in The Bridge
So the mega is not Voyager crew, but survivalists. I was planning to cite the new Tuvok. Now I have to reassess. I have Rura Pente Commandant at 3/5 and Wrathful Kahn 1/5 and Augment Picard 2/5. And Mintakan Riker 1/5 and Borg Queen 3/5 and Armus 2/5.
I've been pushing my Voyager crew.
You notice that most Janeways and Sevens are not survivalists?
I've been pushing my Voyager crew.
You notice that most Janeways and Sevens are not survivalists?
Ahdar Ru'afo
Augment Picard
Aviator Yar
Away Team Michael Burnham
Borg Queen
Commander Kira Nerys
Gul Madred
Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Klingon Janeway
Loque'eque Sato
Mintakan Riker
Mirror Bashir
Polywater Yar
Rura Penthe Commandant
Stranded Quark
Tyler, Son of None
Survivalist Kirk
Wrathful Khan
Augment Riker
Desert T'Pol
Duelist Yar
EV Suit Tucker
Evil Kirk
Fierce Guinan
First Goran'Agar
First Officer Saru
GI Chakotay
Klingon Neelix
Lt Ash Tyler
Maquis Ro Laren
Mirror Vic Fontaine
Prisoner O'Brien
Stranded Odo
Time Loop Mudd
Vedek Bareil Antos
Warship Yar
Ambassador Neelix
Captain Dathon
Expedition Shran
Starfleet Uniform Khan
Away Team Neelix
Commander Chakotay
Lt Commander Saru
Lt Tasha Yar
Chef Neelix
Lt Thomas Riker
Maquis Chakotay
So is Janeway the event 5*?
The trait has been added this week, I have amended the event notes with that information.
Curious to know who the recurring legendary will be I guess we have to wait till tomorrow
Ps I think that’s stranded quark not kirk unkieb
Also, not a lot of MED skill in that list...
Sooooo many 4* to thaw for week 1 and half of week 4!
I have Survivalist Kirk at 4*s, but I'm also looking at Aviator Yar (who I have at 2*s) and Fully Fused, she's the second best Engineer on this list. I might have enough honor to immortalize both. Worse case, I have a target for my end of Campain citation.
If all Voyager crew were secondary event crew each week, that would be way too many featured crew.
Plus, secondary crew are only important in week 1 and the first half of week 4 in this mega.
But some I'm willing to ignore. Warship Yar, I probably have more non-bonus crew which would outperform that card.
Same with GI Chakotay.
They will definitely be left for last, if at all.
So glad I finally got around to freezing Desert T'Pol this morning.
finally some use for the lacking crew of mine.
Fixed, thanks.
She's on the list.
Fixed on the wiki too.
Mirror Vic Fontaine is a 4* not 5*.
Sigh, fixed.
Yep, just happy I have her and she is voyager crew. Shame so many voyager crew are not gonna make the list. The event legendary will likely not be Janeway. DB likes to pick people with no other versions in game to limit other non trait bonus crew.
Wouldn't surprise me if she isn't, but on the other hand usually the artwork for the mega announcement is the recurring legendary. As for that upping non-trait bonus crew, it didn't when Mirror Picard and BR Bashir were the mega legends (although Augments included Bashir's for those events).
I'm just grateful we're getting the one format that doesn't use chronitons in any capacity. That should give me time to replenish my stockpile before Week 2's Skirmish.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!