with science primaries) I found a science officer I'm very happy with, Commander Chapel, the only time-traveler on my late 24th century Trek crew, and as befits someone of her rank (and previous roles), I think Commander Chapel would make an exemplary XO.

    SCI 2 (science officer) - Kurak
    I have a special place in my heart for some of those TNG season 6 episodes from when I was little, especially the international scientists--Ferengi and Klingon scientists!--who subvert the usual reading of those species. Plus, Kurak's point-man on the Enterprise crew was Beverly, so there's already a relationship there. And now we have some Klingon Empire presence aboard, a potential foil for Torres.

    MED 1 (chief medical officer) - Selar
    Originally I went big on TNG: Yar on security, Pulaski here, Ogawa in the mix. Wanted to give these supporting characters room to flourish. But ultimately I think including Pulaski here feels like a step down for her, and Ogawa can fly on her own without Bev over her. But Dr. Selar! We don't know much about her, except that she's very capable in emergencies. Fits the show and has plenty of room to grow.

    MED 2 (counselor) - Sniper Ezri
    Other things being equal I would have snapped up Commander Troi in a heartbeat. But it's just too much TNG that way, and she should be somewhere bantering with Riker. Ezri's the perfect fit here, an accomplished but still growing officer and war vet who might be up for a new long-term assignment. Her relationship with Bashir....I didn't imagine they'd still be together, but honestly, I'd be very happy with a Trek show full of settled people who can still be looking for personal fulfillment, just without all the teen-soap-level romance. (No offense to teen soaps.)

    There you have it. Star Trek: Nightingale, coming to your imagination whenever you want.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went to IMDB for some help. I would have to take over DB and create a few "originals" but... Here we go:
    CMD First Officer - Army Captain Lorca
    (Blackhawk Down, 2001)
    CMD Helm Officer - Major Lorca
    (Windtalkers, 2002)
    DIP Diplomat - Trader Lorca
    (Shopping, 1994)
    DIP Communications Officer -
    SEC Tactical Officer - Commando Lorca
    (Civvies, 1992)
    SEC Chief Security Officer - Colonel Lorca
    (Soldier, 1998)
    ENG Chief Engineer -
    ENG Engineer -
    SCI Chief Science Officer -
    SCI Deputy Science Officer - Dr. Lorca
    (Resident Evil, 2002)
    MED Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Lorca
    (The Tall Guy, 1989)
    MED Counselor - Father Lorca
    (The Last Don II, 1998)

    Ok... So I couldn't quite staff the whole ship. I might be a disgrace to my own name. 9 out of 12 isn't horrible, though.
    Farewell 🖖
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