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Finally Fed Up with DB

GhaziGhazi ✭✭✭
edited August 2019 in The Bridge
Hello all,

So just for a little clarification and back story. I am currently in top squad/top fleet for this event and that is often the case. I have spent enough money on this game to put some of their kids through college (about 600k VIP currently). Needless to say I am a whale. Twice in the last couple of months I have dropped a hundred bucks on dil and then gotten totally screwed by their RNG (meaning no 5*s for a hundred dollars). Once during the 725 dil/ pack event that let you get the crew that just recently got put into portal, and again for the Pa Wraith Keiko sale event at 490 per pack. I was pretty livid about the first time (especially after I got their standard “it is RNG and per pack” bull from comment moderated ~Shan their customer service department. I saw this had happened to some other people and some people did the statistics saying that that would happen about less than 5% of the time. When I got to thinking, yeah, okay, fine, their customer service was crap but I still have fun playing the game and the odds of getting screwed were a bit higher at 725 per pack compared to 650 a pack. I got over it and went on with my life.

Then the keiko thing happened. One hundred dollars at 490 a pack less than two months later and not even a single keiko in like 25 plus packs. comment moderated ~Shan and that was my last straw. I went from dropping several hundred dollars a month to the point where I am not even going to pay for the monthly dil or campaign (might cave on the campaign if they put up Gary seven, I mean let’s be real...). I am not even waiting to get double on my daily’s because I know that is ad revenue for them. I am finally fed up with DB’s attitude towards the people that keep them in business.

TLDR: Ex-whale nerd rages on forums about bad RNG and DB customer support.


  • GhaziGhazi ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Kinda negated your whole rant by saying ok, they can still get me to spend

    There are lots of things they could do to get me to spend money. Most of which revolve around treating the player base with more respect or fixing their broken RNG. A Gary Seven campaign that, A.) probably won’t happen and B.) involves 0 RNG or customer service interaction, I do not believe changes the overall theme behind my nerd rage.

  • I think you need to calm down OP
  • GhaziGhazi ✭✭✭
    About time you woke up to reality
    Ghazi wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Kinda negated your whole rant by saying ok, they can still get me to spend

    There are lots of things they could do to get me to spend money. Most of which revolve around treating the player base with more respect or fixing their broken RNG. A Gary Seven campaign that, A.) probably won’t happen and B.) involves 0 RNG or customer service interaction, I do not believe changes the overall theme behind my nerd rage.

    Nothing will be done when you have people like Banjo willing to spend money for 3rd rate service.

    Fair enough. They can do what they want with their company, but they won’t be seeing any more of my cash until the system gets a serious overhaul.

    One of the biggest pet peeves for me is the automated customer service response of check the EULA/TOS, we can do whatever we want, thanks for the cash copy paste bs. That is about the fastest way to get under my skin as a paying customer.

  • You seem quite angry - it’s not good for you to be like this
  • VesmerVesmer ✭✭✭
    Strangely enough but that’s exactly two packs that screwed me the most - Recent Recruits and Vagabonds. I got 0 legendaries for dil equivalent of 300 bucks in the former and I got 0 Keiko for about 10000 dil in the latter
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    25 packs and no legendaries isn't that unusual. I've gone at least 50 premium packs without a begold. As you said yourself its about a 5% chance which means that it happens 1 in 20 times. I think that the main problem with your scenario is that you are buying dil. That stuff is crazy expensive, and makes the scenario a whole lot worse. I would imagine that 99% of the games population have *never* bought those dil bundles and about 0.9% have only bought them once.

    What some games have is a 'pity timer', which means that you are guaranteed a drop at a certain point. Is that what you want?
  • VesmerVesmer ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    25 packs and no legendaries isn't that unusual. I've gone at least 50 premium packs without a begold

    I would say that’s exactly the point. It is not unusual in this game. It is regular

  • I feel bad for you. I learned this lesson three years ago.
  • Where are the people now who say....Don't worry, it all evens out in the RNG universe....
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    About time you woke up to reality
    Ghazi wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Kinda negated your whole rant by saying ok, they can still get me to spend

    There are lots of things they could do to get me to spend money. Most of which revolve around treating the player base with more respect or fixing their broken RNG. A Gary Seven campaign that, A.) probably won’t happen and B.) involves 0 RNG or customer service interaction, I do not believe changes the overall theme behind my nerd rage.

    Nothing will be done when you have people like Banjo willing to spend money for 3rd rate service.
    About time you woke up to reality
    Ghazi wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Kinda negated your whole rant by saying ok, they can still get me to spend

    There are lots of things they could do to get me to spend money. Most of which revolve around treating the player base with more respect or fixing their broken RNG. A Gary Seven campaign that, A.) probably won’t happen and B.) involves 0 RNG or customer service interaction, I do not believe changes the overall theme behind my nerd rage.

    Nothing will be done when you have people like Banjo willing to spend money for 3rd rate service.

    That’s right!! But I have also never bought one of those roulette packs in my life. Those are just bad gambles. Only things I buy are special offers and event offers. Oh yeah and campaigns and monthly cards. Ok pretty much everything except Tuesday pack roulette

  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Been there as well. 40 packs with no gold. I really think DB should code something into such packs that its guaranteed you get 1 legendary every 20 packs(if none dropped before). But it is what it is.. :|
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • VesmerVesmer ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Vesmer wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    25 packs and no legendaries isn't that unusual. I've gone at least 50 premium packs without a begold

    I would say that’s exactly the point. It is not unusual in this game. It is regular

    But it's just Math. It's not DBs fault. The odds are on the packs. And that's what they are, odds, not a guarantee. I think that the real issue is that the OP is paying a very high premium to open packs, and that makes the whole situation much saltier. I would say that the real issue here is the cost of dilithium. It's crazy prices.

    But there were (and will be) many outcomes with the odds about 0.0001%. Like having 71 premium packs without a single legendary. Or having 4 legendaries out of 4 packs. I have faced low-chance outcomes quite many times. More than it could be considered as normal. It can happen once in a while, ok, but not in such amounts as it happens here. So it’s not just math.

  • VesmerVesmer ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Vesmer wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    25 packs and no legendaries isn't that unusual. I've gone at least 50 premium packs without a begold

    I would say that’s exactly the point. It is not unusual in this game. It is regular
    And that's what they are, odds, not a guarantee.

    Frankly, this sentence can lead us way off. Imagine this - odds are 99%, but some player does a million pulls and receives nothing, he can be told “it’s not a guarantee, it’s the odds. Just bad luck”. Is that what you’re saying? What’s the point of specifying the odds then?

  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I pulled 7 packs today (1x We Who Are To Die and 6x We Need To Talk). Got 2 legendaries (1 behold, 1 begold) and 9 SRs, all useful (stopped pulling both offers with the first featured SR FF). But I was not really hunting for a specific card (would have liked a 5th star on Mirror Troi, I did not get her, but that is ok). I am afraid that such specific hunting is supposed to lead to disappointment per design.

    So yes, RNG is extreme in STT, but at least I try to avoid to walk right into the trap with my eyes open.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    While I understand RNG, I wish the odds weren't so extreme. I never get the Tuesday packs for that reason, and am down to only purchasing the premium campaign each month.

    What got frustrating for me was to see the extreme disparity of results, consistently, to the point that I felt I wasn't getting fair (let alone equal) value for my dollars spent on this game. I am happy to spend, but prefer to invest in gaming when there is at least a relatively known outcome. If I wanted to outright gamble, I'd go to the casino.
  • I *think* the TLDR of that is:

  • WhatMeWorryWhatMeWorry ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Where are the people now who say....Don't worry, it all evens out in the RNG universe....

    I’m right here, the guy who saved up 228 premium ten-pulls and got nearly dead-on the expected number of golds. 26 received from 2,280 drops, whereas 29 would be expected from the posted drop rate.

    You got slightly below what you expected. (And even that says it all)
    Show me the guy on the other side of the bell curve.....the guy who got 58 golds from 228 pulls.
    Here's a hint: he doesnt exist.
    The rules associated with the Timelines RNG are skewed towards the negative.
    There is no balance in this Universe....ie...no true fairness. (50% in favor of player, 50% in favor of DB)

    As I mentioned in another thread...to which you did not respond.....why arent there in place rules to prevent a player from having the "zilch" experience? They are more than easy enough to code.

    You know the answer already: Such rules dont make DB any money.

    So, please, continue to peddle the myth that RNG is fair...that those who know statistics don't know what we're talking about, etc.....

    Unicorns, rainbows, and the fair RNG...

    But ask yourself this question first before being a "Probability Apologist" next time:
    If the roles were reversed - and you stood to make more money with rules biased against players - would you do exactly the same thing?

    Of course you would.

    Case Closed.
This discussion has been closed.