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How often do you plan to buy the Premium Campaign Track?

After seeing the discussions for each of the three full campaigns (including the upcoming Picard campaign), I am curious how the forum user-base approaches this purchasing opportunity. Please feel free to expand on your answer.

How often do you plan to buy the Premium Campaign Track? 114 votes

Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
ADM Fletcher [ET]Chief Eud{DD}rickWaldoMagJim Raynor[SJ] Admiral AkiJayBeezyPhotonKimTcalMirrorMartiganSunshineRikerguest_757423444811776Gib - Admiral MarinersChaoticDNArobownageYateballPenguinJimZetterbeard Ishmael MarxTheComediansagima 30 votes
Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
Sabine of AthensData1001[QH] OxmyxeXo | SilverRose (retired)AuntieACommander Sinclair[KM] WOLF 359AntasilAgge(10F)GeekgirlJax2UFsexy_ladyGhostStalkerEtienneWebberoniDavideBooks[DC] Picard Loves RedsSelene 7Dirk GundersonNavarch 38 votes
Frequently, but not always. The 5* plays a moderate roll in my decision/I will purchase based on my budget, regarless of the card.
[RotP]Ran Airen[TFA] CeleresKaiteeZann Calcore (ISA)Hungry Dog DDMeXo | Raji~peregrine~Drone_oneSvenLundgren(HGH)ApolloMatt_Decker[Deleted User]Cranky (SC) Inspector34 Average GuyKatlaMúspell[BAD]DippyLynHawkJoeSage 2 23 votes
Sparingly. Only a truly impactful 5* (strength, personal appeal, collection, etc.) or other limiting circumstance will result in a purchase.
AviTrekpbert[DB-DO BETTER] [7TW] Captain plim123HaBlackJim SteeleCommander TuckerbarrydancerRennJaxo(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••][GoT] LuckyNumberHatStrephon AlkhalikoiTHE ZARE OF ZOMBIESSoupEmperor Borg Drone (SC)Jortt522YeldoowCommander KurnCaptain Kerberos 18 votes
Warrior WilloRocpileTP:ToPetter ~SE~PrimusAldudeFlay 5 votes


  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    I've pretty much substituted campaigns for any other $10 offers, so I'm really just buying for the stuff. In that context, the 4/5 legend is a bonus, so if it turns into 2200 honor, so be it (though I would obviously prefer to have a useful crew).

    Edit: hopefully my answer makes it clear that I do NOT have too much money, but I wish I did. ;)
  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    I voted most since I am moving this month and may not complete enough dailies to justify the $10 + dil expense. At least we have the option to wait until the end to decide! Otherwisen I plan to buy everytime I can for the extra honorn dil and faction event help.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Frequently, but not always. The 5* plays a moderate roll in my decision/I will purchase based on my budget, regarless of the card.
    It has to be a legendary I do not have and the legendary has to be good. I have Mirror Picard so I will not be buying the campaign. If DB switched it to another Picard I would probably buy it because Picard series is coming and Picard events. But I will not purchase this Picard.
    Let’s fly!
  • PhotonKimPhotonKim ✭✭✭
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    I actually don’t have “too much money” and the introduction of campaigns has actually reduced my spending. The premium track gives me enough ‘goodies’ throughout the month that I don’t feel the need to spend more.
  • Sparingly. Only a truly impactful 5* (strength, personal appeal, collection, etc.) or other limiting circumstance will result in a purchase.
    The campaign feature is a very nice addition to the game and if one wants to spend some money, I'm sure that it's the best thing to spend it on. But I recently decided to become a more casual player and from this point of view the premium track is too much of a commitment to the dailies (unless, of course, it has a 5* that I really want).
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sparingly. Only a truly impactful 5* (strength, personal appeal, collection, etc.) or other limiting circumstance will result in a purchase.
    I haven't bought one yet, the Captain Spock campaign was tempting but alas, I went on holiday so missed a week of rewards for it.

    $10 is still a ok deal but I'll save my money for a character I really want / has uber stats and one I know I can commit to doing all the daylies for.
    DB: Do Better
  • [RotP]Ran Airen[RotP]Ran Airen ✭✭✭✭
    Frequently, but not always. The 5* plays a moderate roll in my decision/I will purchase based on my budget, regarless of the card.
    For me it comes down to this...I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger when I am going to airlock a 4/5. Maybe I am cutting off my nose to spite my face but I'm not interested in paying to dupe a gold (to double cut, I would take a worse card rather than a dupe).
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    The only problem with the poll choice I selected. $9.99 a month is not going to break me even with the 3.99 for monthly card.

    I do not have a lot of money. But, I can afford to spend $13.98 a month. If I think the game is close to ending then I would reconsider.

    I do not get it. If DB offered, the same stuff, but replaced the 4 legendaries with 550 honor all for $9.99, everybody would be claiming how good the offer is. Mainly because of that legendary citation.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ask me again a few Campaigns from now, when we've got a larger sample size. The loot is nice, certainly, but it's the 5* and, to a lesser extent, the 4* who determine how interested/excited I am for a given Campaign. If July and August are more like Section 31 or Forever Spock, I may be more willing to commit to them and content myself with the rest of the loot. But if they're more like Picard, I may just give up and not bother with that extra loot, nice as it is.

    I'm with you. But only because there's not n option about MJLP. ;)
    Farewell 🖖
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    For me, campaigns have replaced monthly cards and the occasional 10x10 offer. Since I have most 4* crew immortalized already, those offers had started feeling like a waste of money anyway. Although my base monthly spend has increased, I feel as though I've spent less overall the past couple months, while getting more value for what I have spent.

    I despise the crew choices for the 3rd campaign (Mirror Picard & Admiral Picard), but fear their analytics won't show any sort of negative dip in sales, since the overall value of campaigns is still exceptional. I worry that such results will only encourage them to choose lesser options when it comes to crew, devaluing future campaigns when compared to the first two.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    Every time, even if I have the 5* immortalized (such as the case with the upcoming Picard campaign).
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would have voted option A, if it wasn t for the snarky and unnecessary
    „..i have too much money...“ add.
    Too bad „some“ F2P players still can t accept that spending money is the thing what keeps this game running....

    In fairness, the whole thing reads: "The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money." I take that to mean that one intends to buy the premium track every time either because they consider the value of the non-crew loot satisfactory OR because they throw money around without much regard at all to what they get for it. Those are two different demographics consolidated into a single choice since both intend to buy every premium track. I don't think @[GoT] LuckyNumberHat [F2P] was taking a swipe at paying players.
  • Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    I like the rewards, I dont see that we are getting the shuttle double ups any more other than in the premium campaign or faction events.
  • None of those radio buttons (choices) offered reflect my feelings on the issue #MirrorPicardgate2
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    Mirror Picard selection is insanity
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP0 all the way
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • ÷ Dr. Claire Finn÷ Dr. Claire Finn ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    I am forced to wonder. Does DB prefer newer players over veteran players? All the A+ players with “Retired” after their names. Is this a subutle move by DB to push even more older players out of the game in favor of a “Youth Movement”? Whole new group of new players = equals more overall spending?
    ÷Dr. Claire Finn - Admiral of the Battleship Yamato & Founder of both the Battleship Yamato & ISS Yamato
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    I kind of felt I had no choice but to select the first option, because...
    not knowing what a "vaule" is, I wasn't comfortable committing myself ;)

    Please don't hate me, I meant this 100% as a playful jest :)

    I would have picked the first option no matter what :p
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Frequently, but not always. The 5* plays a moderate roll in my decision/I will purchase based on my budget, regarless of the card.
    Kaitee wrote: »
    I decided not to for the June-Luc campaign, for the obvious already-got-one reason (oh yes, it's very nice-a! ...I told them we already got one) - I feel like I'm kind of in between the 'nearly always' and 'frequently' choices though. I mean it's easy for me to pick up the campaign track, there's very few characters in Trek I don't have some affection for, for one reason or another (even if it's tangent stuff like I would totally get a Shinzon campaign just because Tom Hardy is cool). At the same time, it was pretty easy to say yeahnah I'll sit this one out, just when I saw I didn't need the legendary - didn't even really give much thought to the other premium track rewards, and that still doesn't bother me. I'm not sure I'd get the track without all those, if it were just the legendary alone, but they don't amount to real dollar value in my mind on their own (it's like, I'm not tucking into a bowl of pasta without sauce, but I'm really never going to just eat some sauce). Sure they're good value, but they're just in-game resources - I'm never going to be able to buy enough that I'm 'done' with everything the game needs, so I may as well just save my money and keep plodding along with what I can get just through regular gameplay.

    If it were a legendary I already had but only 1/5 or 2/5, honestly I don't know - like it's nice fusing crew up and having them become really useful, but the "I love her/him I want her/him!" reaction I'm generally acting on is really just based on having them, not how many stars they've got. I've got a boatload of 1/5s, and those missing stars don't trouble me much. So maybe I should say 'sparingly', I guess it's just flip a coin every month.

    As always, @Kaitee says it best, from my perspective. This will help newer players & give us older ones a break, as we keep plodding along. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    I would have voted option A, if it wasn t for the snarky and unnecessary
    „..i have too much money...“ add.
    Too bad „some“ F2P players still can t accept that spending money is the thing what keeps this game running....
    F2P players keep the game going too every time they watch an ad in game. That brings in revenue for DB. F2P players also add to the number of players which increases the amount DB can charge for those ads. They also give competition which makes the game more fun. Further, even if they do not spend money they may recommend the game to friends that then play and do spend money. F2P players do not pay money like whales do but they do generate revenue for DB and there is more of them. No large group of players should be ignored or be treated as irrelevant.

    I totally agree with you AND squirrel...
    It is the balance that keeps the game running. DB needs the F2P base and the whales.
    Level 84
    65 x 5* immortal
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    Every time, regardless of the 5* offered. The value is good enough regardless/I have too much money.
    While I do not have endless amounts of money, I am able to throw $10 a month. I used to spend it on the monthly dilithium, but now I'm going to be getting the campaign every month regardless if the 5*. I didn't have Leland, had no desire for him, so I air locked him. Mirror Georgiou I already had immortalized and she got turned into extra honor. Personally while Picardgate was a fiasco, I personally think the HMS Pentafor Data was far worse. Not only did they screw up his event where he was prize, to compensate he was given to players who achieved a certain rank AND they messed that up! They gave him to players who came in much lower and let them keep him. It gets worse, players who missed out were basically told oh well you get nothing. Who cares if Mirror Picard is next month's Legendary. Ultimately you are going to either pay for the premium track or not. In the grand scheme of life, it really doesn't have an impact if he's the legendary or not. It's a game, and you will either spend money or you won't. Its DBs choice who to offer and people will either spend or they won't. Me? I'm gonna spend cause the honor, chrinitons, citations, and loot crates are worth it. Oh, and I'll have a second Mirror Picard to use on both shuttles and voyages. I'll be stepping off my soapbox now.
  • Most or nearly all of the time. The vaule is good and only a truly terrible 5* would convince me to save my money.
    I wonder if it's worth explaining in 2 or 3 sentences to Titling Point, because this Mirror Picard thing, makes No Sense.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Frequently, but not always. The 5* plays a moderate roll in my decision/I will purchase based on my budget, regarless of the card.
    For me I won't be buying the Picard one, only because I have both FF/FE. I won't be wasteful, if all I'm doing is buying a second copy of something then I won't be buying. But if I don't have the 5*, or if I only have 1* on that 5*, then I will buy. If I have 2 or more * on the 5*, then I won't buy.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
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