Disruptor Beam Strikes Again
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-Universe Chat-
With the newest updates which directly affect the universe chat in the game there are no longer red x's and there are no longer options for creative players to make advertisements for their fleet in game using ascii. Now as far as i know i am pretty much one of the few players who utilized this option and it has helped me keep a fleet full for as long as I can remember. I also believe there were modifications to the censor. As I have noticed a serious increase in the amount of ####### in chat and usually is some silly word that in no way would be offensive but if you pick the word appart it contains a word that is banned in chat one instance in particular "rurapenthe reed" It is actually supposed to be Rura Penthe but when typed together it contains the word ra## in it so it looks like ########## reed and immediately people in the chat will think who ever had a typo or used a word that the censor thinks is offensive is stating something vulgar. I am still not sure why a game that serves drugs, alcohol, and weapons is not rated M for mature would even need a censor to begin with. But again with the fact that I am pretty much the only one who used the ascii in chat, and these upgrades again seem like a deliberate attack on me. And to think i had just finished rebuilding the "12 days of christmas" as i knew this winter people would request for me to do it. Well with the update it is no longer possible. So Thank you disruptorbeam for thinking about your players. I would only ask if you are going to do anything with the Chat feature maybe you should consider adding other public channels on it make it more like the forum except, live with different places you can go inside of chat. Fleet Advertising - where people can go when they are looking for a fleet and people with fleets who need members can go to advertise thier fleet. Also a mute/block management feature would be nice as well.. I would figure it could easily be added to the friends list in the main menu as a button to open a list of blocked or muted players, much like the sort feature works for crew. On a quick side note though about the update.... I love the new icon... and the new loading screen looks great. Well im gonna wrap this up with just one final thought... If this was about my art work in the UC... You could have just asked me to stop. It is amazing what being polite will get you in life, so if i have offended you in any sort of way it was and is not my intention. But I dont believe in bullying and when i feel an upgrade is made deliberately against me it feels kind of like i am being bullied as well as those in the chat who suffer from the same upgrades...
So long red X's hello ugly little empty boxes... now everyone is changing thier names again... I really hope to see something soon that impresses me, as this has been my favorite game since the day i learned of it's existence.
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-Universe Chat-
With the newest updates which directly affect the universe chat in the game there are no longer red x's and there are no longer options for creative players to make advertisements for their fleet in game using ascii. Now as far as i know i am pretty much one of the few players who utilized this option and it has helped me keep a fleet full for as long as I can remember. I also believe there were modifications to the censor. As I have noticed a serious increase in the amount of ####### in chat and usually is some silly word that in no way would be offensive but if you pick the word appart it contains a word that is banned in chat one instance in particular "rurapenthe reed" It is actually supposed to be Rura Penthe but when typed together it contains the word ra## in it so it looks like ########## reed and immediately people in the chat will think who ever had a typo or used a word that the censor thinks is offensive is stating something vulgar. I am still not sure why a game that serves drugs, alcohol, and weapons is not rated M for mature would even need a censor to begin with. But again with the fact that I am pretty much the only one who used the ascii in chat, and these upgrades again seem like a deliberate attack on me. And to think i had just finished rebuilding the "12 days of christmas" as i knew this winter people would request for me to do it. Well with the update it is no longer possible. So Thank you disruptorbeam for thinking about your players. I would only ask if you are going to do anything with the Chat feature maybe you should consider adding other public channels on it make it more like the forum except, live with different places you can go inside of chat. Fleet Advertising - where people can go when they are looking for a fleet and people with fleets who need members can go to advertise thier fleet. Also a mute/block management feature would be nice as well.. I would figure it could easily be added to the friends list in the main menu as a button to open a list of blocked or muted players, much like the sort feature works for crew. On a quick side note though about the update.... I love the new icon... and the new loading screen looks great. Well im gonna wrap this up with just one final thought... If this was about my art work in the UC... You could have just asked me to stop. It is amazing what being polite will get you in life, so if i have offended you in any sort of way it was and is not my intention. But I dont believe in bullying and when i feel an upgrade is made deliberately against me it feels kind of like i am being bullied as well as those in the chat who suffer from the same upgrades...
So long red X's hello ugly little empty boxes... now everyone is changing thier names again... I really hope to see something soon that impresses me, as this has been my favorite game since the day i learned of it's existence.
This discussion has been closed.
Awesomed 1,000 times!!
Incorrect, level 84 here, daily player & occasional contributor to UC. Check your facts first before you make sweeping statements. 🖖
self important - having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited
Special Bonus Word of the Day is:
paragraph - a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering
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I recall asking in the forum how to use those fancy colors and such. It got no response. So... I can't feel bad. If that knowledge had been shared, then there might be community outrage. But... it was kept as your own little secret. The only reason no one else cares is your own doing. Reap what you sow. 🤷
Edit: fifth topic down on the Holodeck
I love this comment
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Anytime I happen to go to chat, UC is obligatory before you get to your fleet on friends, and it always seems like teenage stoners are on there just "hanging out" in a place to waste time. Never any talk of the game. Ever.
UC has helpful people in it, of high levels, represented here today.
UC is *also* full of players on the spread of levels 7 to 45 who are not helpful. They all sit around and play characters and chat about nonsense that has no place in the game chat. There are people using multiple game accounts talking to themselves. There are people who spam words and nonsense until the screen is full. There are people who join 'DDM Vol 7' as a level 11, and then get banned or kicked or forget their login, so they create a brand new account and join the same fleet. They don't actually play the missions that would level them well beyond 7 or 24 or 35, but instead they just sit there and talk nonsense. There are people who roll-play that they are a Borg and are attempting to assimilate everyone. There are people who spam ASCII art that causes my screen to scroll to the bottom, that I didn't ask for nor did I enjoy.
So your complaint is that the inability of you to do the ASCII art has hurt your ability to have these people I just described seek help for a game they aren't actually playing, or join a fleet that they won't contribute to. The people who do not apply to this description don't need a fleet as they already have one or they use LINE or Discord or GroupMe.
And we haven't even talked about the people who show up and talk about wine and shoes all day. Again, UC has nothing to do 93% of the time with the game itself and people needing help, but rather a steady stream of off-topic stuff that disappears off your screen and history in 95 seconds anyway.
I am sorry you feel this way and I am sorry you feel that you have been negatively impacted by the new system. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Guess i‘m not playing the game then. Only LV99 and playing since
the game release, january 2016.
If you mute all the trolls in UC, it isn t too bad, sometimes.
Wouldn't the UC just be blank at that point?
Ha! +1!Also the conversations whiz by so fast by the time you post your comment it’s 5 topics old
That's why I can't with UC. If I have a question, the answer disappears before I can finish reading it.
Very , very well spoken
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Why is it hard for DB to focus on fixing real issues instead of worrying about changing things that don't impact gameplay in any way? They piddled with trying to fix quick build a few weeks ago and only made it even worse. What's the fix. Removing..red...X's? A new homescreen that blinds you at 3am playing on mobile? Whatever. Thanks for nothing this go around.
The comment about the perpetual low level players is not an exaggeration. It has become far more common. For an increasing number of players, it seems like UC is the only part of the game they are interested in. I've never considered it to be that much of an issue, since the mute/block functions seem to be functioning correctly. (I test them periodically...) This makes it difficult to keep track of Captain Crunch's bowel movement reports, and sometimes I get anxious about whether Xeo and Cora are still trying to save us, but that is a price I am willing to pay. As several stated, if you "filter" UC that way, it can at times be both entertaining and helpful. Information from this forum is often disseminated from here to UC by players with the noblest of intentions. Players like Moogie's Favorite and Skin of Evil go out of their way to help new players by answering their questions in UC.
As for the asci art...Nothing personal, but regardless of intent, there were probably just as many irritated by it as amused by it. The personalization of the names was a good thing, but posting "art" of a pair of mating canines that fills up half of a screen sort of has a way of interrupting conversations instead of adding to them.
That is, of course, only my opinion, which is as subjective as the value of the art mentioned above.
Attacks on the majority of players in the game is just wrong.
With comments like that, it’s like the UC horrors you mention have found the Forums.
I was in it for a little while. It got old listening to two guys talk about how much they drink. Will drink. Or if they weren’t drinking how much they wish they were drinking. All. Day. Long.
How does this differ from UC? Wait, it doesn’t, never mind.
... deep breath ...
Debating the validity of one communication channel over another is slightly amusing, but it also highlights the fact that DB had failed to address the serious flaws in the 3 years that I have been playing their game.
DB: Do Better
I guess it doesn’t differ that much which I why I keep to myself. Except on the forum of course
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