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Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
I’m really surprised at how much extra I’ve had to do to stay in the top 1500 this event


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I agree. The effort I've put in so far is no different than normal, and normally I can count on being ranked about 1,400 or so, not the 2,850 spot I'm currently in. Part of that is RNGesus making me fail FIVE 92+% shuttles already, but most of it is an increase in competition.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You’re both feeling the wrath of my ftp alt. Using time boosts for the first time to try for a top 1500.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went into this event with 48 shuttle tokens and a modest cache of time reducers and bonus multipliers that I'd set aside for a Faction Event where I really wanted the 5* rank reward. And I really want Decoy Kira. (And that was before I found out she could help me get Saboteur Garak next week!)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep everyone is using their extra shuttle stuff from campaign.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep everyone is using their extra shuttle stuff from campaign.

    Good call. Didn’t think of that
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m broke from chasing voyage crew, so i dumped resources into this event like never before, in no small thanks to the campaign, and I’m hanging out top 300 for the first time in ages. I really would love to not buy event packs next week for Kira, so I’m pushing hard. I get an achievement if I can break 100 at the end, but I doubt that will happen.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought competition was a little tighter. My bonus crew isn't a good match for the shuttles, so I thought it was just my failures dragging me back
    Farewell 🖖
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    No it is defintely tougher. I am 600 spots further back than usual faction and that is with using many extra shuttle boosts.
    Let’s fly!
  • I went into this event with the plan to try to reach rank 25. Have saved a lot of stuff for factions in the last months and hoped the best.
    I have to admit that the air is pretty thin up there, even if I am ranked higher at the moment. It will be exciting to see which rank i can get in the end, but when I read the names right behind me, like SilverRose, Paladin27 ++++++++ , it will be a hard fight until the last minutes.
  • Alot of ppl are reporting the same difficulty issue. I attributed it to the voyage supplies gained in campaigns. And increased interest in the ranking kira reward. I am having no difficulty maintaining my normal stats. In fact this event has been a bit easier for me. Most likely due to my substantial bonus crew. I Choose my crew by instinct not big book or other recommendations and it seems to suit me well.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm at 1539 right now, but I haven't really been trying. I've been running 3 hour runs mostly with the hundreds of 3* boosts I've accumulated. I pushed enough that I can be certain to get the thresholds. I'm currently within spitting distance of 1500 and can't decide if I should push it. I figure I don't need her particular skills at 1/5 and she would not be a citation priority for me. I figure I'll continue to run shuttles, but no more time boosts and no alarms. Let the chips fall where they may.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Comfortably in the 500s since Friday night. I've stopped using time boosts and it feels like things have stabilised since finishing threshold.
  • usually casually cruising in the 700-900 range now with half a dozen reward doublers and about same amount of shuttle tokens im not not so casually cruising in the 1200-1400 range lol. i wont be surprised if the 800-1600 spots are very tightly packed though
  • I've had a busy weekend and haven't been sending as often as I usually do. I've been making that up with doublers and tokens. With 5 3-seat shuttles in each faction, burning a token every round has been easy. I'll clear thresholds on my next round, and I have a shot at 400k if I want to take it. No gold there, but I may try for a top 2500 or top 2000 for the extra honor.
  • If you score 16K points eight times per day for four days, you wind up with 512K points for the Event. The leader currently has 2.8M points.

    Just wondering.......
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bakkster wrote: »
    If you score 16K points eight times per day for four days, you wind up with 512K points for the Event. The leader currently has 2.8M points.

    Just wondering.......

    ...how much Dilithim that costs?
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    They use time boosts the whole time and at least 8 shuttles. They are also largely all whales with many 5/5 Picards and Torres's. The addition of extra shuttles further unbalanced competition of whales vs. non whales in faction events.
    Let’s fly!
  • Ive been playing for 3 yrs, have all but 1 picard and all but 1 torres. I Have 645k ish vp currently and have been consistently ranking 120-90 between returns. I have been running 4 shuttles, sometimes if i can 5 but not every round. I keep my % up so i have less failures. I have used 1.5 hr reducers on most shuttles, and a boost on the 5th. I broke threshold max 48 hrs into event.
    My point; i am playing a very good game and doing well naturally just through non-failures and free shuttle supplies from thurs cadets and campaign. Have bought no supplies.
    These “whales” in faction events consistently spend di on instant returns. When everyone looks at the vp board and it makes no sense we need to remember di spenders always win.
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ive been playing for 3 yrs, have all but 1 picard and all but 1 torres. I Have 645k ish vp currently and have been consistently ranking 120-90 between returns. I have been running 4 shuttles, sometimes if i can 5 but not every round. I keep my % up so i have less failures. I have used 1.5 hr reducers on most shuttles, and a boost on the 5th. I broke threshold max 48 hrs into event.
    My point; i am playing a very good game and doing well naturally just through non-failures and free shuttle supplies from thurs cadets and campaign. Have bought no supplies.
    These “whales” in faction events consistently spend di on instant returns. When everyone looks at the vp board and it makes no sense we need to remember di spenders always win.

    We already had some VIP0 ppl winning events, so its not true that spenders always win. ;)
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • PlasmaPlasma ✭✭
    True depends how many shuttle time boost you have and shuttle rental tokens. I've used most of what I've hoarded over the last few weeks
  • MirrorVerse JcMirrorVerse Jc ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Flemming wrote: »
    Bakkster wrote: »
    If you score 16K points eight times per day for four days, you wind up with 512K points for the Event. The leader currently has 2.8M points.

    Just wondering.......

    ...how much Dilithim that costs?

    We already had some VIP0 ppl winning events, so its not true that spenders always win. ;)

    I am not saying every event, of all types. That was clearly for shuttle events, what we are talking about here. Can you do the math then and show us how a person can have 2.8M vp in a shuttle event aprox 16 hours prior to finish? With vip 0. I would be very curious if someone? Anyone can produce the math?
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Flemming wrote: »
    Bakkster wrote: »
    If you score 16K points eight times per day for four days, you wind up with 512K points for the Event. The leader currently has 2.8M points.

    Just wondering.......

    ...how much Dilithim that costs?

    We already had some VIP0 ppl winning events, so its not true that spenders always win. ;)

    I am not saying every event, of all types. That was clearly for shuttle events, what we are talking about here. Can you do the math then and show us how a person can have 2.8M vp in a shuttle event aprox 16 hours prior to finish? With vip 0. I would be very curious if someone? Anyone can produce the math?

    This has been done many, many times. Let me summarize: if anything, we should be surprised it is "only" 2.8 million points.
  • 2.8 millions is no problem to reach , but it seems to be impossible for a VIP0 in a faction event.

    This event I have used so far roundabout 120 3* timeboosts, 30 4* and 40 2x boosts. Ran 6 shuttles permanently, 3 on 1,5 hours, 3 on 3 hours until yesterday when I had no more shuttle tokens. Was at rank 9-13 the whole time. Lost some ranks and alot of VP when I was sleeping for 3 hours.
    It was and still is a great run for me, I will never do it again, thats for sure. But nobody should tell me that the guys who are beating me up badly in the last hours are VIP0. We all know better, I think.

    I am not sad about the guys in front of me, not at all, I suggested that that will happen on the last day. My target was rank 25 and I think I can reach that.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    A VIP0 will never win a faction event. Plus, I hear this VIP0 can win events often, but does anyone have names? I know Stellar Ice won a galaxy but other than that, who else has? Cuz it seems she is very much the exception and not the rule.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Flemming wrote: »
    Bakkster wrote: »
    If you score 16K points eight times per day for four days, you wind up with 512K points for the Event. The leader currently has 2.8M points.

    Just wondering.......

    ...how much Dilithim that costs?

    We already had some VIP0 ppl winning events, so its not true that spenders always win. ;)

    I am not saying every event, of all types. That was clearly for shuttle events, what we are talking about here. Can you do the math then and show us how a person can have 2.8M vp in a shuttle event aprox 16 hours prior to finish? With vip 0. I would be very curious if someone? Anyone can produce the math?[/quote]

    I have scored 3 million points in a faction so I can tell you what it took. 69 five star time boosts, 124 four star, well over 300 three star, 10-12 shuttles at all times with 20 or so overnight (only at three hours so I could use 5 star skill boosts), about 250 shuttle rental tokens, a whole feces ton of bonus crew (mirror was bonus, no wait, it may have been Discovery crew) and about 40,000 dilithium. That was good for 4th place but it was when people were IamPicard cheating

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I see the argument made that it's possible for VIP 0 players to win events and we know that because it's been done. I wonder how up to date that is. I remember such victories being discussed on the old forum, but I can't remember the last time I heard of anyone doing it. My own sense of it is that the only reason it was doable back then is that the scale of the game was smaller. VIP 0 players had tighter restrictions, but they haven't benefited proportionately to spending players. And that is, of course, by design. That's how they make their money, after all.

    This is why I once proposed a VIP 0 leaderboard for events. I felt then, and feel now, that being competitive as VIP 0 is remarkably difficult and merits recognition. Those players may have an entirely different perspective on the game if they saw how they stacked up against their peers instead of being run roughshod over by spending players. Hell, they may even stick with it instead of being discouraged.

    The counter was that creating such a leaderboard would mean having to create one for every VIP level (no, it wouldn't, but even if it did, so what?) and that it was some kind of silly Participation Trophy Culture nonsense (no, it isn't). In any event, it gained no traction and even I'd forgotten about it until some time last year when someone cited that proposal to disparage ideas of pandering.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I see the argument made that it's possible for VIP 0 players to win events and we know that because it's been done. I wonder how up to date that is. I remember such victories being discussed on the old forum, but I can't remember the last time I heard of anyone doing it. My own sense of it is that the only reason it was doable back then is that the scale of the game was smaller. VIP 0 players had tighter restrictions, but they haven't benefited proportionately to spending players. And that is, of course, by design. That's how they make their money, after all.

    This is why I once proposed a VIP 0 leaderboard for events. I felt then, and feel now, that being competitive as VIP 0 is remarkably difficult and merits recognition. Those players may have an entirely different perspective on the game if they saw how they stacked up against their peers instead of being run roughshod over by spending players. Hell, they may even stick with it instead of being discouraged.

    The counter was that creating such a leaderboard would mean having to create one for every VIP level (no, it wouldn't, but even if it did, so what?) and that it was some kind of silly Participation Trophy Culture nonsense (no, it isn't). In any event, it gained no traction and even I'd forgotten about it until some time last year when someone cited that proposal to disparage ideas of pandering.

    I do think one thing that has benefitted a VIP0 win, galaxy style, is the advent of next weeks crew winnable this week. A VIP0 could not by the bonus crew that was needed for the current week but the switch meant that they could win that crew this week for use next week
  • Cpt JRCpt JR ✭✭
    I have to say it maybe a case of people chasing decoy Kira, as she's a card I'd chase generally, but then she's also along with the 11,000 or so chronitons I got from voyages going to help me get the best tailor in the galaxy. So I've used alot of time boosts as I had 100+ boost packs to open and I've went through all of them to get the time boosts as I had a pretty deep Torres and Picard roster, so even at 4k without bonus' was getting over 90% and so am about 1300 places higher than I'd usually go.
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