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Campaign equipment drop feedback



  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not sure I've ever even had that Q as an option in a begold.

  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is this a joke to the developer?

    I got the final bit of equipment for Farra Gegen. That is a nice bit of crew specific equipment. BUT, I got 2. I have a dozen gold items open and I get two for an obscure crew? That is a waste that I'll never use and have to hunt down from the inexcusably frustrating inventory to get rid of it.
    @Shan, please tell the powers that be that this is needlessly frustrating. If they cannot fix the useless drops, they need to let us find and trash items effectively.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is this a joke to the developer?

    I got the final bit of equipment for Farra Gegen. That is a nice bit of crew specific equipment. BUT, I got 2. I have a dozen gold items open and I get two for an obscure crew? That is a waste that I'll never use and have to hunt down from the inexcusably frustrating inventory to get rid of it.
    @Shan, please tell the powers that be that this is needlessly frustrating. If they cannot fix the useless drops, they need to let us find and trash items effectively.

    At least you got something you could use in addition to replicator fuel. My equipment crate had Shinzon’s knife and some other item that was beyond useless, when I had all four equipment slots open on my level 90 Saboteur Garak and two slots open on my level 8 Fugitive Spock.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I never got anything so far I could not use instantly, no duplicates either. Lucky me.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    It depends where you are with your crew. If you have a lot of crew that you're leveling you get useful stuff. If your crew is all FE, then you get junk.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be happy just to get universal items, for greater flexibility. Some that I'd personally love to have a stockpile of:

    Assassination Plans
    Authorization Code
    Covert Contacts
    Encoded Communique
    Engineering Lesson
    Flux Coupler
    Identification Code
    Medical Experiment
    Priority One Message
    Psychological Evaluation Holoprogram
    Science Experiment
    Science Lesson
    Single Pot Whiskey
    Social Lesson
    Zero Gravity Training

    I'd much rather have those kinds of things than something specific to a crew member, even if I was working on them at the moment. I'd gladly trade having to craft someone's 5* Outfit to get out of having to craft a 4* Social Lesson for them or someone else later.

    If anyone has been looking for a list of things to keep pre-built If you ever go for a first to max, having an inventory of all of these up to the 4* items is a good start.
  • As Paladin previously suggested, the way to get there is to find and hold a character at a spot where that particular item is needed. Right now, I'm farming 4 and 5* social lessons, as you can see below:


    Find some 0-3* items to farm too (like above) and that's how you get campaigns/Dabo/gauntlet to give you useful things.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Every item I have received from the campaign loot boxes has gone somewhere where I had an open spot. I do however have many options available right now at every level so RNG has many choices to fill.

    Perhaps it is not just based on star rating. For example, based on what it takes to build, the game might rank two 4* item differently. One might be worth 105 points and another might be worth 140 points. If you have the open 4* at 105 but you get 2 rewards that fall at the 140 point item and you don't have anything to build, it might give you 2 random rewards. If you had a large variety of different of items at each item build level, RNG might be more likely to fill a proper opening.

    It would be worth farming a variety of items as @Paladin 27 and @eXo | SilverRose suggest, just to give RNG a better path if indeed similar level items have different values.
  • I keep two options of each star rarity open, and so far the drops have been very targeted towards the open slots. The key is to have the slot open and the others you don't want a drop for closed off (as you can see in my pictures above). Equipping or training - it doesn't matter which way you block off the undesirables, just that you do.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    In my case, the open spots weren't planned for farming, they were just open. Also, I believe the issues with Dabo using airlocked crew might be avoided with loot boxes when you have many spots open since those crew aren't levelled high enough to trigger the reward.
  • AggeAgge ✭✭
    Finally managed to note down what i got and not only dismiss it :smiley:
    I have a few crew i am working on, with open slots, but i got:


    Ezri's Drugged Drink => Waitress Ezri frozen
    Reed's Rifle => Sniper Reed frozen
    Spock's Robes => Recovering Spock frozen

    Now i need to find those waste items when replicating stuff
  • I would prefer no equipment or faction only equipment like holograms, bloodwine, idics, etc.

    Excellent solve. Yes. Lets do this please.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agge wrote: »
    Finally managed to note down what i got and not only dismiss it :smiley:
    I have a few crew i am working on, with open slots, but i got:


    Ezri's Drugged Drink => Waitress Ezri frozen
    Reed's Rifle => Sniper Reed frozen
    Spock's Robes => Recovering Spock frozen

    Now i need to find those waste items when replicating stuff

    I must have vacuumed up all of your luck...today’s box dropped three 3* science experiments (one of which I was able to equip immediately). Sorry!
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just cashed in a bunch of premium drops and got:
    5* Antaak's Robe (Frozen Long Ago)
    5* Dixon's Tommy Gun (Frozen Long Ago)
    4* Tequila (Need it although generic enough that I would eventually use it regardless)
    2x3* Ezri's Disguise (Frozen Long Ago)
    3* Beowulf Program (Don't have Kim)
    Other 3* stuff.

    I have multiple open 4/5* slots. Screenshots can be provided.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Just cashed in a bunch of premium drops and got:
    5* Antaak's Robe (Frozen Long Ago)
    5* Dixon's Tommy Gun (Frozen Long Ago)
    4* Tequila (Need it although generic enough that I would eventually use it regardless)
    2x3* Ezri's Disguise (Frozen Long Ago)
    3* Beowulf Program (Don't have Kim)
    Other 3* stuff.

    I have multiple open 4/5* slots. Screenshots can be provided.

    What level are the crew with the open slots? the lower-end chests only drop more basic components, so unless some of your available slots the crew were at level 10-50 ish, there was zero chance of a useful low level equipment dropping for those 3* items (beowulf, ezri stuff). (does not matter if they are Rare, SR, Legend crew. the LEVEL 1-100 they are at and the respective equipment level is the dependency here).

    And I know it's been asked a couple times already, but some people still did not understand so let's be sure. You are levelling your crew up PAST the level requirement for the equipment you desire to drop right? So for example, if you have some crew at level 90 but want level 96 equipment to drop, it can't possibly drop. Equipment has a level requirement, and your crew must meet that requirement for the item to drop.

    I apologize if I'm reiterating information you know, but I've had 50% or better drop rates of getting exactly the equipment I left open slots for since the start of campaign, so I'm just trying to help in case this is not RNG but a misunderstanding.

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Just cashed in a bunch of premium drops and got:
    5* Antaak's Robe (Frozen Long Ago)
    5* Dixon's Tommy Gun (Frozen Long Ago)
    4* Tequila (Need it although generic enough that I would eventually use it regardless)
    2x3* Ezri's Disguise (Frozen Long Ago)
    3* Beowulf Program (Don't have Kim)
    Other 3* stuff.

    I have multiple open 4/5* slots. Screenshots can be provided.

    What level are the crew with the open slots? the lower-end chests only drop more basic components, so unless some of your available slots the crew were at level 10-50 ish, there was zero chance of a useful low level equipment dropping for those 3* items (beowulf, ezri stuff). (does not matter if they are Rare, SR, Legend crew. the LEVEL 1-100 they are at and the respective equipment level is the dependency here).

    And I know it's been asked a couple times already, but some people still did not understand so let's be sure. You are levelling your crew up PAST the level requirement for the equipment you desire to drop right? So for example, if you have some crew at level 90 but want level 96 equipment to drop, it can't possibly drop. Equipment has a level requirement, and your crew must meet that requirement for the item to drop.

    I apologize if I'm reiterating information you know, but I've had 50% or better drop rates of getting exactly the equipment I left open slots for since the start of campaign, so I'm just trying to help in case this is not RNG but a misunderstanding.


    The 3* stuff I don't care that much about and I only have one open 3* gear. It should've at least dropped but didn't. I have multiple 4/5* crew sitting at L100 with 1 or more open equipment slots open. I should've received 2x5* equipment that I need.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Just cashed in a bunch of premium drops and got:
    5* Antaak's Robe (Frozen Long Ago)
    5* Dixon's Tommy Gun (Frozen Long Ago)
    4* Tequila (Need it although generic enough that I would eventually use it regardless)
    2x3* Ezri's Disguise (Frozen Long Ago)
    3* Beowulf Program (Don't have Kim)
    Other 3* stuff.

    I have multiple open 4/5* slots. Screenshots can be provided.

    What level are the crew with the open slots? the lower-end chests only drop more basic components, so unless some of your available slots the crew were at level 10-50 ish, there was zero chance of a useful low level equipment dropping for those 3* items (beowulf, ezri stuff). (does not matter if they are Rare, SR, Legend crew. the LEVEL 1-100 they are at and the respective equipment level is the dependency here).

    And I know it's been asked a couple times already, but some people still did not understand so let's be sure. You are levelling your crew up PAST the level requirement for the equipment you desire to drop right? So for example, if you have some crew at level 90 but want level 96 equipment to drop, it can't possibly drop. Equipment has a level requirement, and your crew must meet that requirement for the item to drop.

    I apologize if I'm reiterating information you know, but I've had 50% or better drop rates of getting exactly the equipment I left open slots for since the start of campaign, so I'm just trying to help in case this is not RNG but a misunderstanding.


    I had Jannar at level 80/80 (with only the level 79 3* micro-resonator equipped) and Fugitive Spock at level 8/10 (with only the level 4 0* psychology text equipped) yesterday and got a 3* Grilka’s armor and some other unique 3* garbage. If it’s only doling our 3* equipment, then it makes sense that I wouldn’t have gotten the 1* and 4* equipment needed to fill the open slots on Spock and Jannar. But why drop three pieces of worthless 3* equipment instead of one or two useful pieces of 4* equipment? Why do we need multiple crew with open equipment slots for the game to not be broken?
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Thank you both for clarifying your experiences, clearly you had some level 90+ slots open and available for drops.

    I would suggest that similar to other elements of the game, higher rarity/expense components may be dropping less commonly. So for example, we might be seeing a difference in campaign equipment usefulness because there is less chance of a level 90-96 equipment drop than a level 70-86 piece of equipment (which also cost less credits and replicator rations to replicate), even though both may be purple/gold equipment.

    @Dirk Gunderson I know what you mean it's annoying that we need to have more than one crew available in a given level range to improve odds of equipment drops, but the mechanics of dabo/equipment drops have always had an element of chance not guarantee to match slots you have available. If you have only a small number of equipment slots available I imagine there is less odds of useful equipment drops. if you had 2-3 crew with available slots (especially if they had more than one slot available each), that might give you more "rolls" to get a successful drop of something useful.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you both for clarifying your experiences, clearly you had some level 90+ slots open and available for drops.

    I would suggest that similar to other elements of the game, higher rarity/expense components may be dropping less commonly. So for example, we might be seeing a difference in campaign equipment usefulness because there is less chance of a level 90-96 equipment drop than a level 70-86 piece of equipment (which also cost less credits and replicator rations to replicate), even though both may be purple/gold equipment.

    @Dirk Gunderson I know what you mean it's annoying that we need to have more than one crew available in a given level range to improve odds of equipment drops, but the mechanics of dabo/equipment drops have always had an element of chance not guarantee to match slots you have available. If you have only a small number of equipment slots available I imagine there is less odds of useful equipment drops. if you had 2-3 crew with available slots (especially if they had more than one slot available each), that might give you more "rolls" to get a successful drop of something useful.

    It’s funny...Dabo drops of unhelpful equipment never bothered me. Perhaps it was due to the frequency - even if you add in random gauntlet equipment drops, there are plenty of other things that drop as well and detritus that wastes valuable inventory slots accumulates at a low rate from these sources. Now we get multiple items every few days and the need to either maintain multiple partially-leveled crew or use the replicator to consume extraneous items has become more pressing.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    So here is how my box went. I have only 2 crew with open 3 and 4 star items. They are a 3* social lesson, 3* ID code, and a 4* security reports. They have plus signs before the pull since I already have 10+ of each but would like more. Don’t have anyone who needs a 5* item so if I get one of those it will be random.


  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭

    At least you got something you could use in addition to replicator fuel. My equipment crate had Shinzon’s knife and some other item that was beyond useless, when I had all four equipment slots open on my level 90 Saboteur Garak and two slots open on my level 8 Fugitive Spock.

    My problem, as others may have mentioned, is I have so much "junk" in the cargo bay, I can't even get to use my replicator rations AS replicator fuel since I don't have any crew to level, except maybe once a week! Now they are stockpiling just as bad as the rest of the "junk". I am at the point every time I do a portal pull, I need to save one out, level it to about 50-60 and replicate everything I can to get rid of inventory, then airlock the poor sap I got in the pull.


    I know, I know...first world problems. lol
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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