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Voyage Ship Traits... Reman?



  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are no Augment, Bajoran, or Klingon-Cardassian Alliance ships in the game of any level. Seems like that's something that could be rectified:

    Augment Ship Options:
    • USS Reliant (change affiliation to Augment)
    • S.S. Botany Bay
    • ENT-era Bird-of-Prey (that was commandeered by the Augments)

    Definitely agree about the Reliant, especially with the precedence already set by the HMS Bounty. Unless the plan is to later introduce "Khan's USS Reliant" with a lot of phaser burns on the hull, but that too should be a 5*.
    Bajoran Options:
    • Lightship (powered by solar sails -- would have the historic trait)
    • Interceptor
    • Antares-class freighters/transports
    • Cassidy Yates' Antares-class ship

    You had me at Sisko's Lightship. That could be gorgeous!
    Klingon-Cardassian Alliance Options:
    • KCA K'Vort Class
    • KCA Vor'cha Class
    • Regent Worf's Command Ship (Oversized Negh'Var Class)

    The Vor'cha's absence is especially conspicuous this far into the game. I could easily see making a generic Vor'cha for the KCA, and perhaps a named, specific one for the Klingon Empire. That wouldn't get us a 5* KCA ship for our Voyages, though, so maybe a non-canon KCA Vor'cha? And yeah, I'm all about Regent Worf's Command Ship.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Klingon-Cardassian Alliance Options:
    • KCA K'Vort Class
    • KCA Vor'cha Class
    • Regent Worf's Command Ship (Oversized Negh'Var Class)

    The Vor'cha's absence is especially conspicuous this far into the game. I could easily see making a generic Vor'cha for the KCA, and perhaps a named, specific one for the Klingon Empire. That wouldn't get us a 5* KCA ship for our Voyages, though, so maybe a non-canon KCA Vor'cha? And yeah, I'm all about Regent Worf's Command Ship.

    Chancellor K'mpec's ship was Vor'cha class if I remember correctly. IKS Bortas, I think, which was also Chancellor Gowron's ship later. Perhaps that could be the 5-star, Klingon version of the ship, and the 3-star could be the KCA Vor'cha class ship. Then with the Negh'Var class, the 5-star variant could be Regent Worf's Command Ship. That would be awesome.

    Also, I forgot to list the KCA Galor-class ship. They had those, too.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Technically the HMS Bounty isn't a "Federation" ship either.

    Kirk and crew commandeered it, traveled back to Earth, and sank it into the San Francisco bay. Seems like more of a rental :)

    I wish they'd swap that trait with SCOUT, it would help me out.

    "...for an instant, a Scout-class vessel"


    THAT MOVIE IS SO GOOD and geez can someone tell JJ that you can have an extremely dramatic ship battle with only three shots fired total?
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Technically the HMS Bounty isn't a "Federation" ship either.

    Kirk and crew commandeered it, traveled back to Earth, and sank it into the San Francisco bay. Seems like more of a rental :)

    I wish they'd swap that trait with SCOUT, it would help me out.

    "...for an instant, a Scout-class vessel"


    THAT MOVIE IS SO GOOD and geez can someone tell JJ that you can have an extremely dramatic ship battle with only three shots fired total?

    I'm also a big fan of III. Always been disappointed that Uhura was sidelined for so much of it, although she does get one of her finest scenes ever with Mr. Adventure (who, by the way, ought to be added as a 2* cadet sometime). More than either of the first two movies, it really feels like the flavor of old school TOS and I adore that.

    Gotta push back on the bit about using so few shots for an extremely dramatic ship battle, though. For one thing, most of the notable battles in the canon well before J.J. featured more than three, even if they didn't go quite as far as his reboot series. But also, if I'm being entirely honest, that space battle in III is one of its weakest points for me. That's a key scene when I feel conscious of Paramount handing Nimoy less money to work with than they'd given Wise and Meyer before him. (Another such key scene is when Kirk has inexplicably replaced Carol as the narrator of the Genesis demo video.)
  • Jax2UFJax2UF ✭✭
    Another stupid question...

    Andorian Battlecruiser Kumari - Why is it both Andorian and Federation? And I know this has been debated before, but if the Kumari can be both factions then why isn't the H.M.S. Bounty both Federation AND Klingon? It's a damn Bird of Prey!

    That's a great point about the Kumari. The NX-01 is also given the trait Federation, even though it predates it.

    Their ship trait system is a mess.

    Yes. Ship traits need an overhaul. Some examples:

    Enterprise NX-01 is United Earth, not Federation; it is also Historic
    Kumari is Andorian, not Federation (and not both)
    Enterprise-E is a Battlecruiser, Explorer, and/or War Veteran, but not a Fighter
    Discovery is not Ruthless
    Scimitar has a Cloaking Device
    ISS Defiant is a Fighter, not a Warship (like every other Defiant-class ship)
    Keldon-Class is also Obsidian Order
    HMS Bounty could arguably be a Scout and a Fighter (and not a Warship)
    Reliant is either:
    1. Federation, Battlecruiser, Explorer (under Terrell's command) OR
    2. Augment, Battlecruiser, Ruthless (under Khan's command)

    The ships that could go either way could lead to a new game play aspect. Take the Reliant for example. If you staffed it with mostly Federation crew, then the traits would be #1. But if you have mostly Augments then it would be #2. The same could be done with the Bounty. If it is mostly Klingons, named Ruth or otherwise, it would be Klingon, but if it were mostly Federation, then Federation. They could even incorporate a bonus of some sort if the Federation crew were from the movie itself. If that were the case, more players may keep Recovering Spock out of the freezer which in turn could lead to more crew slots purchased.
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