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The BIG One! (A Collection of Game Improvement Ideas) Please Read :)



  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I want to thank everyone who has commented so far, I am truly touched. I'm heading off to bed in a few minutes but I look forward to poking back in here this afternoon and seeing what everyone has to say :smile:
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    Excellent effort to create something very well thought out. I skimmed over it all as I do not have the time it deserves to go over the entire body at the moment. I agree trainers on Tuesday is something that needs a refreshing. I’m not sure it it was mentioned but I’d like to see voyage revives as an ongoing reward, maybe in the gauntlet and in the new campaign pay tier, it would be nice to have a chance at 8 or 10 of these per month. The Siege would be awesome and I agree other than a select few the ships we have are vastly underutilized. I knew several that were on the previous committee and it just kind of disappeared. Maybe rather than that the forum could be used or in game emails using polls or something of that sort. Kudos for taking the time to cover all those subjects.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • I like most of the ideas except for the first suggestion about gauntlets having a Tetris "next block" notifier. Half of the challenge with gauntlet is knowing when and if to exhaust a crew on a specific match-up, and that challenge is mostly due to not knowing what match-up could come up next. Even if you know what combo is coming up next, it won't tell you which crew you'll face and how strong they are. If they fix the merit cost of unfreezing crew then rolling for a new match-up becomes less costly and a better way to manage your exhaustion.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Great job, @ByloBand ! Lots of stuff here. I'll stick with what's already been commented and chime in as the discussion moves. Oh, and thanks for the mentions. Clearly those ideas have my support. :)

    AND shuttles:
    I would love to see it resolved as a game mechanic. 80% from first skill listed plus 30% from second skill listed or whatever ratio DB decides - just spell it out. :)

    Player committee:
    I like the idea, but in practice they would have access to information that would give them an unfair advantage. I've seen it in the game I played before Timelines. It was also disbanded. Unfortunately, I don't think it can work in practice.

    A. Trainers are useful to newer players. I would not change that. What I would change is the rewards at the easiest tier. Put in 0* Ancient Films, Case Files, and Holoprograms. New players have to choose between useful items and trainers. Experienced players can look forward to something on Tuesdays.
    B. I think you hit the nail on the head with the "optional" factor. Tuesday packs are optional. It would be nice for the non- or low-spending players a little something. Re-working the low tier cadet missions is probably sufficient, though my previous idea of picking voyage skills on a Tuesday could still be on the table. ;)

    Keep the good ideas coming. I think tomorrow's Tuesday post will be a poll about which of these ideas players would like most to be implemented. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Wow so many good points. Excellent work on compiling them and breaking them down point for point. If this was a document I’d whole heartedly sign on the bottom.
  • Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    An amazing work, that I hope DB take it seriously. I totally agree in almost every idea you said, and I love the idea of the player committee, the voyages improvements, the patrols, the replimat and the ideas regarding the fleets and starbases.

    And finally, I think you deserve a acknowledgement by DB for all your work, good ideas and humor that makes this forum and this community more brighten.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are really lots of great ideas in there. Thanks for that!

    My favorites are the SAVE button for packs, the Replimat and fixing the insufficient crew sorting (plus I would like to see the traits of frozen crew).

    As a Scrum Master I am always interested in getting the most important and urgent stuff done with limited resources. So some sorting and prioritizing of the huge backlog you created would be great as these improvements and new features could keep DB's developers busy for years.

    @Prime LorQa [10F] Go for the poll! :)
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • All great ideas. I would continue to make it clear that further controls over what admirals and officers can do would be great for fleets, particularly in direction to squad control.

    And for Q's sake, a better chat/messaging system for the game.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • edited August 2019
    Thanks @ByloBand for an amazing list of ideas. B)

    While it will take time for me to digest, I had an immediate solution in mind for the problem with packs, opening 10 vs opening 1 (VIII a). A similar solution as for warping missions could be easily implemented.
    So the choices would be:
    - Open 1
    - Open 10x1 (no guarantee of SuperRare+/Uncommon+)
    - Open 1x10 (with guarantee of SuperRare+/Uncommon+)
    This means that consolidation is no longer needed, but the result is the same, I think.
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • This is very informative and I like the suggestions about patrols, and the replimat. There is one thing I am not sure if it was mentioned in Replimat, but a type of exchange, where you could offer some crew say all of those with 2-Louctus or Guantlet only exclusives for say a rental or option to buy. The same goes for those looking to complete the many 1/5 where low to mid level players could offer up and trade/barter for something in equal or lesser value with compensation. I have been sitting on a 1/5 Prince Bashir since the beggining after playing nearly a year. I think it would help someone with a 3/5 or 4/5 to maybe offer something in exchange to complete their card, and free up space on a mid to low level player who is trying to FF/FE low crew and doesn't have space to do it. The cost would be high say honor or dilithium in the thousands, but for the idea would be for those mid-level players liker me on level 49, could see what they could do for their crew or phase they are in such as Guantlet/Voyage/event, et al. That could also go in the save option for packs. I also like the idea for patrols which could be mini missions inside of the chapters already there, or new ones at certain locations such as the Anomaly, DS9, Earth, Vulcan, and so on.
    As for cards such as Minuet or factions as the Ferengi, maybe they could combine them with smaller races such as the Kazon/Fer. Traditionalist movement with crew, or have a random alien group that could include the Zahl Ambassador, Saru and any other high level aliens in the game.
    I also agree there could be tiered levels in playing say 1-20,-21-40,-49-60, for example where players in Guantlet and Arena could possible get rewards, same with events in a way. Thats most of what I have.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I forgot my idea about setting Arena defense. I wonder if it would be possible to save your last attack and make that your defense. What worked to beat one player may not be ideal to defend against the next.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking, and I've come up with the idea that could be a variation of The Siege and turning that new event into something like the raids that other games have. But in this case, a fleet raid. Something like a fleet internal event.

    The mechanic would be the same, but that enemy force would attack your starbase instead of a random planet or faction. So, the fleet members should have protect their own starbase, prevent it's destruction (only in the raid, not in the game itself) and defeat the enemy.

    This raid, for lack of a better word, could take place the tuesdays, with different levels of difficulty and a duration of 24 hours maximum. If the fleet doesn't defeat the enemy, nothing happens. But if the fleet defeat the enemy, then the fleet members would receive a reward, maybe a mix of a fixed reward for everyone for winning and a reward system in function of the points earned by every fleet member.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @ByloBand my friend you are a benefit and a joy to us all!
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Hey gang, sorry I've been absent most of the day, I've been at my parents' house all day either asleep or doing family stuff. That said, it was definitely my intention to take a step back after dropping this massive forum bomb to give people a chance to process it all, and that is still my intention.

    I've been blown away by the replies so far, I'm not sure why but I was not anticipating such an overwhelming approval, so thank you all so much! I am very eager to hear what people have to say both with my proposals, but also your own proposals. Do not be shy :)

    I received a message from @Haere Lintesereg with an awesome idea that quite frankly I had thought up a while back and just forgot to include, so as far as I'm concerned that is your idea now, and it is my hope that you share it because it is awesome :)

    The one topic that seems to have garnered the most attention so far is The Committee, so I'd like to say a few words about it, at least with reference to how a few have expressed concerns that it steps on @Shan's toes. I want to say publicly that to me, Shan is a rock star with a nearly impossible job, I think a lesser person in that same position would have rage quit months ago, and I have 100% respect and admiration for the job Shan does. If anything, The Committee was thought up as a way to try and help Shan, because I think to some degree we all understand the challenges with dealing with Trek fans as we all have strong opinions and they often do not agree.

    That out of the way, I would love to hear more feedback and other ideas you have.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    The one topic that seems to have garnered the most attention so far is The Committee

    Starting in may 2016 they had the Federation Council which was kinda exactly what you wanted. According to Becca who took care of the forums at that time it included this:

    "These folks (who are part of it) will be:

    1. Asked directly and often for feedback. They spend time with their fleets and the community and know what’s up.
    2. Given access to me fairly directly on chat, so that they may alert me when I’m needed. Like a bat signal but over subspace.
    3. Met with on a regular basis just to make sure we’re being as transparent and communicative as we can on various player-facing issues
    4. Generally will help guide the community to more positive and solid discourse in conjunction with me and the community team."

    But it was disbanded after a while.

  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    The Minuet section sticks out like a sore thumb. There's some patently untrue hyperbole, condescension toward DB, and you took 1,000 words to say "buff bad cards" which sort of detracts from the rest of some good suggestions. Minuet is far from the worst off crew and although buff bad cards is a fine, if arguable, suggestion, as someone who likes to see himself type, that whole section came across as just that.

    edit: Sorry if that sounds unnecessarily harsh. I'd like to see some of these implemented, but I think that section in particular hurts your cause more than it helps.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, time to respond to a few comments :)
    I still don't get why Tuesday gets such a bad rap, since that's the day the weekly themed packs go live. I am, however, all in favor of revamping the loot tables for "The United Federation" missions.
    I cannot stress enough how Tuesdays are fine. This is a game. This is not life. I actually quite enjoy Tuesdays because I can leisurely send shuttles and voyages and do whatever. We do not need to ram jam more crap into Tuesdays.

    First, to assuage concerns, I did state at the outset that ANY new additions to Tuesdays would need to be optional. I agree that adding stuff that "has" to be done on Tuesday would be a massive mistake because like you said, some people enjoy having a day off. I do think though if nothing else, the Tuesday cadet challenge needs a reworking, at least with respect to the standard rewards for the missions. I think most people would prefer something other than trainers for Tuesday cadets but I understand why they are important and i'm OK with them staying, but the standard rewards need to be improved.

    On the subject of Tuesday, I would like to add that NOT having something engaging on Tuesday is a missed opportunity. I am not familiar with all the games but having played WoW, SWTOR, and ESO I know that all three of them take their servers down for maintenance on Tuesdays, meaning there are loads of gamers unable to play their games on Tuesdays. Having something to offer those people on the one day they are most likely to hunt for something new seems logical to me.
    I would continue to make it clear that further controls over what admirals and officers can do would be great for fleets, particularly in direction to squad control.

    And for Q's sake, a better chat/messaging system for the game.

    All wonderful ideas, I support them 100%. Thank you for sharing them here :)
    Stormready wrote: »
    Why the Minuet hate? There are way more useless cards.
    The Minuet section sticks out like a sore thumb. There's some patently untrue hyperbole, condescension toward DB, and you took 1,000 words to say "buff bad cards" which sort of detracts from the rest of some good suggestions. Minuet is far from the worst off crew...

    If after 1,000 words your take away was "buff bad cards" then I did a thoroughly bad job of explaining myself. That section is about communicating with the creators to put thought into the new cards being created. To my knowledge nobody has ever been so blunt/direct in explaining what we need/want, so I did. I agree the language in there is rude and some colorful descriptions were used, and if I had it to do over again I would have done it differently, but what's done is done and I do not regret the overall theme. If nothing else, it has sparked a discussion which cannot be bad :)
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If after 1,000 words your take away was "buff bad cards" then I did a thoroughly bad job of explaining myself. That section is about communicating with the creators to put thought into the new cards being created. To my knowledge nobody has ever been so blunt/direct in explaining what we need/want, so I did. I agree the language in there is rude and some colorful descriptions were used, and if I had it to do over again I would have done it differently, but what's done is done and I do not regret the overall theme. If nothing else, it has sparked a discussion which cannot be bad :)
    Maybe I oversaw it but I think I did not. I would like to add that imho there is another quality players care for: the number and usefulness of traits. Even a one-hit-wonder (= not bridge crew) with only somewhat above average stats can be useful if the number of non-orchid-traits is extraordinary enabling the crew to jump in as bonus crew for numerous events.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If after 1,000 words your take away was "buff bad cards" then I did a thoroughly bad job of explaining myself. That section is about communicating with the creators to put thought into the new cards being created. To my knowledge nobody has ever been so blunt/direct in explaining what we need/want, so I did. I agree the language in there is rude and some colorful descriptions were used, and if I had it to do over again I would have done it differently, but what's done is done and I do not regret the overall theme. If nothing else, it has sparked a discussion which cannot be bad :)

    I think DB knows exactly what goes into cards and what makes them good or bad. (The only time I've doubted that is when they described Professor Sato's DIP as "good") They've certainly given us plenty of powerhouse cards for free in the past, especially recurring mega crew. But there also has to be contrast; to borrow a cliche there's no light without the darkness. Minuet was disappointing mega crew from a stats perspective, but hardly useless and hardly indicative of a pattern from DB. In fact, the last one we got (Janeway) is pretty damn strong. People still extol the virtues of the 27 month old Borg Queen.

    And moving away from mega crew a bit, DB also understands not pigeonholing themselves into one demographic. We've had stat monsters in expensive 6-packs like G7 and 'fun' collector/fusion crew with garbage numbers like One Zero Zero One. Same goes for events which have ranged from Braxton and da Vinci to fan favorites who have even less use than Minuet such as 'It's a Faaaake!'.

    Which is why I thought some of it was needless talking down to DB
    ByloBand wrote: »
    In case the people creating the various cards for the game are not consciously aware of this (I believe on some level they are) we as players look for different aspects of the cards to determine their value

    and I'd hate to see them be given any reason to dismiss mounting concerns. Their communication sans Shan has been...disappointing, unacceptable, pathetic, whatever you want to call it. The best we've gotten for issues that directly affect gameplay such as shuttle bugs or numerous trait discrepancies is 'the team has seen it.' (which is not necessarily the fault of the only person at DB who does talk to us).

    So yea, apologies if my negativity ended up aimed at you. This is something that everyone should be behind, regardless of the specifics. Most of it would require extra effort from the company, true, but not every improvement needs to be an eight month dev time sinkhole to show that they (still) listen to the community.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I run into Minuet in many gauntlets. Players certainly get some mileage from her. I use her on shuttles when I'm not trying to tank the faction. She's not a garbage card. But... It was a let down when a mega event legendary only had two skills and neither base exceptional. Overall, the community seemed disappointed. DB seemed to receive the message though. There has been no repeat.
    (I hope I did not just jinx Afterlife Q.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's about fleets (again). In the Starbase could be a section where the players could ask for pieces of equipmemt, and their guild mates could donate to them. Only for simple pieces of equipment (holoprograms, ancient films, gagh, bloodwine, etc...), not crafted equipment like a Spock Tricorder. The petitions would last 24 hours. For example, if you ask for one 4* piece of equipment, you could receive one copy. If you ask for a 3* item, you could receive two copies of that item (maximum), if you ask for a 2* item, you could receive three copies of that item (maximum), if you ask for a 1* item you could receive four copies of that item (maximum), and if you ask for a 0* item, you could receive five copies of that item (maximum). The petitions would last 24 hours, but if you receive the maximum ammount after that, you get the items, but you can't ask again until the 24 hours are up. For example, if you ask for 0* Science Experiment at 3 PM, and you receive from your fleet mates the 5 copies at the 9 PM, you get them, but you can't ask again until the 3 PM of the next day. And well, you can donate to your fleet mates as much as you want.
    To be honest I dislike the idea. I saw this in another game I played and it was partly the reason I abandoned it. First I do not like to beg for stuff and second I tend to feel guilty if I do not donate.

    Also, you can barely compare a 0* hologram to a 1* power cell. Newer players without overview on the actual rarity of items could be confused and maybe even donate most scarce ressources to fleet mates (especially when they are new to a fleet and want to avoid to be considered as system exploiters) who actually do not need them as urgently as the donor does himself.

    What instead could be nice was some sort of request system where pure approval of fleet mates or ingame-friends makes you get a desired item as in some other games. But noone had to give up on an item for that. Like you get a choice of 10 random items per day and select one to be desired, and then your buddies could fill up some sort of bar until you actually get it (once or as often as the bar is filled). This is a common system to encourage people to invite friends to a game. Interestingly there is nothing like this in STT, so I never felt the need to recommend the game to anyone. ;)
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Specifics aside, I love the generalized idea of allowing fleet members to trade among themselves, it has potential to greatly help new players catch up more quickly, gives fleets more opportunities to be social, and would open up opportunities for "enterprising" players to become farming specialists. I very much am in favor of it.
  • Whew... now I have to take a nap. And dream of a Caretaker 😊
    Tuesdays, Mondays, and even Wednesdays is give it a rest time.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like to take a minute to appreciate the Story Replay idea. I get caught up in unlocking things and rushing to be competitive in events and such. The DB writing staff deserves a little more recognition - especially with the last mega event. I like Byloband's idea and propose one step further: a Replay button for events in the fleet menu, above or below the personal, squadron, and fleet ranks.

    I'm a lore-hound at times. I collected and read every book in Morrowind. I found a downloadable version for Skyrim's books and read that. I started this game well after the release. I would like to go back and see what I missed in addition to what I rushed through.

    Yes, it's kind of a personal request, but it's also appreciation for the writers. So kudos to any of them who might grace the forums. :)

    The Books of Skyrim collection is my go-to when I have no Internet and don’t have a physical book handy, so I 100% understand where you're coming from here.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    My solution to Tuesday cadet missions and gauntlet trainer rewards.

    First: make trainers buyable with merits.

    Second: Replace Tuesday trainers and the gauntlet trainers with their equivalent cost in merits.

    Now we get merits instead of trainers.
    Gauntlet will really become a merit farm. Even with a few refreshes.
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