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  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I actually think the events types are fairly well balanced.

    Galaxies and faction galaxy hybrids: These are truly up for grabs for whomever has the most resources saved and time available to turn them in.. Lack of warp 10 isn’t as big a factor as skirmishes for a vip 0. Probably takes 9-12+ months of resource and chron saving for a win.

    Once you have the right 2-3 instadamahe crew these are wide open to anyone with the time and chrons saved. While not insurmountable for top 6, I’m not sure a true vip 0 could win due to lack of warm 10 farming intel. Takes 3-4+ months of saved chrons.

    Faction only:

    Definitely all about spenders but going to be significantly more costly for a level 47 with limited bonus crew to score 3m+ VP (check the leaderboard this week) than a level 90+ player with 30-40 bonus crew (or 20 this week) who can run 10-20 shuttles most of the way.

    A lot of the resources needed for a top 5 are available relatively cheaply now. If you have the bonus crew and save up 6 months of tokens from the campaigns now you can run 200 of them with time extending doublers (10 9 hour blocks) and have an additional 1.5mil VP possible plus the 1+ million from time boosted main shuttles. 2.5 mil has been enough for 5th in all factions I can remember.
  • eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    They use time boosts the whole time and at least 8 shuttles. They are also largely all whales with many 5/5 Picards and Torres's. The addition of extra shuttles further unbalanced competition of whales vs. non whales in faction events.

    I don’t largely disagree, but will say that I’m in 7th place currently and most of this does not describe me. I have however saved all of my time boosts for year and am unloading them on this event, but have only been running four to five shuttles. I don’t have a lot of money to sink into the game but, having played for three years, have accumulated a lot of event variants (though most aren’t FF). I did spend $9.99 on the campaign and $24.99 on the event pack to get some extra shuttles and more stars on Torres. If anything, the addition of extra shuttles earned from the campaign is the only reason why I’m ranked so high currently. And I have an awesome squad doing a lot of heavy lifting. Just my perspective.

    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm struggling to break into the top 1500 this week, it has surprised me how hard it has been.

    That said, I didn't buy the campaign track so maybe I am down a few boosts/shuttle tokens.

    The new shuttle tokens have certainly made events tougher in my eyes.
    DB: Do Better
  • So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.
  • You are not following the conversation flow friend.
    no one has said a nonspender can win a shuttle event, because they cant.
    the people winning the event right now have spent more money than you are comfortable admitting and this happens every week.

    except for the people who cheat, there are plenty of them.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.

    Are you sure the first place person is a VIP0? Seems you’re predicting your argument on that

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.
    SST-Cetus wrote: »
    You are not following the conversation flow friend.
    no one has said a nonspender can win a shuttle event, because they cant.
    the people winning the event right now have spent more money than you are comfortable admitting and this happens every week.

    except for the people who cheat, there are plenty of them.

    Not only has nobody said a VIP0 can win, we’re saying a VIP0 cannot now not has really every been able to win a Faction event. I think the greater availability of boosts and shuttle tokens have helped level the field for VIP0, F2P, and light spenders to at least be competitive in select Faction events (as Cadet Matt was so kind to point out)...but no, winning a Faction event has always and will always require dilithium for fast turnaround of shuttles. Large bonus crews and solid non-bonus crew help a lot as well, though I think that has an even greater effect on the difference between being competitive for a top-3000 finish and being one of the nameless tens of thousands who are left in everyone else’s dust.
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.

    Are you sure the first place person is a VIP0? Seems you’re predicting your argument on that

    A quick look at the captain level and bridge crew of the player in question would dispel that notion very quickly. Which I do not begrudge in the slightest. Everyone chooses their path. It is perfectly within the rules of play to pay to insta-complete shuttles. Does it leave a VIP0 without recourse? Yeah, pretty much, but nothing and nobody has ever said that it was supposed to be equitable in that regard.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    hey i'll make it to 350,000 with a very high success rate - over 90. Have lots of picards. this will be between 2500-3000. top 1500 for shuttle for me has been out of reach for a good year.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do we just trust that people are VIP0 if they say they are?
  • They use time boosts the whole time and at least 8 shuttles. They are also largely all whales with many 5/5 Picards and Torres's. The addition of extra shuttles further unbalanced competition of whales vs. non whales in faction events.

    I don’t largely disagree, but will say that I’m in 7th place currently and most of this does not describe me. I have however saved all of my time boosts for year and am unloading them on this event, but have only been running four to five shuttles. I don’t have a lot of money to sink into the game but, having played for three years, have accumulated a lot of event variants (though most aren’t FF). I did spend $9.99 on the campaign and $24.99 on the event pack to get some extra shuttles and more stars on Torres. If anything, the addition of extra shuttles earned from the campaign is the only reason why I’m ranked so high currently. And I have an awesome squad doing a lot of heavy lifting. Just my perspective.

    So you did it the same way I did. A lot of saving over the time and then went all-in one day. You were around me until sunday, when I spent my last shuttle token, then the gap between us increased more and more.
    I think you had prepared better than me, with more saved stuff. And you had the advantage of the squad lead, ( can I ask hom many VP your squad produced for you?). The rest sounds pretty the same, even that you bought the campaign and the event pack for 24.99.

    Well done !
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Do we just trust that people are VIP0 if they say they are?

    I thought that myself. Without a screenshot with Captain name and VIP level...

  • eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    They use time boosts the whole time and at least 8 shuttles. They are also largely all whales with many 5/5 Picards and Torres's. The addition of extra shuttles further unbalanced competition of whales vs. non whales in faction events.

    I don’t largely disagree, but will say that I’m in 7th place currently and most of this does not describe me. I have however saved all of my time boosts for year and am unloading them on this event, but have only been running four to five shuttles. I don’t have a lot of money to sink into the game but, having played for three years, have accumulated a lot of event variants (though most aren’t FF). I did spend $9.99 on the campaign and $24.99 on the event pack to get some extra shuttles and more stars on Torres. If anything, the addition of extra shuttles earned from the campaign is the only reason why I’m ranked so high currently. And I have an awesome squad doing a lot of heavy lifting. Just my perspective.

    So you did it the same way I did. A lot of saving over the time and then went all-in one day. You were around me until sunday, when I spent my last shuttle token, then the gap between us increased more and more.
    I think you had prepared better than me, with more saved stuff. And you had the advantage of the squad lead, ( can I ask hom many VP your squad produced for you?). The rest sounds pretty the same, even that you bought the campaign and the event pack for 24.99.

    Well done !

    You too! I was worried that you and others were saving for a big push so I just kept boosting shuttles. Probably would have done a few things differently (and might have saved more resources), but I think we should both be pleased with our finishes considering our efforts! I think last I looked my squad got me an extra 140k from shared crew which was enough to make about a tier’s worth of difference. They really came through for me.

    A quick look at the inventory tells me that I spent around 45 shuttle tokens (all from DB and the campaign), 50 gold boosts, 50 purple boosts, 120 blue boosts, and around 20 gold 2x boosts (all saved from cadet missions) - which pretty much wiped me out of my all my boosts save 200 or so blues.

    Well done, friend! You put in a strong effort!

    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I may be a high spender, but I hardly ever push in events. I had a ton of supplies from the campaign, and from not using them, and a solid roster of B’elanna and Picard that I spent a week leveling. I took the gamble it would a light fight week with shallow bonus crew and a Dip main reward, and boy was I wrong clearly. I’m so glad I got out ahead of the furball of ranking when I did. Why did I even do this? To get the achievement for Top 100 (was 93). This was my first event ever I was that highly placed. I really just had the tools and assumed a lot of players would be sitting out. Perhaps though, my logic was why so many others also went all in at the same time. Or campaigns have just devastated faction events forever. I can see both sides. Used about 35 shuttle tokens, ~20 2x boosts, overnight boosts and a little dilithium (1000) in the last 5 minutes to jump from 104 to 93. I don’t mind sharing numbers as m strategy is probably not ideal, but more brute force from not typically playing at this level. That Top 50 looks really, really far away though haha
  • MirrorVerse JcMirrorVerse Jc ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.
    SST-Cetus wrote: »
    You are not following the conversation flow friend.
    no one has said a nonspender can win a shuttle event, because they cant.
    the people winning the event right now have spent more money than you are comfortable admitting and this happens every week.

    except for the people who cheat, there are plenty of them.

    Not only has nobody said a VIP0 can win, we’re saying a VIP0 cannot now not has really every been able to win a Faction event. I think the greater availability of boosts and shuttle tokens have helped level the field for VIP0, F2P, and light spenders to at least be competitive in select Faction events (as Cadet Matt was so kind to point out)...but no, winning a Faction event has always and will always require dilithium for fast turnaround of shuttles. Large bonus crews and solid non-bonus crew help a lot as well, though I think that has an even greater effect on the difference between being competitive for a top-3000 finish and being one of the nameless tens of thousands who are left in everyone else’s dust.

    I am following the conversation i do blv, my friend. In pg 1 aprox 1/2 though (ZomBad squirrel) quoted one of my statements, then stated the vip “0” have ranked 1 in events.
    That is what i am predicating my argument on. Its just not possible vip “0” in faction only events to get that much vp as this event i never said this event top rankers were vip “0” either. I was simply responding to that one comment, which changed the course of conversation from this event in particular, to overall events of all time. This is what happens , lol, when conversations on one topic get off track. The continuing comments become confusing as to what a person is talking about.
    No bother, everyone has the right to play the way they choose. Vip lvl of no concern in reality. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I ranked 236, I used quite a few 3* time boosts, and some 2X doublers, but casually running 4 shuttles, I was at threshold before the Saturday turnover. I continued playing causally, as my ranking was not moving, even after missing a few queues to check and resend shuttles. But I stuck between 150-300 Saturday through the end of the event. I think above threshold, things calmed down, and I was seeing the same names surrounding me. So I suspect others were playing like I was. I don't think I ever did a dil speedup, except to clear out the last of my vacant missions at the end (and that was only 3).

    (I didn't use a single rental, so I still have that stockpile)

    I am also out of Borg and Klingon missions... (Sorry merits)
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Do we just trust that people are VIP0 if they say they are?

    I thought that myself. Without a screenshot with Captain name and VIP level...

    Yeah, you can. Captain Sheridan is a fleetmate of mine in the VIP0 fleet family. That's a seriously low blow and silly accusation to make.

    No one said the guy who won this event, who was formerly in Ruffriders, was VIP0. He's not. He's VIP14 many times over. There are two different argument threads here.

    But for those who want to throw shade at the whales and say how hard it is to get into the top 1500 without spending, it can certainly be done. I ranked 756 on my VIP0 account. I'm happy to back that up with a screenshot showing my captain name and VIP level too.

    100% agreed. Winning a faction event or even top 10 is probably out of reach for VIP0. Top 1k is absolutely possible.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.
    SST-Cetus wrote: »
    You are not following the conversation flow friend.
    no one has said a nonspender can win a shuttle event, because they cant.
    the people winning the event right now have spent more money than you are comfortable admitting and this happens every week.

    except for the people who cheat, there are plenty of them.

    Not only has nobody said a VIP0 can win, we’re saying a VIP0 cannot now not has really every been able to win a Faction event. I think the greater availability of boosts and shuttle tokens have helped level the field for VIP0, F2P, and light spenders to at least be competitive in select Faction events (as Cadet Matt was so kind to point out)...but no, winning a Faction event has always and will always require dilithium for fast turnaround of shuttles. Large bonus crews and solid non-bonus crew help a lot as well, though I think that has an even greater effect on the difference between being competitive for a top-3000 finish and being one of the nameless tens of thousands who are left in everyone else’s dust.

    I am following the conversation i do blv, my friend. In pg 1 aprox 1/2 though (ZomBad squirrel) quoted one of my statements, then stated the vip “0” have ranked 1 in events.
    That is what i am predicating my argument on. Its just not possible vip “0” in faction only events to get that much vp as this event i never said this event top rankers were vip “0” either. I was simply responding to that one comment, which changed the course of conversation from this event in particular, to overall events of all time. This is what happens , lol, when conversations on one topic get off track. The continuing comments become confusing as to what a person is talking about.

    I believe Mr. Squirrel’s reference is from the VIP0 winner of a Galaxy event, not a Faction event. Clearly it’s possible to very well with just saved tokens and boosts (congrats to Cadet Matt and Múspell, by the way!), just not to make that extra push to victory.
    No bother, everyone has the right to play the way they choose. Vip lvl of no concern in reality. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves.

    You hit the nail on the head there...there is a lot more to this game than trying to come in first in every event.
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, i have yet to see any VIP “0” math explanation for what is now 3,631,646 vp point 1.5 hrs prior to event end. I see some ppl saving alot of supplies, which is good. I do this and have a great stock for when i really want rank. I see other variations of shuttle pk purchase, event packs, variations of reducers, campaigns or di instant returns, and sleep depravation. Which is fine. To each his own method, as long as the game is giving you enjoyment.
    Thats is all we were saying from the beginning. How does one obtain such high vp in 4 day shuttles. The majority agrees it cannot be done. I have asked for vip “0” math no one can produce it.
    SST-Cetus wrote: »
    You are not following the conversation flow friend.
    no one has said a nonspender can win a shuttle event, because they cant.
    the people winning the event right now have spent more money than you are comfortable admitting and this happens every week.

    except for the people who cheat, there are plenty of them.

    Not only has nobody said a VIP0 can win, we’re saying a VIP0 cannot now not has really every been able to win a Faction event. I think the greater availability of boosts and shuttle tokens have helped level the field for VIP0, F2P, and light spenders to at least be competitive in select Faction events (as Cadet Matt was so kind to point out)...but no, winning a Faction event has always and will always require dilithium for fast turnaround of shuttles. Large bonus crews and solid non-bonus crew help a lot as well, though I think that has an even greater effect on the difference between being competitive for a top-3000 finish and being one of the nameless tens of thousands who are left in everyone else’s dust.

    I am following the conversation i do blv, my friend. In pg 1 aprox 1/2 though (ZomBad squirrel) quoted one of my statements, then stated the vip “0” have ranked 1 in events.
    That is what i am predicating my argument on. Its just not possible vip “0” in faction only events to get that much vp as this event i never said this event top rankers were vip “0” either. I was simply responding to that one comment, which changed the course of conversation from this event in particular, to overall events of all time. This is what happens , lol, when conversations on one topic get off track. The continuing comments become confusing as to what a person is talking about.
    No bother, everyone has the right to play the way they choose. Vip lvl of no concern in reality. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves.

    And i assumed u meant in general and not faction event only. That was the missunderstanding. I never said that a VIP0 has won a faction event.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • edited May 2019
    I was one of those fighting extra hard (by my standards) for Decoy Kira: I Love the character, the episode, and the art. I gather I was not alone...
    I didn't spend any dilithium, but I blew through loads of saved-up 4* and 5* boosts from Thursday cadet missions, and my entire stash of shuttle tokens. Set the alarm for three hour intervals, three nights running, to get off those few extra shuttles, making up for time I lost from work Thursday... Landed safely at 990. So I'm sleep-deprived, but happy.

    Now I just have to hope there are no more faction weekends with 5*'s I badly want, for a while. That stash is going to take some time to replenish.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think I used about 40-50 90m reducers and 4 or 8 60m reducers. More than I expected to use and finished around 750. I didn't use reward doublers or shuttle rentals. I had sufficient bonus crew but I didn't have Delta Torres. Naturally the game kept on giving me Voyages that would require me to use Locutus or Mirror Picard but I kept them for the shuttles.

    I'm pretty sure there's at least one (or two) more VIP0 players who have won a Galaxy event although I can't remember their names.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • edited May 2019
    [n/a - accidental post]
  • This is what happens , lol, when conversations on one topic get off track. The continuing comments become confusing as to what a person is talking about.
    No bother, everyone has the right to play the way they choose. Vip lvl of no concern in reality. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves. [/quote]

    And i assumed u meant in general and not faction event only. That was the missunderstanding. I never said that a VIP0 has won a faction event.[/quote]

    Lol, lol. Thats exactly what i meant by misunderstood conversations. Prior to my comment that you quoted the conversation as i understood it was about only this one event. So my comment was about this event only. Haha. Written form is so hard without tone, or if u r trying to keep a comment short. We should all be telepaths so these things dont happen. I seem to be misunderstood alot, then have a hard time getting my point across i guess bcuz i try to keep my posts short.
    Now that we are all clear on intent of meaning, lets all have fun and enjoy however each individual decides to play!!! Woohoo stt forever.
  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    A VIP0 will never win a faction event. Plus, I hear this VIP0 can win events often, but does anyone have names? I know Stellar Ice won a galaxy but other than that, who else has? Cuz it seems she is very much the exception and not the rule.

    Not on my VIP0 (yet) but the events I've won were with no dilithium or $, and that is the Skirmish record and Skirmish-Faction record. The main difference being that I have warp-10.

    I will never win a pure faction event. The highest rank I've ever gotten in a faction was 34, during Brofleet. Spent a year or so of saved up time boosts. The highest rank I've heard of from a VIP0 in a pure faction event was Iknamur at 11th, 05/07/2018.

    There are 4x known VIP0 Galaxy event wins - Stellar, Iknamur, Sheridan, and likely others that flew under the radar. Lots of high ranks of VIP0 and low-spenders.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I hear the VIP0 argument frequently. I honestly wonder about that...
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    A VIP0 will never win a faction event. Plus, I hear this VIP0 can win events often, but does anyone have names? I know Stellar Ice won a galaxy but other than that, who else has? Cuz it seems she is very much the exception and not the rule.

    Not on my VIP0 (yet) but the events I've won were with no dilithium or $, and that is the Skirmish record and Skirmish-Faction record. The main difference being that I have warp-10.

    I will never win a pure faction event. The highest rank I've ever gotten in a faction was 34, during Brofleet. Spent a year or so of saved up time boosts. The highest rank I've heard of from a VIP0 in a pure faction event was Iknamur at 11th, 05/07/2018.

    There are 4x known VIP0 Galaxy event wins - Stellar, Iknamur, Sheridan, and likely others that flew under the radar. Lots of high ranks of VIP0 and low-spenders.

    You are an impressive player and I respect your words. I am humble to say that when you speak I listen. And 34 is quite impressive for the Brofleet (Emperor Georgiou) event. The competition was off the charts. I tried very hard and came in 50 something.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    If there are other VIP 0 questions that I can answer, please let me know.

    How strictly is the VIP 0 guideline enforced? For example, if somebody were to say hit VIP 4 but then switch to F2P, is that allowed? I am honestly curious, because I think an argument could be made for either outcome.
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